Newspaper Page Text
JSran Ifoorntng agle. Vol. Ill No. 214. BRYAN, TEXAS. SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 7, 1898. Price 6 cents. Howell Bros. READY H THE FINAL TOLTH. f Dozier Bakery Fancy Cakes. Just arrived - Extra Fine Assortment. ) Corn Starch Richelieu - Tapioca I Sao Leggett's Jelly Powder. Imperial Table Jelly. College Creamery Butter ) Double Crown Cheese. kc GLORY FLOUR Only High Grade Flour in Town. Spain' Auwr Coniilftfl to the Term of I'eaee a I'ro ptfti li) Aliteiiru. THB ACCEPTANCE BI THE CABINET. Document Will lie Mil.mitte.1 to the (Jueen kWnt Whirli Then teiea to Cabinet For Raiifiratioo. A WRANGLE MIOHT DELAY THE ANSWER. I It nn i i.iii.i .ii M i.Ihi.. ..u VkW MM laMW WW Arrhr, All That I known I That It Ha It n niiilf Med. THE G--RO-D:e::E!S. PARSONS' BjTTLNG W0RKS Knlarged ami rrAl u-l with New mill linpriit ril Machinery. M 1 , 1'lr-t lata mill I -lo-alr I'l.nit. i. j j t. ; Ian Imp m bmN, tm PI' it i:, WOI 11 OMIT mm! llluil il(Aii: ho i w a IT. if, : Isfon, at U U mk attJ 1 la PRICE. ONLY 50 CENTS PER CASE. 9 A ahare of the public 1 1 ' i.a tri reepe. tlul.y (' unirv Mer. cbant. IV-rue anil Keti al i-ai tie eet.ria'ly mi itel to gi . ni a trial We guarantee all god of our manufactore, anl give prompt attention I t all order. Call on or ad Ire, C. C. PARSONS, Bryan, Tex. tola I'r i i ii i i: i naiad ji fcf ladapatta Candle, Inula, Nuta, 'MANiiA.NU' WKI.I .VATKI!,' Nature'e owr v apepeia, eti .- Hi-ailiH"i r fur Kin (' .tar GOOD LUCK! to Drink nl the GLOBE SALOON TAYLOR & COX, Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS: Cooling Dhinks. Stenothenino Cordials. Everybody treated Rioht. Best Wines, Uiquor and Cigars . .bbv A g-s Mosquito Lotion. Toilet Soaps, and True W aaaaAar aalaW'eaaae' tv CaWamM, e Land af rim, Washington. Aug. Tba au.wer of Spain to the Ann-rn-an term nn wbtrh peace will tv restored waa expected al iniMt at any moment In oftlciai nlwlaa tialar. and the 4 rt--f preaa diipntrhee from Medr.d .fating that the anwer n in acceptance, increaaii the tawaaa over w hat waa looked upon aa the cnl mutatinn of negotiation. hiring the early boura of tlw day tlw atati di'partrui nt had not wived any direct Information aa to Spain' an wrr, ti'ir wa there any intimation when It wnnld come The aame waa true aa to the French mihaaaj. The em lataaador hail ma nn arrangement for a rail at the White Hona or the atate department an t n r H.i rs nf the embaaay bavl ronferred wi'h official hT- Ulior the dlarnaaion laat Wedtje.. day uight Kri rythiug wa in a condi tii hi of waiting ta . xpectanry The report from Madrid that tin- r-aht ni t loiincil would go over the repiy thta a't. riirinii, iiniiiatui that it might not la- diaiatched to Washington until late In tin SerreUrv Day had eipaeted to le at Atlantic tjr thi- ereiiaig ! join Mr Oar, araf he mar even ret carry not thta plan unleaa w ofnctal aaaunnce w!i' him from th" Krenrh i mhaary that the reply will In- forthcom ing tonight. A report waa rum-nt the day that tin- i-iulaaaey haul ri-ceivnl a com maiiiratloa at aa early bow thta morn Ina, the inference la-ing that it waa Spain'a reply . but thia, it can la. atated pioitivelT, la not correct, for up to mid i. ii ;eiin ,.,d v. n tm ii iiituna turn of her aii'M.r to any ipuartcr