Newspaper Page Text
Eagle. IDorntng 1 Vol .III No. 222. BRYAN, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17, 1898. Price 5 cenl J Satisfaction Gained by trading with us will cost you Nothing Xtra. Fresh Goods. Full Weights, and Good Measure Guaranteed. HOWELL BROS. THE GROCERS. Fruit Jars Half Gals, and Quarts ANOTHER CHANCE ' TUB CABINET. AinliMHtdor Hay Will Tako tin- n., or falgi iu a IwrttMff f HUtr. TWO COM MISSIONS BATE BEEN NAMED. One to nlia Inrliulrs Wadf, Samp win ami Hurler, and to I'nrto Rico, llrook, s lilt;, ilordon. FURTHER NEWS OF THE FALL OF MANILA. A. Far aa Cm I!. I ..i Hi. i it; W Hum tillered In thr lineri-'.in- by ra. I Ii iim -. Mllll Sll.iic.lld t Hi' II. 1 1. GOOD luck:! In Itrink lit the GLOBE SALOON Wadnngton, Aug. Ifl - Amlataaadc.r Hay at Indnn ha. accented the office of eevr.tarr t atate Hrcretary iMy will l one of Mi-pi'.' ruiuiiiiMion to Ml I'ana Tan I .... L.l.x.. A pBnlnla.t, Waahingtnn. Auk l" The president ha appointed two "'111- cotiitniraiou tn adju.t the evacuation of Cubs ait'l fmtt Mm For i 'tin Major li.nentl Jnm- F W ..I.', Bear Admiral W T. Sampenn and Major General Matthew O. Butler K'r 1' irtn Kico Major General John It Brike, Bear A'lmlral Winneld H. N h .-yami I'.n.-ani. r (i. ii.ral Win. W. Gordon. cartrnlg. . U) ba promptly delivered to the Unit. .1 Mtatca government. aa Milin la the ll. i.. New Vnrii, Aug. 16. Ten of thc rough nder. who were landed at Hon taak Pom from the tran.port Miami, an la detention camp where thav will be leapt for three .lay.. Nearly all an dywntary ease Kew are in critical condition In the y.-.iow fever hoapttal there are three MftflMl from th 8t. Loot. THEIR LOVE TURNED FINALLY INTO DISGUST. LMaaal -rh ter apeagled Itanaer- 1.111 i Waa ll.fed .r ...ll.fc Hamiajr, d Cuba, Aug 10 Oaatno Knn!a. or fin- raniah rlnb of Santi ago, mu' h fre.u. nie.1 by ttpaniah olu cera, have for ame time boosted ot a gramophone which waa a enuree of Joy and delight to the rlnb mambera before -apttulaMm Strangely enough through th.- long night' siege the favorite pirn of nisaic which thajr war in habit of having rj t, d four or five time an evening w. rhe "Star Spin;?!.-.! Ban nrr," which greatly pleaued their mu.'. cnJ ulv alinough they were entirely Ignorant of it. orifion or aigninciui"e At fate would decree on tba morning of July IT, a n.-n the American flag win. hoi.te.1 over to., governor'! palaon the regimental Un i of the Stith cavalry played with nttii.wt guto tin. elf ame air, meaning than broke ute on the h.vii. siwni.ii ofti.-.-ra witn luminal (are. and with no little dlacoiu Oturt to their already ruffled Tf'Trf WILL BLOCK THE GOVERNMENT'S POLICY. CI Tmi. fta lii'iiurr Thai tl ! Is thm m uf MRnr ftllvvla. tit Fresh TURNIP SEED Just Received IN BULK by I II. 1 li. The Original Cutter. Phone 40 TAYLOR & COX, Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS I Coolino Drinks, Stenothenino Cordials. Everybody treated Right. Best Wines, Liquor and Cigars AUGUSTI DISMISSED AS CAPTAIN GENERAL. w Lai n.i H .i a, od J.a4erea Wu 1' la HI. MaM 1 OMMl PARSONS' BOTTLING WORKS KnlatfiNl (twl rehiled ailh Ni'W ami liiir.ird Mat lilner . Htrirtly Flrt lu ami I -lo-lute I'lanl, now tn irl all, f r a 11 it i:, WBOLMOMI mmI noB HlAIi: KODA W ATKIt, ail Mavora. at WhoL-iale and Retail. PRICE. ONLY 50 CENTS PER CASE. IENT patmni Berlin, Auk a.'-croing to a dipatrh from Hong Kong, waa .lumhued from hia pool aa raptaln general of the Pbilippinaa on Aug. 10. Oeneral Jaudenie waa order ed to take ovr the command of Manila. The di.patrb aayi the AmerWna no tified the authontle. of Manila that bom bardment by era and land would com mence at nnn on Auf. The city Mirrendered on Sittiniay an.l the Amer ican flag wa hunted forthwith. Mpan- lah oflloi.r. w.