Newspaper Page Text
JBcan Ifoommc, Vol. Ill No. 227 BRYAN, TEXAS. TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23, 1898 Price 6 cents. BE CAREFUL , WHAT YOU DRINK! Dwindle, Wright & Co. Java Blend Coffee a.s cents per pound. Un excelled for flavor and aroma. Dwindle Wright & Co., Roasted Rio coffee H pounds for $i.oo. (iuraranteed to be better than any package coffee in the market. Telephone Nunber 2j. HOWELL BROS. THE GROCERS. NKW KRA.TJTT. PARSONS Iniarged Wti refitted ith New ami Improved Machinery. A Ktriclly Flrat laa ami l-t-lutf I'IhiiI, i a prepared to All order, largo or mall, (or a l'l Itl . MOUMMi MMl HH1II OKAI'K HOliA WATER, all flavor, at Wholesale aod KaUil. PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS PER CASE. A ebare of l ha public patronage reepectlnlly m.Ii riled. (Vontrv Mer cbaoU, RMN and r'eativel partis eepecially melted to give as a trial Wa guarantee all good of our manufacture, and gire prompt attention to all orlra. Call on or address, C. C. PARSONS, Bryan, Tex. tela Propriatof and Itoltier "HAM AUG WK.I.LK WATER," Selure'eJ ows Kemwly for Indigeatioo, lyoepeia, etc.'trra for Fine Ciirara, Can, Ilea, Frail, Nute, etc. HEAT POWDER The I mi t and I'urrat I'owiler on tin Market. ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO IN PANTS, Has no Equal for the Cure tei a and prenervea the hkiti of A l ;lt of F.v raine Agent lor THOS. GOGGAN & BRO. I ical Su)liii, 8f TAYLOR & COX, Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS ! Cooling Drinks, Stenothening Cordials. Everybody treated Right. Best Wines, Liquor and Cigars Look over this Line ol- 755?- FINE IMPORTS 1 .. 1 ..... - - ana spp n mere is Creme de "lenthe 1 .1 1 1 riiiion im.uui Veno Vermouth Pale OlaUtft Bitters. m i 1 nr. UtADlia IHtANIs or LIQUOM. JDUNN db a BOTTLING WORKS; Motquito Lotion. Toilet Soaps, and True Ilea. Ode-. Ci..m. Oa L4 1 hi of. - :iii'l rewnte the Notion (Odor HT-nratioii. hj i l M w4 Mu- CM my paMBf. COOD LUCK! u, lruik ut the GLOBE SALOON IK anyining you want, Creme de Cocoa 1 1 11 ... 1 .:.. 1 itMi. inu vim. DA i iaanagaigjeB gi SHAW PLACED IN JAIL AGAIN. Seeral Oflio nt Arrlie at t ie bum With Him from Hen demon County. BIS CAPTOR WAS WITH THE CROWD. lie Tolil How He Found ut Where .Shaw Wa., and How He Wxs Taken Without Kfyialancr. SHAW IS VERY MUCH DEJECTED AND SICK. n la MM Imm Wkm m MMaWtfe wm 11. 1 unm m imnl u- Point. MM II. Settled It. furi-liand. Cleburne. Tex., Aag ti John B. 'Shaw, who escaped from th" jail her juat three da j. before be m to ha hwi hanged for ruurder, ta attain ! bind tba ban of tbe unit jail. Ua wai brought here yesterday by leTeml ofll cor from Malakoff, Henderaon county, mar whan he waa arretted. Fully WOO people w. tv at the depot whan the train reached the )! and folly IOOO maifhed with the officer from the depot to tba jail. Among the fflcer. who accompanied ."haw 10 tba city waa hta raptor. Deputy BherifT Walter Anthony, who lire al Malakoff Ha aaid I "A aactiou band ram. acroaa tba Trin ity t cadge to my booee aboat yante from tba bridge ami Mi I axe that a lu.p.cioa oaarsrtnr waa coming tba way I want to the bridge and waited, aonn rhaw appeared and I baited bus. Ha at Aret aaid hi nam waa 'bataoera, 1 bat afterwanla admitted that aa waa tba man I wanted. Ha