Newspaper Page Text
ffivgm Ifoornmg Eagle. BRYAN, TEXAS. FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 26, 1898. Vol .III No. 230 Price 6 cents. if BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU DRINK! UPON THE SEA. I'rcnrh Sr hnnnrr 8tM Down In a Collision Off tin- ( oast of Newrouuilland. Dwindle, Wright & Co. Java Blend Coffee 25 cents per pound. Un excelled for flavor and aroma. Dwindle Wright & Co., Roa.sted Rio coffee H pounds for $i.oo. Gurarantced to bi better than any package coffee in the market. Telephone Nunber 23. HOWELL BROS THE CROCERS. NEW KBAUTT. DISASTER CAUSED BY A SLIGHT POG. Tut .Vlioontr Va Struck by the Steamer Xortre, r'orrl "ver ami Went to the lint torn. NINE MEN SAVED AND SIXTEEN LOST. I'.i-.i ngi 1 - 1111 tlir Meaner Tlirnwa Into a I'antr. hnt Were i. d When rM Dial no Manage Hail laaMai, New Turk. Aug. IS Tba Thingval'.a testigation There wars slortny times in the lodg- room ami aererai appropria tions that usually went through with a whirl at f inner meetings aero either referred or voted 'town, and there waa a strong determination ua the part of tboae opposed to the present supreme osBoers to stick cloaa to Pythian lawi m everything Inqn.rr wu made an to the preaeut rnii.! it i-in df the rlaim heM by the su premo late again.t lb City National bank of Port Worth, Texas. SPAIN INDIFFERENT AS TO HER SEAMEN. She Willi., ia Teke Cere W Cer. vera' ..,. hmt ttt i. s.,, Cam. 'I 4I....H In- OtkerS. Washington, Aug. H -The presi dent's mag,, amnion offer to Spain through tb good offices of the British ambaaaador at Madrid In the nret week of August, jut after tba initiation of peace nefMiattoaa, to releaee ail the Hpanish nsval prisoners on parole for prompt repatriation, which WMdeellned by Premier Hagasta at tb- tune, baa had the direct reaalt of alienating most of the ordinary pnaonen, aa well aa ; many r.f the officers, from their mother ooanttv The nary department may eventually be compelled to abandon the "impartUTttr luiunooi treatment it haa accorded theae men. and pnt them to work There are 1 prisoners at Line Hleaini r Norgc, w hu b arrived here ; Seary Isiaad lu the Kittery ( Me. ) navy early today report the tank the yard, Including nearly ell the ordinary French tl-huig n-booner Lacoioetta of aaamen tad petty offloera who were SWIFTS PRH.MIUM SUGAR CURED HAM. SWIFTS BREAKFAST BACON- Best on on earth. All kinds of FESH GROCERIES at JHON B. MIKE, The Original Cutter. Phone 40. Mosquito Lotion. Toilet Soapt. and True f o aw--., niwn rw.. T HEAT POWDER The beat and I'nreat Pomler M the Market. ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO INFANTS. Bayonne, Franco, on Saturday but, on (rand Hank The captain and eight aailora were eared. Sixteen went down with the anfortnnate Teatal. Tba Norte sailed from ttettin Ana:. i. The weather waa generally One to the tanks of Newfoundland, when there became foggy with patches of clear weather On Peturday, Aug-. 10, be tween 3 and 4 o clock In the afternoon tba weather become foggy, hut not an thick Tba Teeesl't apeed waa reduced eared wbta Carrara's fleet waa annihi lated At the national hospital near Norfolk. Va , the seriously wounded. aOO in murder, bare been under treat ment, and moat of them bars oonva leeoed. The principal officers, number ing M. bars bsen uartered in Annapo lis m buildinirs which will be needed in a few weak for tba oAoars and profes sors attacked to tba naral academy Tba mas at Norfolk are a great bar dan upon est naral medical authorities. i 'uineee enrouw to toe Omaha rapt tion as many prviou amrala bar used the "actor" privilege to obtain legal residence in this country Has no Equal for the Cure of. t -Iters and presence Iba 8kia ol Adults and preveaU tba; Noxious .Otlor ( I nesaive per.plretion Agent Itr THOS. COGCAN 4 BRO.. PtaMt, Organ, 8hr.t Mii-i- and Mu sical Kupplit. i-t my price. PARSONS' BOTTLING WORKS; hnlsrged end rent led itt, Nrvr n.l Improved Machlneri. A stri.Uy First "la saai t I p-to-linte, Plant, now prepared to fill aaaaajlaaeaw .mall, for Pl'llF., W HOM-MOMK and HIOH OKAIi: H4lA WATKK. all rtarors, at Wholesale and Retail. PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS PER CASE. A abara of the public patronage reepectfnlly solicited. Conntrr Mer chant. Ilc-nie and Kastival parties aacially inrita.1 to gire us a trial r inarants sll goods of our mannfsctorr, and gire prompt sttontion lo all orda rs. Call on or address, C. C. PARSONS, Bryan. Tex. loie