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Newspaper Page Text
$vn Iftotntng Eagle. BRYAN, TEXAS. FRIDAY JtORNING, AUGUST 12, 1898. Price 6 cent Vol. Ill No. 218. i Howell Bros. Dozier Bakery Fancy Cakes. Just arrived Extra Fine Anortment. Richelieu ) Corn Starch - Tapioca j Sago Leggett's Jelly Powder. Imperial Table Jelly. College Creamery Butter) on Double Crown Cheese. ) C- clory" flour Only High Grade Flour in Town. ONLY WAITING FDR THE REPLY. lteved at Holgnin that the Hpaniah com- Npain CiidfrMtaniK Juitt What Hit XuNt Do to Bring; About Trace. THERE WILL BE NO MORE DELAY. Thr Protocol Hunt lie 8lgl In a Short Tim or American Term Will Ik; Withdrawn. DELAY IS DANOER008 FOR THE SPANIARDS. 'mid ranch prefer toaurrendrr, If obliged to lumwltr at all, to 111 United State autboritiee and not to Cabana. There are political reaaonl why the Hpaniah government ahimld I in if aw Una courae upon Ita "military , leaking aa it baa don ti tlx United State to aeaume tb aoverelgoty over Cuba inatead of erect ing a Cuban government. Tbarafor. thia conditton at Holgnin, if known t Blanco Bar indue btm to take ataua U larrendrr the place to any author. ami American ..fflcer. It la ImimatMl that anrrendera on thia baata would nut ceaaa at Holgnin, and a rumor la afloat that Havana ilaalf bal surrendered, hut thia failed of connota tion at potnu where each newt natural ly would flu ! ita way. If thaw condi tion! are known to the Speniah govern ment at Madrid the fact mar har. an kajnalain bnnni in liaalaniuir the ac- I f'.n i.f ' . ....... .rr nMin the pending proposition from the United Statea government. REGAHO grr ..... rr fcIMM final CaM iMall.h. I "White J4oase P of fee. THE REPLY AS SATISFACTORY. (iarrla la Maklair II cad w a . la Haa tlatro Proline, and There la a I'owdbilltt thr aaaa l.oirra iii' mi Ma; li- Herognllcd. THE OrTZOJDZB. GOOD LUCK! to Drink at thr GLOBE SALOON a TAYLOR & COX, Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS I Cooling Drinks. Stenothenino Cordials. Everybody treated Rioht. Best Wines, Liiquon and Cigars rreaaUr aacaate Deal That Haa Olf.a M. ('bn Aatkaellf la I haa'. ...""' i Madrid, An. It. In official eirc'.ra i har the reply of the Culled State, to f mm in th nmc necotiatlone la re garded at mi '..factory. Premier Sagaita. however, deniee he authorised Hi- French Ambaaaador at Washington. H. Cambon. aa repreaent atlre of SpaID to make rhangea in the pence protocol or reject, aucb. Spamah answer in regard to certain con- Secretary Alger and Attorney rneral dltiona wkvh might create dlfflcultiea (irlgga had a brief conference with the ! daring the courae of negotiation The ,,. which there waa a fil l premier edd-d. "if any changea are to , ....', of the pro, .-!. r:M....t I" mad' t:..- ; .uiueut itar.f w .. m Waahinirtoti, Auif 1 1 -There are no Important peace development at the White Houae and no of any nntil the Hpant.h government autbonre ::. i-' i ! r i "aiiil.'ii - gnat tire to the Perfect Flavor. Delightful Aroma. .VI ways the Best. Try a package and you are sure to he pleased with it. Everything Good to Eat at JOHN B. MIKE'S THE ORIGINAL CUTTER. Thos. H. Hairston, M. D re",T- authority to algn PARSONS' BUTTLING WORKS: t.nlarged law refilled N. inl lni.r.. eil Miiclihi. rv . -iri.tlv riml till" r I p-l..