Newspaper Page Text
Vol. Ill No. 213. BRYAN, TEXAS, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 6, 1898. Price 6 cents. DEWEY HAM SAUSAGE. The Best thing of its Kind. Highly Seasoned and Finely Flavored. 15 cents per lb., 2 lbs. for 25 cents. Not a Bologna, Not any old thing with n new name, hut a New Delicacy Sold ONLY hy HOWELL BROS. PARSONS' battling works: Knlarged i. rcrltiid t li . noil lmptocl Mm liincri . k MtMOj Wtn4 ChMWMMl VpiM DMt Mmi mum pnputl m Bll nmII, i r i PUBS, WHOLEBOMK mm4 HIGH QBA.DO M)DA, a I flavor, it Whol.aal inl Retail. PRICE. ONLY 50 CENTS A aharaof the public patronage reapectfnity nhcited. Country Mer chant", Plc-nic and KuaMllI t tie especially mvite.1 to give ua a trial W guarantee all good of our mauufactore, and fi- prompt attention t'i all order. tal HI or a 1 lie.., C. C. PARSONS, Bryan. Tex. l'r irM.r an I aWtttar "MANOAMt: Ketn. di for li..l.geti .n, Dyppia, lc. Candies, Krmt, nt, eic. TAYLOR & COX, Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS! coolino duinks. stknothenino cordials. Everybody treated Right. Best Wines, Liquor and Cigars -ym gd Mosquito Lotion. Toilet Soaps, and True T HEAT POWDER I'ln- lt iiml I'urmt Powder on the Market. ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO INFANTS. Has I no liqual for the Cure IPxLozlo-y Heat. B MfMll Md rMrM tb Skin o( Adult- n. prevent fli.. Noxlotia Otlor of Kxcaaivp ier.piration. Agent lor THOS. GOGGAN & BHO.. I'i.hi,.-, OrfUl, Mmd Mu-i lad Mil' -ical KtiiiliiN. liit my price. Look over this Line ol FINE IMPORTS and ice il there is anything you want. Creme de Tlenthe Creme de Cocoa I akon liraiul Holland Clin. I Vno vermmith Male Orangf Bitters. Al.l. Till: LEADING lUCAM.s or LIQ1 OM SUMMER DELICACY. I PER CASE. '.VI WATER," Nature' owr - lleadiU'r for Kin Cigar, GOOD LUCK! t Drink M the GLOBE SALOON i mi , , Maraschino I ., J 1n IW ' AT liAIMON. DciiiopratH of TVsa Cniirltitle Their Labors Alter Three lia.' SchsIoii. THE TICKET MIAT WAS NOMINATED. The fontrst Was For tln iifflres of Treiutm-r ami Jmkv of the Court of Criminal Apjipak SEVERAL NOMINATED BY ACCLAMATION. The I'latfiirin l'i i. d hj the i om- mm.. Oh jpM nithiHit a lianir.- IK-1 1 rhalrinan tt the IacciiI 1 1 c I'oMMilltee. TEXA8 DEMOCBATIC TICKET. Governor -Jmcph D Sayera of Da. trop. Lnuteuant hjti ruor - J N Browning of Amanllo Attorney gem ral Th ma M. Smith of Hiliat.iro Comptroller-K. W. Ktnley of Tyler Superinti-udrnt of public in.truction J. S Kendall of Lidoum. Judge of .opr. t ourt 'I I). una, J Brown of Sherman Land roiiiiTiiMioni r-timrg V. Fin ger of port Worth. Treasurer - John W Bobbin of Yttr ium .Ituls court of i ritmual appeal -M. M l!ri ..of l in. iivil.i- Railroad i-ommw.ioniT Al'.:on Mar fli'M of Stwnnan Oalvnton. Anjt 8. Whta halrmm Hlak.' rapird for ornVr at thf mornuu ion of tin- la.t .lav tKri. ww tli-n half th- 'li !mta In th. ir aaata. With thn won't of IN irar-l rna-itu thnioirh th a tin. haUKi on,- trran to QJ1 tb t. rapidljr, and in tlvr mlnntpa two-thinl of th MtjMM w. pr.i iit Swaynr of Tarrant ofT ivl a n-wilution In hru of thi- w hr ha.! offi-nil our.. I... for adjournment WVlurxlajr mht a fnllowa: "We favor tlm Iioldinif of pnmarii'. fur -i i'. nffl . r.. ' t!i r I v ronTi ntion or (irnnarT i ..