Newspaper Page Text
Vol. Ill No. 216. BRYAN, TEXAS, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 9, 1898. race o m Last stasis lajsrss. lrmaii Branch Tea.. Aug K.K horse sttachad to the buggy of Miss Klon-nca Good ran away demoluhing 'Tgy aud throwing her out. Sb Howell Bros. A I WAVC "wict AT PALESTINE. ninni u eery serum internal injuri. . U 1 I 2 " - jii . - -i r Dozier Bakery Fancy Cakes. Just arrived Corn Starch Richelieu ,-Tapioca J SaKo Leggett's Jelly Powder. Imperial Table Jelly. College Creamery Butter ) Double Crown Cheese, j ,ce- GLORY "FLOUR Only High Grade Flour in Town. PARSONS' BbTTLING W0RKS Knlarged and refitted with NW Mini I tn r r al Machinery, strictly I'lrsi lu. .mil l'p-lo-lulr llaiit, now prepared to till ofilfn Unrr or email, for a I'l Iti:, WHOUMMUI it ml HIGH BAM RODA watkk, aJI Uma,a wholesale and Retail. PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS PER CASE. A share of i he public patronage respectfully solicited. Country Mcr (haul., ric-nic sod Keetnal parties especially invited lo gic ua trial We guarante all giaidi ofonr mannfactore, and give prompt attention to all order. Call on r ad Ireea, C. C. PARSONS, Bryan. Tex. o! Proprietor aud llotller "MA.Vi aMC WKU.s WATKK," Nature's oar Remedy for Indication, Pvapepaia, etc. Hend.iua'tcre for Fin Cigars Candies, Fruits, .Mita, elr I TAYLOR ,LTOOX, Prop's. y- SUMMER DRINKS I Cooling Drinks. Stenothenino Cordials. Everybody treated Right. Best Wines, Liquor and Cigars Mosquito T T HEAT The licet ttiiil Poml I'owtler on the Market. ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO INFANTS. Has no Equal for the Cure Il solteni and preeerye the kin of Adnlts and prevents the Noxious Odor of Kxceseivc per-piratioii. Agent lor THOS. COGGAN 6 BRO.. I'iM ., Offsm Sl,..t Mu-i, mi Mil niral Supplies. t;,.( my p-lOH, ! Look over this Line ol FINE IMPORTS and see il there is anything you want. J Creme de .Tcnthc Falcon Brand Veno Vermouth Hale Orange I I I'll 1 1 I I I l I I . It It "O XT TXT TXT e . - Extra Fine Assortment. GOOD LUCK! to Drink ut I hi GLOBE SALOON Lotion. Toilet Soaps, and True POWDER i i sw Creme tie Cocoa Holland din. maraschino ! hitters. A V IW lll i ..... T . -sss He Wan Taken From Jail by t HolMifOne II mull rd and Fifty M. n. BE WAS HANGED AND THEN SHOT. He Wan Chan:! With an Attempted A-.-ault l xin a Votini; Woman at That Flare. SHERIFF COOK COULD NOT SAVE THE MAN. He Made a Brate Attempt, bat the Hub Wan too Murh For Hint and Secured the Man and l.taraed lllm. Palestine, Tm . Aug. h There waaa lynching here last night. Dan (igg. a colored man, HI years old waa taken from the jail at 1 1 o'clock and liauged to a tree in the rear of the coorthouae yard and aotne ,"i shots fired Into hla body or a mob of Mime ISO men. ' a. i . .f an attempted a sanlt on a well known young woman al In..tin on Sat unlay night by entering her room and attempting to chlorform her. NoiwithaUuillug, the sheriff made a brave attempt to save hi pnaooer. it of no avail, a the mob aeemed a Very determined one. DR. SWEARINGEN DIES AT STATE CAPITAL. Hrl(bli Itlaaaas Take TfcU -..p,r lesltk llflHwr la tha Grave After a Uagerlas llli Austin, Ang K -I K. M. Swearin- gen. state health officer, died at his home here Sunday afternoon after a lingering illness He had been a sufferer from Bright' dtaeaae for several