-latr I'lai.l. m f prepared W M to, a PUBB, wBOUWHUI I km .ltll sl M ITIl. a. I tt liol.-eal end K. la, PRICE. ONLY 50 CENTS PER CASE. of Porto K '' Whil" the conference waa in piogrea a telegram of initruc tion. for the guidance of (irneral Mile in collecting lartff and other duea in I'orto Kico waa aent afu-r an approval by the president. Secretary Alger am lied at the Rton report that Blanco had already aurren. dered and aald that It waa the Aral the president or hun-df hail heard of It He alao took SSMSigg to deny r'iirt that any order, had been laaned to eotav minder In the field to net their anna pending the .igning of the protocol Spain will nave U hour, more in which to accept or reject the protocol Secretary of State Day and Ambaaaa dor Camion agn-on the terma of thia mintage, which are the immediate evacuation of Cuba by Spantali troupa and the rvitniuiahncnt of ovcreiirnty in r 'hsi i -..hi I by Spain. The imnie i diale evacuation of 1'iirto Reo and ail the hpani.h lalanda in the Caribbean I aaa by Spain, and their evasion to the United Statea. The fluted State to occupy and hold the harbor and city of Manila and Robtg twy until a , roninii.ainn determine th-m The tejtoftbe reply of the United Hum will not b definitely know until the neit cabinet meeting It la halwred in official circle here that a auapenaion of boatilttiaa will be announoaa t,r both government imme diately after Mr. Cambon ia authorised to aign ta pnitoml. THE OPiNION OF A SPANISH PAPER. CHI SPECIALIST, ' 4,0 PRIVATE CISUM. IMI.Kw I KKD ll I. aa T.rma of ihm t'nal aiaiaa aal ie l- f Llfr Neaalllec Maand. Aug. P. -The Moderate H puMkan l Liberal I etpreaaea the belief that IVealdent McKinlcy replied to $ium note with auapicioo rapidity. ll add. "We accept the aacnfice knowing the reaponaibility falla upon our govern- : meal The beat conrae I to avoid all : UMkaa proceed are while diplomat are quibbling It i naaleaa to make die- tincttona in language o order to reach a caarluiton which ia inevitable and at- . readv known, while our blood continue Cambon MM the protocol natoaaaa gwi .aaiiago Saniugo de Cg, Aug. II -The Spam. n horpital .hip Alicante haa aailed for Spam with 1 AM) atck Spaniaj aoldlera on txanl. The Spaiu.h .feanier 1.1a de Luzon ha. armed and Mill take ISM Bpani.h aoMiera. She haa bed capacity far SK ick. T,b" ,teu"ll',., "l" P-. Ofllc. at Sam I). Wilaon'. I with the Ninth and tenth infantrr. Capt. Clark of the Oregon waa aboard. The St Paul ia expected to be the next tran.purt to leave bar with American WITHOUT -t .1 r. KNIFE or treat baalnr... I -T IV ftfl RI8 !'. and i I ' thai rn muFUi traai Offlre honra: V to 12 a. tore. . . - atlll on Cleburne. Tea , Aug 1 1 There ar no tiding. fpm John R Shaw, the con demel murder of Tom Crain, who ea capeii from the county jail here, and who waa ta have been hanged tomor row. The governor haa offered a reward of UM for hta capture and Sheriff Stew, art haa added two to thia anna. ilil lAL Kill Ml TRIP R A 1 I A mi oi.ii i ri.i mihi i. v n. it. n.) The tjoickrat and Beat Houie. L qualed Double Dally Serv Ixuia, nnd Direct C nnecliona PoinU : ; Blondes and Brunettes the righta of both Spain and the United . to (low in Porto Riroand Manila. Dnr A aliara of 1 he public patr ge reepectfu! ' UV' Mc-nic and Keatixal ,.. lie. e.,. ...ny invite.i u. . ..... lure, and give prompt atietni 'r clianl- - . . We guarantee all g'l "I our to all order. Call on or ad Ire... C. C. PARSONS, Bryan. Tex. loir I'roprietor and llotller 'MAK0AH1C Remedy for lndigeli"n, Dapaia. etc Candiea, Kriid-. Nut, etc. ITKLLI W'ATKR. Ilead i"er for Nature'a owt Fine Cigar Mosquito Lotion. Toilet Soapt. and True 1 1.... OJ-. " C': f H rW I HEAT POWDER Th U-et ami I'lircat I'owdat on Ihe ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO Has no l-qual for the Cure oi It .oil" - and prraerxe. taw Skin of Adult, and pr. irnla " 1 of Kx. raaive per-pi ration. the inert tor THOS. GOGGAN & BRO.. PigOOl :irgne, -iral Supplii'K. l my I""'' " Look over this Line ol FINE IMPORTS and see il there t anything you want. Cremc de fienthe Creme lie Cocoa State in the Philippiie - The o-aaion rf an laland In the I.v drne gTon-'. tlie iUnd not ling apec in! y i.i-.. d. The war dernr'tui nt haa iaaue.1 or der for toe i in mediate aailing of iti,W ti nij from San Kranciaco to reinforce Oanaral Merrill at Manila. The nary department announce that if Spain dm not accept the ultimatum itiiiti lin : ''itli'd tnii" Ihe eaateril xuailrn will te dtapatched tn attack the coaat of Spain. If nnv one phaae of the campaign r, ill. I ii tl ue nee t lie St '.'i in. n wver ii tin lit ... - i ...inn j.f f It. o...i..,.ii..i.ll.,n .if thia protncfd it would tie the attitude of the ( 'utna under! larcia in the northern ji.irt "f Santiago province, jtnl outaide the tine marking the territory conce.te.1 to the United State by Toral'a aurren- IM AMS. '' DfflciaU here aay the Spanuh gam anna at llolirnin and aome .mailer town off the north coaat in the interior are in de.perate .trait, for fiaal and war anp pllea and h.iv. ufT red in etiormouaper- rentage of Ina by diaeaae, and had not NoxliHiM tilr "nr "w" '"to under Shatter lti checke.1 III their operationa by an epi- demic of fever a utrong column would hnve lieen thrown out iioMhwanl mi I have forced the inrreilder of all thee ctterHl detachment, of S'pnninh troojai Now. however, (iarcia ha. aparetuly detenmned to fore.t.ill the Amen. mm commander In tin. movent, nt and ll i. tag the laat three year we hare aacn faaalSoo mnch M.aal It ia time to It. aad thia la the only aapect of the qtMetion that at preeent u to w con anlerrd. anyway the pre ia unable to diaruM ita other aapecta, for all delay in eoacluding an amuatice ia criminaL" NINE THOUSAND YET TO GO TO MANILA. St'MMKR TmI iyTCKV Now on aale t- A toariat I on aale (r- 5r! l,.TIhea.tW DC Market. Sin ct Mlleir mill Mil- Thai I. Iha Mnmbrr f Tr.M.p. al ae VranrlM-n Thai Ar l lo Ika 1 1, i too... MaaaW San Franclern, Aug. II. -There av abont )0 Philippine etpeditionaw troop at San F'ran-iac.. The Arinn,, and Scandia ill tike away HSOO. let,,, j ing ''" to la fnrwardwl Thia inrloii,, the Kighth California, which waa turned over to Major Ocncral Otl aa a jn of the expeditionary forcea. Th. Firat Waahington haa not been atucne.1 to the Kighth army carpi nod ; will, therefore