ie wm
9 ?'
Slaughter Sale
In all Summer Goods
To make room for
Which is being It-He I this week by
Mk. Bin iRHMi
BEN ETTLESON, nanajrer.
H AT. O. Time Card, Hrymi
Northbound Wo 1 1MK p m
ewmtbbound So 4 ai p m
Northbound So 3 W am
Hoothbouad No 4 W m
i A . N. Time Table, lleariie
ffllf It -I Mi. ,
No. I leaves.
Mo. 3 leave . .
1:0ft a m.
iMift a. m.
iat seers.
So. '.' leave..
No. 4 leave
. 3-A'l a. n
I :m p ai
No. leavce llrarne 3 10 p m.
No. 10, arrive, at llaaroa . M M a. m
II. T C. Time Table Uearnr
n Kin m 'iran.
Ho. I arrives It P
No. 3errtven a
Mi. II. Rohde is visitlog in Franklin
It. N.acomb of Reliance, ws " '"
city yesterday.
Two up stairs rooms (or tant. Apply
to Ira (itiocb. "
Joa Neweome MM "P 'r'"" Hemp
eleed yesterday
Mr. m1 Mr., Charles I. Williamson
waot to Calvert yeatorday.
II. L Bu.b of Benchley, celled oo lb
r ag e bl la m towo yeeterdsy.
Jacob fou baa a Daw gr.ery .tore at
hi gin at tba teak naar college.
"ttoyal Hloa ' a strictly Arst claaa 6c
cigar .old only by C. U. Parson.. Well
When yon want to anjoy a nice i
gel tna of Irati'ioeb'. nobby turn
outs. du
for lU-nt-A Ave room boiiaa ncer ml
mill. tiood waur aod outhouse. Jobn
II. Mike.
When nag want tba baat livary see
vlca for bells, partita, picnic, ilrivea.
Ii-., rail on W. T. Jamaa.
I have new a agon scales at my .labia
ami will tlo all kinds of pubic weighing
al ball prica. Ira liooch. MM
Oood bona, oobby turnouts ami
reasonable charge are wbal y..u gat al
Jamea' atabla. Phone 112. I'
Dr. Ileidingsfrldcr of Houston, g
hara to perform tba rue of circumcision
toil.y on Ibe infant .on of Mr. an I Mra.
J. Uelber.
Fur pure founi.m ami Itotile eodn,
Dr. Peppar. the lateet irtl
Irink. ramiiea, fruita, nnU, b , t all
onC i Parsons. WHI
Maiy. tbe ; eai "il ilaugbtar of Mr.
mi I Mra. 0. W. Mouaar died Kritlay
aflemon ami waa borietl yeatenlay al
Aiming I ia mure serious rases ol sick
nea. in town ia Ibatol Ka.tae llorcraus,
wbo bat lawn rontlnail to bed witb (ev
er (or In Jaya, ami at tbta wining,
ahowa but liltle chsnge in romlilion.
W. T. Jamea ia a pr.igr.-s.iv livery
man ami elu liee the of his(jm yy Smit) go j S (,,!,,.,.
patrons. Call, for meeting ra n. ..
swere.1 pioroplly night and .lay
gum teraoiial attention. wm
J. W. OMlW fMg -elurneil bm Ifc
lAiuii Pjtjtn ha pun based an imuiense
lall aad winter stork ol dry for
spot reh, ami he ssys he is prepared to
.ell goods (or cash on a three cent col-
,on .
A number o soUh.r. from the loiirll,
Texssal Houston were on the noon
train ye-terd.y going borne on . leave
ofal'-eiire I'hev eipressed llie
that tbay would not be mustere-l ool
ol the service.
Joe B. Heed's msiiranre . ..iiipain. s
have all adopted the policy of paying
death .lainis arising Inim the war with
Hpain. Por accident and life insnieme
either In loilges or straight life i i.
nies see Joe U. Hee.1 tf
Uev.J. U Andrews, pssb.r if the
Christian rhurrh, will leave Moodav to
aaslat in a two weeks revival meeting
at Anliocli rhim h near tola in Urimee
county. Kev. James Bay will c upy
the pulpit at Ibe Christian rbnrrli here
Hunday, Jnly H, in tbe absem-e of Kev.
