Newspaper Page Text
Eagle. BRYAN, TEXAS. THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 18, 1898. Vol .III No. 223. Price 6 cent moxnina J r Satisfaction Gained by trading with us will cost you Nothing Xtra. Fresh Goods. Full Weights, and Good Measure Guaranteed. HOWELL BROS. THE GROCERS. Fruit Jars lllf MANILA WAS CAPTIffl Land anil Natal Forre fonv bfftrd In an Attain I pun MM I'Uy. Tba "if it U asserted, will I Ule Ma II. COLORADO TROOPS LED Til K VAN. Ik. CI ah. Santiago, lap 17. -Tim Eighth Ohio regimental I and wmuiM the Oarlos Cuban do l, on Tuesday evening In ree isjrnltioo of the courtesy extended by the rlobtn the nffltm of the American amy and navy during their tay at Ben tiair Th- American national hymn re clrd enthn.tavm All Americana and Cabana ant eren Spaniard, who were present, ri. iir. applauding and cru-eriuir REVIEW OF TROOPS AT CHICKAMAUGA. Fresh Kwry Van In th llegimr-nt Dintin-ui.-kn 1 Himelf, ami Nw Hi a Place a- a ll'-ro. DEWEY'S BOMBARDMENT WAS NOT REPLIED TO. spanUh Troop, la Trrnrhi loujb. Hard, but iwM Nal heck the American. - Lieutenant llrnm by HoM-d llii- Hag. An I i.. Crowd ii.... I lh n if ml n . tarty I ' uf MM r. ,.. ..,( ataaa. Chickamaajra, Aug. 17. -The review at Camp Tbomaa thia morninK was one of the moat unking pageant ( recent year and on., wbiob will long ba re in, mi. r. i ,,; mi . ..nun ity of witn,ii,g ii. It waa eajwdally iiitcNetlng on account of tba fart that It will be th iaat review of the big army of tba war. Over 40,0)0 nun in their Mat I 'rfrn array marching In perfect order, with band playing' and rolor fly lag aaaea th occasion truly au inspiring om. A mwa of near ,,JW pa0" I Were antnuiatic wit TURNIP SEED Just Received IN BULK by I 3 i lit all ri aini.-tital camps the men were uu at an nxaato earlv boor. 1mm-- Haw Turk. Aug 17 A pcial ills. JuMelf after tinkfaat laapaettoni w.-re PARSONS1 BOTTLING WORKS: pati h rpmi surma aaaon auk tm, vi Hong Kong, to the New York Journal aaffli Fire American oldir were killed and about 4". woundd in the capture of Manila Tim ur and itnpea wera raised over the city at 1 : 40 o'rlork in the afternoon and in the bay Admiral Dewey fleet thundered the national Mlute The romluned naval and land held am regimente then took their place in ha of f urination At 1: the signal grm was fired and the long column mored up to and pat the tower on Hnodgrasj hill where Oeneral Breck enndge ami ln gueaU wera seated on tba raru-wiag .land. The cavalry came Drat, the imll.ry neat and the infantry laat. Althoagii the column only paaaad the revn-wng .tand onoa tba review a The Original Cutter. Phone 40 Knlarged end rafittrl iUi Nrw hikI Improved l . It I ner.x . Kirirtl. t-'lrat ( lliMllil I' -lo-1 H t IMuiit. Ml piepsred U 1111 order, lergv or .mall, for a PUIIT., WIIOI.I MU Mgttl DOB nal to begin tJHAin. HHA HATKK, all flarora, at Wholeaala aad Retail. force, were employed in tba capture of ! ho: . . t , . . ,. , ma-iH- Tba ftrat ft d day will ba obatrrad oa the rtpab III Hi II , J " 5 pgm at pin. At 9 o'clock in the morning the .tg- PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS PER CASE. Met- A .li.ea of the Dubltc oatn.naga reapectfully elicited. C uatrT rhaate. Ilc nic