Newspaper Page Text
TOE 5 It DOW N AT Sai Sanger's Kv-ry Day now. ami n- hard t Ic -1 . t li ladies at h-ni- IT IS REALLY A PLEASURE to Sell Goods that give so much Satisfaction as the C. M. HENDERSON LINE OP HKiH GRADE SHOES have givtfl the people who htVt trieil them. Suppose YOl' try a pair. New Goods are coming in. You are invited to call and See them. HOT WEATHER GOODS are being shoved out to make room. ly n M Mfljf vici . It will Ir- ;i.rn iated II A T. 0 TUM ( .iril, Mrv nn Nurthboind N 1 II 1" P m , ,,hb ,. y. J 4 ttlpm' t irtMM4 Hl - " ! aTaTstaboond So t 1:41 m l.&t N. Inn.- I utile, Ileum.- ur cxo. lBVe. .'a-.' MM I ill IM 111. I oi aot- : lrav" liMt.-a No. 4;. p I attwai.a in. ta . it A!Tilo. No. U, Iravta H -aror ,...1-10 p I . HI, arriT. at . . 11V) a. in II. .V I I I I ;ille Ut-ariif auani aorjiii. No. i trriM No. 3 arri t ra Vi SO p LOCAL NEWS. M. il. Jamra itr.l llram -a . r lay. I'. N. William rnt t" a MB- iinlay. Ilaorv Knitan aaa bar! Imro Knrtan ratmlay. Tan "p ataira r.Mmia lor trnt. Apply It Ira O'torb. I' fmt llainngloii l.aa ir'iirnrti Iroma MBit t" 'nro Miaa Aa-naa Kt Ir ratiino I ff lu 0M vail yratanlay. , V. Miralft ana bjN IMM Kali i .. . i-ati-r I v V.laa Moaalla D"yi-ti taturnnl from llrirn" yratanlay. Miaa t ianki' Annair nu nrl I" HaMfi yeatatilajr. Tba hnay aaatoo la no . full blast aitb 11.) rauilolaii a. Ka I M Hull' m k i oihIii. r. a thtra -lav a MtalM at llnlirl tha .aat weak. ' II ur ' a a rirtly ftrat cl Ml t.i.t aM Mif Uy t . li. faraon-. HIM t all an-l aa."hae Lraiitilul lira hni gits lot -air as i heap a rark' alahla. rati VIi.-.i fm aot t enjoy a nn-e ilrive n on of ha ti'.oi'l,'. iiohhy turn- O.lti. Itf tor Kir - Vlhero'in h on as near oil null. O'huI aalar an'l ooihonaaa. John II. ilika. Wantail Mr Chriaiian la p-apan-1 1'i iii'(aiuiniotaia ,i . inotr unit inn Uianlara. Mia John li Miaa, Mf Hni:. I n a an I Mia. Allirita I ana aia tisitiiiK la Navaaota. Mra. t, V 8pf ratinMd io Mn- lifl yratanlay at-r onpaiiii"! bf Mill Wal'lrop. W. II i a nil. ii of Italian. wtW Ml Itran tinting W.A. Urhrr-. lall hW II ial..n yraaanlay. Whan t. ii want the boat liver - viia for balla, partn-a, picnic-, ilmra, etc . call m W. T. Jainta. Ml I have i.aa wagon Bcalra at my MOMl ami Mil 'lo all kimls M pnhlc mafaMgaj I half pilrr. Irati a h. MM John Ntwaonic, who haa hern int aitk, waa her tratei.lay ami areiil up to Marlln to recupcrala. inKhl horaaa, nnhhv inrnoiita ami eaaiiiahie charuaa air what t"ii tfrt at amea' alahle. I'l II'.'. -4' Dr. Pngli wa- hare irom llrarnr yaa- arJny to alleml Kaatae Ihireiniia, who wa- trMirtr.l la-ttrr in th" allrrnoon laa. II. Wehb haa tetiirnnl liom New lork, whara li- houxhl an immenta atork of fall rfbil inlet gooili for Wrbk j Hi ,- POOR MAN! Y-, thev'rw "Mini: in NEW GOODS SAJVI SANGER- fie. Mar HaaJagB, Mi-- Nsmy I Hudson ami Hit Mary I. .vJrNerly left foi Milam. ! May to vi-it reii- tlVBB. Fat an idrnt and lif- iii.tirstnr ill,, r in lodge m straight Hit companies see Jor M. Keed. A so sriis ll ur, II' abil i ipjfi- If Kor pum loiiotain an.l lioitla a"la, Or. I'apper. anil all 'tie laiaat ird liinka, l aoilii a, Inula, I. ,t, rU' , rail on 0. O nlMM lo'ilf tieoitrr I.. t'r"iK lit in liner l.alea oi "Hon in .aal wrrk, prraar.l t hi- Kin acvordlod li lha ataularl halt 4,1 tutnaiOM. T)y at- prttr auM I kv .ii. Mr ,ml Mrt K. I', i.aaley iwsnnpaw l to lialvealon aMrrlay afternoon. Mr t.a-ry h.ia bran hera the paat aa k rating the town l.n K. .. Ihinn A Co. otn in.