Newspaper Page Text
JSrvan Ifcornmg Eagle. ' BRYAN, TEXAS. SATURDAY l ")RNING AUGUST 27, 1898. Vol. Ill No. 231 Price 5 cents. X BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU DRINK! Dwindle, Wrijfht & Co. Java Blgnd Coffee 25 cent per pound, excelled for flavor and aroma. Dwlndle. Wright & Co.. Roasted Rio coffee 8 pounds for $1,00. (iuraranteed to be better than any package coffee in the market. Telephone Nunber 2.. HOWELL BROS. THE GROCERS. Ni ;v KRA.XJTT. HEAT POWDER The MM and I'urest I'owtler on the Market. ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO INFANTS. Mas no Equal for the Cure letoaa anl ptesenes the Skin of A.lnlta and preventa the; Nt.xli.ti ;Odor of Kurssiv pertpiration. Agent lor THOS. GOGGAN A BRO.. PIMM, OlfMt. MMl MmMM and Mu. aical Supplies. iet my price. PARSONS' B0TYLING W0RKS Knlarged and refltte.1 sitli Net mid Inipr.ixrtl Mh.IiIik n. A 'rullv l'lrt t'laiuid rp'to-lnt ltimt. now prepared to fill ..nler. large . .mall, for a IM Itl.. WBOLBMOMB ssM OBAOI MOIA WATEH, all liar or, at Wholesale and Retail. PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS PER CASE. A abate of the public patronage reapertfnlly tolirited. Count rr Met- rhanU, 1'ir tnr and r'eallral pettiea eavially invite.) to gire u a trial We guarantee all good of onr manufacture, and give prompt attention to nil onl r. Call on or addr, C. C. PARSONS. Bryan, Tex. lole Proprietor an l llottler MAM.VMi W I I I - . W VTKIt, " Xatiira'at owi Keme.1)-for Iniligeelioo, IVvp4ia, etc. Ileadiii'ler for line Cigar, Candiea, Kruilr., ut. etr. if -5a TAYLOR & COX, Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS ! Cooling Drinks, Stenothenino Cordials. everyhody treated rloht. Best Wines, Liquor and Cigars Look over this Line ol-c- FINE IMPORTS t. ul see il there it anything you want. Ill Crcme dc rienthe PalCOn r.rnnl ! Veno Vermouth I'ale urum Ai.i. TiiK i.i:.iiNi jl3UIVTkJ db Un- Mosquito Lotion. Toilet Soaps, and True tisa. 04v fm CIS... a, tM LssS aJSSSa of. GOOD LUCK! t.i Drink at the globe; saloon Cremc de Ccoa Holland din. Hnraschino iuiers. mtANOsoF i.iornifs DALY. IBNTS KILL in n The r if hi Orrurml at ( itltr. ami In UM Mm M Mn. iltr WtM W I .1. GEORGE HUDSON THE MAN KILLED. II.- a Iituu With a Native tino'k'rprr .iii.l the Innargent Shot Him to lkath. ONE INSURGENT KILLED AND ONE WOUNDED. They Were l.iting a recked l.oal ami t nierlrsns " I M In 11 I in IM11-. .1 to IMNW Min n Mill 'I l.j Soldier.. New York. Aug. Vt. A copyrighted special from Manila to the New York J.nirnal eaya: Tliere haa been a fry eerioua claah at Cavit between United States aoldien and iiuurgente, the not reaultlug In thf killing of one aolilier and tbe senoot 1 wounding of another . . - - tl .. .4 a 1 ... . . ii , .'II. it iii.iui.-i ... Utah batterr. got into a diapuu- with aj . . . . . I native lurpkeeper Fearing trouble he fired bi pi.toi in the air to attract tbe attention of some fellow soldier.. Great crowd of native ran to tbe eoene of tbe didurlatnce and at ono began firing th- ir revolver killing Hudson and seri ously wounding torpnral William An rterson, of the earn hattery who had homnl to tbe assistance of Hudson A detachment of the Fourth cavalry waa called and dlapereed tbe Kilipinoa, who continued to Are their revolver as they retreated, but without doing any Mara damage. On