OCR Interpretation

Bryan morning eagle. [volume] (Bryan, Tex.) 1898-1909, September 07, 1898, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86088652/1898-09-07/ed-1/seq-4/

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A Troll-) ar Hushed Into
Rrider by a Train at Co
hort, New York.
most apiwi.lixg
whim; results.
Patwn'.'fD" Wtn flarled Into the
Kiver anl Met Ivath llefore Res
cuer.". ( onld Arrive.
WTtala Tea "unit. - After the I ..III.
lea l ull) Oae Half of the I'opula
tlea "flli- City Waa Sundae
A boat la the Vlclallj.
Cohoaa, N Y.. Sept. tl An appalling
ittaaitir nrnirr 1 in thu city ahortly be
bore 8 o'clock last night. Just before
that time a trolley car of the Troy City
Railway company waa atrnck by the
might boat aperial of the Delaware and
Hudson railway at a crossing at the weat
end of the Hudson river bridge, which
connect thia city with Ianstngburg,
and Ita load of human freight waa hurled
into tha rirer Kightcen of the to paaa
engera are dead and at leaat lu of tho re
mainder will die. The oan entering the
city from Lansingburg were crowded
with passenger retunung from a Labor
day picnic at hVnneelaer park, a plea
ore resort near Troy Car No. Utt of
the Troy City railway waa the rietim of
the diaaater. It came orer the britlgn
about": HA o'clock ladan with a merry
party of people fresh from the enjoy
ment of the day
The crossing where tlie acculent oc
curred ia on a grade. Four traces of the
Delaware and Hie Won nail, which run
aorta aad south at thia point, ero th
two track on the trolley road.
It waa the hour when the night Naif
pedal, a train winch run south and
connect with the New York t'ltyhtat
at Albany, waa due to isa. that point.
ThS track of the atreet car line run at n
iptMle fro 11 th" I n Igc lo I
where tho diaater tick plant,
Tim motor :n u i. -truck directly in
the ' i he engine of the train
Watch Waa going af a high r;it of -i
stituteit a ;! t.n i -i luurib.e io I...
hoi i
l.alxir Itmy at Dallas.
Dallaa, Spt. . At I'.'.'.Kl yesterday
afternoon nil the iisiu... lion.. - aid
shop, ill the city closed dim ii and thi
emplover gave their employe a half
holiday. Then the i c-i io - i. i, ii v..
park Is'g.au. At : : io p in. : ,
w n and children Were on t
grounds. Mayor Traylnr wa intro
dnowl as master of ceremonies lb
opened thu ball without adding
any frill to hi remark, ami
In a very d mocratic ort of
war h- batfOtaoad Frank H. Shank.,
"wm. i,iid Uuen selected by tic liallas
MaaaaMBXttrai of orgauu .1 labor fmoi
oth' r oiliaa nnd town.
lion. J. W. lilakti of Mi i i.i made i
Tory lengthy olid Well riceived 'e( h
Killed by an Ofllrrr.
Flon v ill", Tex , Sept. ft. Saturday
'ratling at Sour Spring (ireenlarry
Carter was ibot nnd k lied, and hi.
brother, Jeso Carter, was fatally
Wouudc I
tgaatiu. n...,,...: . u rk
rerf I In an ah. I l.i.
!' i. Iteaeaanag I .. .
Cincinnati. Sept H The national
eonrention of lutddie-of-ihe-raad Hopo
lota waa to hare oonri'tiert in the Lyre
urn at U o'clock . m . but owing to tha
ronferenra of tha leader anil the ina
bility of Ignatiu Donnelly and othere to
In. I the hall thu eonrention waa not
called to order nntil l i N o'clock p. m.
During the forenoon the middls-of-thc-madera
were in informal conference and
exchanged opinion enough to indicate
that much difference In their riewa a
to whether they ahould hold a nominal
ire eonrention or merely a general con
ference. In nailing tha courention to
order, Jo A. Porker of Looiarille,
tary of the Keform lreea aaeoriation,
trnngly adrocated independent action
by tba Pnpultate wlurther it ia done at
thia eonrention or at aome future time.
IgnatiuaDonnellr waa chosen temporary
I chairman and made a radical apeech da
; nouncing (iorernor Wheeler and all
leader who had coop rated with fualoo
with the Itemocrata He referred to
(irorer Cleraland aa a traitor to the
Democratic party and -Senator Butler aa
a traitor to the Populist party. He waa
especially aerere in denouniaf He tutor
Butler aa a man w ho reached an exalted
poitlon hyconairing with the Repnb- !
, . .. . . .
lican for hH election to the lenate and
now under instruction from W J.
Bryan, be i ronmring with the leiu'
crate. Mr. Donnelly adrocatetl a reor
ganization of the Populiat party on the
lines of middle-of-the-roaders aa Indi
cated in their coafsn'iice at Omaha last
June and again at Naahrtlle last Jnly.