and Keatlval patUa eapecially invit! to gie oa a trial C. C. PARSONS, Bryan, Tex. firing wa t on Anmirai Dewcy'i ftagthlp The authorltlea of tba rity aad tba coneala of flgn pow er, had been prerioiuly notified of the intended bombardment K two houra Teat .hell, were thrown into the city After the tmmhardment tba troopa moved forwatd and attaokad taa Hpao- .. ' .. ....... -j ..t-.,ti..n lanl. in trencbea. There waa no reply gnarantae m -. ' ' , rjy. bhardment. bat the ld toallordari. Call on or addraee, ' ,4. 7 lMAmL Hn, inn, iii.t wi.u " - r - - lb onward raah uf the an. -i.M not ba etaired. With a loaa of flee kiUe-l tola .'ruprietor and Hottler 'M A Ml ANIt ' WKl.I.s WATKR," alnraa:ow. Kerned r for Indigaatioa, liyapapaia, ate Headiiua'tera for flaw Cigara, athletic rrtnu baa been arranged for tba occaalon the urrnier Th govi-rnmnt haa re-ci-iTed in. report giring the detail aa to turrender m 1 not ready to publiab i It aatrrtad that (ienerai Angnall on Aug 7, refaaad all proportion to aur- FLAORANT BREACH OF NEUTRALITY. Th Paii Ban flaaaaM r.a..t't t Ike Otraaa .!. Tahiag AafaMI Oe ml BMlla Caixliea, Krolt, ota, et Mosquito Lotion. Toilet Soap, and True and orer two wore wounded they dmee hack the Spaniard and raptured th trearbaa. In a bort time the white flag waa botMad by tba don and TOW aol dlara, I WO rifle aad a great quantity of ammun'.tion wa arrendered Tba Span I. h loaa haa not ret been Ba re rial ned. It 1 probably aereral time a large aa that of th American fame The Kpanuh force numbered about WOO men, but they wera well eo-tn-nrhed. Nearly 10,000 American ,, , nc.,. . i !' T-iii'.t .ml their l. under tba nrcumitancea i consid ered tmall. Colorado troopa ware the 3rt to tortn tba trench., and every man wa a hi'pi When the white Mag went op Captain (ImwiI Ano-ii.ti tninned Into a 1.HIW u ,len aa.lpreeen the Skin o( A.l ilt-ii.l .f '"nl b NIH" Oilor frm llw (irrm,n , niir Kainn Au- gntt. Th cruiM-r tbn left with him aboani for Hong K"ng. Ba Killiimno are glad th .truggl tovr. rlhop are jgain opening, th blockade ha been ratard, and thing, will oon lie jot a thy were befire Ailm'ral Dewey cam to detroy rub' here. DEWEY'S REPORT REACHES WASHINGTON. HEAT POWDER The ImshI and Turret Towrler on the Market. i;SII.CII.I.V ADAPT f:I) TO INFANTS. Has no l.qual for the Cure of f Kxi-eeaive per-pi ration. Agent lor THOS. GOCGAN L HRO. 1' i t Mu-u ami Mil -H rJ DippgWi Qil my pnsw. GOOD LUCK! to Drink al the GLOBE SALOON TAYLOR & COX, Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS I Cooling Drinks, Stenotheninq Cordials. Everybody treated Right. Best Wines, biquor and Cigars Look over this Line ofsssstsssafe FINE IMPORTS and see it there is anything you want. Creine Ue Ttenthe Crcmc de Cocoa I l alcon Brand Holland Qln. rmouth Haraschino Pale Oranire Bitters. ai.i. BUI MaWllfff huandh ov UKfBOWA DUNN db D A. Ml , Veno Vei II. Telle f lh. Bainb.r, ot Ma alla aad lluw lh .nrreerf. Th.r Wa I r. Waahlngton, Aug. IT. - Admiral Daw ay' ofTlrial aiinonnrement of the bom bardment and arrendcr of Manila haa been recelred and I a follow : "Manila, Aug. Ill -.Secretary of tba nary, Waahlngton Manila urrendered today to the American land and naral force after a combined attack. A di vision of th Muadron auelled the fort and intrenrliinent. at Malate, oti lh aniith nl" of th city, driring back the enemy, onr army advancing from that .nil) at th Kim tun. 1 ne city urreii- dercd nbout ft o'clnck. The American ' flag i Iwlng holat.