-. t n.n. ou OM ami the uuw day.1 Th iranlutlon wa adopted. (at-vi1 of 'r.-.i..i prrpntNl. amtd.t nuirh difflrultr, a nl utitnte for plank II hi the platform, in whieh the annexation of the Philippine wlandt i- :-' i I mi i plan ih it would -Kil for the i.laieli r. met tl. I nit. . I Sts... W1 the WuMi Philippine x land, w. re reaeh. the rrowd took th .peakpr by .torm with rnr of ,, N It i. like dUtant thunder and only with tie-aitaiire of the chairman wa. he allowed to flnuh n adiiiir the f ohm .it A tu ition to table the resolution car rie l almoat '1 Inn the oie on the motion to adopt the majority reirt of the routmttt i r. .o.u'iou. w I. rrin !u-.l ii went tliMUKh with a whoop and without a -iK" of a iwh. Thin' wern MM di. wntin trot, but when th rot wa anwmni-ed ther wor a fw ahoata. The following rraolution waa annoutie d by J M Hu-hard of Parker: "We denonnci molmrmcy and white rapiatii, and we demand that all MM of whateTer race, crwl or cotnliti m .hall Ui i nually protected by our law. In the enjoyment of life, liberty and the pursuit of happmea. " It wa. adopte.. Then came the nomination f,.r t.itr offlii-ra; ,locph I) siver. wa. nommateil by OMII Smith of (irnyaon. Major Sayer w a nominated liy ri.. itiK v He amid loud cheer and (treat laV tlm- la i. ruor Luldmrk, A. W Mrlvi r and John W Wort ham were apKnnti d 1 :i '.oMinor .iyr to me pi. " A. W. McWer pmpoaml Jmea N. llrowninir for heu'etiant kovi nmr, T 8. rimith for atto.iiv H W Kinley for comptroller, J. M Kendall for MipcriutciKleut of public uutrncti. in, Tluiina. .1 Itrown for Juilttii of the u preiiie court, and aid Mutt a tin y had no iipHition tliey r iiominateil by ac cUiiintioii Hi motion carried with a whoop AlllMin Maytteld of Sherman carrud tb contention fur Railroad ootunn. toner in a .torm Mr Havera wa intn.looad ba ci-Oot-rnor Lubbock and mad a ipee li tbankinir the conTention for tb honor trln him H touched upon national affair, but hi mam theory waa the nda of Tia At tb aVw of tb tpmcb of aorapt no Chairman Blake handed Major Sayim a liandaome booqoct, tb ictft of MM lady ti mlrer who waa atitdoti tb nlaUom, Many crowded aut to conKrataliU- him ami ha him ly tbu band AU tb other randldate weru called for and made .h rt talk. For land l onnniwioner the name, of Oeonre W rK' r of Kort Wtirtb, Mar ttn K. Orio of Aiutin and K. T. K--he Oeoiyi , r,. , r, ...(,., Mr Fltijrer wo,, u, baJJot. After tin, t. convention p ceaaed un td I p m The conwntion n aeroblel at I p. m. liarT., aod the name of Heth P Mill ..f Waeo. T. H. Oarriaon of Shelby and J W Kobbint of Vernon were nb mitti d Ther wu no choice on tb tint bal lot. The aaaood ballot atarted oat with (iarnwm iwi Mill, leading. Thar wa irreat aawrMMi M ttmea. It molted m i' 1 ' 'ction. The third ballot wa. equally a ttnurceafol. No choice lr mR mad, tasuKh