tbe earne night om. soldier do j ing guard daty aaw a large party o n tivee trtpping tne wreca or a gnnnoai I which waa lying In Oevlie bay. A boat i with an armed force wa put off from I tbe sbore. Tbe Midler hailed tbe on. j ...a. who failed to anawar Then the soldier, fired a volley killing one ami wounding another. fleneral Aguinaldn promptly denied any connection twtween tbe natives in i these affair and hi army Admiral Itewey ha transferred bit flag to the cruiser llaltimore, tbe OPm. pia having sailed for Hong Kong to be decked and cleaned. Tbe Raleigh left tor 0. H. Davis of kinneao for the tame port on We.lnea.tay night, la, Benaf.rr William P. Tnrj . JUAN HART GOT A GOOD POSITION. Tfcs T.. r.tfltnr I. Val. Is.ersralar I.. MM ........... Mu .... . nlMlns la . ul. a. Washington. Ang - - f.ptam Juan S Hart, of the Pint regiment Tniled State volunteer infantry, ha been e- lected for duty aa mu rpreter to the American military commiaaloner to Cuba, and lia. .n .sMered fnmi ial veatori to Wlnngtnn. reporting to Ma jor ( ieneral Wade. Captain Hart i well known in Texas, New Mii and Artanna, and haa re side.! at Kl Paso for year where he con. din ted hia new.paprr He I. a flniabed Spaui.h a. In lar FIRST GOVERNMENT SHIPS TO LEAVE, Tas sasses Will Las a Naa Vara 1st la In la I'arta stlra sail Isrs br sssllsga. Washington, Aug. W. - The first teaini r of the newly establishe.1 gnv ernment line between New Y'ork and Cnba and Porto Klco to start from the Tinted Stat.-, will he the steamer Setie- ca, which will sail frtim New York neit Monday It is proposed to have tho steamer leave New Y'ork on this eerv. tea at least once g week. On each trip tl . l int. : it.- nn . a'i I .t..r-s, .pur I termaster's and other upplie ueoeseary for the island, will U carrliil The Seneca will go direct to Porto Kl en tlt't ami return via Santiago Culm Tariff lowered nn lliiilrr., Aug. :ti - The cabinet discii".!"' lie variou. iprention. concern, lug Porto Hie, Culm and the Philip I pine. It decided to admit butter and I tltterili" to porto K and Cuba w hen stauiM'd us sucli at .' eenta a pound Tbi 1 a niateriiil ri'dnction, the Swn- 1 tah rate having lieen cent on bntter. vhil. butteriuv a. not a. ni tt.-.l BATCH OF NEWS FROM SANTIAGO. ii ... i .... ,.,..... . ... ,,.,. i. .... , Laares rr the l'all4 Stales. Bantug.,. Aug. J -The Spanish frmK rt. Snn Kranctsoo, San Auguetin, and the Colon (.ft Thursday afternoon for Spain with 4.VW Spaniards, includ ing 16 ofTbyra, their famUi'-a and four priMii Ki(ht man died on their war to th- ships. Their corpses were Ti,.. . .,! of" M passenger. It appear that there har. la-en many instance of thia kind .luring the embarkation, and Utt Spanlth transportation oomnany ha "'li uahlml to t paa.igi. a thii.K readily managed unn.-r the aeay Inspection of AmerWns. (ieneralToral, when bidding adien to the Smniah offlr.'ra and man who war leaving, ittd: "OnfMMtf, we yield With honor t.. ourselves sad to Spain. Whatever may br the future of Cuba, hlatoTT will in. the .tory of your herolim aad your noble lda in thi country. We regret our failure and Its roat In hlorat. tat you nobly fought anil nobly loaf." Oeaeral Shaffer and ataff aailed Thur. day aftern.,n on the 1' tilled State, transport Mexico. Hia departure waa not marked by special incidents. On arriving at