-r rial ag- ucy. V T Jamaa la a pr ir- aaive livery man anil ttU'lira tha i oiivanieoce of his patroiia. Calls for nnaiing tiama an--ar t-l p oinptly night an.l 'lay and given ad"' lion Jen VVi- ate n m -howiug tin- moat np-Po I data line of line stationery in tha city. 'Al.n. a tin's ami lairs' shape envel opes llo - vonr toilet i aae' ia It , ,M,i;. eie" OfM line of p.llat aaiatsand Hue t-r i Is th" hast. ) Wilaon Jriikina OrugCo. l ap' J J A'laina ratnruad teaiet'lajr from 'betifier Crso. I,i.i .,in ami .ata I he I n i top I!,.- a at he a ten tinea 177 llr aaya lha Italians have naany all left tha A'laina, Collier and 1'aukay plai-ea on hi count of ha rivages of lha h ill and WH9J MfM. i:clianaTe lintel rrlals. J M Mateu- II ' ttoo, J S M tail, Clucago. s T fm I BtMal I K K I. rpih'.'ch, I'ankry . HaVr II Mispira Matli-onuilr, I M Bsttlrtt, Dallat: B fa labar, I I n - I! M Mriiarvay, Mails. I I' S, lloiialon . II II ('.Nike . -I I. "H-, v A Kailry. Hal lino, a; I. II i .arm I. Si l.oni AT Tftl t.T "ii 1 11 101. At t'" -n of I w it n, v Inn "in work ia l .if, V nil aii ita Isnalel web; When the at " Is drift low, And ihe treaiu runs slow, li d Hlg bj at Us ebb. As we neir tba goal. nen the golden howl Shall le ho'ken at It- toiint Mfilh what w et mi h ugh? rthall the hoar bn fraagbl, What retiois most shall war.iunt ' N t tha llama "f Ih" aaord, Not the wraith a have atorr.l In pen-liable ibioga of eaith- Not i In- way we have i rod With th" Inlall-i i i road. 1 hough that wen "f piecious north, Nor ihr gsin Wr acliiavnl Through the brarta we bate giieveil And led nh. i " I hy Ihr way, Nor the laurel af fa When, lor wot Idly arclaini, Wc tode.l in the heat and the fray. Hi, no! 't ia mt these Will give. .in heart se, Win n ife ainka low in the weal, Milt the paa ing saret thought t)i the go al e hat" wrought, lha saddened Hies we bate bleat. And tha love ae have won, And thr love beckoning on Kroni Ills ialamls Is. and dim. Love out of the light, "hlning into the night, the MfM win h 1 .'ii 1 1 t ' i to II hi Boston Tramctipl. THE ATTITUOE OF THE INSURGENTS, i The Say Tl.. Arm Willi., I.. ! ll.allllilaa If Amrl ar f.Nglaaal Will Tah. Mm Manila, An. . At n confer-hre be twven Ihr insurgent, ami the Ai muni th- fiimirr derlarrd "iiiphaftcaliy that th.-r warn willing i" ' -ooperatr with tin inr.ana and to urrmi"r ihelr arrna promptly If pvtd that ttin island will remain either an American or I'ntiah colony or nnder iba prntat torat of ih United ritate or Ureal Britain. ith'-rwiar the Insurgent le-uier. a rt'i'l t li--v would not dleartu tail would imiiivi It rrfuae to do en Am timet en a n u lmui wiilnii u MM if toe Ani'-I u-alia Willi il. i Th native arrt that th IwUsfMl aajajg an. instigating opposition to Aiiirnran supremacy. Many SMiiianU srrt that t Ic-v ura eager in uiv.