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JBran lfootn4ng Eagle. BRYAN, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 24. 1898. Vol .III No. 228 Price 6 cents. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU DRINK! Dwindle, Wright & Co. Java Blend Coffee 25 cent per pound, excelled for flavor and aroma. Dwindle Wright & Co.. Roasted Rio coffee H pounds for $1.00. Oura ran teed to be better than any package coffee in the market. Telephone Nunber 23. HOWELL BROS. THE GROCERS. Ni;v kkai:tt. L PARSONS' Kularged and refitted with New Mini Iniprovril Machinery. A Strictly Flrit Class und l'i-to-lHtf Plnnt, now prepared I orders Isrge or Miiall. few a tVWM, W IIOLKHOMF. Maw UGI OBADB HOliA WATF.K, all flaiore, at Wholeeele and Ratal). PRICE. ONLY 50 CENTS PER CASE. A thai of the public patronage reepertlully solicited. Country Mer it, chants, Plc-nlc and Feetiral partiea eepecially invited to give na a trial We guarantee all goodi of our manufacture, and give prompt attention to all orders. Call oa or addraae, C. C. PARSONS, Bryan, Tex. We Proprietor an. I Bottler "MANGANIC WKLI WATER," 'Natere'e owl Itemed, for lodigeetion, liyipepaia, etc. Hrednua-tefe for: Fine Cigara Cendiao, Km t- Nnta, etc. HEAT The lewt and I'ureat l'owiler on the Market. IISIMXIALLY AI)AITH) TO Has no I;qual for the Cure t Miltena and preseriea the Skin ol Adults of Ktceeeire Agent tor THOS. GOGGAN 4 BRO.. T ii '-uiiplic. TAYLOR & COX, Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS I Cooling Drinks, Stenothenino Cordials. Everybody treated Right. Best Wines, biquor and Cigars Look over this Line ol -aate?1--- FINE IMPORTS and see it there it anything you want. Creme tie Hen the Creme tie Cocoa ParJeon Brand Holland din. Veno Vermouth riaraschino Pale Orange Hitters. ALL TIIF. LI.AIUNti IIUANOS OF LIOJ OKM. DUNN db DALY . B0TTL,HB W0RKS : Mosquito Lotion. Toilet Soaps, and True f iaM OSa-i '.r C ,'o".- L.d t' roe,. POWDER INFANTS. ! t and prrenta rpiration. n loll lilor " -n .-I .. mil Mu- lift my iiriiv. GOOD LUCK! to Drink nt the GLOBE ' SALOON FLAG RAISING AT HONOLULU. The Man and Stripe Float Orer the MuiuU of Hawaii In the Paeillr. Til r l" II I' If V 17 1111. UilVMU. 1 A GRAND AFFAIR. Inhabitant of the llandn Arrept the Chanire Without Any Oh jertion Whatever. PRESIDENT DOLi: TDRN8 OVLR THE ISLAND. The 'rrenl Initiation nf I tie- NlimiW mil Remain In Force I nlll the I'nlled Mule. I agrr Shall tiili. 1 hi- iMrrniinr. San Francisco, Aug lis -The ar Belgtc ban arrived here, bringing the following advice from Honolulu aa to the flag ralmug there on Aug. II: Precisely at eight minutes to U o'clock today the Hawaiian flag earndad from the flagstaff on all the government buildings, and at Ave minutes to the me hour tha stars and slnpe floated on the tf.pi.-al breeie from every official flaarataff. Tb ceremony waa a moat impresaiye one To hear the nt rains of "Hawaii Ponoi" for the laat time aa a national anthem ; to hear tha Mow taps aa the Hawaiian ensign from lie poattton, and to notice otton of many who bad bean under it, aad bad lived their Uvea under it were solemn. lint then came the bright sail for the raising of old glory and the strains of "Tee Star Bang led Banner" broke forth as that banner waa unfurled to the breere Then the cheers broke forth, and ayes that had been dim for a few mine tea beeame bright and lightened ap when the stars and stripes floated out. The picture presented In and around the cMcnttre building waa moat strik ing lu the grounds and ail around were crowds of onlookers of ever nat ionality. Notably remarkable were the label of Hawaiian Within tha grounds the military and naval display to. Hawaiian trnps, United State, mannee, the mounted patrol, the ! police and the ritiiens' guard preeented a aplendid appearance, while the plat form for the exercises aud the verandaa thr 1Ma,'T huilding wer gay with britlant mimmrr drees, dancing featb- era and ribbons and the brightest faces that Honolulu pnasetnea. Th uniform of taff and naval officer added bright nee to the o-ne. A line of thee stal wart, wi .l dressed men, stretch. . I acruaa the tint step from the verandas and made i distinctive mark in a maasive grouping which was in itself worthy of tprcUl notice The ren in, ny began with the depart ure of the First regiment of the national guard of Hawaii from their dnll -hod at b : 50 o'clock a m. The parade was haded by a detachment of M mi1ico un der command nf (wptain Kane and