Newspaper Page Text
tsa4wal Wat 9 Vol. Ill No. 221. BRYAN, TEXAS. TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 16, 1898. Price 5 cents. J i Satisfaction Gained by trading with us will cost you Nothing Xtra. Fresh Goods, Full Weights, and Good Measure Guaranteed. HOWELL BROS. THE GROCERS. Hlf SPANISH TABS DEFEAT. No Disturbances Hare Ornir Hi, but the People Are In a Gloomy Mood. thi: loss of the philippines. This Ik the View Taken That Will lie the Outcome of the Final Term ol react?. by the '.amiaivi wipletJ Meak4ta kMMn Ceailag la. Key Wait Aug. 15. -In with order from the navy department Ooamaaotlor Howell of tba north Co ban court blockading srruadron U rapidly sembltag b ships at Bey Waal. Many hare already arrived Tka flagship Kan Praneiaeo with the commodore aboard la bar. 8ha lonhi none the worae for bar Mparlw off Havana . rhr Friday morning. The hoia tarn In bar tem by the It-inch bath fmm Motto r it Is baa been neatly patched nd the damage of tbe ship is lncoatlnVrable. , Tba larger gnnboata and tha torpedn deetrorari have not yet received order", but the i or ado boata and revenue cat tan alreedr have been railed north. Fresh Fruit Jars in n if lillN.i NEWSPAPER COMMENT ALMOST IN ACCORD. Nrarlj all Admit That spala' ale aial Pnel Are t.une and the (oeatry Kedncrd to Third Hate Power. i. larvae m u.p.u spea' Pon, Porto Rico, A of 11 -The newt has (topped all lorvmrd , movement of the Amaru n army in I'orto Rien General Wileon at Coamo, and General Schwan at Mavaarues, will remain at those place. Oeneral Henry, who to at I tuado, will retnrn to Adjun tas, and (ieneral Brooke, who had ad vance.! bernnd Goayamo, will retnrn to that town (feneral Mile expects to do nothing jiandtuf ihr arriral at San Juan of tie paaoe coannajt an. TURNIP SEED Just Received IN BULK by COOD LUCK!! ho ltrink at the GLOBE SALOON TAYLOR & COX, Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS ! Coolino Drinks, Stenothenino Cordials. Everybody treated Right. Best Wines, Liquor and Cigars PARSONS1 B0TTL,N6 W0RKS: hn arged ai'l refill' I itl. New mid Improved Mitrliliier) . A -tru th First Una I p-lo-lit IMawt. now prepared to fill I PI II, OLBMHra mid HOB .HAIi: HOA HATKIt, all flavors, at Wbolrssleand Retail. PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS PER CASE. A share of the public patr.msge teepectlnlly eoiicited. Country Met i liant-, I'it -tnc and Festival par tie eepectslly iovitexl to give na a trial We guarantee all goods of our manufacture, and give prompt attention toallordtra. Call on or ad tree, C. C. PARSONS, Bryan. Tex. Madrid, An 14 The governors gn eral of Cuba and Porto Rxo hae ac knowledged tbe receipt of tbe dears of tha suspension of leaiilitie between tha United State and Spain and auuouncct tbe oan-ving one of the order An order ba Wn iaanad by tba cap lain ireneral of Madrid suspending tbe , i . ..tiMii of t . Itepublican iiewapa per B Pal Tha city i patched by police), but . feet tranquility prevail. The publication of the protrol pro- duead keen i;iapp lilt: to the Phil. pin hoped Spain would prcerv her sovereignty intact ''jiu 3 of the pre torol diepela tin delu.lon. Eohjrinit public feeling tba indrprnd- nt and opposing paie-r bitterly criticise tha r.auae a