Newspaper Page Text
T - PERFUMERY TOILET ARTICLES DON'T YOU WANT THE BEST? Vim wilt to.! i-oit" -k:alya i umpltte wl'h palmer's. Seeley's, Viola and California Perfumes and Abo thr 1 Combs; Brushes, and in ithe We want your PRESCRIP TIONS. We offer Compe- tut fTic and Pun Drug only THE DAILY EAGLE. I stereo at lha raaloatoa at Bryan. Tnu. aa ascend i'Um avail natter. T rONNKLLT. fAf.MSKA KSM.; MsLCOLa Ctaaa Kdiuir. ipaacairrio. ran Par Week. 10c. Par Month. I- lKM(M'It ATIC TK'KKT. For I'nitiil Stutea Senator C. A. CULBKKHON For Oowrnof JOtBPB I). ttVYBM of liiiNtrop. For Lieutenant (Sovernor . N. BBOWMING of Armnrillo. For Attorney (ieiieml T. B. HMITH of ULlUboro. Fur Comptroller! It. W FIN LEY of Tyler. For LmmI ConmiwioMr 010. W. P1HOIB of Ft. Worth. For TrniHtirer JOHN W. BOBBINS of Vernon . For Kiiilroiul ('omioner ALLISON MAYFIKI.U of Shermnn. I Statr Si 1 1 M-ri li t. l I .' J.s. DtBDALL of Ladonia. For .--ciit .lu'tiee THOB. J. BROWN of Sherman For Court Criminul Appxli M. M. HltOOKS of (ireenville. N For Ciiiire-n Seventh hri-tri t BOBBBT L BENBY of Warn. For representative 'I'ltli I i t r i t SAM II IIKNDKKSON nf Hryun. For ilifriit attorney 20th disirjd .1 c. BOOTT, of Franklin III. About thirteen thousand new limn' - have been milled lo tin pen sion roll this yean, and the end i The Gulf, Beaumont and (Ireal Northern railway company, rapital atock, 1150-000, hae lieen chartered. i Admiral Sam peon states aa an Mcertained otlicial fact that "outd l'JKK) men on the American Heel there have been only twenty caeu alties throughout the war." Con aidering what the Hoet h doue, the world must wonder at i lu 8DAY, AUtitlHT 25, IMW Violet Waters. .1 ... . uf Facial Preparations City WILSON-JENKINS Dm a ( ( ). i-iiom Mil l CAMPBELL WHI I I With llmnl'. fW" HI If BIT u t Man. ii i.... t 'tilni. Mr-. ini 1 1 iKrt IK III IiTeipt if n letter under ilate of Ai;j;ut 4, from her hrotln r, W. JL Cump lu ll a Brvnii Ih)v, now a inembei i of Company F. Hoofl' immuni R k'iment. The letter aay: lear smler: Well. I urn in , Cuha, ami you can bet it i- a tlirty plaie. There are all kiln! of nuhu lu re. W e left New OrlfMI Jnly.'Hth, ami Rot here Augmt .-'ml. W'e hal a gnml time on the I tratiHpnrt. one Spani-li wamhip 'linei u- lnit we left lier away lie I hind. I waa aick on the boat, but am t t i ii fr better every ilay. "We got in one tight here and three of our men were killed, but everything i i'iiet here now and peure i di elared. Our regiment ha eharge of Santiago de Cttbt, and ive are jimt the aame a ml ire here. I took thirty men yi -terda and went up tnwii ami eloeed up theaaloon, iurei !h- hike into the -tn 1 1- and put the bar I koaperi in jail. Tim autlioritie- don't ill"-- the ale of any kind of llqtton. The city ix und r law. The OOtlBlfy here i nothing but inouiilaiiic. Ali tlin buue are built of rook. We ran iM nil kind ol fruit here, but the doctor won't ii t ii eat in, v ti UK. I'lle boil .ill the water bef.ire they let u drink it. "The place where Sbafter men l iught Toral eo bard i about live milei from town. Dead Ml lier- feet lll'IV be ee -ticking III) t J of the ground where Ihi-y buriiil them, le-caii.e they did Hot have