in Waablngtmi. Thv fart that Ilia Spaniah ratunet will goovertb" reply thta afternoon rataea the iaitulity nf a cabinet '. -'iiaaioii ami pro'.'iligati hi of tln t ::r t f. r Al! Mr. '.rvt repirta ahow that Premier Saga.ta U i n iravoruiK to reconcile the varmua political element and leailer aa far at pnaaible, and there i a dtapuaitmn among the nfTtnala beret giro him tlmo for thia ditrlenit nml delicate molding nf public an I political M-ntuneiit uo to the of .1 ; : in e c ' An,, ! i:, di- HEAT POWDER The Uvl ami I'm t I'immIit on the Murket. ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO INFANTS. Hu no Equal for the Cure ni . . Tina new i atretigthetii-1 anion.- of- ficial. here by the fart that ail our war I it' going atcadiir forward. The campaign in I 'or to llu-n u progn-aa-nig with uninterrupted u cra. Hie hand of Admiral Dewey and Oeneral Merritt are lading atretigtheneil at Mi- ml i. and the condition nt Sautiago, o airioiia when the Ainericnu general united in their atalenicnt, ia Iwing proini't. a.i.i i m ig, i.. n. rem- For thia reaaoa it ta felt that any delay ta a loaa to Spain, anil that Sagaata lii the inlerrt of hia own country will It olteiia and preaerve. lb. Skin ol Adult, and preient. the Noxlou DaUal."' "",w,"r M ,,"','W " T"1 of Kxceealvr per-tiirat I OOBttOBa WiUjaMHi If th- Madrid iliaNttcliea are tuily realUi'd liy tin- ac ceptance of tlie American ti-rmthen the aut'ioriliea feel nothing n inaiu l,ul the routine c. -I- miing th- formalltlca of ja-ai Agent lor THOS. GOGGAN & BRO.. P in - OtfUW, Bbatrl MtMti wui BoaplUa. iiet tn y pridMi Look over this Line FINE IMPORTS and see il there is anything you want. rfvCremc tie ricnthc CrtltM df COCO! f I .ikon BrtUld Holland Qln. Veno Vermouth naraschino ; PM Urangt hitters. ALL Till: UeADUKl llltAMts or UQUOM DXJPJ3NT db -DA a a a. '.4i.l.l 1 1 rill I iil, lr I. Madrid. Aug. ' tV 8pauiab n plr to the I' niled Stale etaich, it lina been lenrn-d from liigb authority, a. v. pi. the American pttM ondition. ha l cn rouipli'tml, mid will U -iil.m .t f..l to the llli I'll n gelll In .... , pl . l .'.- I.i tile cab- net meeting. Triinpa ami I i.r lli.ttiilutti, San Franriaeo, Aug it -Traiiaporta Lackni" iin.l t'liaricat' Nel.on. h iii!:g the five ciiiiKtniea of th" Kir.t New York voluuteera and th- Srond t nn, , State v luntecr engiutHira, aailed for BaWhatl nalay. (eraara Keluma. AunatKilu. Aug it. - Admiral (Yrvcra ami hi aon have mornid to Annapoii from Baltimore. They were accompa nied by a Catholic prieat. The admiral and hi aon were grant, d only H hour' leave. faala la ThraalaaaaV. Ixntdon. Ang. . I - Hong Kong eorreantjnilant of The Daily Mall aaya I The proa pact of America abandoning the i'huippUMa haa well nlgb brought on a panic The inanrgent leaden are greatly dlaetfianed with the Americana and Hrttiah here. TAKE8 QUICK WORK TO AVERT WAR. The Ceeelllaaa Belweee Ituaaia aa4 Oraal Mfetla Aaaaaalaf aa Aa. a! mMi are. London. Aeg fi -That ritreme diplo matic tenaina luu between St Peter, bnrg and Lindon n generally admitted here, though offlciala deprecate the alarming raport which were current rndy. It h) hoped that tbo flnner atand adopted by Martini, of Saliabory during the laat few daya. which aeema to bare creatatf tome luiaginnga at St. rVteraborg. will