Newspaper Page Text
Vol. Ill No. 230 Price 5 cents. BRYAN, TEXAS, TUESDAY MORNINCV, SEPTEMBER 6, 1898. Sept. 1st will be a good time for you to begin trading with us. Fresh Goods. Full Weight and Good Measure Guaranteed. We deliver Goods Free of Charge. IF YOU WANT THE BEST, PHONE 23. HOWELL BROS. IMtHV MOAI' IT i I aTw. Mosquito T HEAT The lieat and I'urest 1'owder on the Market. ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO INFANTS. Ha no Hqual (or the Cure t sultana and preeene ilia Skin of Adult, oi r.veaaMe Agent lor THOS. GOCCAN A BRO.. I' al ical upplic. TAYLOR & COX, Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS I Coolino Drinks. Stenothenino Cordials. Everybody treated Rioht. Best Wines, Liquor and Cigars PARSONS1 Kuiargul aasl retltted with New anil Impi-ifd Mstrblas)r)'. A - r .tlv rirl i tmmtmt CpwOstfJ PtStSSt, DO prrpsrcl la all order large or mall, for a Pfltt:, Wllttl.l Mli; M1 HIGH (lKAIi: HOIlA WATKK, ail ilavors,at Wbohaale and K- ta; PRICE. ONLY 50 CENTS sbara of Ilia public troiigc respet lltilly lolirltetl. Country Mar- chant- rVftiS nd Festival pailiaa aapecialiy invilwl to give us a trial Wa gnarantae all good of our nianuraclwe, and give prompt altai tb.o 1 to all order. Call on or address, C. C. PARSONS, Bryan, Tex. lole lWneb.r an I lloltler "MASti ANIC WKI.I.S '.WATKK. ' Xature's owt Hemetly for Indigeatlon, lypepia, Candlea, KnnN, Nuts, etr. Come to See Ul rlsisf-rs The Grocers. Lotion. Toilet Soaps, and True POWDER of. and pre tenia th-,Xoloiia IMor ri"jiiaiuii. Offsj Rtwt Msjftfa and Mn. tiet my price. GOOD LUCK la loink ;it the GLOBED SALOON BOTTLING WORKS: PER CASE. elc. - lleadn'tera for Me! And let' have n -juiet Sweet Chat ,ilu. ut llitmc Nice I're-t'iitH von w ml to ttiiv; nUiiil tin KngrnvinK J'"ti want ilonc I have Moved to B. S. Read s Drug StofC tvhero I liao tlu-J In avi-!t Stock of lewclrY. Diamonds. Watches. Clocks. Etc. ever brought to Bryan John M. Caldwell, Tin .Fowcler, TWO CHILDREN BCRNED Tl) DEATH. They Were at IMay In the Yard and Concluded to Build a Fire IntheNmokehonfte. WERE TWINS SEVES YEARS OLD The Third One Wat IriH 9ltm the Hurt. . Iat Died Shortlj Afterward. A FIVE GALLON OIL CAN EXPLODED. It la Suppo-ed to llaii. Bern Ignited by il.. I.iltlr Oin la Their flay and Ike Heath of All of Thrai Itranltrd. Waco. Tea , Sept. 4. A aMaaener from Hpeegleville, McLennan SJSSJSJtJri brought the particular of a shocking accident which ,urnl there. Mr and Mra. H. Prater ware engaged I in their reepectiTe datie on the place and their children were at play In the yard The two oid.-at girl, aged 7. wbo are twin, and another one aged II, were in poaeneaion. unknown to the parent, of easerai niatcfiee and they agreed to go into the mnkebouati and build a (Ire, aa they had een their parenta do when curing meat. Th" little one entered the building, closing the door U-hiud ilium, and atart--i !'