Lieutenant Warren. Then -sine the 1 Hawaiian hand and drum corps. The regiment marched to the boat landing to escort the troops from the l'hililelpiiui and Mohican, which were already drawn up on hore. Thn United Stole force were commanded by I. tent 1 Commander Steven and oonsisted of one company of marines and two of blue jackets from the Philadelphia, a compa ny of bluejackets from the Mohican and an artillery detachment of two gnn and 42 men. The naval detachment waa headed by the flagahip's tstnd The detail of man in charge of thn raising of the American flag was in command of (I. H Flnti. gunner's mate nf the Philadelphia, and K. Winters, boatswain of the Mohican. These am the men who actually raixit the stars and tripe over Hawaii As soon a President D.ile and In cabinet came from the eiecntlre build ing to the platform t',e jnUteo of the suprcm.' court followed an I then Ad miral J M Miller and I'ntlod State Mliiuter Harold Sew.ill came .1 steps follnwiNl hy (Vptain S M Ho"k of the Mohican und hi staff nfllccre and t'iloni. Barber of the First New York regiment. United State Minuter Sewall ad- tr.- I I'r.Kident Dole, pn'seiilmg him with a certified copy of the joint rveolu tton of congre annexing the Hawaiian Island to the t'nitod States. Pnident Hole answered, acknowl edging thn making of a treaty of poiiti cal union, and formally yielded to Mm ' later Bewail at the reoresentative of the government of the United States the overetgnty and pa bile property of tlx Then came the flag labia nd the salute of U ifnm Minister tfewall then read a proriama tioa stating that President McKinley directs that iha civil, Judicial and mili tary V"'n of lb government (hail con tinue to bs eierriesd by Iha oAcavs of Iha repoblio of Hawaii. Ail each officers were required to take an oath of allegiance to tha United BUtaa and r. naw their tond. to iha Unitad Htatea govern meet, which they did without a Ingle objection. The municipal tabulation of the Ha waiian ulanda and tha estatlng regula tiona will practically remain in force antil the eonareaa of tha Unitad Btates ahail otherwise determine. A ball at the eiecntive building, at ' which ni guest were praaant, waa the 1 culminat.on of tha festivities which fol j lowed the ceremony of the flac raising. ICUBANS TAKE THE TENTS OF SOLDIERS. They Bvea r.he ib i aad " aa.l U.riiu Tr.M,.. II. I la Nwrii Wlthaut Bilker. ' Santiago. Cuba, Aug. M -On tha breakini: na.,f General Wheeler's camo on the (easy road on Friday the tent and general . .juijiment of the division headquarter! wtre left in charge of the quartennsttar , department During the in. ht ths Cabana stealthily confis cated all the tenta. stores, arm and r eonal effanh of the soidiera. There is no clew tola robbers General Kent's brigade, stationed three mile, from Santiago, also lost their - . . -. k. u. .WJ lasasfasa iirniniwiiiiwi.ii lrefooted, their thoet and everything portable having been taken. The Ott- hens equippsd themselves with the arms, tent and provisiona of the Americans. . rifktl.. bso Kri la New Tori Aug W Fighting Bob Kveas hat beta attaoked wish lyphotd malaru. Ht has left hia ship and to the Raattv elt bospvtal Wllktagtori, Aug M. The aaeretary of the tsjerery ht iunlnfetr-umstsji.ea on wbylpanlah veeatls should net en ter, lnsa tad clear at port In tb United Wtaktagton, Aag. J The first act In Bpala'i avac nation of Cuba matt be the eeireader of Mono oast and the keys to the mines in the harbor. mil 'ill le i i.'r. Waskisgton km " ' the AtUottc ssjMaal Admiralt Bhley hampsoe are tatealti duty. engaged on Cm Washington, Ang. 3S. -The following are tha eommisalont for Cuba and Porto Rico appointed under the peace term by Spain: For Cuba -Major General Parrado, Rear Admiral Pastor y Imirro and Marquit Montore. For Herto Kico Major General ' rrte ga O. Dlai, (Vimmodore Vallartno y i im- ' Mrt ratiK, and Judge Ad- te aii- ne. del Agullu v ismn. (n.rl lu Net UrlMol Fonce, Porto Kioo, Aug '.'