hare the deaired effect, arreating llia..wi aggrnaaireneaa. It la felt both ban and on the continent that the outcome of the diapaiea in regard to the new Chang railroad citenaioo la the rruriaJ point of mcoeaa or failure of ireat Untaia' jailicy of "open done. ' Aa evidence ef the fact that Oreat lint am apprerutn th gravity of the aitua turn the Aaaoru'. d Free learn the ad miralty ta preparing for all emergenciea and that it will anon be ready to mobil ite. NEW INDUSTRIES- IN THE SOUTH. Oil Well mmnf, a ( hair 'eater? aat a l..,.-i ,u,..., Aaaoag Tkeae In Tele. lialtimore. Aug -The principle in dtutne. annoon-ed during the week liy the anafac!url Record were an IhtKl.iKiO iila,trv at KnaleytJity. Ala : M u mw fartiTy at Jarkaonville, Kla. ; '-'' ""' g taarnannfarturing company at Tallaimoaa. Oa ; 7r.0ii0lumler mUla at Newport, ly ; rice nulla at Lake (hnra. La. ; timber cm. pav at V r'trlenn. La.; ,OIJti imi pany to bti-1 an ire factory at Balti more Mi: TS.rtm mill and gin cm. rony at TVkat nrg, Miaa. ; IO0,rtj0 coal mining remtatny in Chatman coanty, If. C ; j,.'iii oitapany to ereet est K naeedaa mill at Oray Coort, S. C ; cotton null to add ri.000 ipindlea and ieai looral at Columbia, 8. C. ; cotton mill adittag m pindlea at I'eltrr, S. C. ; .Vi.0i' mill nf US barrel of flour caparitTind HOD Inahela of corn meal raravity, to -jt atmut fio,ooo, at (imen - C (; , iki company to -met rottrnaeei oil mill and ginnery at Weal minater. I. C. ; AO,orai handle company at Kiiokttlle. Tenn. ; fjA.ono oil well companr at Corairwna, Tel.; l4,nno chair factcg. at Tyler, Ter. and a to.. wai chanaai inpany at Oalveaton, T-i BELL'S COMMITTEE HOLDS A MEETING. r..rl U...IK Will lie Itea.liinartrra aaj thr i niipalari .itiinilllee i. -Intnl. Calveatoa. Aug. (I The atata Demo crat ic eierutive committee held a meet latt in the parlor nf the Tremont hotel for th pur;c of getting acinaintel, promulgating aome general plan of ac tum and of arrivingnt an undemanding aa to the .. to ! done hy the chair man and the m-mlr individually. The noiiuiiei- of the party were in ntel tola- prcaent, in orler that they, too, might take iart m the deliberation ami give the committee the benefit of their experii ii. - ami make practical ug gentium for the conduct of the. cam paten 9, V Blaku waa there to give the com mittee th- lament of hia experience, m the lat campaign, which he did very briefly, but fully. The time waa con aunoil then m the diaruaatnn of matter of detail. The execntive committee adjotirneil object to ih- -nil of Chainuati llrll. The following caiiiign committee waa appoiuliil Jot (ttiiitrr of Dalian, John Iivejoy of Ualvratou. William tlapiwof I'ort Worth and It K. Hender ..hi of Sulphur Spring. It wn derided that the committ abould Ink- tep to effect n through or gaiitkatlon of every county in the atate and coinlui I the c iiupaigii on n 1iuiiic haeia, calling on any county for fund to defray the rpenn of the campaign in Ite nectton. Fort Worth w.i wlected a the head quartrra of th- campaign committer, and the headquarter will ! opened almut Sept. 1. Territorial KlianalaH i lie laana. St Imla, Aug. A The (mrnmount iaaue of the coining IVmncratlc tate 1IWAVC ntrtn n LTT ft I 0 nliilnaM Cm. to-aatai Wbite J-lodse Coffee. Perfect Flavor. Delightful