. ;r Just a the parenUand a later of Mr. lrater ascertained what .tnri "I ..iip. i i.iri - ' aaaaaai , . , ... . ,.Ka'of,h' 0"1hlP--, WM 'P"bl to - an -.lcaon onoured. fol- 1 lowed by flame, ar.d the building wa iDirkly roummed The fattier, mother and aunt n-acoed ,ulM ,fvr lt had been terribly 1 timed The other two wen- burned with the smokehouse, leaving only rharred and unnirogniaable remains. The child they aacoaadad in dragaiug from th- l!Mie jul kly died. n f, .ml oil in the be little i mg th ijuenc - U J H". I I Ull M'- lt'nir play, cans- I the fatal conse- Ailtleea fr.on Maalla. Han Krauciwo, Spt. .V The tran. port Coliin brought the following advice from Manila, Philippine uland. dateil Aug. 4: The 1'nit.xl Monterey an i Itrutu arrne well, after it 1. l-fioi.. . ; St it- - r all on rxaird i v. nttul trip, hi Jnne T last I for nothing .1V. the Oll.ll rf ll way over, i tci ;.t i i ?.. louring thin rn t Monti r. v v i- t n mad-. at ( .nam -ach of mled th. lint 1. in- leleraM In fnmiag f nrla. Madrid, Sept. .Y The public spivar to hav- t.ut UMsS interest in the forth -coming t!. rti . 1 1 govenimeul ha lerldcd to pny tbe neit coupon iu the Cuban debt pen. ling the ettlem. nl I with ISM Unittxl State. i .ant ral Weylrr lia arrived in Madrid The newspapers, it U undcratnotl, will be pvroutted to indulge in "fair com- ment" upon the r .wding in the our -- !- ta -ti - if the oniMMtliin compel the government to reserve their itttiig Tae division to call out lOO.OHi r-crulu to the ranks is retarded as a smart d. vii . to k p the younger in-n outside of the Carli-t movetn. nt Utoil al tha IHasae Tahl. Sh-rman. Teg., Hapt 4. At tbe din. ' ner table Kphniim Cariuler, age. I N, line lignro, Mpired very .uddenly and without ; Jt)duiu, ,nJoylng the pnapector s .up a strofgle. He bail just flnlsh.t tbe Th-y wrrj( btwowht to Daweou. vn i hid le hi. custom for wt , p, ,, 0f the Indian made a con- many yner. aim nan tiiaen a ngie mouthful of fimt wben lie gently sank down and was dnad bef. i. tin, n. ar. him could render the least assistance Ho was weak from recent illneae whirh hail preyed heavily upon his aliattered constitution H" resided with hi son, Butler Carpenter, tbreo milae west of this ottjr. ainslo Inalanr nt Ossrrliarglng. Washington. Sept. 6. -The alleged osatBharging by ttewards on board 1 transport is atatett at the iuartennaat- 1 er general s otltca to be in one single In- ' stance where a steward charged a sailor J.t centa for a sandwich. No other ctini .!ainl of the Lnnl hat. -en ni.t l- H the iuartcnnater' desartment llakar (llvn a lllg raneral. Oalreston. Sept. A Thomas K Ba ker, the white man killtd in Wednes- oay s nut. in given a big tuni, ail the union labor organizatlone. black and whit, attending. Tbn remain of the norm Kobinaon, who died from hU wound, wan shipped from (alvestoti for banal -.-.. i Iran Chicago, gas, ft. A severe thunder storm id this city brought the tamper ry relief fr.n the intense beat of the paat weak. Only one death wma re ported Than were atratai prostration, none of which, however, u aertoua. AN ACCIDENT TO THE BATTLESHIP IOWA. Estaal al Iks n.,,,.e. CmM Ma Be !.. i aa Aeaaaal at tba Halt. I lbs oaaear. New Terk, Sept. 5. The Tribune aay: Anaceatat occurred on the battle hip low yterday in dry dock No I al th- Brooklyn uevyyard. the extent of which ronld not be learned on ac count . f the reticence of the officer at the yard It visa reported that the en gine roan of the Iowa were partly flooded by the entrance of water through an open saaeock aa the abip waa being floated ai near aa could be learned from th Kortee afloat hut night Un official gat ready to float the Iowa in the dry desk where aba baa been far the lt three or four day and the vulvae la the caiaeioa at tbe end of tba dry dock were opened The water poured in through tea valve, and at leuet one of the .