. The team, r Aransas, with (icm nil Mi.. . m board will soon leave for New (rlean I4alat M Ilia Maaa uprlnlaa4anl. Washington. Aug. M For the flrat SJsSM in the history of tha Unitad a tales military tcade'my a flrat lieutenant la to be euprrtntendet of the iuetitntinu. The officer thus honored Is First Lieutenant A.L MiU.of the First cavalry one of the heroes of Santiago and who now bat the tempirary rank of Captain as a member of General Young's staff. The preel- dent mads the selection personally and 1 aa a reward for gallant conduct at the storming of San J nan heights. Lieutenant Mills waa General Young' ' ehief nf staff during the Santiago cam paign. He wat severely wounded dur ing th tattle at Han Joan, having been hot in the head and losing an age The president had an interview with Captain Mills a few daya ago and hearing from hit Hp the tory of the work of the troops at Santiago and remetnterlng the glowing i. -count which General Young had previously given him of the conduct of tin. I rac officer, offered him the su pennti n v of the military academy, which . n.eri'd oti of the m t im portant command within lit gift. Although of low rank Captain Mill la nearly year old ami has had con siderable . nairience In work which spec tally tit him for his new duties. He ha fend ii instructor at the academy and last rear wa in charge of the de partment of strategy and tactic in the Fort Ijeavenworth c.ivnlnr atul infantry school He la a native of Nw York and wa apimitiled fi "in thai -'.tie to the m'litarv academe .Inly I IK?. Haul en o...i.. aSaatsatjaasjaSj Little Krk. Ang t. Special Raiding Demitv Hums has just returned froin a Fresh TURNIP SEED Just Received I The Original Cutter. Phone 40 success! ui t..ur lunmgu ine mouaism di- ur large moonshine cub- liahments were rleatrored and flyt moon-1 shinsr. raptured Joe L Kincber. the '' leader of tiie Cleburne county shiners who caused so Stfjafl lasasMi some months ago, sras retted. those ar- rii -.r Mount Vernon. N. T . Aug. JT -On Monday there occurred a double funeral of listers. Mary Ooaullo and Mr. Mur phy, who lived close together They lied withiu a ftw mlaaSat of eat Neither knew of the other' They were buried in the eem They willed large properties to Deniaon. Tel., Aag. H. Walter Johaaoa, who waa arreeted in this city a abort time back charged with tha theft of a team of amaiae at Parsons, jam pad from a train while en route north la charge of an officer and made hia eaoaps with hia handcuffs on. How to j Keep Young! Mm ui atipfwa I is a n iiiaaSnSi It tt, Aroood Uwi ryn lltllr wnnkltw mk W a . - i.. at - - tbftr mWmtvi. which su-svlny str.w m larsrr od ilrvtrr Thew wrinkle ran t kepi away unul lais In life If i rare Mtakaaof Uisikln. The.lsiljr will msks the tkln nn, taanMh and J dellratrly 4uk It will keep woaaea W -t vnaaese the vaets en lr. Ttier 0 am often appear ten yean yiamsar taaa m 0 they really ar. A Viola Crsasa U a finely perfume! pre- J r narailon which saw sssjehaeea. ret ass w all I4ntehe. ptssatet, rsaekbea U. tan n.l st s ilin dig i eat from, and -1 A - o mi-1) ft V h kind that tlwn I. turfhln will, w hi, h W i i.i- II II nu weal to rrmln la link mt hate a trtyvty akin. y lulrar Via Cesata, Price o 4 i mi. u. k. ii. i .i if i:n., 4 Ti '!. cv Jeaf--- k-A SSta t nararna W 'v swetmsed a. IkW ttmH We aaae all mm ' taw aw . . IX- l tkaa Ui BW. In Vawa SB. PRICES j: rwaai to II n In aa VM kg SS ua asi I. ua naj m Caal a. U.W. ....... M. taaa la ttak HallM.1 tt. m ntftarr t MrM 6 . 5 sa 5 Hate IN BULK bv L M ThftC H Hailton M 11 IWII, m. IS. SPECIALIST, CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DlSEA.fcS PIJL,Bt CURED WITHOUT ret uet a KNIFE ar setsetata raaaj ttm.... mhT' i s. rieefRim, i.itj DM aad i i. kratkii aowau crjan Office honri: w to IS a. .; 2 ta 5 p.m. Office at ham B. Wilaon't Drag. toie. FECIAL ROUND TRIP RATES VIA THE OLD RELIABLE SMUT LINE 1(1. A O. V R. it. : The Quickset aad Boat Route. Una. qnalad Double Daily 8ejrvV to St. Louit, asdIHrtt Connectoaa fo Poiota Fast. bl'MMKR 11 HIMXTICKETS. Now on sale to all toaritt rte itu north, northeast aad northweaL ii Met ' return until Decern I er .Hit, IMh For folljparticulart, time cards, ai. . p. er reeenatiou. ate, apply to near. t ticket agent, I. A G. N. R. R .or adV 'Ii D. J. Paict, .-:!' andT. V . I. o. ti. N. K. R PaleaUno, Tela- W. B. LAWREfCE, DENTIST. Office Front Rooms orrr Pimoffi Bran, - Teaaa. H.I.( R. R. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. Short and Quirk Line,fwtweee North and Sooth Teta. T li R 0 U a s L E E P B u s bT.TWY.KX 0UST0N ue OENVI Via Enali aad Ft. Wortfe ' VLVESTON AV OEFIISI Via lien ton and Pallas OaLVESTON . ST LOU ii. i . n- , !, HOUSTON , AUST Tha II. A T. C. resthrt Oalveet Houston, Drenlism, Aattia, V Coricat a, Waxaharbia, Ft. Won Dallas, I'lar.o, Mi Kinney, v erm and I'enfti. and givet firsl-cl Mgrvl -. jC. V. Btiv M. L. K msim, j Trafflc Manager. ti. P.;a;T. Agt. W;p. Wiuos, Agt. lloMb Bryaa, Tesaa.