time to bury them any deeper. Inere are al)ut WO ra-i I yellow e er here. Mlt not in il ' , I of them die. our brother, i W. II. Campbell llclvrt A. Lockwood lias Isibfied up long enough to s.ty that the Spaniard- arc not such bad people after all, and that I'ncle Sam ought to turn his war veel into commercial -hip. Itelva drank ol the cap nf notoriety in the year I me liv, but -he ha about played o'it c iii i- a ,eipaMr item. The Ban Fntneiei o Kvenioi Pool say that the I'nited State, will Six in be connected by cable wilh their newly acquired Petri Be paj. -. --inns, mid the cable will connect the I'nited Stale from that city with Hawaii, the I, admin-, the I'liillpi'ine-. and Hotl Kong. Tin 1 1... i in,.. i , .i 1 1... ,.,. . wsmnrri hae been made. Tin- contract tor the living of ibe cable ha already DOM let, the 1'ost ay, and. 'ti'cnril. nig to the terms n the contract, the work uiuwt lie completed within lis month-. ll cost' the Boytl Baking Pow der Co, something like lolMHrisT aimually for mlverlising. Some one once suggested to the company that it discontinue advertising one J'ear, Ihe baking Hwder was soirfer is dead, another will probably die well known and advertised, eexrl I ." " place that till.. HI lit, $.rrH,(NHI III the prolits. The anewer was that it 1 I a would cot the csmpany three times that amount to get the product in its original Irtnrkeh r agnin. Thi i ft pretty good jKiint- .a a er to tlloe llUSlt.ess men Who imaginu they are making a great saving when they discontinue a f. or a 910-a-nionth advertisement a few monlha in a dull eeaaon. It never pays to tear a dam because the water is low. Kimlrall O rapine FIRST OF THE TROOPS TO KtACH SPAIN. llleinl Arrlvaa at 1'r.rrauo an. Knnr.n-tat l'm U tialh.r mm III Oaar Tlt.ra. Corruna, Spain, Aug M The Span- ih stenm-r Alicante, with lha flrt of riponiuli retutrrit 1 snldii-ri to arrive from Sauting" ila Cab). implied ecru I yesterday I'll. .nil . it rmitil. mltixml am ik hawaa. i .11..-,. i I 1 tin- . f. r fear . f m .; fever . hi tagion AH thr military and rit il au ( Ihoritu were, yn wiit I muuoni tnesieg win ne taken to the I Oaa buret tn. where they will . i,ur. .Milled, Other will 1. kept fir- day in hoap.tal shiris before they am ill-. ! (Matched to th-ir home. Tboae who are j in good health will be promptly di. in barkfil Tin- iui-en n-p nl ent messag.' to . , . ... the troop on trd the Alicante, eon- Kniiu.a.nK ........ .u.r ,, , , ine neni. ami ayinK inai ine pmiMMH-d other1 eye. iinil tl:e colonel apnke to be the rint to weleome them home, j "Well." be u:d. wilh lll-uppreaaed The reading of the iliapateb waa race. red ( emotion, "well, how many barrel, did with irreal enthiiDUiani. 'yon Had?" There wa no yellow fever on hoard. ! They are all Kna, Henry." repll. ! Ihouiih WO died of other dlaeaaea uunug the trembling woman. We used the the I tlege. iat of the last one laat nlbt." K.pnbur.a. iiim.ii itowa nil.,. C'ol. lUrK'-r clutched at bis heart a St ...nil. Auk -After tern day's " " ''""tl': session the Ri pnbliran -late ronyention ""l KIU,r4 "k a lr', "1 ended tta labors. Tne following; t.cset er" h' was nominaleil: are loat!" he ahrleked, "Irre- Supremt.;e, lim