-.t tt. ir fnrtuin-a in ii"W mi. rpri, bM lb" f"ar rum if ina A in. i u-aii. withdraw A ' iiioiiopn. Iit. fearing ft iii nti"n nr.- intr'slucing a urn n itini" Newspaper uii.i.nwl in both the Kngltsb ami Spitinh language, haveate pea red. Tako.; Ural M Maalla. Hn.laine, tVii'icii.ian.l. Ana II Tha iMiiicT Crniatim (.ran", laal rtort.d ut Totviiarill" Aug '. an I lha llii'i-li I'.im.r link" of Mitherlaiid, bavr aail" i for Manila, I'hlllppllie a lamia, witn :pxa toria of frratefl meat ll' I.' Iltaala.lllt Waahingfon, Aug. 19 - Tha foJtMTtag baa barn i..ini at in. wji !) .irtui nl : "Wuilnntraa, Asa :. ImmIOsi l.lniT' r llunfavill", Ala. l on afl" i.rii' ra fi Mi' I' tiioval of all Tom OOTTWIIOA at I'. Til lll'IIIM to atoi". 'I I i iii'.i. m. Nt ahool'l ! t-t-prili'. 'l in . t- .v flU" lir or in i of Mi" - i. i. in ; war M (' I f(Ht. Ai'.ji.Min ,-t-ii. r.n Naaa Tr.t.. asaaasaBal aiai, Vaahinit"n nif . i ir -i- ii it- la', i :- ll rj , mualrr t'UI the following: Fourth I't 'inay.rama infantrr, ti.ith Uluioia in' inin . e.-oiiii in fant n. lhr' Iviuia.ana light lit ntta, two Ki.ialr laiaml light tattteri'-s, two Iowa nght tntt'-ries, two Oregon light Latt"rl"a, 1'irat Wla. "II- 11 .fill 1 v, two trioM of Kftiturav ravnlrv, light battery A of Mia.tmrl, liu-ht ttatierr tf linluiiia artlll'-ry ami light batt.-r.'-a A, li ami C of trniiarltanl.i ligh' loiirnra. Vhrr Ina."- in 11 -1 a p tl nut are not an. . . ! riallT 'ir. if itfl tin t- im-.u i'- ill tha - arm of uir arrvn-i from ihr atatet USUI"! ml. a tSS i. . Hawaii. Han Kram i-o. Ana .' - Th" hip haa ;.rnt-e.i here from Ana t: u. in ff-, till' no nil -a .'i .-r,: I ' . ' - "rp aii'l. iit writ' from Hon' lulu Aug. li. a follow: t un grata kwial mambert of tbr ronnuiit'e to i-ejiort on th" form of anvvTtnu'-i t r th. nmtott of Hawaii arrived on . u, . 17 Three "f the commusKpn-t- uiri I'nanit hi n i . I hi. nl in-1 mill' ut iv. i ii, il i t iiMS'intmriit C-ompliniliia of i i pit a:. i. nl ami ina collragura ... lat l.l ' I li.t. i M.,!. , ruaiiirs and n preaentatlvt s at an early day. Villi tTSjN the 'ai'.aH". ,uwigt"ii. j ; . A'-ttna tWre. tart- Mini aya tin r - la nn intriiimn on the iart o: i u. . riiin. iit to uiiutnlsu thr nautu laaatk i ii tnally de nn li r ih n n.- .. ".' the Norm At on until (etarr haa lan ac rail. For tin1 pre in t this ir ir 'Utii in th Hp u ii n nrn .ii i of Ht-ar A'lo.n n llllla will la kept intact with a lltr-'tilig hit rmergrnry liiat t ,. . lo may urte. PitSaa-aj l.v ee I ram MawBtatndale. X V , Aug '.'.I. -Thirty persona, w ho have been attanding i lie snmm r at l.n-enli' Id, have !v.u poison, ed by eaiuu- I '-rewm. Two womn I -at ii Mra. JfS.le Swuer of Mt V' rn .ii. N i , aaa) Mr Mk-oh--. of N't "ik l ta. till ' r.oiia at" II COIitlii' I to llieir Manila and aotne of t hi ill will 'llr laan gases MaaawaN n. Sratti". Wah . Ang. '.'"i -- The steamer Rival an I Hriiuain hat" aail.