Ill Allen -nii-m QlfM Awn
b the Bnan Mi-reliant v
You lirt it Ticket Willi l.ver)
lliilr til I til (mi Hi ought In
llrymi I ruin Madison
it ii l .
Below gaj give the liit of dona
tions lo the fund lo y for two
MkalfflUp in Al u-ii Academy at
Madisonville. A. previoualy out
lineil in the Kagle the plan i- -tii-stantially
a follows Two schol
arship will Itr given away to the
two persons in iniinty re-
riving tin- highest number of
votes from the n-Wilt- of M 1 1 - - f I
county. I. mI- will b- kept only
at the warehouses anil rntUm '. ir I-
in Bryan and one ticket will he
given with the receipt for every
hale nt cotton brought to Bryan.
The two icholarithipa will be
awarded 16 the two iieraon. re
ceiving the higheat number of
rota by a given time. Following
ii tbe li.t of donation:
We, the undersigned ritiien of
Bryan, agree to ty on IM. I at,
1H9S, the amount wet opjioaite our
name for the puriioae of huring
two scholarship in the Allen Acad
emy of Madieonville, Texan.
First National Bank. $5.00,- Q 8
I'arker. $.r.()0; Jno. M Iwrence A
Co., 11.00; J Mike, I2..T0; Hig.
A- Mawhinnay, I2.S"; C (r I'araoni,
50cenU: Dunn A- Daly, $t.SO, J W
Knglish, $5.01); Fanm-ra ('nttnn
Yard, $6.0t; J A Myers. 'i V l -ler
llaawell, $1.01); Wi!-in Jenkini
Drug Co., $2.50; Buchanan Bros.
$2 50; .iiber A MrDougald, $2.50;
Bryan Brick Wan-house, $2.M; B
I Bead, M. !.. ItflOl .) M l aid
Caldwell, 1 .00: Hurt Norwood,
$V90 B M Wil-on, $2.50; Ira
flooch, $1; Mistrot Bns. A Co., $5;
A BCarr, Jr. $2.50; W.I.I. Br.e. ,
$.'. IN). Cole Br..s , $:..(HI; Sanders
Bros. A Co., $5 !); James A V
tie', i m Sam Sanger, $2.50 M
II .la k H K Levy Bros , fljOOj
Taylor Cog, $1.00; Howell
Bros . HO, B J Ford, $1.00; Brysn
Preaa Co., $2.50; J T Hanay,
1 is Saunders A Johnaon, I'J BO
$ , j
The republican delegates of the
.v,t, representative district, am
,orehv rallr.1 to meet nt tin- OOVti
house in the. it v "f Bryan, on i it-
! ...
purpose of transacting such bust-
nr.- a Mm V pr.iliahly rnnir l.rf.ur
tlif i-m. v nlioti. Ii. -pit ifully .
Klias Mays, Chairuian.
J. F. Burn, Sci-retiiry.
saws -m 4kwa- SSMB
olton ltd elit.
Kolloa lug is the number of Itales of
rotton In Bryan yanls up hi Saturday.
I.awrenre Warehouse . ;r
Ksrmsrs' Cotton Yar.1 is)
Kernole Cotton Yard 70
Brick Warehousa 40
Darwin A I'onder g
Mike's Ysnl f
I -1.1. Tt.a, Will Ikiull the a
... .. ml ii. . .-.. That U
la M HtlW.
Havana, Aug -Tba guv-riimenl
hu i..ll it Mull li l IlltUll' MH '
cousiUer a deftntte bau for a
naaea. Tba peraoniiel of tb
ion, however, u leit announced,
ll la reported that the que.ti.iu. to
.1.- i. -- -i re aa follow.
I. (Vuiim of territory ""l th
nitnati'in of rnmiituin. and iniienmlftrw
lion, by the United htate. aga"
'Linage to public Ituilduig. courU an I
tbe government Unds.
U. Indemnity for war and navy mate
rial mutually agreed on H coma into
poneMion of tbe United Mutes.
a. Condition, of and time for the
evaruaiioo iy lns. and volunteara
with tba war material agree.1 upon.