waa completely fagged oat and aaid he bad tra rated mltea from away over oa Bhmlaad I creak He bad no ptetol or other ansa and aaid ha did not want any aa ha did not want ui kill aay ooe I t in tmt late ly Mat him to Malakoff and from there to Athena." Shaw told tba itory of hla escape and of bia dodging the uftWn aUaoa ha laft the jail. He denied that anyone aaatat ed him oat of jail, and aaid bo had treed inc.. hi eanape principally upon chick en he bad tolen from farmboaam A. the ttain neared Cleburne. Shaw jtssed elm.t overcome He ha baaa atck lor two day, and It wa ad to e hie face con'r''t with the fTr of the rn'l. f---iru' w lu'-li w. n- .welling up in hi brraat. When he aaw the NOD MfM aa the depot platforui be miled and Mid the- were eery cuncma If. a hMJ in Jatl at midnight. He m. v. rv w.-.-k and theonVera funilh-d him medicine to timulat him. lie aaid ha had a presentiment from the flrat : that he would never get away ami he Memed aad-ler and more dejvoted than ' be 1 .1 1 erer Iwn. Sliaw'a old mother, who ha. .tuck to him all tmngh the trial aa only a moth er ran, brok" down and wept when he branl of the capture of her aou and ha. now loat all hope of Having him, aa tha I governor ha rafuaed to commute hi. oteno I i not known when tbe eiecution w take place, a. there ia a legal unea tion or two that mm! 1. willed by J . llah ..r (ion-rnor CulU ixiu It Uthot.ght it will be alut Friday or at tbe onUtde Friday week. AllnMl a l.nrhlB(. Newport Nawa, Va-, Aug M. The riotou MMMI In Newport New lat Thuraday, wheu it waa feared a negro would be lynched for killing a member of the One Hundred and Sixtieth Indi ana regiment, were repeated in Pbontm yeatrrday afternoon. A aalonnkeeper named Tucker .hot John J Corcoran, a aeanuin from the collierOaaalaa, who at- tempteil to fnrolbly enter hi harmoni 1 crowd of aallor. and ml. Iter- tiaVMMM t.. lynch Tucker, but he wa taken away y thn. ofllcera at tbe point ..I th ir i. vr- and lmlge.! m Hami ton jail. 3 ' " r" 'r i of sailor and aaJV dler. I.nikv into Tucker' aloon and brok" . vervthinu' A detail of regular, from Fortn-Ma Monroe wa. M-nt to iu. 11 the .li.fiirl.iiic Cnrcaran'. injury .. not .erlou!'. ravmaaler. Or.lvrr.l hi Manila, .i.liitigion, Aug. I'ayma.ter i .1 -m niton haa ordereil three pay mailt .T. with fund, to go at once to Ma I ntla and pay the tro..;,. there l'lier wi.l nail from Sao Frauciaco in a day or two. Teiaa Soldi. r. Dla. Fori St I'hllipp. lav. Aug I'r. Tate David A Kennedy of San Angeln died Bandar ,f typhoid favar. Private J. H. Moore ol Oarthaga, died of ty pbold HMaMaaa Both ot company K. Third Tea Private Micbaei Daly, battery D. Kirat artille rr waa drowned Friday. A Terrible Charge. Vtrtepa, Ter, Aug Jl -Ohna. Madi 1 na, a Megiran, la la jail bare charge.! with lolling lui wife. Victoria Medina, oat oa the Baa Antonio river on Aug 10 SEVEN KILLED AND TWENTY-FIVE INJURED. th. Keealt r . Kea.ea.1 .lll.lon oa a Railroad In M . ' al tharea klallaa. Sharon. Max , Aug. W A frightful rearend entlidon occurred in the Sharon itatloa Of the New York. New Haven ind Hartford railroad at TtDO o'clock taat night wh. ii an eipre.a train, which wa running a the aecoad Mction of a long train, aaaaaj into the flnt ctlou. rompoaed it),vs car. Aa a naaJt wven ware killed and 