Newspaper Page Text
1 WHEN YOTT PERFUMERY ? TOILET ARTICLES OON T YOU WANT THE BEST? r will AM o.:-oek ilnfi c ..aeLt :-h Palmer, $eeley's. 71013 and California Perfdmes and Violet Waters. Abo i i.e FlaesHSuKk of Combs.!Bru8he8, and Facial Preparations in ,the City We want your PRESCRIP TIONS. We offer Compe te! barvlcr and Pun Drugsoelr THE DAILY EAGLE Isewes at the rostosXee at Srraa. Tiiu. a Second (Iim mail test. T COXWtLLT. I M.Mr K A . HN KH ; Mikroi.a Clan at tdiior. DEMOCRATIC TICKKT. For I'nited States Senator C. A. CULBERSON For Governor JOSEPH D. HAVERS of Bastrop. For Lieutenant Governor J. N. BBOWNING of Annarillo. For Attorney General T. S. bMITH of HUlMoYbi For Comptroller' R. W.FINLEY of Tyler. For Land Commissioner GEO. W. FINtiER of Ft. Worth. For Treasurer JOHN v. BOBBINS of Vernon, or Railroad Ciuiiniiioncr ALLI801 KAYfllLD of Sherman. For State Superintendent J.S. KENDALL of Ladonia. For Associate Justice l lios. J. BROWN of Sherman For Curt Criminal Appeals M. M. BB00K8 of Greenville. For Congress Seventh Drift fist ROBERT L HENRY of Waco. FRIDAY, At til ST : Jacksonville, Texas, shipped V2 solid car loads of fruit and vege tables during thin season. Th.- Manchester ( England )U aion aays l'aderewski has lost two linger-, hut .i ' ahlcgraui adds: "The report is not credited in Lon don." Error in transmission, pro bably. Maybe it should have beui.. T.idcrewfki DAI taken 'two lingers.' " Galveston Newt. Although Fitzhugh Lee and W. J. Bryan were kept in the back ground during the late little un pleasantness with Spain, they aro I till recognized as two of the great-1 est true blue Americans on the American continent, and when the proper time comes the people of America will verify thia aesertion in no uncertain language. Bren ham Banner. oeicBimoa fftica: far Week. lOek . Par Month. 40r WILSON-JENKINS I Kl C; CO. PHuSf 30. PATRIOTISM OF THE PEOPLE. European nations Jhave looked upon thi country as unprepared for war. In ft certain technical sense this was true. Three months ago the regular army .'insisted . . f 27,000 men, and it was the only force immediately available for the field. The National (iuard, over 100,0i)0 strong, waa made up of young men in active business, who, while ready to respond at once, needed some little time for organi zation in the national service and for proper equipment. On paper the navies of I'nited States and Spain were not far from evenly mat.!.. I The - a-ond Spanish troops in Cuba numbered mors than 100,000. Plainly the task before the I'nited States was one of magnitude and certain to cost an immense fum ol meney. But the nation calmly accepted the re sponsibility. Having reached the conviction that war was necessary the people of all the state came forward to make it successful. The tails for volun'eers were tilled without delay. Increased taxation to pay the expenees of the war was accepted without a murmur. The loan asked by the govrnment was largely over-subscribed. In every directions the requirements were met by a common impulse, with the most devoted support. The patriotism displayed on every hand has been complete. When it was said in Europe last April, before the declaration of war, that the, I'nited States was not ready a mistake was made in two particulars. For one thing, the genius of the American people to make rapid preparation was underrated. In the second place, our navy considering its size, was the most efficient oody of fighting sailors and ships in the world Both the army and navy should have been larger, and we should have iiad on hand more modern guns and war material. Hut the united rally of the people was e.jiial t" the em. rgen.v When it came to a naval conflict the hot Spanish idiips went down in u help less mas under our tremendous fire and skilled marksmanship. It m cL-ar that the Spanish navy, which looked so imposing in the year books, Ml unlit for war. Its crew had courage, without -kill or proper training. In the army operation as far as they went the enemy was defeated at every poitti attack, d. That the administration has risen to the lull level of the energy anil patriotism of the people i .1 icl apparent to all. It line advah. cd ... I ry way the prestige of the I am American. I'ongn s., too, has been eijual to the occai-ion. The war appropriations foot up 1850,000,000. Two hundred thou, and volunteers were provided for. The regular army, on a war tooting h.l- nc-reass.l to t'.