4. Commercial and custom bout
aovaiitagae to be conceded
5. The recognition of property of all
klnda of all Hpanwh citisena and guar
aaleeee to be offerixl ihnn during their
tay In the island.
Tin form of government to be es
tablished in Cuba.
cai VfMgaaa ! " "-'i
iio.f Baag. ' ' c.Miae
.ii rineii.i.
Han Kranrivo, Aug 10 A special
fmm Hong Kong tmft Con.ul (teneral
Wlldmau ha. asked lh Hong Kong an
thnrltles for rnnion of tba ships of
ihi. Amt-rriiii iwr now al Manila, to
ha allownl to d"-k for repair Th inea
lion pr-wnls such aer1oi complicatl.ina
that it bad to be submitted to the lint
isb home g.'vrrnmen! for anawer. In
tbe manwliile the harbor police ordered
the gunbat Seanro, which arriviil ht-r
with dispatches from Oeneral Memtt
ami Admiral Dewey, to leave Dntish
waters w.thin i hours The governor
is much distressed over tbe eitnatio i
n.ia iter sMatwsaasijsj
Cbirkauieuga, Aug. - Field day et
emsea at Mrwsigraa. field this afu rnoon,
for wntrli preralims lias been in pro
gress for soma lima, was witnessed prac
tioally by all at mp Thomas and
hundreds of civilians Tba asarriees
were a aerie of .port and the diversion
of athletic training for lb. man Offl
clala, judges and tuners were all offl
cere Score, of soldier, participated in
Ibe ronteat
New York. Aog 10 -Ksaile Dtoa Mo
rn, forssarly captain of tbe CrtstolaU
Coloo, who waa taken a piston after
the destruction of the Spanish flawt wu
among the passengers on lb Nisnnan
die, which sailed today for Havre
Will Be Takes t nyaMatb.
Atlanta. Aaaj. M The IS Spanisk
prisoners of war who have been under
guard at Fort Mcl'beraon .nice tbe be
ginning of hostilities will be token to
Plymouth. S H.
Sim MarlsB ....( lo II.,.,...
Washington, Aug im --IVpite Bias
co's order, ('lara Barton will go to Ha
vana with bar relief ship hauled by lbs
government with :i,000,000 ratioaa
I'm.. a Wmtie ui tiiwi iiorfiM,
BosWin. Aug .1. Captain Hntrhsid
.f the ('unanl. r, Canntbla, which has
arrived here, report, iwuing on Aug Ii
a uantitv of w reraaga and the tssliea
Bve parson, on which ware life bolts us
the Oraml Banks Una body waa that
of a man f unusual site. A life tsny
of foreign make waa near the body
The Turkish wrestler, Yoaeooff, fa
miliar. y railed the "Temh'.e Turk,"wss
believed to hare heen lost In the
Buurg.tgiie liaa.ter and tba body men
tioned al.iv. might have his You
suulT was of large physiiua. ih tUwara.
Austin. Aug jo Acting Uoveroor
Jester dltrlded the reward of $Msi uffsre.1
for the rapture .f Kugenr Hurt ii
was hangwl on Jum- t but. Two form
at rili.ens of Austin, M. 11 Pnimieitir
.ml M W. 1'ietv, were living in Chica
go at tbe tune of Bun's murder su.l
ill .iuiiei out llurr I., a pnliremsn
A nS was arrested on Aug Ih k
uid i v i. ur.til mi Aug 't
I'oindeiler was iriven ;!.. an i l'i
Thee. TriM i ...... .
Washington. Aug "Jo The pn h.. lit
lias appointed the full. in :ng ....
master.. Harper Himpson at Edna. Bar
ry Borkat llillsboro and W. A. Mtomr
si Waco
fill .1.- Saata T:
(snivel i on, Aug. o Randall Srhel l
maiiil.. has tlit.l a uit agamsl the liui
Colorado and Santa Ke Kallnwul cm
jmny for $4o,ishi damages for injuries r.-
ostved on May 4, Ihrn
aa.Ur.nn I. Iht.a.