term-U. A. I tri'1,mM lo ' Thfre Isn t a pound of Kinklebnru 'ed ,B '"n. n'1 th"'' f""1 clerka of Supreme judge. hort term lii want I n,,n mH" mistake aad shipped flf-Hiu'i- ,"rn 'rrels of pMtM in.rk lo the San Kailway nml wsri'liou-eeoinmi,.! .r Kram uco mint Instead of the fifteen W 8. Hathaway I barrels of mild dust ihey otiKht to have Superintendent of putilte instruction-- l'l'ped r'oola. fools, that they were'" Profeor John It Kirk he raved, and bla wife soiiRht to com- The most important work of the eon-' 'urt nln. '"" uillllonalre refused reiitimi wa the ttiriiinir down of ' '"' comforted, for bla soul wu Ohanneey I. KUley, who for U year, above the dross of (old and he had be- off and mi. had Lull cluirman of ic lUpiililiciii "tate iiniiiirt.e. ' . Jakeii, a linnker ami l-iimn.... nm Hnmansville. wa elected filley', sue- lessor as rhniriuan. Rasmblle.n Tlrk'l In ..illli K.kiit. Mitchell, AU -' . - The Itepu! : III State convenflnil II. 'ii.niatiil tl.e lollow. iiur ti'-ket : li.iv. rrmr- Kirk I'liillips. l.i. lit. u nit Oorafuar Mart Kane Secretary of stati' W. II. Kiddle. Mate DasasssswMa Tira... Dayton, Auj. 18 -Tlie Di-mm-mtic fate mi v ntloil tl" follow ing ticket : rteen'tary of -t .i. I ' n K (iothn-v Juitif-- of punreme curl--Hugh t.. Niebols. Clerk of mipri'ine court - Isavul S. ruw Kil mid Dairy laawloiiei Jnkn Baker Member nf lnl nf puMtc w.irk r. DwiKht Peel Tharainventioii ailjiRirni'd at .'. o'clork p. in . after befasg bj coiitiuuoti ivhiuh til day. There wen- no iin-iil.-nt of ;al inter. t aft.-r il litem I,.. iween JiMeph I' Da "list aud Allen Myers had lieen dec .teit a draw in n,. interest of harnimir f.iar I'aiir.Bll.n. al Ib.i.. t ils. Bejel t'ltr. Idaho, Aust 94 Poer tate convention opemst I . i. W .-nni lav, the Duiui. rat. .Iw-r K. iun.icain I tod two wiiik nf tin. I'.ii.ulisu Tem oornrv orirainrjition. were r.iaiie ami ach liraiu li apisniite.i a hannoiir com- tnittee of fln- Tho wlnVlle nf the reeil onvi ntioii adiptad n resolollon in favor of fusion of .nver force. Il.nrr !( Sacramenio. Auk . 1 in- -iat He publican convention nominated llnr' liajt" for irovernor br acclamation. 11 ... k . 1 1 I ill.,,. Mlrr..l I (k Kockwall. Tex , Aug. tV The people if this town hare takea hold of w hiti np nutrsK' - and liavn tiidi.l then, - tirgether to run nown in.. ner(. -tramrs. They are ib t. riniin.1 to protect natroe t that place and -ave the iroo.1 IIBIlie of the cltv -.-.ii Nrirm wri..i j hit bedside, he waa disgusted. Sherman, Teg., Auk. V-Several eol- , "lean'l the Uird know tb differ ate ireople reoelvt! nnatemped latter 'nr b'ww,n nd ,rt'r from tin isHtofflcv on which they paid c1'" be 'tlnP','rt l-i-ia.. to lniil ,n in. in notii - wanner ail .tntitk'lu.K itegn. to leave the rlty at OMI aejrt all who owmil property to ; ell nut ami le.iv.- w ithin : days. Soilr.. I I , t.nnin I nnnlf. Honey tirove, Tex , Auk M White- an- by anniiymnus nntir-e are wariiuiK bvneere In the thai iieiglilstrhaod. six I mile south of her.., itgslnat . hargniK iimuey or .tanding rent or renting land '.. In griH .. .iillie of tbi. notices la lllK iipleil with threats nf damaKe to proe i'rty If the wnrniiiK are not be.ilml. Trollrr BM Sirnrk kg l.lglilala. Flttst iirit, Aug .'fi.