(i,lHNt men. M. ":: foi important additions to then ivy was passed. Hawaii was annexed, and chiefly for military reason. A government loan w is authorized. The war revenue bill passed add IIoO.ihmi. 000 i year to the treasur. . Before hostilities opened the navy wan strengthened by the judicious purchase of fighting ships abroad. All this was accomplished in less than three months. Back of the achievement is American patriot ism. In the presence of an enemy the people of all the states -bowed ' nIM front and ft common ftnr- Jpose. While it ta true that here-! aft. r we should ! more reedy fur war than we were when hostilities I .. pei. ed with Sin. it i- 1 1 1 v true that the t.t reouri-c of' 'this country ere never more wide- i ly acknowledged than they are toj i dav. Globe DctiiiK-rat. The Itrenham l'r.--say- pen pie owe it to the community in which they live to do everything they can that will in any way in- Isurc to it advantage. This is true I ....I.. : ' a.w I... I it noioiii. in gvM.i. mj , if ii i . a, p'ies to everybody who lives in the community. A neighbor's prosperity means a great deal more than some one's who lives elsew here This should be borne, in mind in buying goods. Citizens an afford to pay the home mer chant a fair price for his goods rather than end monev away, knowing as they do that every dollar the home merchant makes will help in sustaining local schools, churches and public insti tutions. It pays richly to patron ize home industry. Names aiitt tirades jf lletliel Normal student. V e clip the following from "The Musical Trio.'' published by Prof. K. L Eiland. at Waco: Charles Mo.le.ett, ,M.0j grade. O. A. Whipple, good grade. second C E Whittingt fair second grade . G. B. Doiithit. fair third grade. W. A. BlOWD, pod second grade, ti. H. Ramsey, good first giade. J. Lingle. fair .cond grade H. T. 1'almer, g.sid second grade. J. W, Carr. good second grade. F. M. Hall, good second grade. W. J. Hall, good second grade. A. M. Baskin. fair third grade. M. D. I'ssery, gool second grade. II . L. Bush, fair third grade. Names and grade, of those not in the adv. u I harmony and cotiis,- sition class. A. .1. Tabor, lair second grade. E. B. Steaduiftn, fair second grade. A. J. Keith, fair second grade. .Jesse Henry, fair second grade. B. H. Wiley, good second grsde. W. H. Wiley, good second grade. K. '. Cobh. fair third grade. V. B. Edge, good fourth grade J. P. Carnes, fair fourth grade. G. C. Royder, fair third grade. W. S. McCIung, good third grade. H. O. Furgeson. g-Hid third grade. Mi-s Fannie McCIung. fair sec- olid grade Mi- .i i 1 1 Dyess, good third grade. L. E. Edge, fair third grade. E. L. Shealey . gosl second grade. Mi-s Mamie Todd, very good second grade. a a Normal Souvenir. The Musical Trio, published at Waco by I'rof. F. L. Eiland, says Mr. Burt Norwood, the dry goods leader of Bryan, presented each meinls'r of Bethel Normal, in. Iinling director-, with a beauti fill fan souvenir, inscribed as fol lows: "Normal Souvenir. K. L. Eiland, Principal, J. W. A ull, W . 