-,. . ,r injeottoii valv- at awl Iowa'a haD waa either opeoad or in rarely fattened, ao that the force from the ouuida pu.had the cock ralre bank and th water guabed into the bull of the Teasel A aoon aa tboaa on board tbe low a dMcorered that water waa en tering tk thip a ngnal waa gtvea to 1 eloaa the caiaeoti releea, and thai waa done witk a great proaaptnaa aa I possible Meanwhile there waa a 1 sufficient qoanttty of water in the dis-k to -nter tba engine " th oork at whtU ' water wa going In. Aa aoon as possible tbe cask were closed and an eiamina- , lion made of the damage dne Jnet what tela amounts to will not be known until t.nlay II was el that was let in the dry dock to come rery near fliting th- hip and that she is riiav ni h.-r ksel blocks tbe same aa ! ne wa uetore me. waierwa- uuiii.m. , The nunitiinir of the water out of the r , - '.'l-iITl..,r,'PJ"ll,, ' " . -.- tlm off. -r seen woubi not admit that any aj i lent hail Uken place. SHAW IS GLAD. a ... n Mailt In lit' a long a II- I an. Cleburne. Tax, Itapt 6. -Joha B. Shaw ha thia to aay aa to hi lunacy trial set fur next Noramber "Well, ye. I gu I am glad to get to 1 its that long I did want the thing to U- over, hut you know a man wants to live aa long a he oan. Say, aometoly ha printed a book pretending to be a hi'tery f my life. Here is on- of them." and he puohed out through the bar of buastldonr a little pamphlet with a T(.rT a-r. --l.'Ling pic'ure on the lavrk. ww that u all bogin The only authentic history f Bay lif. ' the one you bail hern the other ilay. and I want to My now that any wb r i-". forgery. Tin ta ifot up to heat me out of the sale of Mglie of my hooka. "Say, 1 think I will do a little newa l pi-r nting )n One d:iv n-t we-k you com around and I'll probiMy hare SiaaSlliU'ir al print that will ka intrreat. ing." and Shaw lay back on hi bed, aat mlngly in a de. i h 1 In nilnd to wr.i tudr over .... aa1 i. Taconia, Sept I. Th. obooner .1 M ivueman. which baa arrived from St. j Michael, bring tba news that two pros- .. ( . . . r- ambosoed and shot while drifting tb-wn the Yukon in a boat In diana flre.1 upon the boat killing one aad wounding tba other. Tba wounded man ecal and reached a police camp The . ...rfi .i, .i f,-,Mrf th. . Mr Frank, who came SB tlie ruli-man, aays wben he left Dawson there waa a stampede to Dswey and Samin creeks from which fine reports mine Roth an- in American territory Hobarl Allan '!.. New York, Sept It -Kobert Allan , forsythe is dead at hi home inthm ity aged !''. years. He wo born In Detroit. ' In early life be spent several year at wa and afterward was a guide toden OssL BattsaJ in the west for many years ami took part in putting down nu- i mrroua Indun uprisings Huiliig the civil war tin uas wagon ami forage mas ter in th. Kentucky division of the reg ular army llrneral Mlla ami HU ........ Washington, Sept. .' (ieneral Mile and his army, between 40DO ami IWOO 1 vmunti-er. an- now euroutetothucouu- djk Mike He If you are a customer of JOHN B. MIKE, paying at the end of the month, you get a bill with each item purchased. At the end of the month you compare our Statement with the bills you have received. This pre vents misunderstandings, and makes settlements a pleasure. TRY ME THIS and se ) if you are not sorry that you did not trade with me sooner. You will never know what I can save you on Groceries, and how well I can serve you, until you give me a trial. Yours for Business, - try (mm Porto Rico, will not parade in New York or eiaewbere aa a body upon their arrival. IJfficial announcement to thi fact wa made at tbe war depart ment Saturday. T ran port laaring General Mile aad volunteers are el- par tad to am v off New York nail Toe day. aula r a Trala. HunUvtlW, Ala.. Sept. 5.-Lieut. Ool K P. Strong, chief mustering officer, n.tkrtjw1 that h- hail i iaaiiaaal aaaa - - . r r tiona for the tnuater of the Fifth Mary Land infantry the regiment u ord.rwi to depart for Baltimore today. Walla Willi, a colored taanMter for the r onrtti ci h'-pital wa ll!e,i in a train on the !mtheni railway Saaplaloa lath al Houaton, Sept. A -Daniel Orarea, ooV ; orad. died Sanday under suapicioua clr- ' cnmtano pointing to morphine poie- ouing It eeem tlial he left liom. nr.- .. V . . , . I twnoay iiiorn.n to go to maraei, ann be topped at the lonn In tbe rear of which two hour afterward be found in an unconwiou condition, i I ' I Freck- les. Tan. and Dark Splotches. CuaranttiJ to rtmoit Frteklu. Ton. and Dark Splolchtt. from tha Foe ana" Hands or Honif Rtfundod. Dirtrtitmi on Bast. A pfli rattan ulromrly .Sim;ds aad Kuv. Miinul'ai tureil ami for Halo at Hall s D rug Store. llltVAN. TKX. Btsiflitifl aee a. i i i e. .. Sse tM BSapae. tnaa v, mi .. m . east (hit Cas a. SmMain ISM CaWassa aatiiaiiami t lini Oases Ml a Laaa. aafVIn Vm la pniprc voMMsiaiii aas um rrtlOtO laOVlaaj. Hlla UJ. I is i m ease us h. sm. thi. tw (wa CN UlSMasssSS fainstr tSaTSSSsfl " Taa att OSSrVSR, OOLO .law isaatBJ Twin Sis ters Freckela. sends you Bills. MONTH, JOHN B.MIKE. H.H.C. R. R. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. Short and quirk Line lief North aad outh Trie. T H R O U a ri S L E E P E S srTwrgx HOUSTON ASl DENVER TU Eoai and Ft Worth GALVESTON DENISO" Via Beast i aad Dallas GALVESTON A ST. LOUIS Via Hotu ton, Caalt and Pali HOUSTON ,, AUSTIN The II. A I..C. reaefcas Galveaton Houston, Brraban, Anstin, Waco Corsicana, Waialiacbie, Ft. Worth, !.:.. r Mi Kinney, Sherman and girea first claaa and Ieni Harvlie. C. W. Bat Traffic Manager. M. L Koaai, i. P AT. Agt- W. - vv .-- ..t Houaton W.H. LAWRElfCE, DENTIST. Oflico Front Rooms over I'ottollice. Kr an. Texas. SPECIAL HOUND TRIP RATES i I UK 1)1.11 I.I l.l till I MIUKT I INK i. .v x. It. it. Tha t.uickest aad Baal Koute. Uaa qualed Double Daily Sarrtra to St. Dmis. and lhrect C .nnectiona fo I'oloU Kait. 8UMMKB Ttit'RIrrrjTICKETS. Now on aale to all toorist resorts north, northeast aad northwest. Qoad for return until Decern! er list, IMS. lor fall particulars, time raids, aleep er reawrrationa. ate, apply to naareat ticket agent, I. A ii. X. K. K , or ad dress D. J. Pan a, O. P. and T. A.. I. A 0. X. R. R. Palestine, Texas, j. w i itmann, merchant; TAILOR f MAIN riTRKKT, Bryan, Texas. All workiuanMSteed and done proraply Olra blm a call.