Aroma. Always the Best. Try d package and you are sure to lie pleased with it. Everything Good to Eat at JOHN B. MIKE'S THE ORIGINAL CUTTER. Convention, eaaajajaj -ri nagaaia n Aug. in, wul ' territorial i'xpaiiion. The DatMCaM of New York in parfen lar. and tb ea in general are, it ia aid, are anxinrjal? awaiting the action nf thia convention i n the qneatinn of I terntonai n- Kx ( iovernor Stotw who, recently in a peevh at Jef. i feraon clnb, lavord atveh a policy on the laart of to: cuiitry. and who laadele- I gate to the convention, i looked upon , a the leader of xpanai-nin in Mia aouri The atate aim;nutration and a majority of Miouri congrefmen are uppoaed to any anch policy. Mer lla.e lle.n Ike .Maaaldlaa. j London, Aug. 6 There la a rumor at I Llovda that the paaaengcr tteamrr at t rte,i fri m i .1 tin N F, TburvUy ' aa having probably teen laat with all hand in the v.-'iniy of Belle lair, wa ' the Allan Utta ! tnu r Numiitian, Capi 1 McNiroll, M l,:: n .ailed fnm Montrea. Ang. 3, for the latter point Official I here of the Allan line diacteuit the tumor Tiios. H. Hairston. M. D SPECIALIST. CHRONIC AMD PRIVATE DISEASES lII.I I iikd WITHOUT me wa or KNIFCor detaatfaeJ fr-m tiualnaa. FlHTt'LA, fiatt'RBa. lTtTBa IK'S and CU'glATIli BUWtXt CSattaaW Office home: V to 1 a. i p.m. Ufhieat Sam B. WUaaa)i np. atore. 1 How to if iKeep Young l FECIAL RHl.ND TRIP RATES I A THE HI ULliHJ olllIRT L1M N. n. r.) The Qaickeat and Beat Route. Voa ipialed Double Daily Semr to 8a. lioia, and; Direct Connectione Jc Pointa Katt. -I IKK in' i:ir TICKETS. Now on aale to all tonriat raeorta nortl.. iH.rthea-t'aail northweat. ;Oeyi f r n turn until Decern ter Slat. 1801. 9 a 9 Aff fint hnvt In a wnautTt Ii Amtltul that PTaal lilt law rink laka tana !! n o i ream rS ! ;. t Ta , , e. a"- w A Maallfl atro v -imzrzjzz . i rail' mi wtiii tt MM n'Uathni-n ri-aliirn I bloHBUi, Mrni.lrw. taokbvl. Un id !!i !! i r'or fu i partu-u ar, time rarla, alae er reacnanona. e'c. anT irfni ticket atfent, I. ii. N. 11. If., oaii ' D.J. Pan a, O.'P. and T. A I. A O. N. K. at Paleatine, Teaaa, .R. Ba P. DAV IS5, M -laat . tr. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. vme nt aaag, nmua ,.c, an.l .aaj, He i ia at.-Wlll ttm H") U;nfeach rnnnth Hrr?. !""' ta aatttai of ii. BarJ I I III, 111 Male Ciram. I A J THE G. C. BITTM M tif). 4 Tcirdo. Oh' HiT.d R. EL DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN Short and tjnick Line Betwee North and South Texa. r, s n i. e. ... Mei aeaee a M:!Hj .aa. aa aan tran aie tntaaa OaM laaratam V. ata. ,l ta 4 Catar atwt e, na Cm aa maaaaatn laatt rue I tan .al ae irnatawaw Saaaaai laaajai a Saa Caaaa, lwa' t .. VWva, ft PPlPf C "aaat e-waa ka II laaj fc U M rnitrti u,.. a, umb, rw i kua , . ,. ..... ua -m Car la VI at. a . . N- fteae We. Mr. Vaaa e. Cht UIHIUBMa Mnatr (igriftaa C . Ml DaTavaa. OOLO laHoelL HFTWKBN OUSTON m OENVEIk Via Ennl and H Worth GALVESTON OENISOf Via Hot'ilnn iml n.tu. U R GALVESTON,,. ST i J Via nomtc i. Fntilr and 1 fl S HOUSTON in AUS1 The 11. a T. 0. reteeaaa OttlM Uoaatoa, llienbam, AnHin. V Corieana, Waxabacbie, Kl. Wi Dallaa, I'lano, Mi Kinney, shaa ami Peoaon. and givra rlratdj service. C. rV. Bam. M. I . Konaii ! Trafflc Manager. "30. P.'A T. w. S.'WiLaoa, Agt. Hoaatox Bryan, Texaa,