-1 by I.ieut Rmmbr 1 AUmt i'"1" prinnner were taken. The 1 1 .quadron lind no raaualtle. None of i th veerl wen injureil. "On Ant: 7 (ii ii Merritt and I de-j mandiHl the Mirtvndrr uf the eitv, whi h the governor paneral refued." Lieutenant Hruinby l Admiral IVw : ty' tlag lieutenant. Will llij.rl Their I . . . I . , i l... Madrid, Aug. 17. Tba government ha decided to reject the resignation of th. governor general of Cuba, Porto Vin, and th HIillliV Iodai. Aug IT -Tba Pall Mall Oa. aaata eaamanta upon the eitraordinary action of the carman, in itlng tba flight of ( -eueraJ Auguati from Manila, la tera .miliar to I boa aaad by Tba Tim., which iharply cnttc4ad tba pro raaadkMi drawtna attention to iU imi lantr io (eenaan actum daring the Rntaa tmoibardment of Xamibar, when I tba aairping Saltan .ought the refuge of la Oerman rotuoUte The Pall Mall Uatetta aja: "Tbl Manila lnci dant i. uncommonly nigh a flagrant breach af neutrality and It certain to ba racaiarii aaan international diarourtaay. if nothing worae." ...... ,i Wh.elev TahM .an.l. Wuhington, Aug IT - (ienerai Whfeler waa at the war department early today and had an interview with the cretary of war. Oeneral hc-n r 1 ,,rri.'r tn aaaaaaa the com mini of Camp Wik iffnntll the arrtral of ( i.-n. fth.vfter (ii iieral Wheeler waa giren anthnntr by lh acretary of war to parr h evtrytluug that wa. necoary to th pOBifOti "f th men and pr woold allevmt. tbe lick and wounded Oeneral Wheeler left for New Yorli tad thence to Montank Point. Waal th Carle i ...... .. Madrid, Aug. 17. Kl Tlempo, the or gan of tie nor Stlvela. the leader of the du.i'lent Conterratirea, continue it de maiiil fur a convocation of the corte al leging that while tba corte oonld not chang th term of the protocol l: may be able to mtlui'iice tbe course of negoti ation, regarding tbe Philippine The v .., ntrol iu art n le of lh pr" mcol i. tranaUtad by El Tieaapo a tlg uifving interventton iimuar to Oreat Britain cupation of Kgypt." Tbaah. Eea4 le lb CaMsM. Paria. Aug 17 At the cabinet ooun cil tba of foreign affair. M. Delcaxe, read dlapatcbea front Pitaidrnt U..lml mad (he iinean reirrlit uf Soain thanking th president aad tba govern- ' 3 P- m mrnt of tbe Krnh republic for their "tore, good offlcaa la prornottng tba Mfaaia. tiooa. M. LMIcaaae aaaen taat taa gov ammenta at Waahlngton aad Madrid. dalnng to give Kraoea praaf of tbatt high iiHiiu aad craiadanea, iilaeliil Pari aa tba aaaeaof aagotiationa for tba final treaty of peaaa .ii.,w rr at K.r Wsa. Waahlngton, Aug. 17 -Three caaaa of yellow fever are reported at Kay Weat. Tba govammeut haa taken evary praoao Hon to keep tbe ill Thos. H. Hairston, H i specialist, chronic and private diseases PILEM Cl'HEO WITHOUT rM wa or KNIFC ot aniatiaa 'row . Fiayt'LA. rtsuPBta, ncn 1X0 aad CU glaTgD BOWrU CUEBD 1 "Iii e houn. U to 12 a. m 2 to -jeW--a'- --ra-a , Blondes and I (Brunettes ) a. m., 2 Onto at card B. WilatnT-iDrof FECIAL ROINII