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JBcan xllbommg Vol. IirNo. 219. BRYAN, TEXAS. SATDJAY MORNING, AUGUST 13, 1898. sm Howell Bros. Dozier Bakery Fancy Cakes. Juit arrived Extra Fine Assortment. Richelieu ) Corn Starch - Tapioca ) Sago Leggett's Jelly Powder. Imperial Table Jelly. College Creamery Butter ) on Double Crown Cheese. ) Ice. Ill WILL RE THE It I- Haid iMMtaff la Will He at the Head of the Com million. GLORY FLOUR Only High Grade Flour in Town. TWOSRSATORS Will ASSIST HIM. fynator Allium of Iowa anl Senator Gorman n. Maryland Are Promi nent In the Selection. THE GOVERNMENT OF CEDED TERRITORY. Mllllar; Cmrrnnr W ill Have t barge of Porto Hint, itnil I n ha Will be I'ndcr Mi i.Hi iiiprniiian I "ill Congress Arlt. THE G-I50DSES. GOOD LUCK! In Drink .it the GLOBE SALOON TAYLOR & COX, Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS I Cooling Drinks, Stenothenino Cordials. Everybody treated Right. Best Wines, Liquor and Cigars Washington. Aug. I a. Peace ncgoti atlons have progressed eo far that iti j.r-nl.-nt la now tnrninK hi attention to Ihf M-lection of the three commiaslnu era who will art for the United Staee. There U excellent authority that Sec retary IX.y will head the couimiaaion aiel that two United State senators will ! 7!i. iti!-r- of it. Srnatia Alltaon of Iowa, and Senator ( iorman of Maryland, have lwrn nrotmuently mentioned for place cm thi comminaton and it known that they have len under con sideration by the preaident It la not believed Iry member of the administration tin mmiwion ran complete lta work in time, u cauae an v: I i f turn " lo conlder I he legislation whirh tin tn-aty of peace will neccnaitate, although there III pron. lvt an extra cion of the senate might lw called in November to conidi-r the In-aty of peace. Plain for the temporary government of Ciil mi I th territory which will tat acquired from Spain aa a remit of the war are also under w-riou consideration father -f Lieutenant Hobaon of ITem maoa fame, poatmaatar at Orawnaboro, Ala Mr. Hobaon la a Democrat and the nomination waa made at the earnest taqniet of hia Kepubllnan fellow towtu n aa a mark of good feeling. Three fc.MI.ti HI. el hum. Atlanta, Ang. 12 Three enllated men died Thnreday of typhoid fever in the general hoepiul at Kort MrPWaon-a total of 10 death from thia llimi is 0i hour. THREE MEN DEAD AND A WOMAN DYING A Tr(4r oeenr el lo1wan4 la Wklch an ih i ..M. jbmM wut It Are Wln4 !. Daadwood, g. D.. Ang. II. -Three mt-n dead and a woman dying i the re. nit of a (hooting affray at Central City Judge J. p. (lidding. Edward Shannon and Jack Wear are the man and lira lei Shannon la the woman. Shannon had a tx anting bona at Terry and on at Central City He (toyed at night at Terry, learing hla wife to look after the other place Tnierday Shannon returned to Cen tral City and roused Judge (lidding J oat what happened no one know, bat the two men raddenly burnt Into the treat engaged in a death struggle Shan- not had a revolver. Jack Wear tried to aepante them, and wa shot thromgb the tody dying instantly Shannon then hot (lidding through the head, killing him He went lo hla wife' bedroom and beat her about the bead with hi re. volm until he thought be had killed her and then with a freab revolver aht hitaealf The woman la atlll alive but cannot recover. All the part let are pioneer and are waQ to do. (iidding ha had many p litleal office. Intimacy between (lid ding and Mr Shannon i given a the rana of the tragedy. 1 V net " V ALWAYS 5KK Mlblaa'M l'el Omm heaMbWi 'White foffee. J Perfect Flavor. Delightful Aroma. Always the Best. Try a package and you are sure to hfl jrtrYkm- with it. Everything Cood to Eat at JOHN B. MIKE'S THE ORIGINAL CUTT AWFUL WORK OF A DRUNKEN POLICEMAN. H Mesato HU Wile, hi Math and Hi. Tea Children and Then Rill Mlmaalf al Wsw Vurk New York, Ang II. Policeman Hen ry It Hawley, of the Tenderloin tation. while in a Bt of drunken rage shot hn Wife, hl mother, hi ion, 4 rear net. and hi daughter. rear old. He then an " - ,.. r .,,, lli-t 1. 1. .." If in tin I,, il II. :,. taL-' Though rn Irani and expre claim that the robber ercured it la thought i ha. ontiderab wa ecureo weaaaj liT fmi m ( iticinnati. Ang. 1 -Mra. Elisabeth Wtnkleman. of thl ritr, died tn Sew York and her liy wa shipped to this jilai. i i.'i t..