-lMiruiK hevy thunder storm here lightning struck a uuimcr car and a- a re-tilt one lavssen- was traveli'ig at , .n mil,.' rate ''' '' 'truck. aSfMiai the mo- l -k - " " '' iiietmi i ) to . nj;t'TH, UIlll 1 nil i "ciiinu 1 1 I rl . 4rJttTje Ripened mm I J.!. ""'' reached here to the l lfi. t that C I" iiuntingt.m hej ien shot at hi. .-a...,. ! I WVi ts at wrm a. a anown aa rule ivnnr. on lta.uette lk iu the Adirondack. The report b rerifleil ladlsa May ll lad. t.uthrie. li, T. Aug. 24. -Aa two I .'i-rear-old cblldreu, Imliku bora, were playing near Bridgeport one shot and killed the other and then fled and can not b found A FATAL OVERSIGHT. r , titgger. on- or - k inj genial and multi-all- Itonalr. waa u pair as a ghost. 1 The men ury wu lower Id the ther mometer tub than the price of sHvar In New York, anil tb wind hail bio', u lha cold-wave flag full of bole.. The colonel sat alone In tha gllt- edged library of bin mora than palatial manalon, and tl.era w tha look of eapertanry .u nis iye, M, . a i tbuaa v. bo may inuuul upward to klea or alnk to tha nbyssmal depi of de,pair. depending . u- In, i .- - ...... ....... I., ik. i ha la expecting. For sometime be aat aa If stunned. but l his could uot ondure, and shaking himself aa If he would throw off tha burden of bis doubl, ba ariHie to bli ,leel and strode toward the hall, where urtr door hum; the antlered bead ,r tno( ni(btx artbou whli li hud una ter"' tttr v"""" for ,iwn Ttt. At lM,rl"' ,n entrance tha i o:oni-l Mi 1 1,.,. . k ho llii.l lull , ..! IIIHIII. Ill .-111 i.. .. .k at that MMM emerged from the eel- , L.r MUl4 look(,u Jn,u K'iu lo 1 what true worth Was. fhoM i asttak i; M Kwiiwy- lley, t'liUnmy, Wirt ye il. iu', Ill-kill' ! " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Naw, I'm wanlnn' it.) lot N..rt. .ii i kvai esasak Il was a dark nliht Slowly down lb marble steps Into the Harden stole a lithe figure of net hap .'In pounds. In her hand -ha tarried a -mall panel It waa a Saratoxa trunk. She waa clad only In garment, with the exception of her bat and shoes aud stockings She glanced carefully around, and seeing no one. sh look a slap for ward "Ah. ha! Foiled:" I It was a deep cry nf triumph. A large man of & feet In. hes sprsng from the !n.h and selxed the maiden In spite of her struggle h bore her Into the house, a glow of vli lory in his eyes. Was It a stern parent ruthlessly preventing his daughter's elopement ? No Ii was a calm suburban citlien. ami Ik- was preventing his new .mk from jumping her Job I i.Mll.ta. Inrllt ISMtWOf SSV Five-year-old iMckey had been in structed that when. h i i... ,u.:.-,i ,,ny tiling be should pra for It. He had prayed long and earnestly for a blcyele. but bis father thinking in loo '.i i I ..