-u for St. Mr ii o t nh .vi p ng. ra and a laraa amount of freight 1 he llr.ih-im ar nrd I" '. t'-n of .ti nolle for the l iiit.-.l Slalea gro..igii-itl urv.-r rrvrpt at St. Ml harl ai i !l aMetaf atatMH and upplira for thr Canad'an inonalfaTl jto- ll' " .it MtWaon. I B lt Hllle.l Itt l.llilHlKf, I .rap. Vlii", Tel., AM, M -A man it i- kloe.l by lightning on th" O n ton mnd, tw i mile north of town, and wa considerably burned ubout ihr neck ami .ioiili:"t-s. llr wa riding a luy hor." and 1" tiling a gray, th former of villi' h tin. ' illrd. 11" old itartp hire that li" lit" .ii F.irmrrsvllle. at I .ta lr..Hra Vl.l.lllg IH Vllnera. I'm i, 111- Aug. .' . -Contrarrln pra. ill' Hon no l.iwleaan t I lielng rrsnrted toby Ihr -inking white miners, al though tin v haTe ta-rn reinfnreril by the arrival of a nuinlt r of ntiion uiinrrs from all over thr alate Si'Vrnil nation- M are hrre adviamg Ih.- atrik' ra ll.oiMngliiii ,, il, I i N , Vug ... Th." rumor that i 'oil ;a P Huntington, thr ratlntaii luagnnt", vtu. aim' at his camn at 1'iue Knot. OH KarUile lake, in thr Adirou dackt, is not trnr Mloera Uvavas-l, 1ni. Ion, Aug. -.'V -A dispatch from Virmia to Tnt- I'.n. Nrwa says that M milters were dm I by the flooding of thr Kiaiuiir -oalmins at Nltncw, aaar dnowhis, Siuily WANTED TO BE SAFE. Wlial I .1 I.I.I Wbea II -..t.B4 II... t - a 1141 aanesl. Me waa a big Madman, and his nam wia rat, e was flu 111 the telephone wires and whistling la himself is hr ' Just than an tanie lrlvlng down th street Ilk Jehu Pat i 'it a fatal mlstak. Instead ol altrmpQg to his own business be tried to wart and watt h lha recklaaa driver at the .una time. The conaequeni waa that ha did neither. What be dirt do was to loaa his footing. Then waa a rjr of horror from the hysiand tra below, echoed bjf a lusty yall fton abof Every hrealh ana suspended, an then ahoiii of rrllef wt-nt up from tin crowil iat bad made a rraotlc dlvi for the wire and bad caught It. "Mr.lit on, I'at'" aboutd som on. who knew him. W will get yon dowr somehow'" Hut th speaker stow, stock ttin. wrtnulng bla bands "Run up town for a mattraaa' " yellec one lateiilgent Individual "(it a ladder from aonewhera!' lwlaTl another NornMly seeming ti know J.i.t whereabouta "somewhere' waa. for no one acted upon this sug g est lot. "Homebody io something'" com mai.'M a philanthropic-looking Indl vldual Indignantly. "The man can't I bold na forever' I aay. do something' ba shorn. , Kaiting very red In tba faci anil -In,, i around eiclledly. Only one man la the crowd did not aay aaythlng ha waa busy climbing i up ih telephone pole. The eirited crowd condacndd to notl.e h;m finally, and saw his Inten tion (h mliture of foollshnM and re llf oa ata eollertlva face was amusing. "Mold on I'at; help la coming' they Shouted , llh . Toll Thsa a wave o( horror swpt ovar th rowri Tha man suspended ix Iwfr tae earth aad baavan suddenly lotJaeaaa his hold and Ml backward, still ng the ground with a slrkanlng lhi:d "Me la dead'" groaned tha crowd, am! men otered thlr far from th siglu Hut kt wasn't. An Irishman has aa mat.) lite UA a eat. When I'at . ame to. ,n.4 mi up dltilly. trying to