-..tine train were the re main of ('apt mi W. D. Sherman, a Xteiae v . i :iu wonoded at Santiago to Kama. At the grave winkletnan ihe i-i-ket wa opened a the remain were found to be that of thf captain in uniform and not that of tl:e aged lady. The wrong caaket bad been put off here. Thos. H. HairstonlO specialist, chronic ano private 0 I'M.KM ci hi: VlTHOUT tat i i or KNIFE l I freaa belDM. rieTt'LA, fleitj IN', and I I.' FkaTKIi hoWELa art Office hoot a: W to It aV IS p.m. Unca at ttoan B. Wilaonl a tore. to Jul All t i r.i i ii.'i mi PARSONS' Bottling works: Kniarged and fetlH.d with N-v unit Inipnufil MachlnM A Nltttl l'lrt ( I ta- mill I p-to-Out I'lnnt. now piepan-l t- IN , i Am ri in, WafOLMOMI mii uu.u ORAUK slA WATBat, ail Who ajajg ati.l (Mail PRICE. ONLY 50 CENTS PER CASE. A ahara of i he public pat ngo raapoitlolly ioln lte.1. Coonirv Met- chant-. I'h me and Ketial ptlie ealalty invlll to give ua a trial We goaraiiiee all w"la ol our tore, ami give prompt attention to all order. Call Of or ad Ire, C. C. PARSONS, Bryan. Tex. kile l'roprtator and liottU-r M AM.VNIi lll.l.s W ATKIt," Nature'. ot Iteinidv lor li digretloii. i paia. eti .-llia..,U'tera for: Fina Cigar Candle, Mfta, Mil, etc. James' Mosquito Lotion, Toilet Soaps, and True f !, OAf ''0n Cl,0",ti, Lraf f foM'l. I HEAT POWDER Tin- Unt ami I'lin-at Powder on tin- Market. ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO INFANTS. Has no llqual for the Cure of the cabinet. Porto Kico will plaii-l in charge of a military governor who will Mnrciae a npenruory control of ali function of ih- government under In direction of the pn-idetit until congn i.4 hull determine iim a -nnauenl form of governin-nt for the uuand. The valdent under the contitntlon and law hn noauthontr logo beyond thl preliminary temporary atage ,n the otatilUhment of any ytem of gov ernmental control, and although it i thought ppatgWl that in hi monage m congp-a on the .nliject he will eien-i con.tittitional privilege of making re commendation. Upon congrea alone will devolve Hn re;onlhllltT and duty of determinini th-' characti r "f pdin-al relationa whii u Porto Rico hall rtnatietitlr Uar M the United Statea. There are n-aon-for the Udief that the tri'ldent him If favor a colon. al form of government and that thl- new hap'd by memU'ri of the cabinet. Canada i cited a hav ing a model colonial government, whirl, i ntlfactorv allk to the majority of II lope mi 1 to the moth r country Th ytem, however, it i la-lleveil can ! nut into oja'tation only after the laie of a conaldeiable periol of time, nnd aft. r th- nple h ave iiemoiiatrated atifa t- rilv their ihility to govern themaelv. , tnlelllgeuliy in all local matter I 'pun the evacuation of Cut it ta h Intedlohe the intention of the pre. i dant lo aatabluh for the whole Uland temporary military government imilar to that in operation at Santiago. When onler haa tieen fully restored and the eople have M-tllett down to their peace- ' ful occupation, It I twlievcd lo he the view of the prealdent that a convention of the n prewntativea of the people will hi rkdlevue hiwpital w here he died aonn afterward. The othra were taken to the New Y"rk hoapltal where it wn aid they would die The only eiplanatum of the crime wa a atatement made l.y Hawley'a wife be fore loaing concioune Pi the effe. t that drink had cauaed all the trouble. Owen (ialUvgoer, employed in a ebon at the rear of the Hawley apartment. aw a goal part of the tragedy. (iallegher heanl Hawley cune hi wife, telling her to "get oat of thl " Then the policeman' mother came up and tried to get the revolver away from him. The old lady put her arm around her on' neck and endeavored to take the r votver away from him. He aboved tier off and then the shiNding ta-gau (iallagher aaw the pollecetuan ttand no ami aim th -piatol directly at the two 'little children. "He ahol them down hk dog," he mill Mr Henry Hawley. the mother of tie- ,-, in.iii, nn-i liter in the Ne. York hoapltal. Her ' ly. a well a that of Hawley and the two children were taken lo an undertaking eatahll! nient, where they were viewed by hun dred of the morbidly curiout. latter Bt llalUi In aByj i Beaumoai. Tex , Aug. 11 Frank Knlhrat Hull tter had tronb.e with a young man there resulting m Fuller gi tting hot