15 enonly injured. The injured were nearly all ram .red to Boetcn on a ! ial tram Mat wa met by iiubu lanrea and .or.'eoa. The rear car of the local train wa -omi.lct. c ... .:..,; i w ;tii a portinu f the ggJM car. while the aag'ue of the .xpreaa train wa crippled. F.t. ry ooe ol the killed and injured wa oa the Mauefleld train and the only theory that tbo number of fatalitiet i not larger it that the paaaeagera in tbe flnt tectiaa ware all in the forward end if tba car, la the act of alighting at tbe Sharon a moated on a curve and both the outward and lawara track, are pro- by (leetno block algnal. trot tkry didn't give the proper warn tag. After ta accident it wa thought the block (igaal protecting tba Inward track waa eat al "danger. ' ahowtng. aa it waa intended, that there wa a train in tbe IkMatrale hi Al FayeanmUa, Aag n.-A drape rale flght to lb death occurred here Sunday ta the baiiaeaa part of the flm Wtllkanu and Joa King bad 4f aking togaabar and fall oat, and a neat enanen in whtea King waa fatally etabbad In aararal ptecea and died la a few adnntea King la a daa- per character aad wa at tha time of ' hit death under bond far banting hie wife William bad already nerved one .ii tae .tale priaon. lie waa ptly Maa Faaa Itaao b, tha Trak. Trtarkaaa, Teg.. Aag. ii The re main of an aged man were f on tut near the track of lb Knuaae Otty . PttLbnrg aad Onff railroad nbonl aut milen from Temrkana. From a deep gaah that waa dneov. red over the rye it waa coaclod.-d that death mined from a blow received, pmhablv from a pnaeing train The only evidence of identltr wi- i ;, . . .f with thta inncriptton : "Mt name ia Stephen Hargrove. I am from Ken tacky. ' Man an. I Wife AMaaaln.l.d, v 'till. I'lty. Mil. . Ana- . -One of the moat oatrageoo crime evrr com Wad in the date of Miiaiieippi u in the nlurloi of Mrt'omb (try Mr Scott Oaoiev and hi wife, a mot mpM-Uble couple, were both foul lv murdered about 10 Sooclork Sunday ninniing. The aaanuin uaed a gun 1 nded with "The offl car are on tbe murderer' trail with the bteod ' bounda Little (Mil hilled. Waco, Tel., Aug. '!. Jamei Came and In. wife, who reilde eight milee from Waco, were abaent from the bonne and their rluldn n. Maria, ! h, aad I Zeke, aged II, got to playing with a botgun It went off and Maria, the I little girl, waa kilted. aeetlen Haaa Iajara4. rolnrado. Tot., Aag. ag -PhU Daley. Teta and Paotftc ncrHa boa at tbu ' dace, fell from the handcar while II wa in rapid motion and utelnd (ertoo in jariei The anrgeoiih conaidrr htm in a trrtou condition tonight. Dr. Itar'erd t . .niia.l. Marlin, Tex , Ang M In thecaaoof tbe alate ti. I)r. J H Hurfonl, chargitl with the munler of Tom Wnght at Kinw tind laat Chnilmaa eve, the jury prononnceil a Terdlct of not guilty in the dutnet court In n ananlai lOnah ihl Knnt., Ang. Ti A difficulty occurred at a negro .lance here and Ananiui 8mith wg ihot in the .tde of the face, I the bullet graend In. no.' and li.lged in th lide of the head lie any he donen't known who abut Inui. I n.l.r a laOOaaBl llallir Hon, I. Moaoow, Teg , Aug. t.C. E. Pat. ten, chargel with killing a negro at Hering'i mill wa brought in, 1ml waived examination and wa placed under a bond of f 1000 to await the action of tbe graud jury. Xheartlag at Undale. Tylor, Tax., Aug. tk