reallga thin lit wo i onr anorr on terra hrma. mm -a;d to him ' Waal 'i i ran it go for. i'at why dldn i you hold on a llttl whll Ion gar' "M Janets'" rpllrd I'at aarneatly, "Ol wat afraid th" wire would break!" la i . ini MMagt At a tai!l korlat gathering tkt other night otm hody started tba age joke a-mlllag. ' Hid you aver haar the atory of tba hard-hail".! egg?" ba solemnly In quired of aonie on acroaa tb table, to" waa tbr innoeeat answer ' It's bard lo boat, said tha Inker wtia a ich gravity. Vou can't help smiling at theaa thlagi and after tba laugh died down aonrabody tlaa sprung this- ' DM anybody haar about th gg In thecorT" "Mo ' ald an obliging somebody. That sttla ll." rmarkd tba fuaa man. blandly. Of i our there wat another laugh, and than a brief allanr. It looked aa If th" a-t-g Jok had been xhaustd Br.t praantjv a llttl woman at on nd "f tha tribl Inquired In a high soprani Toire If anybody praatat had haanl the atory of the thr ggs. The gnt a hook thlr heads, and on man said "No." Th :tti woman tmlltd. "Two bad." the aald. The llaatigar. "Kn ' aald th i onfldent youth-, "I shall not trudg along In th beaten track I shall not devote my mind to hum-drum duty." What are you going to do" aaktd Senator Sorghum. I mi going to ttrlkt away from the hritfn path. I'm going to laava footprint on ih aands of time." NMI you want to b careful." I have energy and ability " Va. bt't you want to be raraful. too Titlng to laava footprints on tha aamls of tune hat been the cause of a lot of people gattlng stuck in the mud.'' Mai M BBSS f.t a Kailartliil Ipaoat A iiilored woman went to th paator of hr . nur. h tha othtr day to com plain "f the i nndoi t of her huaband .: I wa .i low down worthless trtflaaa nigger." After lta tentng to a long recital of tha delln- qiirnilea of hrr neglectful ipouse nnd . , . . . nei m iiirrrri mem. me in I II - later tsld' "llav jrou vr trld bsp ing coali of lira upon his head1" "No," was the reply, "but I dona tried hot wattr " V . nnapl. laaaaa 1'rere.lent. "Shiftlts at var. Thomas'" aald tha wealthy iinrla. "rttlll making a failure of lift, at you always don'" htvt "I don't know that I'm uch a ter rible failure," atitvtly anwrd the poor relation. Wii. you have uobody hut your self to support, aad you can't make both rnds meet." Wall, tha rainbow has only itself to iiippori. and It d.-an t mak both nda mart, rlthrr." I'red rtuppose 1 ahould ask you lo lie my wife, what would you say Anna ficssa. Kred -Oh. 1 uaveu'l thr leatt Idea. What would lt--er rhyme with Anna Ouess II. " .,1.1 Haa l a.lah.'l ' aald the salmon, shuddartng- Ah. ly as ha slipped back into th river, "I really feel unaaany." H&V6 8tock of New Buggies that I offer for sale. Will sell for cash or on time. Will take corn or hay in part pay. See me before you buy, as I can give Bargains in these Buggies J. F. PARKS, Come to See DR. PAUL M. RAYSOR. PHYHIl IAN NI) SI'KCKON ltf BM I "Jina il!'