TRIP RATKS VIA TIE OLD IELHILE SMIT USE l.sftG. N. B. R.) The Qolckeat and fVst Roota. Una i,ualad Double Daily Harrtra to (H. Ixmia, and,D:rsxt Connectwna fo PolaU Eaat. rirth Mar '" AtlanU, Aug. IT. -Tba Fifth infantry I now at Tampa, Kla., which waa recently J ordered to Kurt McPberaon. will probe, bly go to Santiago. Oeneral Penning ton, commander of depart uu ut of the ' gulf, has receirad order from tbe war department to hold tba Fifth at Tampa, a it would probtbly ba ordered to re port to Oeneral Lawton at Santiago. Tbe Kf th wa to hare lelt Tampa today and il.i'i'rate preparation for it recep ,,., n nun.' at r"..rt Mi l'lu ron .Idler. Will lie H.iuoved. Washington, Aug 17 It ha been occult il in take all the well and ronva- ; 1,. men away fr in Key Vef that they will not lie m danger front ti outbreak of yellow fever at that point. Ttphoul al url M.l'li.rna. Atlanta, Aug. 17. -The hoapttal train! on its last trip from Tampa brought Itui .i, k men. it" of whom haT typhoid fever. There are now lielwean ftOO and (MSI ease of typhoid fevi r in the ho-aet.i! al I'.ir. Mi l'lu ron i ii .trier nrr.4er. Madrid. Aug 17 D U now aaaertcl that Oeuer I AutfUiti left Manila after rmmlh, Nt, vrlvrly .kin will saak any ecaaan'. lace atiractlve, whrther .he I I4nrlc or Ipciiu, IU Ko tare can ba l.anrl) II theikln I. Ireentrrerkle. liver rls. mh laUi he.. I4arkhearh Un .unlKirn i i.nplea To rermanenlly re nxirr all Ihn 1,1. Un-re U lait iw tort rrmsdy. sod thai Is Viola Cream Thl I not a raim that eoran up. nnr a llwh that wither, aad d '). II I a on, creamy prrraiaUin whn h makM lh .kin teauttful ty mskina It healthy. It ha brea wel try thnusan l. "I wraarn dnrlnf th at twelve yean 1.1 their mUr M'.MMKR l-.l KlsTJTlCKETg. ow on sale to all tourist north, nonheat;aod northwest ;OoaJ , for return until December 31t, 1M8. For fulljparticulari, time rarda, aleep ar reaarrationt. ate, apply to nrnaat ticket agent, 1. O. N..B. B., or aaV D. J. Paira, ..:!'. ndJT. A., I. A O. N 11. K. Paleatina, Taxaa. W. II. LAWRENCE I DENTIST. Office Front Roomi orer PosTltfla. Brun. : Texas. VMa really an-! I. the noly remedy thai now. .11 hvial II ran be ue, with great ucw la lh.' hi, t lutil.ini nun A fair Mai will aamrr,JIh wonder, tor th. wraren and girt, whoa lares are mug Ii. ltd. fiwkle4, I.Mrti.-i ,,r i,in..i..i PraggM sell large Jar. U M ' nut. ii r SV THE 0. O. BITTMCR OO.. fasWa, Onto. ' aaa HiT.C. . R. R. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. mm 'J I Dtilflilig U SSVtMTI a V. mitt t$ ham t Dm ink, u l UTt ' . cn la mt m lm. In v fek. , I V Una '- usi ilia. Wi. uj.... i- c.a. u . HJi twOM PRICES CXZ Cat UlkmMsM'bsttirr tar Msg 6 irwan a pwrvaa. oou iiaav- Hhort and galck Line;Batwee North and Sontb Tagas, T M R 0 U s L E E P E P S niTrVign OUSTOU K-rrt DENVER Via tnnli sad gt. Worth GALVESTON OENISON Via llor.tcn and Dallaa, GALVESTON, ST LOUIS Q ' Uonttoa, tat,, sod Pan. rt S HOUSTON 1S, AUSTIN The II. A T.C. rtaxhtt tialvaeton lt 'ist n, Brenhaui, A ulin, WtWO Cor-icana, WaiahacLie, I t. Worth, Dallaa, Piano, McKinney, Sharrosn and Demon, and give urat-claaa r-ertlca. C. iV. Bb. M. L. Rokaiaa, Tratllc Manager. I ;. P.JA'.T. Agt. W. . Wtto, Aft. IU i i an. Trias.