Newspaper Page Text
3Bnart Ifcorntng Eagle. Price 6 cents. Vol. m No. 220. BRYAN, TEXAS. SUNDAY MORNJNG, AUGUST 14, 1898. & . r Satisfaction Gained by trading with us will cost you Nothing Xtra. Fresh Goods. Full Weights, and Good Measure Guaranteed. HOWELL BROS. THE CROCERS. HOSTILITIES HAY I la all protawnty, will be the three Salesiuuers, ana etlber Joseph Chaste or Elibu Root of New York will be ap pointed. Snator Devi of Minnesota will be offered a place on the com mil ium . bat it la expected be will decline, and that the fifth man, not in the United wtt b selected For That BMMM Four Hattl. HliipN ami TworriiisT Are to br OuTliaiiliil. I . ! eealll. Seattle, Aug. IS Two slight thocki of saxthquaa were felt here last night. Thr vibration were from eat to and of about four seconds' duration. Fresh THE PATROl LEFT ON (THAN COAST. REPORTED AT BATTLE MANZANILLO. Uonilor Will l: nut n at I'orto Bic-i and Most of Blnrkadinir, Fleet to (enter :it kfv West, IN COMMAND OF COMMODORE WATSON. Fruit Jars (omslrte It. turn of Peace Hal. Ml F.stahli.hiiii nt f Peace un.idriin. Etc., a Natter tor thr I'tilerr, Occupation uf Vaslla Soon. Cooling Drinks. Everybody treated Right Washington, Aug. IS With peace ! proclaimed all energir of the military end naTal establishments were directed into pacific channels. Thr sudden change front war to peace was nianifrat in tbe war and nary drpartnients. 1 Thrrr n no further expectancy of the dramatic development of battle or new campaign. Order given for immedi ate eaaaation of hotilltta brought all the military and naval morementa to a halt, and it now remain only to bring 1 affair hack to a peace bai In this, however, the authorttie were acting on the theory that the protocol waa but the Urat tep toward ( . . and that not until final and lat :.-: - w.i rod could there tie an rntir' return to a paw cat but. Thu waa practically true aa to the navy department. In that liranrh it wa expected that permanent peace undoubtedly would 1 made, and yrt, instead of tripl ing our wsrhi, r distributing thetn into tuadrotis on a i i ii basis ami returntuir Lhnn to tbvir 8TENGTHENINO CORDIALS. . . I channel, the naval authorities acted on the principle that the preaeut ami!- COOD LUCK! to Drink ul tin GLOBE SALOON ( Uln aarl Uettlef W .rrt la Malllu Cee. ell.. of II.Mlllllt. Washington. Ang. 1.1 Word having been received hero of an engagement at Mauxanilln, striata were at onoa made by the govtrnment and by Spain to get word to the Americana and Spanuh force that a cessation of hoatilitia bad been ordered Advice ware received tun morning Mating that Captain Gen eral Ii lance had HlWMlll I in getting w ord to Mantanlllo of tbe prvetnt peace ful statu, of affair.' The fight at Mantanillo hewan at 4 o'clock, 4 miuut before the protocol wa sign-d, by the bombardment of the fleet. It ti reported that the inarm. -have been lauded, bat a dlapatch re ceived by Uvneral Creely from the ig ual officer at Play del Gate, made no atem-nt At the navy depart- I it Ml -, 1 that the only v. :. at Manaanill are ome small blockading btp which cnld not have conducted the openttmi. dracrtbed in tbe rneaaaga received It i aaid that Admiral Saints oo t at (luantanamo, and Ctp'am TURNIP SEED Just Received IN BULK by II II. .11 It. The Original Cutter. Phone 40- I . ft .. I I .,nut..t atfffaeP I fie (Morinrb, with tbe Newark, Scon-ion " VJ u . TAYLOR & COX, Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS ! Best Wines, biquor and Cigars PARSONS' BUTTLING WORKS; Knla.ged Hkl fcuttrd wist N Is-VI-fll ... . i ir.i ( la., mill t i.-to-lutr I'lilMt. now ptrparrd t.t fill . ,' .mall, for a ITItlC. IHH.I.sOMi: IIT'iri' 1"' ' ' . a. OKAliK HOIA WATKB, all flavor, at an.! a: aittl lilt. PRICE. ONLY 50 CENTS PER CASE. A hr of the public patronage reepe, Unity .olu-.led. Country Met , !,nt- rltHak and Festival partial e.,cilly intrtttst to glvr of a trial it. jinn- '- ' ""' k'iv" pro,,,pl ,u""on ki all order. Call "U or al Ires, C. C. PARSONS, Bryan, Tex. Nature' owr Fin Cigar. Ma Proprietor and Bottler -MAS-VNIf VJtUJ V VTHl. Remedy for IlllaMsllll PjlJlll etf.