not go to Manila tlnieaa later r ler are laaued aaaigning )t to duty in the Philippine. It i. expected the Auatralia anf) the Hyndey will reach thia city from Ma nila about Aug. I V They will bailmmr- j diatelr fitted out for a return trii to the ! nMppfeMI wltli tronpa, and wiJ w (ol. 1 lowed by tha City of Peking, vfhieh la dne here about Aug. . TheaJ TrwM.i j will probably carry the Kifty-Pikf Iowa, tha Twentirth Kanaaa and tka yin ' Tenneaaw, ' QgSMgfJ Marriam dealrea JO iy,, not later 7 V y ) a1 s end t. . 4 J P4 I Bnnnth, mA, vervrty akin will make I I 5 ' L Tay laM. 11inh'MawtMaw IgfaV-khaarti. latB, K 1 r J tMrtT Ait IN 4 r north, horthraat'aM n 1 for return until DecemU For fn l'particulari., timTarda, ell er rrtervntioni, etc.. apply to oral ticket agent, I. A ti. N..R.R.. or dreaa D. J. Price, V C. P. and'T A. I. A U. N !'. Paleatin W. II. LAWF D EH T OHire Front R Ur r.1 live, Texii Viola Cream TMa h not a paint th caven np, nor a 3 r oft.iraaairWTTwrai .kin beautiful by makmx It heallbT- n haa been uae.1 by'l .luring the part lerlre J ran u. their rnUr ull.lartion. Vlaka Craaaa U tbe naly ItaMdy thai A real it and 1 1 rwiarntl; rew ail tw I liliaaaaatiia ll can I "--I '0 rraal W - la Oa. mr rtnbbnm cam A fair 1 . rz7. . a nut win n.Hii .-" r ,i,.i t a n.l flM-kleal MuMBwaar 1 1 ., ira )r - Cnw. 'On. gg the ani av THE O. O. BITTNCR OO R. IV. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. Short ami Quirk Line; Ret nee North and South Texa. -A Pttlcotl lirand Holland din. Veno Vermouth Haraschino Pale Oraop Hitters. ai.i. Tktl LBABIM iikam n UQl oiw. r t.irted ha. occupied aevernl .mall low tU vamated by the Smah and u all troo embarked f"t Mnni pre.ung at the doora of Holguni. Thia j than Oct. 10 lili'l'T !in k'lV.'tl aome ciinceril I" our military commander aa thia Cuban ef fort if .ucveaaful, may tv.ult Mton in bringing our governmeut to a pn.a s 1 ere It III l lt lllld ltlf obliged to reco- ihe e .vermiieiit aet up by i iomer r,i hi in m il or come to an open Iwue with the iii.urgeiita and forbid them from c inducting further operation, ex cept where .auctioned by the manager, of our own campaign. Aa it la the caa at Manila. o it ia U- Hawaiian " aall. San Franrlaou. Aug. II. -he atoam j er Manpnaa, conveying tin Hawaiian roiniiilaaioner nnd l.'.t ni.'ul.f the Firt N. w York volnnt'.r. lo Hiiiolnlu. .ail ed .hortlv after i 0 clork tf u morning She li detained at her ill.,, SU night ! awaiting the arrival of dellT0(i Kngliah mail" pmt 7 ! D(tlHfl ll win iiiv ika Ijondon, Ang. II All vice rrcrived here aay ij horny. Madrid ad ia certain M in ..p.". - ' .... aetan if ii uawwaa l.naHt. wmm aaaagaaii PRICES T,.ll.ltal'.ll" c.. tm ea u . s. a.ui h ta. on CK UIMUattai Nftatr (tiTiaVaS ovom. crxa iita T H R 0 u Q r! The S L E E P R P S ii. 0UST0N A"s7 0EMVER Via F.nnli and ft. Worth GALVESTON 0ENIS0N Via llonaton and Palaw GALVESTON , . ST, LOUIS Via lloaaton, Kanla aad feUi HOUSTON . AUSTIN A T. 0. reach ( alvrai.n. llonaton, Bicnbaw, M Cor.trai a, Waxuhachie, Kt. Worth. Dallaa. l'lano, McKinnev lTf. i and Demon, and give tiral-ci ia Sarrlre. C. A. Bum, M. L. Roaaiga, Traffic Manager. S. P.'A T. Ag W. S. WiiiK.ii, Agt. lIontw B Rryna, Texas.