(larland. Tel. Aug 30 William
Anderson of New Hone, who ws
thrown from his horse while going f r
a doctor for one of his rhil.lren, died of
Ins injunes.
SJMMH '-hep. IW.lrnf.4.
Clehnrnx, Tel., Aug 20 -The Cleli-
urn.' loiuiutr au.l Mb. Iiii mp.ii
ttuilding near the Kama Ke depot was
destroyed by lire Iiss about tIOOU.
N.grn.. la.ll.a la I ....
(latesvllle, Tei , Aug. n -Kome BJS
gnie. rrrt that they were wsllel on
and uivited lo leave. They report H
was whit men.
We live by faith; bet faith la not tba
Of bad and legend. Raaaon'i vole
and God's,
Nature'a and Duty's atver are at odda.
What aaka our lather of hla rhlldrea,
Justice and mercy and humility,
A r.aaonable service of good deeda.
'Pure living, tenderneaa to bunui
.Reverence and trust, and prayer for
light to see
The Maaier'a footprints la ovr dally
No knotted sroarga nor sacrificial
But the calm beauty of an ordered life.
Whose very breathing uaworded
A Ufa that standi aa all true lives bsva
Firm rooted la tbe faith that God Is
Ham i,i tre I !.... Tal lllbrrelir
Waiwia lie iBVl.lblr.
And what a reach soul windows
have- At such a window David stood
aad looking down the aisles of the n
turtes rould see la tbe distance the
form i,t the romlng King, "who shall
have dominion also from sea to sea,
aad from tbe river unto the ends of
the earth." Cycles, ages, mlllenlumi
war. powerless to even dim tbe vision
or oberure tbe glory whlrb In panor
eaic splendor passed before his rav
ished eyes.
At this same window Isaiah stood,
aad the mighty cloud of years dissolv
ed as mists sod ahhdows. until before
hla was the "Wonderful Counselor,
tkt mighty Ood. tbe everlsstlng Fath
er, tbe Prince of Peaca."
At this window John stood until be
htktld tbe new heavens and tbe new
earth aad saw that tbe kingdoms of
tbta world had "heroine tbe kingdoms
of our Lord and hla Christ "
Ho life ever arrompllsass anything
of real moment that does not stand
ekMe up to the soul windows snd look
oat fo.rlewalv and earnestly, some
tiwes into tbe darkness, sometimes In-
to the gathering shadows, somstimse
Into the grsy dawn.
The poets, tbe thinkers, tbe proph
ets, the reformers, the heroic men and
women who have redeemed Ufa from
lis puerility snd baseness, who have
taken the world out of tbe horrible pit
eaa the miry rlay of lie greed sad
sslBibneea, who have lasplred man
klsd with lofty Ideals of sacrifice aad
duty wbo have brought to pass the
ssbllme achievements which earlrh all
e , inanity have .peat their days aad
lights at the soul windows, seeing
things which otherwise would be In
visible, aad then sharing i be vision
with their fellowmen.
Tw, Wl.t.
Himpllciiy and purity are the two
wings by which a uvea Is lifted shove
all earthly things.
Simplicity is la ths intention, purity
In the sgectlon. atmallrity tends to
Ood, purity apprehends and tastss
So good actios will hinder thee. If
thou be Inwardly free from Inordinate
If ibou intend sad seek nothing but
tbe will of Uod and tbe good of thy
neighbor, thou ahalt enjoy eternal lib
erty. If thy heart wen right, then every
creature would be a looking-glass of
life and a book of holy doctrine.
There Is no creature so little and
abject that represenis not tbe good
ness of Ood.
A pare heart penetratrth heaven and
hell Such aa everyone la lawardly,
so he Judgeth outwardly.
If there kg joy la the world, surely
a man of pure heart possesselh II. And
If tbsre be anywhere trlbulattoa and
affliction, an evil conscience faals it.
An Iron put Into the Bra loseth it.
MSt. ami tieiorneth sll I. right like Are,
so be that wholly turneth himself un
to Ood Is purified from all sin and
changed Into the likeness of Ood
Thomas a Kempli.
The I hare.