affording pretext for cur tailing Spanish sovereignty in an arrhl C'lago where control or inlerferenca of a foreign power would make tba native ungovernable He! fie' ! New Tork, Aug. 15. The central cable oflce of the Western Union Tele graph eom.any report all restrictions plart tpnn cable traffic between tha Weat ladie. Spain and lu dependencies by the for. rnment of the United State have beta removed. ,au Kill . Mu. Hrnrtoa Teg., Aor. rfc. There waa a traajedy enacted Sunday afternoon in tlMMarof the premieaa at lio-iTeia aveaTO" la hirh a colored woman killed a roinred man with a pocket knife. V ' aw the flar tit and iMKbing It Wnrn aS.nt it asoant the woman's neui m, far a it j lUWmw The man1, ingnlar rein waa it had scared tad ha did not live long enough to raaksarv tatement about the affa.r i ME. The Original Cutter. Phone 40 A decree haa been leaned granting the troops a three month' fnrlongh. The minister of war. (eeneral ('oareo. haa laaued a circular tiring rule for Ihe dishandmeut of tbe foroas returning from tbe West Indies, who will band over thetr arm and war stores on land ing at tha porta of Vego, Corrnna and i ....... la Nabesaha Itaaa. . Nab.. Aug. II. Mrs Dahlia 'rowell, tta oldaat woman in Nebraska, l dead at tl-r noma near Table Rock. 8b waa a iuail girl whan Washington waa i .pendent and instated that aha waa born la Iftfc Neighbors who have known her for MO year believe aha waa aboulilu j. an old. Her faonh hoe- hand died of old age a quarter of a cen tury ago. cat ion tnat scnom Irate, nave s ngr.r to coiitrai t tor teacher jnt prevlon in an eleccion. Killaal Hf Unit. Waaaa. IVtroit, Tex . Aug 15 Old man SU a Tegue waa killed with a knife hare, canard by a familv trouble that been brewing for ome time. Tbe layer uaa not been arrested yet Thos. H. Hairston, M. D specialist, CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES PILKfl CI IIKD II. Mar ea.t Uaj. New York. Aug. 1A. It la said on high authority that Ambaaeador Hay 1 at to be made aearetarr of state to iur i eeed J edge Day. W hi tela w Raid, on the same authority, will go aa mb.-v dor an o.e I'r. prielor and llnttler "MAItAjalC Iteini'dv for Indigestion, I'pepsia, etc Camliea, Fruit. Nuta. etr. I I.I.- -llcadnti WATrll, letaaa for Nature' owt Fine Cigars, Mnsquito Lotion. Toilet Soapi. and True I HEAT POWDER The licet ami I'ur. t IWlor on ON Market. ESPECIALLY VDAPTUI) TO INFANTS. Has no I-qual for the Cure of The meeting of baturday of tha cabi net council waa devoted chiefly to the consideration of mean for restoring commercial, postal and telegraph com monicatton with the coloaata. The comments of the urea are a rent able funeral hymn on the destruction of tba Spanish colon uU empire. Soma day ao the da ire for peace mvle Ihe people rloas their eyes to the prtoe. but now upon reading the protocol, they realix that tbe cost I the lata of that ti pin- which Spam hail conqnered with an much glory an I that Spain now fall to the MMond rank among nation. Tha public mind i tunned and there is gen eral mourning. Kl Pit print the teit of the protocol ign-d br the Untied State and Spain i with t.. .iiuiing border and aald: ".";vain without colonies is redocail to tbe lole of a third rate power." Kl Imparrial ear : "Pi-are wul not bring to rpam area therethe so much nael after three , year and a half of war." Kl N. it in nil nay bltterlv : "If Spain had .it least l-cn vanqnihcl only after a funou and herur Rtrnggle ha could re.ign hernelf lVace with rharterea la Taha Ik. V Harg Kong. Anguat l Newt of tha cessation of hoatiUliea between tha Called Statea and Spain was received bate Saturday. Tba bntiab teanier Atatralia. bound for Sydney. N S. W , waj chartered to carry tbe newt to Ma nila No other veeaal was availahl for the purpose owing to Iba prevalence of tyflioitM. Raagti Ki4rs Btatara Haeaa. Cbmp Wikoff. Montauk Point, Au.' 15. The transport Miami with licneral Joseph Wheeler and staff, Oaetmel The ndere Raaevelt and itaff and rough rvwn arrived at M o'clock Sunday night. Only St of tbe rough rider art ill and none have infection diseases. Kliliag la Oal.eeeM. (ialveston. Ang. 13 -William Batch- eior waa shot foor time in the breast and died almost instantly bare. John M Wilson, son-in-law of Balohslor wife, surrendared to tha polttw and la la i jail chargad with tha ihiiiiMin fatally trouDiaa laa cause of the shouting ca-' tMrMtl ) Blondes ) Brunettes i ...toil Agla T.llaw rvr. Jaclrson. Miss , Aug l.V Tha .f.v tuarl of health hat sent out corps of m aptetor for trains, guard for landing point. t protect the state against th possible ipiaad of yellow fever from Franklin, La. No parson can enter Mi-ds. ; ;n from Louisiana without health cert i ilea tea. ImrilfU llark U Iwdon, Aug. l.V Advc from Mel. bonrne report that the American lar r r 1'uiik, t'.ipt NiuM'ti. which saileit from Tacotna May XI for i(dlmrne, haa l-n wrecked on Kinder inland, Taa V. v. n of those on loan! the bnrk. lnclnuing t'apt Ni-en. his wife and Hra childn-n. were drowned. lie. Ileao, lllbar Will Ilia. Tvler, Tex., Aug. l.i Two negro, i S He? 7 V Fmonth, toft, vrlrrty kin a I'd make any u..m.n . f.e aitrai tire, hcthcr .!.. i. i :..,!, i.r i - .ii. ii. s ;. n i ! asanivlf llietklD l tree nl freckles, l.ver ml, stattJ (an he. 14a. khaaikv Ian, wiil4im pimt'le.. T.i reawaaMsaeyi ajsv all the MemUhn llwrc i but i.n wv ri sin It. and thai b Viola Cream It - lien and preaerves the Skin ot Adult and preventa ihe Notion thlor of Kxi eaaire per-piration. Agent lor THOS. 6066AN A BR0 PtUtt, Orpan. Sl... t Mu-- nml Mu--iiiil "iiiilii-. .t my iiiiii". Look over this Line ol5 FINE IMPORTS and sec ii there is anything you want. Creme de lenthe Crenie Ue CKta PalCOn lirand Holland Qln. Vcno Vermouth Ha rase hi no ; rata Orange Hitters. a i.i. mi: UaslDUHl BBUiM LIQ1 OM rXJ3T3T db IDA. the United Mate- wi :.v l. n ime 1 ,..,..! in a flgbt in a oabln on Border mentary rrpite from inir misforunn " Kl Liberal says the article in the pr tcol relating to the Philippines dona not not indicate that anything gorl for Stn will lie ftxeil up n, and the ques tion will not lie settled favorably for her. Ii; (ilobo (tninntertali pine for peace "ii Sviin and the United State, and Kir the communication on eastern j question which D.iy and I'aml-.n have ! ilgtled Ivglli the firt cliapter in a Hew v of Knrop . Kl Tietiqio. ii'ottMTvniivei ..iv. "Peace i iin accomplished fact. The bllterncx of iFefpnt SaW not prevent M from - .!u- . itii Nttufuctmn tk" n i of Ihe