Proprietor and bottler MANt.AMi WKI.l.x W.tTKK," Xatnra's! owr for Indigestion, Prspepsia, eb . Head.,as'tcra for Klna Cigsrs, Candies, Vruit", Nuts. etr. GOOD LUCK! to Drink M the ( 'a ptain Kundsen aaid hs could ssa about bat tba nary is principally coaoarnad rs- three cables lengths shrsd. The wind was fairly brisk from the wast, south west, whsn a resssl suddenly loomed up from the north with sails full and stood directly across the bow of the steamer Bells were rung lo stop sad backed at fall spsad, but too late to check the steamer's headway. The Ashing sshaoa ' er fall across the bow and with a crash was forced over and sunk Three men t sprung aboard the Norga. The paisengers of the Xorge, most of whom were about the derks, rushed about in alarm at tba thock, bat were ' soon quieted, when tbey learned that the (learner was uninjured. Boats were , lowered and sit men and a dog wars picked up. The vessel sank almost im mediately, and in sinking carried with her It of her crew. RAILROAD COLLISION IN MICHIGAN. Twelve hna rVre Injurxl and Sm ef lhui Are Kprl4 lo Me la - i Ceaillllee. Port Huron. Mich. Aug J -Twelre persons wsre more or lees seriously in jured in a collision on ths Flint and Here Marquette railroad here. Tbey are Mr- James llohlnns of Wales, bip trokenand spine injured; two ribs fractured Mrs. Marimrel Downer of Wales, two t.upsn iere-ndent on ibe chanty of the ribs fractured. . United Htatea. It is certain, therefor-, Mrs. Dr. Wilkinson of Aimont, bead the prisoners will remain, and if paiu cut. cheek tione injured continues to be indifferent it is possible gardlng las large force of men at ray island. They are quartered tn fortabls bat temporary wooden lures, watch do vary well for bat waieh will causa great suffering aoon oa account of ths approaching cold weather to which the Spaniards are wkally unoeematoaiad. Home of the Spaafca offlaan hare wrtttao home that they aape the war will oaatlnus another year la order that they can se)oy the traaamsut they hare been racerring, but ethers, notably Captain Coaeas, who has bean in this wan try longer thai so v of his colleagues, hare recent ly ssussd coasidarable preesure from ranoat sources, ehisfly political, to ha broagbt to bear oa the nary depart - meat to consent to the return of lbs orfi cer to Spain. Nival officials make no concealment of tbsir musty to gat rid of Captain " nos ami all the other offio-rs at An napolis and Norfolk who are now on limited parole, bat there is no intention lo rr lease the officers until Spain makes aone provision for the ordinary seamen. Ilk) the impression in the navy de part nt as Spain is so much more par ticular about prohibiting ordinary sea men to accept parole than sh is in the rn- of their superior offlcer that some ! ultra motive moat be al the bottom of the natter, and that possibly if bar offi cers wsn- returned borne the Spanish ' government would take no further in- ten-vim the nailors. but ,. .. them ss i r . .. sa Optra lee. New York. Aug M Mrs. Anna Knowlton Colby is dead in this city f rom the effects of a sargieal operation Her boiband, Charles L. Colby, who died in :tM. waa yrominent in New York business circles, and waa closely interested in railroad and ntrtag ev llee Ha was at one time president of (he Wisconsin Ontral nulroad. Mrs. Oolby took a deep Interest in chanties. The Mrafc.wwh Arrives. San Francisco, Aug. it. The staaas er Brunswick has arrived II days out from St. Michaels via Dutch harbor, with MQJ peaads of whalebone and 2 passengers from Daweoa Thorn com ing from the Klondike were reticent re garding the asBsOaat of treasure broagbt dorm, bat tba salt U not believed to H.4T.H R. R. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. Short and ijuick Una Bat North and South Teas GLOBED SALOON TAYLOR & COX. Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS I Cooling Drinks, Stenqthenino Cordials. Everybody treated Right. Best Wines, Liquor and Cigars Look over this Line nl FINE IMPORTS and tee il there is anything you want. Creme de rienthc Creme de Cocoa PalCOfl Brand Holland Qitl. Veno Vermouth laraschmo ; Pale Orange liittcr. Miss Martin of Detroit, nose broken ami scalp wound. Mrs M S Swan of Aimont, leg bruised and ankle sprained. Mis Knot of Memphis, face, head and ahouldera injured. Mrs. John Olegg of Memphis, head and hip injured. Mrs. Mctluirv of Memphis, shoulder and arm injured Mr Virions Cook of Wales, thumb on one hand and finger on the other broken Oeorge T. Krye of thin city, thumb dialocated 1' !' .er i ' Meninhi and Mr Helen WUoos of Wales were so badly , lay nch as that occurred at Montauk shaken up aa to squire medical atteti- Feint. tion, but no bone were broken. THE USUAL ELECTION WAS POSTPONED. aspirin- Orttrrr or the Knlghlr. t.r lyth. la Net lUtloteil Fur tin Aereioil r Born of the lutunes will be taken from the ifflrers, and tl a' tbey will be mado to feel, in a measure, that they are in fact isonsrs of war. All arple Troep Ordered Here. Washington. Aug. ft Order hare been issued to Qenere! Milss to send home from Forto K loo all troops not act ually Beaded for service there. No point has bsen designated as yst for their disembarkation in the United State, but the examination of several sites are being looked after It is de sired to secure a healthful ramp, and at the same time one where disembarka tion can taks place at once without de- Treaaporl Heeeh Washington, Ang. M ' nartnietit has received Am:. - The election Die jupaeme lodge of Manila. -The warde lh following from I ieneral Merritt at Manila : "The Kio de Janeiro and the Fenn aylvanu urrivevl on Wednesday All were well No i-asnaltiee, excepting Private Wenks of the First Son Da kota, who died between San Ft cisco in I Honolulu." Chinese IVtMiien Arrive. T li R 0 U 0 li S L E E P E R S BETWggJI OUSTON am, DENVER Vis Eoals aad ft Wank GALVESTON 4 0ENIS0N Via Baas tow sad Daflaa GALVESTON ,. ST. LOUIS via Hiuitm. lams sad runs HOUSTON . AUSTIN Tba II. A T.-C. reaches Gal res to Honatoa, Brenhsm, AnsUa, War Ooreicana, Wajahachla, Ft. Worth. Dallaa, Flano, MeKinaay. Kbtrmaa aad Daaaon. and gives firat-dsse Senrtce. C. eT. Ba. M. L. Boaaua, Traffic Maaagar. (i. P. 4 T. Agt. W.;s. Wiuoa, Agt. Iloutoa, Bryan, Teaaa. Skin Like Velvet The woman or girl whoaa face la rough or red whose akin is din- f m - 1 .....I. kl.i. I uuioi nun ua'7 yfm . wi- . beads, moth-patthev, lirer-molea, freckle, tan or sunburn, can haro a skin like velvet if she) chonaaa. Persistant use of Viola Cream will make the face as soft, smooth and pink aa a baby's. Without juration or doubt Viola Cream wi'.l Jo exactly what we claim. It is the only preparation which docs par manrnt good, and cannot posaibly do injury. It it a skin mediciae aa well as a akin beautifier. Tnr a 50 cent jar. It will bring both hap piness and satisfaction. By tba time the jar is used up, you'll hardly recognize yourself in tha mirror. Your old complexion will tic replaced bv a new one. Drug gists sell Viola Cream ii smsV ey THT- 0. C. BITTNER CO.. I olrdo, Ohio. W. H. LAWRENCE, DENTIST. I Office Front Rooms over Pootoffica. Brian. : Texaa. FECIAL KOI NO TRIP RATES VIA THE OLD REI.IIILE SHORT Ll O. N. R. it. The gaickeat aad Beat Route. (Jam i.naled Double Daily Service to HU end JDiract Conaeetioaa fo PoinU East. M'MMF.R TDI RIHT.TICKETS. Now on sale to all tourist resorts north, northeast and north watt Good for return nntil December 31st, 1898. 1 1 mi. 1. i:igm. iiuands of LM1 its. JDXJTT3T db DA e ... Indianatsili. of officer of Knight of Pythias did not tnk place 1 Sin Francisco, Aug. s. rira hnn thi. morning. It is usual to elect ofll- dred ami flfry-.ix Chinese women who cer. on the third day of the biennial - ' lT',, ,r"m orl"" "" ,htf '" r . , . , . . ... . , Helgic have Noii brought to thl citr IOII, but ll objected lo Us itUe of the ' h , . from the iiunrintitie t itioii 011 Angel investigate,,, mom going on an I one ,,.. ntllN r ,, ,.. ., repn-seiiutivo insisted that the election fr Mexi.o. the Uiamv canning lota he delayed, a it would not be the proner I .muled lo laud o ing to prior residence. tblug.r.o elect men who were under in- enecial attention will be rend to the DeslflRtRg J earn. a, ... ... BtM m iw tmt e. wi a tmt 1 cm. an . aaaa '- -. 1 .. ... -- ppiprc iii.i. it 1. w wis rniV.r.0 lr.,Hu.MreeiUS-. .......... aamai 'er us ....... N ImlnlU'weM-Wi f UJrMiaiei Mttsrr tssgsstM fit tw m larrem, ooto Msroaa. For full particulars, time .arda, sleep er reaarvations. etc., apply to nearest ticket agant, I. ,V o. N.JK. R., or ad ,lrea ;d. J. Pan a, 0.:P. and.T. A., L k G. N. R. R. Palestine, Texaa, Thos. H. Hairston, W. D. SPECIALIST, CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES I'll. KM ( I KKL) WITHOUT vet usi o. KNIFE er d.iaatlea from bntttitn. FISTl'LA. FIMt'RKM, ITCH 1X0 sod I'M KBATIII BflWKU Cl'KED. Office hours: 11 to 12 a. m.; 1' to 5 p.m. other at Baal B. Wilson' Drugstore.