Mm baa Fresh TTONIP SEED Just Received IN BULK bv 1 w I The Original Cutter. Phone 40- iea.n-.i inia civ ot a aeriooa inoiKiu crape at Lindaie. J. E Vi. kery waa hot and lertovi y wounded Sheriff Smith and t'ountT Attorney Walk, r have left for Uadate. h...rl..l HUH., at l...ladT. Roaebad. Tex, Aag. W J. H. Brook received a telegram laying that hla half brother, Bob Calhoun, had been hot aad killed at Loveiady, Tax. Mr. Brooka and W. T. Benton left for Love lady. Charlea Trail I toad New York. Ang ti. Tha death ia an nounced of Charlea Kdward Pratt, founder of Tha Bicycling World, flrat preeident of the I. -ague of American Wheelmen and a pioneer in bicycliag. Charted Wlla Outhrle, O. T , Aag. l Calvin Lngne aad Mr John J. Otnna warn jailed at Chandler on a charge of big amy, both being bound orn to the grand jury. Skin Like Velvet Tbe woman or girl whoao face ia rough or red- whoee akin ia dia Hgurct with ugly pimple., blackhead- motb-patche. liver-molra, freckle, tan or tnnbarn. can ham a akin lika velvet if iba ihooaea. Pemattnt ue of Viola Cream will make tbo face a toft, tmooth aad pink a a baby'. Without auratlon or doubt Vrolo Cream will o exactly what we claim. It i tbe only preparation which doea per. manent good, and cannot poeatbl do injury. It ia a akin medicine aa well a a ikin beautifiar. Try a ;o cent jar. It wilt bring hotn hap pineaa and aatiifaction. Hy tha time the jar i used up, yon'U hardly reiognuc yourtelf ia tha mirror. Your old cotnplexioo will Ik? replaced by a new one. Drag gilt sell Viola Cream it -U ty THE 0. C. BITTNER CO., a Toledo, Ohio. -v- i mm1 'ev laerewni DfJlflilm an. ennwd. of . arfXanm d V m tmn tm Itrmm. mm4 i0 ' ' aaxea a tm twTt 1 . aaaJ. . Bgt r wtt9g aWf (taaaaagaTf . d) HM k taftfh d" . aiaj Daa imt a CM hM n Vaaa, fea, pDjprC MNn.1.11 halfevtoaU i.. , . . l .... . ' hvo-o m Cw4 o. MM haffatr tigrnkkl C . oolo iiaona 02 h III! r Ii. h Thos. H. Hairston, I. u. SPECIALIST, CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DlSEAii. PILES CURED telTHOUT ma am or KNIFE er nelani from idiidm.. rieTt'LA, ncaoaaa. it. INU aad CU IBATID B0WIL8 CUaJCD Office honri: W to It a. ax.; t 5 p.m. Office at 8am B. Wllaoa'a Bni tore. FECIAL K01M! TRIP RAP VIA TIB OLD REI.IIILE SMRT LI 1(1. A Q. H. K. R.) : The gaickeat aad Boat Rowto. TJi oualed Doable Daily Sornco to I I. "it, ndIirect CcnnectkHM , Kait. Sl MMl R 1uI'I;1m:TICKET8. Now on tale to all toariat roe. ; north, nurtheaat and northweet. Q. for return until Decern her 3 lit, 1MB. For failjparticular, time cards, aloe er reatLuna, oic, apply to near ticket agent I. A ii. S. R.B..or mm D. J. Pan t, ;P. an.lT. A.. I. A U.N.B.B. t'alettino, Texa W. l LAWREtCJ DENTIST. Oflice Front Room, over Pnatofn Brvau. : Texas. R. R. DOUBLE DAILY TRAI Short an I Quick I-ineBetwaee North and Suuth Texae. T 8 l'l I KBN OUSTON Ano DENVi fx C Via 1'i.ali aad ft. Wurtl E 0 E GALVESTON,,, .DENIS i p Via Hnion anil Pallai U R GALVESTON IV, ST. LO (l L V1 Iteotte-. Kami and ran r, S HOUSTON A AUSTl The II. A rC. trachea tialver Houston, P-ietitum, Auatln, Coriicai. a, Waxahacbie, Ft. Woi Delia, I'laiio,?.!. Kinnsy, Saatte. and Denton, and gives flrsVoi Service. C. eV. Bn-, M. I . Hosniss, Traffic Manager. ;. P.'eVfT. Ag W.;s. Wiuo... Agt. UoBsi. Bryan, Texas,