RobUn waa grado ally Kainiti The climai came when the name of Mr. Ourttoaind Mr. Mill were with drawn and Mr Itobbtn waa elected by arrlan. itlmi. The '-onTentinn then took another M caaa nn'U:i0p m. The flit iviler of MMM at the ntf ht aMHlonwa the nomination of a candi date f- julaa of the conrt of criminal aVfMat J ar II B. Rice of Kalla, Him it I) Via of Oalveaton, Don A. Bliaaof (iraynn and M M Brk of Hunt were 4acrd in nomlnatii.n The remit of Hie ftrat ballot wa: Br...... . I; i -g , I11IM 41..- Ul.u i. ... i Cain, ; Hurt . -I. ..... 1 c. 1 lu ...t v. -,. MB up, ..-a wk to l onfiakni. A m w roll call wa ordered o that no one conld object The .cretan had annoanoad thai the 1 change wm an nnmetwna thai they did not know haw the count atood. The total i unofficial) for the thirl ballot art: Rice, SM; Brook. M; '' farm. Fourth ballot -Brook, 4UI ; Car in, iTl; liiii , ITT Ndi-aary to choice fVA. ; JadK- Ri e withdraw in favor of Br.ik Jo'V H t' ' "arter of San An tonio withdrew Judge ('arm and moved Brook anm-.tiation by acclamation lamed Bell waiel.te! chairman of the eie cutire ivaimitte. Thn itatvi ution adjoorned at 'J thia timruinir. T.t.a MM t Miami. Miami, Fla , Aug .. Pnrat Heath f the SeeBtid Texa died here. Then, are at ill fla, aiek here, .Vm of them in the It i retirtei hen- that tie Kir.t Aiaktma and the Second Teia io i- nt i 1' rio Rick, but no onb r hare t . ii reeeiti d by either command a yet, nl l-neral Keifi r .tale that hi. ..r u r. i i num. all regiment to Jack on rUl. paaftanjaajjai ei..m.. Abilene, Te , Aug. A. (in Tnewlay evening a peculiarly di .tiucttre Jtonn r.Ki-l in Mn.lrry I'.tuy.ui in thi. couu- tr. l of, .. Mr W wa Ml of linn been n .i tl.un ;.-r .torm t:.-- i. . iler wa blown down and .. w .. hi K.-ii Hi. w f.. ly injured. The tonn wa ea, a M other damage ha In.ll.a. In .n t'lj Moo.1. ' St. Lou... Auk I A -ial to The I Poat-Diapatch from Tahleqoah, L T., I lay the Indian are lu an ng'.y mood over the open avowal of Chief Maye in , hi. in. --i. ' Indian council favor ' ing allotment The fullblood ir- ul-li-n and thn at. n the live of progreivc Indian, if thev vote on any mnaaore fa vorrig the ac. - :-tancti of the Cnrtta bill. MMM BtM MMMM MM ll.liirn. Santiago M Cuba, Aug. ft Th iteniuel .- in iatl ha. .. !l h. p. t,.i Man. latilllo ondi-r a flag of truce to emlark there the w i mil children of raSMH of the kMatk force which arrive. I here from Manxaiiillo to reiiifon-e (ieneral Linare during the aiege. They wih M ' returned t.. S: in with their hu.lond I and fatle N 0atW4 an a llrlilae. South Korwalk, Conn., Ang. &. ; WetN iiml i - r tram N'.. lnled wi h i u iti lung freight train mi Hie Wa.lllUKtoll .treet bridge hie num. I-1 1 1 iv.. i fn ikIii brikemaii. Wa ktlleii 1 hj engineer, and lln im n nil both train- " 1 inon or le. uijunil, I wluie the ia-.eiij.-i r. received u ai-veru I jolttakg. 