.c ver J.ime Diug-torr. l!e-i-den e Phone Ul. NOL.cLMRNT5. Wa are aatbonia.1 ioboiioiioc" JKrvr. .. .IKKKT a-a candidate 'or I'O'inty Attorney of1 tJraio c ..inn at the ensuing Novetu'bar ! t'ectum. Wr arr Bilthori". In annoiibte A. W MLt II NAN. aa a ate I date 'or Coiiiily Treasurer "I Brtao rorjBty at lb enniog Noten,l"-r eleriion We are a thorti".! to tnnonnca J T CLOM aa a ramiidata lor re-election la tha oth. r of nstl.-r of the -eare, I'r.ciiict No 4 ttraso "tuniT, ai the euauing Noi. iuir "lection. Texas lia tnailr the lnaifeat corn crop in the history nf the state, j It lia'l line umwiiig weather from the time it was planted ami it haa' reiicheil watMllly with .i-nri-elv 'Ituwlm-k The yield will he at le.i-l per c-nt ,ii ex.-. of i : of loit year and perhap when shelling time come it will he found 1 that the i nndilion of the grain is I an li that the yield will lie even! in ir.' th in it H par i-ent incrraae j The imp will liejin to move in QlMkaar, if nut la-fore that time tali. -Inn New. ll.ra..r tha, lha Haul- The lailest ni.m .i I lha knanllal t mmt , 10 a.-e ll I m A comiade cam "Iiott a leg. ah" he aald. "Why, that leg was not to badly thot aa to nerd amputation.'' "I know It." drawled the laty mn. "But nevertheless I recommended ll." "You did Why to?" aald the othr atonlthed. "Ilecause " muttered the natlent. "1 won't have hut on boot to keep ahlned Bow!" .The other turned aside. "Just throw that leg out tuck of tht tent.' said thr wounded man. "I'll do tbr same thing for you some time," "Hang me If you do'" cried tha com rade, hurrying away. 0)M -i... i. ...... Far it I.. . I, ....... ,, laggings, overgalters and high top cycling hoots for women will scarcely be used this seaaon. according to the dealers In these artlclet, who say that tbe trade in theae llnea haa fallen off greatly, and very few new tlyle have been produced for the coming season Th wheelwomen found leggings too wsrm nnd clumsy, and the high top boots wrinkled and teldom fitted well. Oolf aim -kings worn with thoet of shout the utual height have been tub- ttltuted. Ueaavs-raa r o BRYAN. Me ! - Ami let's hive a .juiet, Sweet Chat uleritlt llm-r Nice Presfnta ton want t" buy; alaiiit tha Kngriiviiig you want done. I have Moved to B. S. Read s Drug Store. where I have the heaviest Stock of ItwMrY, Diamondt. Walche. Clocks, Etc. ever brought to Bryan. John M. Caldwell. The Jan ! About Perfumery and Toilet Waters Especially, It pay Pi be earefnl. Tttt) naii r 'he odor aloBO proves nothing. Note tba standing ol the Arm from which yon boy. IVrfomea me a hobby of oun and when yon get them of ut yon kr.ow they are Mght. Wa have Calmer t, Wrlgbt't, Crown and others, and aieeaporially the odors ae excel m. Either in oliginsl aeainl botlljj with all their fragrance pre--rr.r.l, or in Imlk aa you plrase. I'rest ripiiont a specialty. W. C. FOINTAIN. DKM'lHT, OKFICK OVER KH iDK'H Halooa. nn II T Pfllll TCD Lin. n. I. lUULIun. PHYSICIAN ANI ttUROatOlf. Callt aU'Wrred Hay or Night. Office al It. S. Itead't Prngapne. Keai lem 'I'uone 1 Uryao, Texa -HIV VOUB- Bread. Cakes Rolls, Etc., -FKmM THK HOME BAKERY. pull weight lovea if the Beat quality, Aluiaya fr-aah, and Fair treatment la what I guarantee OTTO BOEHME. H. READ, Druggist.