- had bought him a tricycle. When he awoke, on the morning of his birth day. and found tb three-wheeler by tn.,. Haaess A hedse do. tin a kind of a oiim k , r(.tanr. .. iing examined al aa Inipiest on hi irealment of a patient who had dletl. "I gave him liiei ai uanha " he said. "You might )uai as well have giv.n him the aurora borealls. said the coroner. "Indade. yer honor, and that's Just what I should have given him next If he liniin t rtted." t.rea.lrnl "Well, dear, how did the election go'" asked Mrs. Cumso, when her l.iisii.nid returned home grief waiting for the returns on the night nf ihe election of 1900 "If awfully rltate," replied Cum so. "It will lake Ihe offirlal reiurns ,Uw"" '" ir,Ulr ""'" :1 " ruM" ''iunicaiion with that pr- I nn nf tlie I oil. til Ulufeeei" Congress gettln' ready Fur lo make a atand, Legislatures tneatln' All around the land Young men inskln' speeches, ii... - a-aturlyin' law. lllrls learn elocution fio'a to line la the hurrah. Who could be dUtriis'ful, ! u sleep al alght, With all Mn i.i folka In tralnln' Fur to nu DM country right? BARGAINS IN CLEVELANDS AND IDEALS. I have :i mini1 . I i I lii H .il 'I .croud hand bicyclr which will In- . ii f ilirfil jn orilrr In i lo-i. li-l'orr tin1 in n liinileln .ifr put mi tin-market. Here' lour CfttHW t' K ! ' tl lni:lt ymir onii prin- I nien il" lir-t - l.i-- n pair nrk promptly mill cheaply, m il have n full Moreh of lm vtle lUDatrii Call Bariy fur a Bargain. AlMffl J. HA8BBfi& Nptmlali. Vmerlru. Kvery true American heart should throb with -vmpalhy at thi time tor Mexico it tie- mention of the day September 1 "it h and loth, whirh are the MM to Mexican July Itb i to American. These lire Mexico' two greiite-t bol: I n -I'remdent Dtel wa born M Mf lember loth at II o'clock a! night i..-. .' ...' , Ititli I was the hnllnhi v ot hide- jmiii lent Mexico. It is no wonder' theretore that the M exicaus love : these, two holiday, which represent ion. one lenii i.nri . .- ii..ii. i so time Ii to them. On tlie li'irtit ol Seiilemls-r loth at exactly 1 1 o'clm , from every city. town, hill and dale ocr iBograU BepubHc, ooe mighty shout iues from a million freemen'- thrOJt. "ViXm Mexico!" Viva el Preeidente!" In Mexico the day i . lelu.iti ej with ifreitt snlendnr, Neerlr a ' u.trl. r il a million ol prop;, ial. mrt in the festivities and 'be -n m rival unytbiiig ere: presented on the Ainein-'iii ContiDtNL On the dav prewdlnfl the I'rrsj. dent' birthday it i ethtUMasry i hold the Ull-ivaiied "Battle of Flower-." Long before the nn liegin iii jM i p ov. r the bills there an In- -ten thousand of linliaoe wi-iniing their way lo the city, bringing with them large supplies of rarest ami choicest (lowers, House are ill rated in the great est priifii-ion. and the public build ings and statue how n practical e ideiice ol tin rrt fertility and richness of the soj! It i- oneof the day- when every one has a Iree license. The rich and the r mingle and pelt one another with (lower in the most democratic manlier. This is followed by two day L'lten tip 'ii iiiosi exiiaviioaiii ceie - bratioii-. ciiiltlcted with! ...U. I .... ..... (lilt MVtf wit ii "" ) in Ml Diriilic Ufiitiltlif Tlit v hUh U&w I .1 Uf II ... Is ll a. i , . lil t I .f 1 I V I . W il. i hislorv WOdlBjUVIB and not lea.t amoli-r the ri-riiimiili.. i- II, e rilirr. . . Illg ol t II- lie I . " On this in ca..on an i-xn lleiil op- portunity i. ollered American to vi-it this land of wonder, Ihe "Kgyptof Ainerj.a by the I AO N. B. It T.rkrt wi.l I. sold ,,,, Si pt. inber UHh and 11th to Men.