moat hi and the diaeaae lis an acute form a few dare ago. Hu death waa a great shock to hu manv friends here. Governor Culher on wan .me of bis warmest fnenda and la greatly grieved over his detune, the g in. r . ij.r .l liimaelf in the mrt eulogistic term, of the character and official career of deceased. The time of t!.. funeral ha not yet Wen annoanced Ir. Sweanngin waa almost no year of ag H.. l.:vi. n iitow ami a married daughu r He M-rveil la years as ttate health officer. llirhard M Sweanngin was Uirn in Noaubee county, Miaa , Sept. Sfl. Ki. Hu nnnt moved to Texa in Ihjs ani MM in Washington county. Dr. Swranngin Sfptfai and votcil agnnut arreaaion. When the aihnnnce wa ailopted, however, ho promptly rnluted and fought throoghont the civil war with duiinctmn. Wa-o, Trt . Aug I -Jesa.. Msfesi ,. nuffenng from btrdshot wonnd an I t'harlea Jackson, a colonel man, U in jail, charge.1 with Inflicting thi- wouiku on Mr Wilson by shisiting him with a li .ru-nn Mr Wilson u . m, mber o a citwens' committee orgaulaed to lend aid to the officers in suppressing bur glartea, which hare been frequent cf late. He was patrol ing the streeUasa volunt r iruanl win ' M V, tA'aast stk. TL.. negro, Jackaon, who U charged with the shooting, Is a resident of Waco and bears a gout character. DaaMe Killing at Uttl. Rneh. Little Rook, Ang I -A double kill, ing MM at the convict linck yards near hre A convict named Mishop was advancing with an ax on J. H Kulgiim, a guanl, when Kulgnm shot and killed him. A ilupute arose over the killing Iwtween Warden (.lies Hud son and V. A. Potts, another guard T1 ' : " an ! I'ott, shot an . aoino tiunson W" lrSe. In H.,IB, (iiithm ,u T Vug - . 1.1 year .ohl eon nf(l. W. Murphy of Duke attempted t" 1 ' 1 i.'Tm. Ipv a r..)' when ta- am mal ran away. The lmy's leg becann I'titangasl iii the rope ,nl he was dragged to death, his head and N.h I ing fearfully mangla.1. Vsnlr I. Thr.l.i,,. Ismdon, Aug. K -The Hong K.! oorruatHiiident of The Daily Mail says: The prosrs.ot of America abandoning the l'htlippmes lias well nigh brought on a panic. The Insurgent leaden are greatly dissatisfied with the Americana and Hrttish here. Davenport, la.. Ang. K - Henrv Scholtiof Valley City. U., ahot and killed hi wife and than killed himself The wtfe had applied for a divorce on the ground of cruelty MADRID OFFICIALS APPROVE THE REPLY. St Its. a... i .1,1.. i tm tks rrsash AsaksssssUr al Wastetagtoa Far Da- llvsry la ike I .... i.. i drld, Ang. 8. The cabinet council smlaated vsaaardav after havimr com. pletely apnived the reply to the United States, which, it la said, aooepta to Ami ne conditions. The reply was telegraphed to He nor Leon y Oastilln, the fpaniah amhaaaarlor to France last night, so that M. Uaabon, trt French' amlsuaavlor al Washington, wlU receive it t.Uy The government is fully convinced that tt note will be aatUfactory to the Washington government and that a an. pensioB of bosUlltMa will be iu immedi- an GENERAL BLANCO 18 NOW A CHANGED MAN. mU ASsai,, Bu Paaai. Thai Caaa Is U ... aad II.. .... Will Oa ta ska Asasrlesas. Waskington, Ang -News has reai had Washington of a recent procla mati .a u. which Blanco made known to Spamta people of Cuba that Spain, thmugk the intervention of foreign powers, had been forced to the disgrace ful Issai of suing for peace, and that there would