'alnll tMeetlne Oellln Warm. I Oatie Tow n. Aug. ft - The colonial election, w Inch occur ou Sept. 4, are already canning great excitement. Per Minalitiea are MfhaM and th air la thick with the mnt eriou allegation tgalnat the leader of both fchMteM O. II U4VC runct nLtrnio nf MM IjfflnaaSiiaBSBBal i23 I. I mm fa mtmmt 'mm h.w..l Perfect Flavor. Delightful Aroma. Always the Best. Try a package and you are sure to be pleased frith it. Everything Cood to Eat at JOHN B. MIKE'S THE ORIGINAL CUTTER l Khodee i leading one faction atio Pr -. . in Kt : nth-r 11(14 I'r... ...r.klp. Madrid. An Th. cenmhip of 1 the r i. now i-ouduete.1 with the nt i mot aerenty. The military iviwir ba. i eiciaeil ait th leu ling paper, lucloding I. MMM n-f-n t op a eneciallT ' M ' Ann ricaii goi. rnm. iii ! n..on- S: "' 1 nt- M r. phi I bv I" in., ' ... in : r:kr- ,:t. r Tk. Wa, Ofln.i. 11 Madrid, Aug ft An official die natch from - in J i; in ,ie Porto Rim aay t'o. : Sin Martin who wa in command o rhe in h garriann at Ponce, ha tieen cnortmartuUeil and .hot for aUiidoning the place without reltanee Lieutenant Colonel Poia, the M-coti'i 111 ctiutuiaiid, coii.initt.- i u,. rid- MaVffV !! now to liKeep Young!;; iz1 I Viola Cream j 5 5. .. the yean en liy. Thry aru-n van r than ii i mi Oeaaa. i-n. at m J I THH G. . BITTM-.R CO.. t Tcledn. Ph' y) ii dm .Ut .l..i -M J Ap- Ma lice. J 1 1 ' 0 i 9 A ,tti rei ttti'ii..., ,,444 l-'taCn.'- I ....... mm mmmmyim mm i mm. Hl (mt Urn ItrMan, - t Mr Man A I W. ,mmi . mmmm, . I.IM UM M , mm. tm tm Mtmmmm lkr .mm.. Ur. ktvln V . wv la POipCC iMBr.krlD I II Urn U H" ' 'I.IW. U...I. . amawaw atawaail r. w n k kale Mm 1b.OM.ka. mm kn. r U)rflvimi-lvifltr t iirjmg Co Tmmm MJ tBWa. 0O.O ikWIHak. choose Coffee. Thos. H. Hairston. M. D SPECIALIST. CHROMIC ANO PRIVATE DISEASES il i.i;m i Ki . i WITHOUT t.i Ma or KNirC or deWaHai I frnai tutiu... FUTI LA, riWrRtJ, 1TC1 IM. aait L'LttKATIli HOWELH Ct'lED Otllce hoara: ii to 12 a. m : 1 at p in. Othie at am B. ilaon'i Irrog. tore. FECIAL ROUND TRIP RATH Tin; oi.ii Ri:i.iiBi.i; short i.iu i. a ;. n, it. n.i The tjalckeat and Beat Honta, I r.a I'lalexi Double Daily Seme to HU Imi, MndIiirect Connectiooa fo I'ointa Kail. HUM M KR Tol'RIUT TICKETS. Now on aale to all touriat raeorU north, imrtheaMjand northwaat lOood for return nntil Decern! er31tt, IMS. lor fnll particular, time card., aleep er reaervationa, ate, apply to i.eareat ticket ngeiit, I. ti. N. II. R., or ad ,"' O.J. Pan i, IP and T. A., . ,v .. X. R. R. V Palettlna, Teta. i)R. E. P. DAVIS5. M.nla)t. ETE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT office .ton ni.t(. roaau M and an Horn,.. MM N B -Will ,. Brvaii :ud i,.t lit. um HiT.C. ii ) . W. it. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. Slmrl and QMM Line between North and South Tex., V c I, s H l I . HKTWKKM OUSTON AMl DENVER Via and i t. WurtL I" rn iircrnu r r .. . , n I II Ifel.Bt.Ml i. l lllj. U Ii GALVESTON,. ST LWJTs ( I I via Miama.ftani. nt r.n. , j riuuMU-f AD AUSTI Tl,- ii . ie i i n . . . i . ... . . . ... ... Il.ll.a ! ..... M l......... 1 and Dem. n. and ki llrnt-i Service. lo. V. Run. M. I ll.ini.iii j Trtfflc Managar.Iti. I'.JA T. w. S.;Wnox, Agt. Ho I Bryan, Teiaa.