After sll and before all churches are
for religion. It Is because men and
women are rhlldren of (Jim! that tha
shurrbes eitst, that they may come
nearer to each other and rome nearer
to Uod. Tbcy eilit that every day
they amy gU about their business more
and more In accord with Hint, and that
life may be not petty and small, but
tnllnlls. In Its relations.
Shat hrll.
The true prophet Is seldom a prophet
to his own people.
When conscience Is drugged. Situs
rdJr for asitlement.
A man without a creed of some kind
la a man without a moral backbone.
As long ss the devil remains un
rhslned. ih Christian must eipact to
be tempted.
There Is n vast difference between
ipeaklng "one to another." snd one
about another.
. .
It Ii one thing to lurvey younelf
with pride, and quite another lo ex
plore your heart with humility.
Without first asking everything
else, Ood woald have been without a
language with which to speak te
New Buggies
that T. offer for sale. Will sell for cash or on
time. See me before you buy, as I can
give Bargains in these Buggies.
Come to See
Bryan, Tezaa.
OAee. over Jsmee Diagstore.
denre Pbone 131
We are authorasd lo announce
aa a ramlidata tor Couaty Attorney of
Braane eoonty at tbe ensuing .November
e ectioB.
We are authorized to announce
aa a candidate for County Treasurer ol
Brasos county st tbe enauing November
We are authorised to announce
as a candidate lor re-election to the
office of justice of ibe iece, I 'laden!
Ho. 4, Brnaoa roontv, at tbe rosuiog
NovrmUr elertioo.
ham ii. miniwioi
Nominated fe) . . i..n For
lb- I . i i 1 1 ii i
Pnruant to rail of Hr. George
K. Tnlsir, a .leiiKH-ralir n.
ing convention of the Fifty-fifth
legislative district was held nt the
court houe yesterday afternoon at
2 o'clock- Dr. Tabor waa chair
man and A. .1. Buchanan secretary.
II. m. Sam H. Hi-nderson waa
nominate.! by acclamation.
Dr. Tabor was re clecteil chnir
man for the ensuing two years.
asas -
the roisov rrr. ,
Tbere Is a rarna
Aeroas tba way,
A handsome man,
Ia he to-day:
Irat read bis slgngr
"Imponed wlnea.
And rhoteeet liquor"
la array.
He has a boy.
pretty child.
With blue eyea
And manners mild.
But, oh! how very
Bed to think.
He sees so many
lo drink-
Not from the fountain
Or the well;
Not from the streamlet
In the dell.
Where thirsty man
Or beast may sup:
Rut poison from
Tbe shining cup!
No men dreads death more than the
drunkard, yet how often Is he beard
saying that be wanta to die.
Strong drink Is the devil's way to
man. and man's way to the devil.
A thick tongue and a thin purse are
likely to he the properly of the same
Tbe devil hss aa Iron collar on ev
ery man who thlnke mors ot the saloon
than be doe hla koraa
Me !
And let's have a iurat,
Sweet , Chat
als.tit those Ni.-c prewenta
vou want to buy , about the
Kngraviug you want done.
I have Moved to B. S. Read's Druf Start.
where I have the heaviest
Stock of
JewelrY. Diamonds. Watches. Clocks. EMu
ever brought to Bryan.
John M. Caldwell
Tlni .liweler.
About Perfumery
and Toilet Waters
It pay. to be careful. Tbe
name of tba odor sirens)
proves nothing. Note they
standing of tbe firm from
which yon bay. Perfume
are a bobby of oars and when,
you gat Ibeaj of ot yon know
tbey are right. We have
Palmers, Wright's, Crows
and others, and are ee peri ally
the odors wo excel m- Either
in original sealed bottles
with all their fragrance pre
served, or in balk aa you
Prescriptions a specialty.
Bl S. fflD,
W. C Fountain,
RH'lDE'ft fltlSaW.
Calls an.wered I lay or Nitut. Ottawa
II. S. Read's Drugstore.
Residence Phone 11. - Bryan, Texan
-in v v otm-
Bread. Cakes Rolls, Etc.,
Full tuelght loves
of the Best quality,
Altuayn fresh, and
Fair treatment is what
I guarantee
tow m