war." Kl Knra aya : "The pi-ace i. he saildest iuioai-l . in. -.. tl -tr utv ..f Utreteht." and .. pre - ii. utit ".f a government which hue it.;f to N dnwg. d into a war wilV acquit itw'lf well hy negoita' lllg ace " H. vi ;o w ml to know how Ainer - t . m.ike the t 'ubnn and Phiiu piiie insurgent submit to a sus- p'tiaion ot iiontuitie ami keep them in In-li until the evacuation of the talanos treet here and Joe Johnson had his throat cut and died in a few minute. Hi assailant. Henry Held, was shot three time, with a revolver and can not ' possibly lire. hiotiag Ilea al Halle. Dallas, Tex., Aug II OeargeWash tngti n. a young negro of Tl, waa shot and faullr wimoded at a :rding hnnaa for colored people on Elm street. Mt II. .,r . i Untthlark, and know In Afro-A- n. in circle. a "Pi gc g," wan .'i-rc-t. i by officer and locked up. .l.i.l. tWilmon 1. Il.ail ik- -'.e Hedmon.a co ..i. i worn in, Ii u i cut in the al domcn Saturday night dunng a mrle.', dleil at ealy hnfpital A charge of mur der ha- been prefem d agaiti.r Harriet Weal, also colored ) This Is not a pal 1 1, i, ti llial a litis r 1 lis. t.- n II--1 1. a-v--" trial a til aceimipllsl ainu ii nd girls whi nd. frei kleit, l.loichtvl or .impled. IiruKtut sell laif lr h 50 THE 0. O. BtTTNER CO.. rsMs, Ohio. New N'linil Line. GalviHton, Aug. 15 Tbe Roue Cast of the t'" line .n- arrived. '.'4 da from It.irry, in This Is the llr.t of the tiNi that are to make a regu l.i r - rvice between this port and Ant werp, taking cargo both way a ... i. ... of T.aeher. Austiu, Aug. 15. A decision km fBffVljraeiia v, ... pw. ia taasM .1 , , m e, a mm sat taa. la 1 na Ni trea ; . a. , uaa a Caw MMn ua. Caa la eeMm I'auHsan a aansoaiai Vn, lMfa Mat BM Caa. aVtai Vaaa a PDlPCC -r a.l I state rniuLO nwiitaaua.. Isgsaal i Caa a IU N- taa. Va aa. Taa Oaa,faaaaM aaptst CDt UHKaattM ratnirr (HrMM. Qt . tatvvx. oxo ititiaat WITHOUT r.i use or KNIFE ' I tioss bosta.. ritit la. riraain, mu 1K0 aad CU KATKD aOWKLS mM9. Office houri: to 13 A. . St) 5 p. m. OSce at Sam B. Wlujou's Drnf. store. PEC1AL ROCNP TRIP HATES VIA THE OLD KLI.HBLK MiOET LIB I. A O. N. R. R.1 The guickeat and Beat aUtaaaV qaaled Dooble Daily Hervtce I.. ui. and Direct PoiaU Kaat. ' Una. to At, nnectiona fo mI MUKR T(t lUSTTTIOKETS. Now on aale to all touriat raaorta north , northeasl.anJ north weat. Good for return ir.til Decemler 31Ht, lAM. For fn ".particular, time carda, gltay er reaervatione, ate, apply to law reef, ticket agent, I. & G. N. R. It., or ad. dreae D. J. Pucrn, GP. andT. A..I. at G. N. R. R. Palestine, Texas, W. B. LAWRENCE, DENTIST. Otlire Kriitit Kootn over PoaiorTtce. Bri .in. : Texae. H.4T.C. R. ii. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. Short and Quick LineJBetweea Vorth and South Teias, T M 0 U 0 ri S L E E P E S II. A T.I C. rtaihe BETWKKH OUSTON DENVER Via Etinl aad Ft WMh GALVESTON DENISON Via Hons ten ao4 lallaa GALVESTON.,. ST. LOUIS Via Routton, Kant aad Pari HOUSTON , AUSTIN Houtton, Brrpli in, Austin, Waro Ci.'icana, Wktaiiachie, Ft. Worth, l' laa, I'lano, Mi Kirnev Sherman and Deneon. and givri first-class Njrvlce. ' 0. W. Bttv M. L Boaant, Traffic Manager. G. P. 'A T. Agt. W. S. WiLfox, Agt. Houston Bryan, Trias. been rendered at the .department of edu-