Montank Point lie will go with Mayor MUey to Washington to meet President McKinley and Secretary Alger, afterward proceeding to Han Knanriaco. Colonel Green, of General Shaftcr . ataff. and captain of tbe tighal eorpa, i will remaie for another ten daya, or mi- ... . . - , 111 ha is r. A ... I ' t ij.K u.... ' 1 with W un of the tivnal corpa, la ei- peuted on tbe Seguranoa. Mapa ana rharta bare been prepared for tbe mtbaary telegraph and telephone eerrtee betwa. ii Hantlago, Ouantanamo, liaraoa. aarua de Tananm and San Lou, all gameon poinU, and Captain Iigb will begin tbe work of M tinging tbe wim u auon a be arrives On rervaamendMioa from Washington a beak of rar hangs will be eeUblUbed here. Tbt anaretty of mall coin it a great ineonrentenoe and oaaea much trouble among tbe soldier and local mtrehaau and on result of eiorbitant priest. The transport Kou mania arrtTsd on Xhnr-IT lroBI p(MM. thu lrmI1,,Kr1 u,ft for Porto Rim The Berkiblr with U0 convalescent from Hboriey have sailed for MonUuk Point be U ooo to m followed by tbe BarUawith (eineral Bate, and hia ataff ,h Ktr, Ill,nol "'7- Whittle Washington, Aug. sa -Secretary Day, upon leaving the cabinet meeting, an nouaesd that Whitelaw Raid bad been elected aa one of tbe peace commission er. Tbe commission, an far as made np, I Secretary of State Day, Sena. of Mu and Whitelaw of Sw Y'.wk. The fifth member. Secretary Day irfficutlly, baa not keen finally settled, but Jtutice Whit of tbe luprrme court ha the pniident'. tender under i-oti.ideratiuo and mar in induced to accept. I aiiehe SI Nsw t'erk. New York. Aug :M. -The United utM o,,,.,, fomanch.-h arrived froII1 jjontauk Point. The Comanche landed Swi .rtflcer. and men of tbe Twen- tv fifth infantry at Mantauk Point from Santiago. Ha I--.. .. .. t. ...... In Jsnss. Wt.hlngton, Aug. W Minuter Hnck, at Tokio, Japan, write tbe depatiiuent of .tat that he haa obaerred no dttaatl. fa.-ti m there in coneiience of the an uexation of the Hawaiian Island by the I-lilted States. II in,., I. Trnos. nsarh Mntas. Chicago. Aug. rA. Tbe hospital train provided for the First regiment of llli- I not. cavalry ha arrived at Fort Sheri dan (raring IM trooper. Of tbe pa tient, aboani only 1 1 are down with ty phoid fever The remainder are siok with malanal and camp fever, but ars not dangeron. The hospital train left Chattanooga at midnight Wednesday and was hurried north as fast aa tbe condition of the men would permit Thee, men are the advance of the whole regiment of the First Illinois vol unteer cavalry that will arrive on sever al train over the Chicago and Katern llltlini. railroad Preparation to give the returning m.-n a hearty reception have l.-cn made i . . Hessrte.1 t.hnra. New York, Aug. M The United State, steam.hip Prair' - n ; t t.-i to I., ashore three mile, e.i.t of Amagaii 7..'tt, I. I. She ha. M troops aboard. All are retained safe au.1 we.l, and as- - in ha Un nit .liir-ssras Car I.....I. of llaar. Milwaukee. Aug. jil Wliat may li expected in the av of in.-r.Mivd com merce between the Unit. . I State, and its newly acquireil territory may be illu. trate.1 by an otil-r forlaillled Iwer reel, ve.l In- one of ili brti ing comjmn.'e SWIFTS PREMIUM SUGAR CURED HAM. SWIFTS BREAKFAST BACON. Best on on earth. All kinds of FESH GROCERIES at JOHN B. MIKE, The Original Cutter. Phone 40. .1 in tbi. hit lis I'liina ageht naa cabled an order for 0. carload, for im mediate shinment Tbe car. are being loaded and will be forwarded by apecial traine. 