-llrad,,ii.Mcr fori Csndics, Knot-. N'lt", etc. v Mosquito Lotion. Toilet Soaps, and True I T HEAT POWDER tke might end in the resumption of ho. t - F r ti at fam.n :..ur Uittb hip and two armored rrulaera ordered north fntm Weat Indian water to un dergo complete overhauling with a view to putting them in tie' pink of condi tion. Meanwhile smaller warahip of Ih V. -i In iian v iter i vr tavn i r drred to afe harhir. a the West In- 1 dian hurricane eaon I near at hand, . while inffirient ahip for police patrot are left along fnban and IVrto Rican coat. The big monitor will remain at I'orto Rico, and irnxt of the blockad ing Awl will center at Key Weat under command of t'omnnlore Wataon. The pane prut i oil wul gnr a breathing pell and tune for bringing every hip lawk to th highest ttate of perfection. The complete return of peace loia and tin' ' .t.tb.i-iiiin nt of i are Muaiiroii. etc.. ua matttr for the future. It to rpH'ted that American ocupstion of Manila will occur immediately after the receipt by Admtral Dewey and General Merrill of ortlera ent them. Ihirinir the eariy hour the war and navy drpartment receivel no acknowl oigimnt fr m the varion naval and mi.itary commander, lut it wa prr umel ordera up lining htilitic are twing rarricil out in all ilirertiona. and Haaaiii. i in tbe vicinity of tt.- (ale of iae and therefore neither of the nffleio t ould have hal anything to do with the engagement. In view uf the Mgiiiag of the protocol and auipen ion of boMilitie, every effort 1 being mad by th anthoritu to atop the fight at aUnzantllo. A dispatch waa aent by Adjutant n. ra. Orbtn to Hantugn directing tleneral Hhafter to get in -unr unirati.-n with Manaanill aa noat ponlMe and inform the naval oommaaaen. there that hotliitlr are over. X ilitpatch alo ent by the navy deparanit to Key Wect ha been for waniei to Mantanillo, and it can baooay fiitrtitly "tate.1 that General Blauco ha telrgnphol to the Spanuh commander at Maaxmillo. t: g..t.i roniniKt-'i nnmern rob bene at Cnt ple creek and in other mining camp and killed two men r ntly in a saloon robberr in th- i F.. Ida of Colorado. Thos. H. Hairston. M. D SPECIALIST. CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES PILKH ( I'RBO APPROPRIATIONS MADE BY CONGRESS. Thr Utl nut! POMl l'owdcr on thr Market. ESPECIALLY UMPTED n INFANTS. Has no -ijual for the Cure i It o 11111 l MkmIII not re.llU.I. Waahington, Aug. ill Very indefi nite information ha been received here rrganiing the engagement at Mann nilla Diipatchea received at the White Houae taU that a naval bombardment i in prugtea. Effort! were maiie at once by the war ami navy dcrtmenta to get information to Maniamllo that the protocol had been lgnnt. Aaaiatant Secretary Allen tit dispatch through ii r "VI" ,D, "ival lonimandcr at l.-. and nrrserve the Skin o( Adult and prrenU the olona Mlr j,U1MmU , hr.tiliti.-e There ' - r . 1 i .at 1 1 iti I . . . . . . . n ir... mt at th W.r, Thr t. Kit. AIm.i SMn.onit.mM, aW Coe Ties lo Jaa. I. taao. Washington, Ang. I I Although th war ith Spain lasted only 114 day, it U timaUl that it ha coat the govern meat far l-o,ou0,too, of which fta,-; .a- en actually paid out of th tnatury. Beginning with March I. warn the first increases in eipenditurr in anticipation of th- nr 1. r . pnient in tbe dally expenditure of the treas iry of actual disbursement on thu arcouut had been approximately as fol low: March -army. OOO.miO; navy, J,tO,(iOO; total, $3,000,000. April -sjgsft l,t0Mai navy, t,HO0,); to tal. ).''. May army. lU.UOO,- U', navy, f;,nti,(iii; total, fiu.wi,ii; Jone-armv. Ifl..Vn.tmo ; navy. 6,aoo,. ooo ; total, fa.1,0tir.000 July- army, , (Hat,aw ; navy, as,,ioo,onii; total. ax."i,(i,. To Aug. IS Army, t.Hi.t'io; navy, l,IM)0.000; total, fi7.00n.tasi. Tirtal j-haiv'd to war department, 1100,000; total charged to navy department, is., ;iimii, (iraiid total, Ap propruitions made Ity congresa on ac count of the wsr aggregate aUtut tStVi.-(-'' and cover time to Jan. 1 , 1SW. t.nt.r. r..r .aai Paris, Ang. 13 -After signing the utuawiol of pane brtwean the United State and Spain t Washington yester day, Hresidrnt ssked 1L Jalas i CamtNin, anihsiaatlor of France, to sefJat hi government fiir lu good of. flee in bringing about raapproachment between the two nation and leading to a cessation of hovtilitir President Me Kinley added that he waa pleased with tbe final peace negotiations that are to b eoadncteti at Pari t hrler ( Msdra. Madras. Aug M -I'holera epidemic I raging here. Between Monday morn ing and Friday night there were ai death from tbe disease, fatalities prior today first mentioned having been Uf. without ri ui o. KNIFC er frost builDes. HUM FIMt KXa. Ilfss ISO asd CU CIATBD BUWELB CTJEID Office hoars: u to 1? a. at.; 1 1 5 p. m. Office t Kam B. WllsotVl Imf-tore. PEil.ll. RolM) TRIP RATES VIA 1UE0LII KKI UBI.i: MI0RT UE (I. & G. N. It. It.) lirkest and Best Route. Una .; :alel Il.nb'e Ptilr service to Hi.' l.'