1 Everidge, A--i-!ant- Directors and pupils of Bethel Singing Normal. Jul v. Compliments of Hurt Norwood. ' I he soiivenli , i ry much ap preciated hy us all. Thanks, .Mr. Norwood Noii. c lo Contractor ami llnildcrs. s. ale I hids will he ., , jv,.,i fr lD(. construction of a two-story frasas build n. u at College station, mini U o'clock in., Saturday, August JOlli, isist. I'lan Mini peeifleatloas for aaid baildtng ars on tile at tos rVssieeat'i oltice at the A. A .M. follem-. and can be seen hy bidders at any time. At lbs same time and same manner bids will liu received for placing wire screens over the windows and d.sirs in the college mess ball and for the re moval nl two partitions between rooms in the main buildinir of the college. MaWNrenients of the ilonr and win dows to he acreene I, and inanitions to lie temoved, can be taken hv the par. Ilea making hids. The nylit to reject anv and ull hids reserved . L I.. Pseifr, t. A. Ileichardt, W. R. Cftvitt lluilding Coinmittee. Two uu-stairs rooms for lent. Apply tolrstioorh. tl THE NEW VESSELS OF THE NAVY. Tkr Will Ha eerlae la Aej Hw -Aloel. aad Will Ma Able la ' Ua I.,,.., Waslnngt'iii, An. k naval pro aTBinois for pr.-M iiutiuu to congress in volvinu tlii imm- .u.ite runstrueii.m of l.' ' II -il l ha." I e. M ;i'l".tell h 111.' na il I .aru of . i rts to imm the sub )rt tia l-s-n referr.ii j iMMMg Louir II pteeMsS for Ihns. aSS iming bertsstu turret Uiii.e.u, .,f i.i.issi tun lisplaiiMueiit nn.i a minimum of is' knots speeil whui the vixseli are l.aule.l to their hs st ilrauirht or an avrrair speed above IB knots under ordinary cnusinirrnti.iiti.ius Ihns. first class arm orrd cruisers of li.isjo ion ami it knots peisl ; three sreond class mitectMl and aniion .l crnlser of imo tons displace ment ami Jo knots s ,1 mmiltr to the Mam.- tv. but hiirhlr imfnivr.1, and for six protected . raisers of IS knots Spend. The redae-d -e of these ships, which is uniform! r alsmt tun knots less tluin that iiroMOM-il at thi irelimiiiarr mectitiK of tbr kWaWi was brought about bjr the desire to m-tire uupris-e.lent.-t in..- of action on account of ths inerea d responsibilities of tlm 1'nit.xl States in the laciflr in the certninity that IIwsh Teasel or moat of them would be requir ed to make up the fteat in that oeean The aacanflce of spaed to en .lurance was made with a view of securing vessel of at least SiSSj knots ra dios, or cable of steaming straight away fnnu San Kranciscn to Manila and Samoa. The board deride.! that the I's ciflc rather than the Atlantis would li the chief .lets.t of American naval oier atlons in future. All the teasels, how ever, will be as Spaed r as the fastest vessels now bull. tin aim ml and ther will Isi emuieiitlr more practicable in endurance, tn-nirth and fonnldability. The main Isitterv of each of the bat tleships will m coaiHimsi of four I .' inch nfles in turrets on the center line fore and aft, and the secondarr hatiertae will mount from II to 111 rapid fire fl inch gons. In addition to these then- will lie ana ally large auxiliary lettcrvts of osaortt il siaes. The nrttclass cruisers w ill he coverwl with heavy armor and will be armed with two guua Willi 4 inch rifle in turrets and 10 to I'.' li-uich rapid tire gun on the bread aide They are to le up. nor in very av .. .ii.t -n.;. afloat in the world t.slay The details of the six smaller vessel are not yl determined upon, as nil the energies of the tsevrd were tint directed to the heavier Teasels. All Hie suipa will be sheathed Tbey Will llATe luailruple ellaVIlslllll Ullies and water tube boilers, and with the i-i repttonof the inaller rraft, they will be eaipped nnder water with torpedo tabes Onlraa" ' . ssmh. Coeyrlititafl. IM, fey U- omiH Praea I'oti e Port. i Hi, i, Aug IS Reports are coming in from all directions of out rages committed within the Spauuh hue- It isdoubtless tlial many of these are esaggeratod, but the rumors of a massacre at ('lales sre connrmed War Tat Will lis r.atlaee. Washington, Ang. IS. It is the opia. ion of officiate of the treasury depart ment that there will be no necessity for another bond iue growing out of the war, but that the