1-agllM (Mas traa, His right. New York, Aug M Alexander Scott, the pugilist, died at tbe Norweigian hos pital of aramic convulaioaa brought on by hia exertions in tbe tgbt with Tom my Butler at Oreenwood Athletic club, la Brooklyn last night. Butler ami axe nnd are under arrest CsskUr in..,.,,..,. Kossdals. Mi, Aug. sa.- -W A Martin, cashier of the Bank of which suspended oje-rations Ang. 11, has disappeared It I .earned that to far aa the examination has proceeded, tbe shortage in Martin's accounts is 1000 Receiver Scott believe that, notwithstanding the cashier' defalca tion, the bank M11 balance the liabilities which tbe ittrM to date show to be PMM Skin Like Velvet Tbe woman or girl whose face ia rough or red whose akin ia dla flgured with ugly pimple, black head, moth-patches, liver-moles, freckle, tan or (unburn, can have, a akin Ilk velvet if aha cbooaaav Viola Cream will make the face aa soft, smooth and pink a. a baby's. Without oucstion or doubt Viola Cream will Jo exactly what we claim. It ia tbe only preparation which doe per manent good, and cannot poatibly do injur)-. It ia a skin medicine as well aa a akin bcautifiar. Try a jo cent jar. It will bring botn bap pines, and By tba time tbe jar i used up, you'll hardly recognite yourself in tba mirror. Y'our old complexion will tie replaced by a new on. Drug, gists sell Viola Cream. . asssV ey THH Q. C. HITTNER CO.. I ..led... Ohio. a e .SM . ss aspsas a Srass. a aassm a V. ass. s tssn XM. t mas SHai tayiasn a C. aak. . aa 4 Cssr wan , sua. Cas s hvSMSf Qssaa t Xsa ia Vaaa la pDirCC Ssg e,i, 1, us. isiNutt rmuLO r,,i.i.iijiiu.". Maasa rf..-af Ca. a. u ...... .... N saw. VaS tt.a Tkss Oas. . laass. m ItSWsl CN Ulilluaso hartarr t Hrextag (a., a eaa k iHtNvin, crao istt.saki mm H.&T.C. i r DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. Short and ijmrk Line Met North and South Tesa T H R 0 U a s L E E P E P S arrwKgM OWTOW aan DENVER Via r n sis sag ft Worth GALVESTON a,o OENISON Via Hsn.ieo sag Dallas. GALVESTON 4,B ST. LOUIS :V Besmaa, im, a, HOUSTON AUSTIN The H. a T.CC. rtaxbaa .,.he.-. Hooatoa, Brenbam, Anstin, Waco Caieana, Waxahachl,, Ft. Worth, Dallaa, Piano, McKinrsay, Sherman "rric",D' ,ml tnt C. eY. B.. M. L. Boaaws, Traffic Maoagnr. tl. p. T. Agt, W, H. Wiuog, Agt, HoMtt Bryaa, Texaa. W. H. LAWRElfCE, DENTIST. Office Front Room over I'oatoffice. Brjan. Texaa. PKUL HOIMI TRIP RATKS VIA thk old mu short m 1(1. t O. N. B. B.) The wmckes! and lie.t Itout. fn., iualad Double Daily Service to St. Unla, andIHract Connertiooa fo PoinU Fast. 8UMMKR TOI RIST.TICKET8. Now on mla to all tourist resorts north, northeast and northwest Goad for return until Decern ter31t, 1891. For foil particulars, time cards, sleep, ar reservstions, etc .. apply to naaraet ticket agsnt, I. o. X. K. K., or ad ,,r',i ID. J. Plica, O..P. an.i;T. A.. I. A O. N. R. R, Palestine, Texaa, Thus. H. Hairston, M. D. SPECIALIST, CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES I'll. Km I lid) WITHOUT rat us. o. KNIFE frem butlnsM. risTI'LA. riMI'lEK, ITCM IN'l n.l I I.. IltAl K 1 1 III. n v I i c i RfD. Office hoars: to 12 a. ra.; 2 to I p. w. Office at sm B. Wilaoa's Drug, store.