-.. City and return at remarkably low raU-e, final return limit .'ill day. with -top v.-r- at plea-ure in Mex- ic... Choice f rout.- via Laredo or Kagle Peaa. or for an a.ld.ti.rtial charge of $6.00 ticket, will I . i K K ... "o. i"....- hum f. -ioi King " " tin- oikei For full particular call on m ar est Ticket Agent, I. A 0, Y It It., nr address I). J. I'm, , i. p, T A , Pale-tine, Texas. The AMERICAN Laundry. Two door South of Kx change Hotel First class work liuiimntci d. Prompt delivery. PATRONIZE A HOME ENTERPRISE and keep your Money at home. Telephone No. 141. E. D. BEACH. Manager BICYCLES. CITY DIRECTORY, i in MMhs Mayoi, 0i A. Ailam-. Marshall, T. IV Boyett. I. I.iilr Msi.hsl It M,.lth. Hei-relarv ami Trea-urer H. Bhtiiiv 'ily Sexton, H. U. Jones. 'iitlile. 0, I.. I'.sker. Al.lermen It i. .M, w s. - . w llarr C. II. Wy., . - oi'i ii i.rence. c htv urn. e. lixlur, V. . Haruian Ckvrk, ... W. MrMlcha. I. rnr. ii iiosr.t I. ' ..lector, J. j, A.isn.s. Tax Asae-s r, I N4 j Ifcefif, T. Nnnn. Treasurer, K. W, t'arr. MaMat Clerk. J r. Williams. oinmi-ioner- It J. Im, IVler LWu, Mh rUffllee, P, ll Amot ion ' I" in N l.'SHTIOltl NesKi -W C F.ilev, r. i-a . veiy .Sunday II a ej ai,, , ', p. in . Hflmliv arbool t r, , , ; pr,v. er aVeefajgj Tl.iiro.lay Might, N ii .-list - J. t iH'bran, paetoi: .oviei- II a. in ami 7 p ut mi inlay, Sunday ehael :i ej a. , fcejejt Uegee o.ela 1 p m , pray...,,et. ing Tues.lay night Pieabi-leran-J p, Waal. ,,..u,r oWeteee ejeeniaej eai evening i at. 3rd ann llii s-iimtay Ineai li moelli; Sun.lny school MO o. m-. prayar manting Wi.lueiulay night. 'tir..lin. J. L M.ilrewa, palor Service, n m. and 7 li p. ,. han. I -umlay arhool Ihlft a. a., ',,u. "o I nleac p. m. .-undej, prayer ine. itng night. iiMiii..n i-at. i-t i gaxwrerl na-to, .,r.,-. JT uy nigbi m each eath Sunday sebis.l u n. M Jpli'aCathollrl hurrh Kaiber Pelnar. pa.n r Mas a and 10, go, I in.tay. ioi.g itirn.,.. Ivani. i ..i,i...irry N,h , Knigl.t i , rtnign Tues-lay .nea.1. T"lU- I II ,.. Uli'Mles. ..,., reiary. W 'I' . ... ... '- at i r .ii II a las .. tn.iin . i. aider .No. Wf. R. A. . 'II'I'IS I II I Pi ... I. a. . escli J"bn n. Tl.or H. r , Jo n Kee.l, s-i r. I ' Mraio. l,tg,. ,,. ...( . . . ., all f tl i mm I artb Monday n each It M ,n y . rr( Hr.- I. -ige o hi, k. ..f p ..Majnt nr'' Hiinl liieaalay in each month A w""lr',l' 0 0 D.O. He- TI, K ; ',"' V nlcsi. I.islga ., i; n . o. Ml,t ,.,,,, , filfh T,iriiv n each ni .iiih. . Jam,.. w v "'""'en. reeortlr. H'ysn s... Uslge 10., k. of II. Meet l'''"'"' ""'v m ech "" " A ' n",'n '"' uw. A. J. , 'T"" ",- I amp No. Ha, vv. ej i VI-. , ... " ' 'le. ! secolel in, f.i.i r 1 1. I.I.I.. ... k moi, in. W . n .-cn Mua.t a : J.m It Med, ilerk. In. in Tent No, jh, k. T. M. M.'. ti.ig i il.i, i.r-t ami tlnnl Monday each in .ut I. sain li Wllaon (' Joe h- Beed, It. K Bryan l.lge No .so, K,irin) Meting night, assjesjd gad fort, Weslneinlay eaeh aohth. L A. Saun Ier.,,r,s t, J,H. II. re,, Hrya.. l.g n. p, , National Aid Meeting night. Brat ami thir l Weslnea day in each BMBtn, A. W. Ilohnan prea i, W. S. Mnsrl, , y. J. W ITTM ANiV M EKCHANT ' I I II J V I 1 MAIN HTRKET, Bryan, . . . Texas, Ail orkjUua.anieesJ and none promrlr Uive him a call. '