present n-Tentie law with pnssihlv slight luisliHratloti should be n-uini-. on ihe statute Itooka for au itidetluite pernsl One Iter Kill Aaulher. Deinson. Tex , Aug. is Willie Mar tin. aged s years, was shot and killed alsmt nrs.n tislay by Joe llrovh-a, aged 14. The boy a were plsyiug in a tent, and I'.royl. got In father's re volrer, and as lie thought, . itractssi all the shells. He was snapping it when it was discharged, ihe kaH "iitenug Mar tins' In ad and ranglag down. nig sun in, iisuiai. Denton, Tei , Aug $, - Mr Nsjune M. Allison, uduiini-tratrii of the estato of the late I'. Allisun, has filed suit in the district nourt Sere against the Mu taai Kund lafe asets-iatton for debt and iiamagea ainounting to $37,100. Tbl suit i on account of insurance not paid. I'hnale Vs .... ,a . ...rial Inn. tJaratoga, Ang. IS A large audletina gash, nil at the convention hall hereto listen to tli- annual aiMn.n ls-fure tlm iin rii n I' ii I--- i'. ! . I ! in ,,, aepb II Clu ate of New York The ad dress dieted frecjtient applause Mayi.r talrvs' -lol.leti liralh. Klatonia, Tei , Aug Is Mayor H. t). Fftires suddenly of In art failure Tueeilay night. Mayor I'itn was .V7 year old, a native of Kit. tie county and a prominent citizen h-r heru hn ha resided for the past '.M year. .Inhii Carbell's Heniaitr i mwtea. Sacramento. Aug IS ;.., rnor Hudd has omratiied the sentenre of John Cor Isstt w ho has lawn aerriag a I year sent enre at Man yuintin for burglary. His term would have expired uett I hursday llsn(lii( In hsiiliok,, Stanford. Aug. IS. -(Jeorga Stephen, son, colored, waa hanged here for the miirierof Am- Tilford, a white loy 14 years old, which occurred tit (!rb Orch ard on July 4. Hut... i I'lagua at Unmlisiy. Hnmlsiy, Aug. IN XJie bubonic plague is again epidemic. There were I0!l deaths oltlcially reported last week. tienerel Trhamslff MOaV St. Petersburg, Aug. is. - (ieueral TrhernailT, tb roiiquentr of Taahkand, died suddenly here. BARGAINS IN BICYCLES. CIEVELANDS AND IDEALS. 1 have n hllliiler of new :ii 'I sei niol hand !d-yi I. - w hich will he s icril'i. ed III order to close before the new models are put on the market. Here's v.uir chin.. ! gel a line wheel at y.-ur own price. I Alio do first-, hiss repair work promptly and cheaply, and have a full siocck of bicycle sundries. Call I arl lor a liar-ain. imT J. HA8!a8. Spalilah- ineric.i. Every true American heart should throh with - vmpalhy IfMi time lor Mexico at the mention of the day- M'pt.-inhcr 1 "dh and I'lth, which are tin -nine to Mexicans as Julv Ith i to Americans. These sre Mexico - two greatest holidays. President Diaz was bom on Sep- l ... ....1....1, n;.k "", ' " ' "l " .li.r ' ii "" ' I Kith) was the birthday of hide-1 pendent Mexii ' It I- no wollder then lore that the Mexicans love these two holidays, which represent o much to them. On the night of SepteinU r l.'ith at exactly II o'clock Iroin every city, town, hill and dale e r over the great Republic, one mighty shout i -sue Iroin a million Ins- men- throat-. "ia . ..i o s.i! ... iva ei I r'-sHieiiie III Mexico the day is ci-lehr.'ited ! with great inlfador, Nearly a quarter of a million of ssipe take . ! .1 -I '.l- I . I 1 pari in in lemivnie an.i me scene rivals anything eve- presented .n the American Continent i i. il,. Ui. In. I'r...i T I HerTisee II a. m and 7 p. m. Sunday dent h hirthilay it is customary toisundsy .. hool 1140 a. m , Kpworto hold the unrivalled "Battle ol I., .1.1 11... , ....,.,. ... 