in the leg jnt above tl.o making an ugly fleah wound. VcVVVrrlyyfVt HAH tA a a if wi air iKeep Young t VIA in n.n iti imti ! The (oirkeat and Beat RotMa, qua led Double DaJI Umia, and liirect Pointa Kaat. . H. E.1 "tl C na M MMKK KM KIMTII Now on aale to a north, northrat;aod for return until Decei A TRAIN ran am..i Bajti '' Lei HELD UP IN MISSOURI. vim laajaaw ik Iipt.h arur Taking It Away, II In the i.i St. Joseph, Aug. 11 The mctmiliig Omaha "flyer" on th- Ilurlington road WM held up at Dug Hill, twomllaanorlii of here at It o'clock lat night by Ave or . aHflaL i M 1 H ! Vlaaan fSt Z ' rUt "rn, I IS awVaf , jU 1 Are (let (aaw. In a woman' face. T Brian. ai ew II 9r T t ,. . . w a ' I - is aann am A new, vrm V TV. XT 11 fa , - .1,! . Anmul Die r Ml afaaaWaaaA lano-r Jet h- r i I.. i. 9 -an U- ukrno(il.o1n Viola Cream lll make the skin w lank. It wi tm.kliiBT vnunit the yesti gn will often araiear ten year yo ih, really are. Vlei Creaaa U a 8m ly per IwnMliMi which rure e.ujhii, all I. ' I ' laekle . it well armed men. After aaoniing It Hollet a and pteaene the Skin o( Ailn'.l and prevenla the Noslolia Odor Ik called to vote on the queatton of a maeaalnn of thf expn- car the robber roned the Adam Kxpreaa company I of Kxcelve erpiralion. form of government f,ir t), UUo.'.. Agent lor THOS. GOGGAN & BR0 I'tanon, Urgan . Sli I M nl rU'iil Supultea. tiet my iftci'e. Mil : Look over this Line ol 01 -3s;s-- FINE IMPORTS and see il there it anything you want. Crcmc dt rienthe Cremc de CiKoa I Falcon Brand Holland (.In. Vcno Vermouth riaraschino : Pali Orange Bitters. ALL WI sBADllfG BBaUilM ov UQ1 mts lrXJ3VJV db O A. Mm MMnMaa aMkaaj n.-.i. guidon. Aug. la. When the houae of common met 'oday a uicaaion of ipieation on the iiibject of China, elii -iied little mention The government leader, Mr. Hnlfnur, declined to pledge the government to prevent any ratifica tion of the Kr.iniii Ikdginn, IVkiu-Han kow i one, . on, , ut in th,. even' In Hi- . 1 ii' i -1 -1 . ; nri 11 i.nli.,,, . coik'cmioii obtained hv the Kn'tich or llelgian in Hang Tae Baja .tin v, her tnajea' v' govertllliellt will uiiort and ai.t them both in Uunloii and I'ekln tn thl and in all other legiti mate llntih etiterirle The Clmin appropriation hill ihcupas-i d lo it third reading and the session sti paadjajj until the afterniHiti when mrlia ment wa prorogued llnt.inn' inii. Mail PmI kaasler. Waahington. Aug. IV! The president ha nuuoiutcd udge J. M. Hobaon. small safe out of the car door Into a w agon and endeavored to haul itawav They abandoned their task, however, and soon dumped the safe nut on the highway. The safe was recovtred two hour after the holdup and it had not been opened, the trainmen ay. Though several ihot wen tlrml lo In timidate the trainmen, none of thepaaa enger wen umW-lwl. The mhln'rs'iitoiiped the train ty sw inging a red lantern aero the track The engineer o! vim! the signal atnid-t a futlade from l't!i -ide of the track. Ono of the rohti r compelled the en gineer to run the train down VfOO yards. The conductor came out when the train (topped hot wa ordered hack into the j moker where he remained. Kxpn si i Meaaenger Huff offered no realstaoce. Ihemliber wen- hut a few minute rolling out the amall aafe and quitting the teenr of the robbery tunc In I . Rod Imie a vrlvet .kin, . ii k a aa VMa Craaaa. Prnw. at mat a Jar !f uar diuxsUl tm ant nan it. '. S TUP. C. 0. IflTTRian Wk, 4 oo. r- r n . ' v. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. Hhorl and (joick Line'Retweee N tth and South Teiac. iaSlr . aa eiav.1 iw (Man mm ... kte (no In. in, mm tmymm t . a wan at Cw atoft s r n Hi aYtvOV aW(4 CWwanWol aal &tWfT1iH ali aj Vrvkitkf tJMafwa taa Ha (. Nktri In Vt Im ooircc t-i oiukvj f,,.,,, wiM lUla li .... ..... Haan tapeai 4V a. Maa . N. -, M.k I la 0ak CM uiinuaMM Mnarr taMlBi Si r nu MKVn. ODLO tayiak. T n R 0 u 0 M s L E i: l r. u s RKTWKIM OUSTON 35 DENVER Via tnal and Ft Worth GALVESTON DENISON Via llomton aud Pallaa GALVESTON AS, ST.LOUB .Via Hoadon, Kaali aad Itrm HOUSTON lM AUSTIN The II. A T. C. rrtihea (ialvMo lloiiaton, Btrnhmn, Auatin, War Corstrana, Waxahachlo, Ft. Worth, Pallaa, Piano, McKmnay, Sharmaai and PenioQ. and givea tint-claw Service. !. tV. Bum, Traill- Manager. M. U RoaaiHi, (i. P.T. Agt Wuo, Agt. Bryan, Teiaa. llonatm