-n- allowed their freedom by parole. The judiciary and aduiiuu tratlve officer. arc ton-main temporarily , In the bandi of the Spaniarda. Tha in urge uu remain ouUnle the town., Amt. In -Aoootding to Kl Tiemno. the orgau dnwident to tha Con enrative. Henor .SUvela, the leader of that irty, to block thegovern ment'i policy. Tha aaeen retreat baa paraonaily thanked the Kn'tich government for ita good UaWe in obtaining peace and ha. charged Senor Leon y Caatlllo, theHpan Uh aabaaaador at Pari to inform M Delraa. tba French mi Dieter for foreign aff.i.r. her In. cinf.-rred . upon him tha grand cmee of thr Order of Carina Ml. A atmllar di.tinctlon ia be tov.ed upon L Falenotre, tba French amtaeavlor at Madrid. bjiparcial pobll.hee a letter from llariia whoaa writer aaerrU (eenerml Blaucc had anooaadad in huudwinkutg th American aa to Admiral Cerrera't whcrettuU, bot that the Madrid gcv cmtarat frustrated hia plana by an MMV the arrival of hi. Muadron at Santiago. i if the Mxteenth iniantry died at Fort Mci'herum of tvphoui fever, and B.-rn MMM oomuany I, Firt Fiorina r. gimeiit .lied of dyaent.-ry. xar.l Miller Nnvra llel.iiarl.r. Han FranctaOO, Aag. III Bngadn-r Oaaatal Miller ha. moved tba headquar ter, of the inoept'tident ntvialon of th Kighth i orp. Inn I 'amp M.-rrltt to Preaidio 'lr'inov. at Camp Merritt will remain tberi- thi week or until in formation la received bet her or nut General M.-mtt need, any mora tot diere In the event that ha doaa not, tba troop will lie moved to Freaidtn and await further rderi. The departure of the t ran, porta feVan dia and Anaona .till delayed. It u poMinle that they may t --tat to Manila with tuppliee for the tmopa. Thos. H. Hairston, M. D specialist, chronic ano private diseases IMI.FN t'KKD WITHOUT t.i vat er KNIFE or oataMM ftoai boalD.M. rikTt LA, FIMt'RM, I1CS 1KI and I'M IKATID BOWEL COSBI Office houta: to. It a. M( fl W 1p.m. UK'ealam atora. ' '', .ch mm Imy. . 'ourn and when aM r WIWaOMM th If- Ai KIU ND TRIP RATES .TccX- Ail W ill ie. by Taaeeeer. WaahlngtoB, Aug. 18 A r aaga waa received at the a. meet from General HMf) mee. aaytng that ba expect d,wt troop will leave for t at Santiago the laet I A ahaM patr.m. ga reH-. tin) y nili.ii. il. t umrv oet- chanter. nil Fe.lital aille e4rially mvite.1 to give u a trial We guarantee all good of our manufacture, and give prompt alter. tu n tn all order, ('all n or ad-Ire.., C. C. PARSONS, Bryan, Tex. Wa Pmurietor and llottler "MANtiANIC WKI.O WATKK," Nature' owt Keni. lv for 1 n.l -.ti .n, I etc.'teri for; Flo Cigar, Ctli'llea, I rtllt-. S.lte, e c. ....... l Nmineil M..I.IJ Madrid, Aug. Ill -The goranii 1 i- l.-ii ui'tiii : i'V the Swnih c at Hong Kug of the aurrender of tula. The manner in which the an der waa . if. .-ted wna not made kn CUBAN SHOT BY A SENTRY AT SANTIAGO m j .. . (til .,.lin tl.H f W Ike ImnMuo al the an.l W nulil N.,1 ll.ll Br jnnHt Brunettes Masquito Lotion. Toilet Soaps, and True .arrrnil.r omrlallf liondon, Aug. In. A fm n Madrid aay. the at: nila on Salunlav by Qkfl haa been offli'tally anno H il St.itc. t r ; iiiiiik the city. tMHMMa aajaj duiich R Mat of Ma i' ml Jaudenie. Mi The Un. Iiutrly ocrupnil I HEAT POWDER The Ul and i'lin at I'ow.ler on the M irkct. ESPECIALLY fVDAPTED TO INFANTS. Has no Initial for the Cure of mmmmmm Mea.lT In the MM Hong, Aug. Itl.