he no more war and no fur ther oat fr soldiers. He of ered a pardon to all Tubaa poltt leal pnsoncrs anil more than IbO were released m Havana. Havana lie says, will be given over to Amarsmruand Oubans and the lard will be fisraed to evacuate Kasjro assures the soldiers and all SpasMh reeideuta who wuh to return to Spala ia- go to other Spanish osseaatons that they w ill get free transissrtatlon. giv by the-r mother conntry, to their nsstWaltisji and will l protected from iiiNrfemnce on the part of either Cuban or Americans. He suggests that the ('Ian be forgiven and no longer re-gardi-d aa enemies and that no unkind ftaling be cherished. Sa4la( Taral's am., llarh. Washington, Aug. s The war i partment officials are entirely sat Mi with the prograas so far made tow an Ik shipment to Spain of Oen. Ttb aaiT. surremlered at Santiago, ih. vsjsels which are to be used for this ps a are now on the way to Santiago. at barring accidenU, they are eipect. d Mtmre there In about one weak, when iks troops will be embarked as rap idly aa possible and proceed st our. to Spain. Il ia recalled that most of the other competitors for the trails wtaion contract reunited until Sept I H accomplish theemlnrkation, which, uaii. r the present arraiigement. it u n tectcd will be completed liy Aug. IS or very soon thereafter. areSa i.n la ii... n , ik.on. Ntw York, Aug. s. -A special from ' Satituuro aara General I'nlni., litm. and his ljun insurgents have stoppe i drawing rations and Garcia has left the province in high dudgeon tveause the United Slates authorities refused to j.t nut him to take up th.- rema of govern-1 ment in the provinco The last heart he was west of Holguin, pr- ceeiung toward uvitaa in the prurusus of Puerto Pnncipe. Hu purpose i , protably to form a junction with Oen (tomes, who u supposed to bo in San! 1 Clara province. Waklas a fieaaral tdvaara. I'omv, Aug. 7, via St. Thomas Aug. I A general advance of the American force has begun. The remainder of (icneral Krneet's brigade, constituting the advance center, snpnrtad by two holt, r: , moved om at ii .. iivk. a j art of the Klerent infantry of Oeueral Henry's division, started to the left to- 1 ward Adjuntas. Troon A. of New York. the Philadelphia City troop and troop i it. ol in.. Mixth regulars, an. convoviuir to ii. tal . tmunortation column I along the ciatst road through Salinas to Arroyo. tuiuhardnii.i at San Jnaa. Washington, Aug. s An unofficial n - rt i- currwit hen that the bombard ment of San j,la ,, commenced aad that a isut of (icneral Miles' forces has len pushed forwant to the citv on the land stile. Mticals at th" ur and navv densrt. ment say they have no dispatches con- firming the rumor. MM Rsdsssnl. al Jsaksaavllla. Jacksonville. Kla . Ana- s Ontera i lave Ismii iwued d.-iaching the First North Carol -ia, Hrcoiitl Texas and Fret j BmaasskV Ji W waisss. Coffee. Perfect Flavor. Delightful Aroma. Alwavs the Best. Try a package and you are sure to he pleased with it. Everything Cood to Eat at JOHN B. MIKES THE Alabama regiments from the Seventh corn and tr.c regiments will hold them selves in reaninrss for departure for Porto Rico. The First Tew regiment arrived Sun day and went into .