-nis. and IHrect ' tinertion fo Point Fast. How to : iKeep Young SL'MMF.B Ttit'RI.-TJTICKKTS. Now on sale to all tourist fatarta north, nortbesst'and north watt, for return until Decern i er ! let, 188fi. , 4 r' Vimm w .... r Mh. f F:xresslve perspiration. Ancnt tor THOS. GOGGAN & BRO.. Pitin..-. Orgtin-. Shift Mu-ir -it :il BtapfliM. rt my pnaw. Look over this Line rtasss-Wss3s----" FINE IMPORTS nnd see it there is anything you want. at nenthc Creme dc Cocoa I l-alcon Brand Holland Gin. Veno Vermouth Haraschino Pale Orange Bitters. ai l Till. I.I.AIUMS IlKANliS tr I.ltiUORS. is an impression at the war department that no engagement took placv at Man sanillo and that the report la the result of misinformation somewhere. Advices have been received that Oapt. (len. B.anro ancceeiled in informing Maura- ntllo of the cessation of htwtilitie. Ilr.nllr.l I t in Anirro sn. New York. Aug. la. A special to The llernlii fn in Washington say Act ing Secretary Allen of the navy depart -n eut received a liiatch notifying him that the naval force sent him by Admi ral Sampson app-ared in thr harbor at Mansauiilo ami ilemamletl a surrender. The commandant of the city declined to comply with the demand, and an en gagement took place, which Is said to ...i : .: 1 v.-t -riotflr for th" Amer- rrnhwbl I uilulsa. Washington, Aug. 13 Secretary Day Benator Allium and osaator Uorman COLORADO ROBBERS HAVE BEEN LOCATED. r..lualv stirtltr t'etirxl Una th Outlaw ISaWB, nl I lllBSMlf kllltct la Ih right. IXnver, Aug. 13. -A special to Tbe Tmit - from Kokomo, Colo ay : A ptwae with blorslhound are scouring the hills in search of Iug Ryan, the robber who escaped yesterday afternoon aft. r the shooting affair in which two men were killed and two mortally wounded. Ex lVputy Sheriff Conrad, of Bracks nrtdgo had located a band of outlaws, who robbed a saloon in that town Thursday night, in a cabin near Kokomo, with Summer Whitney, a well known buiue man of Kokomo, Conard went to the cabin to investigate. The bandits opened tire and Conard fell dead at the first shot Whitney wa mirtally wounded, but he continued fir ing and uceded in killing Dick Bry an and mortally wounding Dick Man toy. Pug Ryan escaped, he i heavily arm ed. Manley has made a confession in which hs says there were four rnstun ij Viola Cream ' . will nnooth and keep wosssa (I on s. the . r I y. They (I ii IfStSf a I "r ) i -tower than . are. . u4a Ctraai I a I ( "' - - I I imple. hlaekbea.1. Ian and i . h tutttsini. Ii 1 to dloVvsat floss, ssd as i ran. h tettrr than, say other mswdy of 'J tti- that there It tstthlns wim wsleh m s Tin: c. uitt.m :h t'O., 4 Tcledo. Ohlr 1 or full! particulars, time cards, sleep, er resrrvslions. e r . apply to nearest ticket agent, I. A U. N. It. K-, or atV re- D.J. Pan I, IP. and;T. A . I. A O.K. R. R, Palestine, Texas. W. II. LAWRsf oa DENTIST. Office Fmnt Room-tfcr Po4 I R. R. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. Short and Quick LinitBstrs North and South Tex. vabyii tMriM V, . , aatil a MS Ill's a. .. i I W ahtet S tssast. IM Usmaa ' liakda. (WlMt . Ca t. Unit"!. M C am as smiaiiaiai fcnUaj Kaaja Saa Laak SwsIm Via ta PDirf c r," ' " " r niULO i,... . it,..-. n.... laa.-a.toCa a. UJ SJ. Saw. Wat Sj Ts ' at. laaaat m Sj.a tlx UuiuatiM-MiTatr ttMtaa .. I Ttoa U 1 USWVS. OSLO illlk T M R O U 0 rl S L E B P E S BFTWKIN OUSTON ATi: DENVER VIs Knal. snd Ft. Wsrlfc GALVESTON OENISON Vis Iloniton and I'allaa. GALVESTON , ST. LOUIS Via Houston, Ennui and Tarta HOUSTON M, AUSTIN The II. A T. C. reaihtt Ualrestoa Houston, Brenhsm, Austin, Waco Corsicana, Waxahachto, Ft. Worth. Dallas, IMano, McKinnev. Sherman and Ienon. and give first-class Service. ' C. V. Bbx. M. L. Rosatas, j Traffic Manager. 0. P.'A'.T. Agt W. I, Wiuwv, Agt. Houttca Bryaa, Texat.