-Olilcial of Manila Cable comny an- antim awaiting ermla.ioii to repair the ami a caule teaim r u tiow al Slugnp awaiting tn.iriictiori. It w.llena and preeerve Ilia Skin ot Adult, and uiwMMa the It Ml Mil Odor of Kvn-aaive ier-u at Ajent lor THOS. GOGGAN & BRO.. V i, 1 , BhMt Mu-i. kl .1 ett'iit Hupplif.. (id til y (iriiVH, Look over this Line ol Will ,. Re a Mr...l..e. Waablngfon. Aug It, -The, tative announcement la mad' a lor AUiMin will not l a .nthorl iwace co'iiiniMion. H - t S-n apoa htm hr lh pr!in'iiilrnf the i liaon, howeverlnch wa urged I itaf nut aide to accept r important .intie.. fantiag". Ang. ID. morniiif a I'ulatn wua .hot wlc aught him t. ndav top-ifrmi the d(-k S.Jaentry diftcovere.1 that enough gunuiary tolell t.ltlHlk. three i irv " u ha.1 lern taken mit.aha.1 been o ao4f, which ie ,,, evn" The tn. -li midi r .napi. mn j. i to the wharf oniSunday night, "ntly with the iiitention of ...ntinu- llu ir thcivmg, bnt wen- arnel off larly Monday morning one wit. found Acre Winn the aentrr challenged Jiim, he to ol.y the onier i to halt. Aa he waa likely tn eacape, the , aentrr fired on him. The occurrence ia regretted by t leneral Wotal od the American officer generally. Imt pmha , Wy It will have a aalutary effect, aa the raid, on the commikaary, the medical and It'll Cm, itoreajhave bean altagatb er li frHiieiit to be toleratnl longer. For fali;particulan, time . arda, aleetw er retervationa. etc., apply In niaraM ticket agant, I. A 0. N..B. R or ad ttm D. J. Fan i, O-IV tnd'T. A , I. A (i. Jt. K. R. 1'alaatiua, Teiaa, W. II. LAWRENCE, DENTIST. Ofl'ire Front Room over l'otofflM. J f FINE and sec it tn Crcmc dl ."lent he I akon lit Veno Vermouth Pale fh ai.i. i in: t.i : i Ni Mu.t.reil - All oriel ln. lul. ity in the col eatenel with tn defend our lur in- i aMad i.ifc ll". Th Krnoch com- i. -no i. i. i u hav I for 10 iMNI ihmi mUlMrr Wheeler M MM al VI .ablnglaa.. Wi-liington. Ang I d I ienenal Joe Wheeler tin. I.'en onlen-d to W.iah'.ng ton. The aecretary of war dealrltig o commit with him on the aituatlon at Smtiago t.en llwlnrn. In .1 .eh.niivllle. Wa.hingtnu, Aug I" - ( lenarai ITttaV Hugh te e Held ii bri. f ' "lifer, nee with the BMktaM ami later nrraiiged to leave fin Ion I'oiiilliiilld ill Jnckaonville III nf T, BtkaMJ l ever. Atlanta. Aug. Pi Kimer J (lonrdan, of compaiie K, S. con. 1 New York To'- iintcer. and B llrnw and. Third United Stat. infa' trv, -tt-.l it l'"tt M. I'll I-. ii of typhoid fever, The hoapttal I at II crowded. Many patient are nnivale cent, hut are delayed in getting away oa furlongha. tw. Heath, at rn He I Ailautn, Aug. m Henrr A. (l.-nham r hu niom by Tbnrtday. j 1 V f 7 ' fS 1 i j r .r rtroadr. J ) Viola Cream ( j ThU l WH a raiat that eoveri op, nor a w A hhaeh that wltlwr. an.1 A- - ' r aofL i iamypcerarui ehkh htha I a, i M aa beta Ueel liy tltiHiNtrrl, a.inwn a 1 . M 1 Vleta Craaai u tl nly Ifllj thai f ' A p'ally ii ii a J Miaialin It can la tacd with great J ff lirugylita e ll large Jan na 80 otala, a I f T I M I THE O. O. BITTMCR OO.. f f raeWe. Ohio. R J : 1 -- - oi1-. i n ' , " I rMlkfVl M Th. ... A l.CC aba)lga)aBaaKaattaam aaaaaaia -aaa-au J w Uoiitlon, Fit orlcatia, Wi VIA THE 01.11 HI I l HI . N10RT LINE i. a i. . r. b.) Tha gaickeat and Beat Koala. Ua ipialed Double Bally service to ft. Looii. and IHraet Connectiona to I'oinu Kait. sI'MMKK TorRIrnnriCKIiT8. Now on aal to all tourist ratorM north, nortbeaataod northwaal. Good for return until He. eml er .11. t, IMS. ltr:in, Texia. UH. a. u ,wnwa - taa . . . . . v. ... M Cned lai Kta. a)wt tHraaae ui. .BkaWa aeanaw i.anlei. nfr ti it. Caafan aeatrtMeta. J Waa, MMB manCiav IgVl VMa, aa. PPlPCC 'HMraaaitaliai I la , tm UJ rniVLO taanla-UaarWaia !) aaaaaaa la.-a,tacaei N taa. Vat Ua fa. Oaa.Waaa. jaa CM UlafUaiMi haftafr (atrtMa fit. ewa m. oaKvt, iuu tut i aa la DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. Hhort and Quick Line.'Hetweee North and south Te., IIKTWIKN sr OUSTON ATT! DENVER Vto rau auj ft Wntta GALVESTON . OENISON Via llmutou and I .IU. GALVESTON , M, ST. LOUIS VI Neuiton, Fnel. aa raitt HOUSTON JUilN Dalla. I'lano and Demon, Sertlre. t. i hfi and gin . H i LB i co ' Worth, shrni b Ural 1 1 m '. A'. BtiK, M. ... RMMn Trafllc Manager. ii. i'.'A T. Agt. W. P. Wiuos, Agt. Hooaiua Hryaa, Trxai. i I