-amp in the eastern part of the citv. The regiment is much pleased witn us location, which is oa the tanks or the St Johns river, in a shady grove, with good water running through the camp. Raa;h HiHers all. Santiago d- Cuba, Aug. 1. -The First regular cavalry and the First volunteer cavalry of rough riders sailed ymterdav on the transports Miami and Maltewan Three other transport, bearing troops, will leave Santiago today, and two are scneouieii to leave tomorrow. All o.' them will sad for Montank Point. Army Win aa Ii Washington. Aug. ft -When peace if declared the array will be reduced. One hundred ami fifty thonamad will be Clustered out leaving th army Blondes and Brunettes Fmonth, uttl. Tilrrty sklu wa 111 make any woman', face stuactive, whether she 1 a- M,,rl nr tuiMlt Ka I-. . mi. I m homrly Ilihe.Vln l.firenf frei kks, liver- mois, ia twt. hu. Liarkheafe. tan. tunlum or pimple.. To permanently re move all these tJetnUh. UVni U 11 una mrv rcawily. sn.t thai Is r Viola Cream This U nm a paint thai covers op. m bleach thai withers and il.stroys. Il U a snn.cresjriyipsvraisnwhu h maasslke w N-sullfnl hy msklns It f I..n i.-.-l i.y ih.suaii.1. t wianen f durinif th. .tt.'. .wn to their eatlrs sstuiartlnii Visas Crrssa U the only trmedy that really sn.1 p -raanentty resyivcs all facial MemUhe. It ean l ute.1 with grsat success In th. rmsM ulUs7i cases. A fair trial will s.. woiskr lor the a.TO. n sn.1 rt'l. wtsa.- Is.-e sir r. nt-h. k red. rmkM, 1.1 IstiJ or rssssswo. 1 IlrL.'lf '..I. m . 1 Ulw.. I.n I. AA Mnt. want ir THE 0, O. BOTHER OO., e. sa PUMM Wl S Sil la i .p i . w. ... Wtan tsa tusisev mt osia W, aa. .S assa a SB Wsrt W. aaai Can a. f w.i-i Imsi fsssei ai asurssissa. a 1' "s ms tkaa .-a. aw. Sm vaa Sk PRirCC i Caaaii. tia, S li, ta UJS r It I t 1 0 u,,. aV lata ra I. UW . . . SSSMSSM laa.-a laraaSk 1US.. ...... I. SW as Mali Tv- - -' j- - Civ aiinuBss.MTatr f0tm Csv. eva. su .p.nvsji. w White ORIGINAL CUTTER Thos. H. Hairston, SPECIALIST, CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DlSEA 11 1. KM CI HKD sVlTMOUT ret was ar KNIFC e 'toss Instates. fliTfta. FIMOK IKO aad CU ClATgD BOWE1J CCI ' ':!- l.oura i to 1 a 5 p. m. once at Sam B. Wilson' 0 store. FECIAL ROIMI TRIP U VIA THE OLD REI.UBI.i: JORT I. (i. N. R. it. , T '.'uickest and Beit Rontav , :a!e.l Double Daily Semce to Uuia, andIiirert t'onnectioaas PoinU Kttt. t'M MKR TiH RlST TICKETS. Now on aaie to all tooriat Qortl.. northesstajid northwest I f r retarn until Dacemtr3lat, IW I or fuiljpsrticulars, lima rardsva) r reservations, ate, apply to nsja ticket agent, I. A G. Xk.Mm.m lr D. J. 1'kii a. i IP. an ! T. A., I. A (i. N. R. B Paleatiaa, Tax DR. E. P. DAVISS, l illllal. EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. " f i'i. roosas Sat sad sat, Hoe -Wtll Bryaa Jul snd e gaa lafof earh month. I "ryaa nUkw'siu be la aaitoes af Hotel p " "ej H.4I.CL R. R. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. rthort and Quick IneJBalwsss. North an I Sooth Texas. t: s BtTWggJT OUSTON aTB DENVEI Via Eaai and rt Wattk GALVESTON .,DERIS0 Via Honston aad Baasssa GALVESTON, ST. LOUIS Via Hoaaasw. Eaan .ad raras HOUSTON k, AUST1M H O U L E E P F Q P fl S I J .1 r The H. A TjC. reathra tUlvtatna.'' Houston, Brenhsm, Auatia, WaaSSSK s'or-icai.a, Wstshachie, Ft Wortk. I's.iaa. r.ano, Mi K.nney. MietE and Denton, and give tlraH-elsajaa SarvU-e. 0. Bum, M. I.. Roaaue, Traffic Manager. 0. P.'A T W. s.;Wtuost, Aft. I loan 1 Wm ft Id I ' wm r Mil II Bryan, Texas.