1 "i .11 .. ... Flowers." leMef before the sun liegin to peep over the hills there can be seen thousands of Indians wending their way to the city, bringing with them large supplies of rarest and choicest flowers. Houses ile. orated in tin great est profusion, and the public build ings and statues show a practical evidence of the gnat fertility and richness of the soil. It is one of the days when every one has a free license. The ri Ii ami tin- poor mingle ami pelt one ai,-lln 1 with tlowers in the most democratic manner. This is followed by two davs given up to t extravagant , el,- , . ., bnWOM, conducted with pimp and eclat never w itnessed in our Dctn- ocratic Republic. They also have their "Liberty Bell'' which has a history equaling ours and not 1 -1 -1 among the OONOMBlai is the ring, ing of thi boll, (In this occasion an excellent op pirtunily is oilered tnericans to visit this land of wonder, the "Egypt of America" by the I ,v ;. N. R. It Tickets will lie sold on Scptcnilier Kith and 11 th to Mexico City and return at remarkably low rite- t'li a I rsstiiPti litaiit 't Mm """';t Inn I ll.tli I i. a.!.. I ...l ..... 1 1 1 . 1,1 '"r,"n or Eagle Pass, or for an additional charge of lO.WtlelMtl Will be sold going via one mule and returning tl ther. For full particulars call on near est Ticket Agent, I. .v (.. Y It. U., or address D. J, I'rice, ii. I'. AT. A., Palestine, Texas. The AMERICAN Laundry. Two door South of Ex change Hotel. First class work liuiiranteed. Prompt delivery. PATR0NIZEJA HOME ENTERPRISE and keep your Money at home. Telephone No. Hi. E. D. BEACH, Mnuuireir 3 CITY DIRECTORY. cm uriii aaa. Mayor, ('. A. Adam. Marshall, T. I'. Boyett. Iiepntv Mai.hal, H. II. Smith. Snreisn and Treasurer. II kihm Q City Sexton, II. II. Jones. Cn-lable, C. I.. lUker. AWerinea: B. o. Tabor. W Howell. W. VV. lUrr.., C. II. Wy. . .. . '"i Jno. l Ijiwrenee. V d STI ..III. KM. Judge, W. II. Ilsruiun. Clerk, 3. W. Mi Michael. Attorney, A. Ii. Hoard. Ta Collector, J. J. Adams. Tax Assessor, H. M. Nail. Mieriif. T. 0. Nunn. . vi stiiii, Treasurer, H. W. i Vr. ""'net i icrk. j. i . w nil,,,,,. 1 ' m I . a. i . iiiar . It I la l. " a. 0. it-riiB, i rmr Thorn.., reUx Phillips. P rr W. ton sstMa - Baptist -W. C. Krilev, paster; Her. m - viere ererv Sunday II a. m. and fill p. m. , sondar arh.Mil tl 4ft a er meeting Tbiirailay night in.; prsy- vieitioilial- J. H Cis br.n, past.,.; 1 ...... ,.. v.....i... 1 league suudav 4 p. prayet -meet- ing Tuesday night Presbvstenan J. I West, pastor. Services morning and evening 1st, Vd A V and ltd Sunday In each month. Sunday I . school Ml a. m. , prftyer-meeUng We.lnea.lay nigbt. Christian. J. L Andrews, pastor set vie e. I I in and ." I p m. Sun dy, honday school t:4ft a. ta., Chris tlan Kndaavor 3 p. m. Sunday, prayer meeting Wednesday night. Free Communion Baptist A. M. tewart. pastor servicee every Han. day nigbt in each month, - mdsy school lu a. in. st. Joseph s Catholic Church-Father Pelnar, pastor, Mass at I and 10 g. M. Sunday. 1 is. 1 Mxrtisi.a. t a atsa eft rlZT ZTZ?' "' KDi'"'1 I Templars-Meet :'n. Tueeilay 111 esch month. A. M. Khiale. K. C II tl. Ithode. Secretary. " I Vn.iiti 1 l,apt.-r No. sr, . , M.-Meeta third Monday in each month. John J. Tabor II. P., Joe B. Ueeil, Sec'y. IMM IshI,,. No. lifl, a. f, A A. M. Meet f .iirth Monday in ea b month It. M. Nail. W. . c. ,, Cftrr.SK. Brax .. L nlge No. HI, K.of P. Meet flr-t and third Tuesday in each month A. M. Waldrop. C. C : I, C Man I. K. of . . Ie- Viilran l.o,gS N. 37. . O. I 1 Meet si-coml and fourth Thursday in each month. M. II. James. M W A 1 F.milen. recorder. sXSK"; I .a ... Meet t eftch A. linden, dictalot plainer, reporter. J. Br- tamp No Mil W of W - 1 Mset second au I fourth MaW. ,.. month. W. Stnart; C. C. , Joe B Heed, clerk. I'tysn Tent No. id, K. O. T. M. M- . hug nights tir.t and thud Monday each Boats. Sam B. Wilson. C Joe B. lawJ, II. K. Ilryan Udge N ... ,Korum Meeting nights second nnd fourth Isy eaeh monih. I,. A. Saun ders, ptes t, Jel I, Bred, linanrier. Bryan Mp .. lt., BMlMMl Aid Meeting nights tlrsl and third Weilnee day in each month, a. W. Ilolman pres'l ; W. S. Stuart, sec'y. J. W ITTM WN, M ERCHANT TAILOR MAIN STREET, Bryan, Tesaa. All work Guaranteed end done promp.'y Olve him a call. ft