The uaual committees of credential,
resolution, rnjea, order of laaalneaa and
pennansnt organixatmn were appointed
and a rere waa taken till :i p. m
'"-1 1 . Wk Aaoltisr Kadlral Spssrh.
Cincinnati, Hept. 6 -The mlddle-of-the
road Populista convened their second
day's session of the national conrenttnn
at an early hour when the iemirary
nrganiutinn was made pennanent, and
Chairman Ignatiu Donnelly ma le an-
other radical afecch tlenonaaein; all
thoae who cooperated with Hi" m-ionJ
morsinent, strongir iwlns-aiing reorgan-1
nation "i i i." party, not onlr : t an in-
'l. e nil. ut presidential ticket, but for
independent c in. l.i late. !,r io:igri,
state offices, etc. A letter was read from
et-( iorernor David Watte, of Colorado,
in w Inch he denounced .Senator Butler
a a treacherous chairman and (sjsjl
leader, .in I olrts ati'd the nomiiMtioti . f
straight out 1' .; uli.tn ticket, for pren
dent and other office.. An elalrate ad
iire to the people of the I'nitrd -tn -t
waa ailopt.'l It realUntied the i r io,i.
platform of tt. Populists and coram
many al'iitional qattsaVMa,
e.rt hr the Mstl.an Matlm.al ll.ii. I.
I ' plorai nut "I Mlilaay.
Madrid, S-pt a- Th" hamtors as
sr ii.l'l'd het" vesterl.iv Thu far no
At tin opening of the M ii ite the -ei r.
tary Nai a letter from Sunr Rotlrigtn ,
senator frwin 1'orto I! . o, refii-ing to
oU-r the summon to at lend.
mi. r, Senor iga.tn. ami' . I
igtn a of hisnflice, nacelldetl the
id n ad a decree, auth irir.itig
in tl
the g.'veruineiit to pr. M'tit to the chain
tier a draft of a law empowering ilm
ininislers t renounce sovereignty over
the r one ., in conformiti with ti .
tipiilation. on th, .- .. , 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 ,i i -U'tween
Smin mid tin Lulled States
I pt' -i .. nt of the senate priipo.ii
"' r' ' "f ''' ' " "' l'r"
tustOlsoni" of the - nitor- ..rd. . tint
the gall' i i I" cleared, which was done
amid loud murmur of disapproval.
Nn I hang In Ills ealiu.ii.
Ii'ilham, Max.. SopLO. - .
t on of former AmtsManatar 1 nomas K,
1; i Mini, who i sei iniiar 'l Ie re, is un-
Maeea hmis rirs.
Hume, S pt tl In a large lire al Mad
dalnm, near Caarrta, soreu men, two
women and two chikreu were killed.
MmI tpieia .1....,.,. f. M.ll,,. I,
IUIIr4 lu Hl I Mrrr.l tha
Washington, iwpt. 6. -Kvcr sum the
printed ..rt. nf the a- n-atioiiaJ u'ter
anrea of the naa' chaplain. Joseph I'.
M liitrrv, reached to nary depart,
in' in i .' Li - hare Uen making a
qnlet inquiry into tba arenrac r of th"
newspaper publication The chaplain,
who waa attached to the t hvgon, ami
waa on lir i when th battle of Jnlr :
waa fought, waa aivredittd with aomn
oarage nticism of Admiral Sampson,
Captain Krana ami varum other of th''
officers of in- Aincr. can fleet, Insisting
to the officer tliat to the men of th Or
egon aloni' belonged the rictorr achieve I
over the Spanish squadron ' tin
irticularly aerere on Captain RoMey
D. Krana, who ia charged with cow aril
ice. Apparently the narr depart m. nt
haa now aatiafied itself that the chaplain
really utteretl the language acnbed to
htm, for it haa ordered hi trial by court
martial on charge to the prejudice of
good order and discipline and unbecom
ing an officer. Th" "li.mlain i now o i
leare of abac nee in Denver
. ral shall, In t . I r.iuiaian.l.
Montauk Point, L. I., Sept. ,(j,n.
rral Shaffer came "tit from detention
camp yesterday. He i oniewhat mi-
prored in health He aid that Catnn
nr.: . u i j m '
' " " . . ,1"'
time, and although main of the trimi.
u . " . ,nH,l''
. isou vuiiiii o coniiuueo ror rn,..
see wen- io im saan away, ine catini
would l- fitted up with torracka for the
accomtuo'intiou of M-veral tiiouMti'i tun
during inclement weather
Adrlce were reii irnl from the war
department by (Jenernl Whetder tint
tiitm rrrrtnl were to l'eot from south
ern pot to join the Fifth army corps at
Montank. (teneral Wheeler haa n
sti tned command of tha caralry and Qas
ewl Yonngwill rform licutire ,iu
tie about the camp, (teneral Shafter i
now in full command at Camp Wikoff.
Klrh lH-ufsrls. ..I I.. .1.1.
San Francisco, S-pt I '! 1 1 s'eanier
Portland from St Mi' luel ha arrn.,1
with about I,;i00,Ui worth of g;rf
dust and nugget She bnnight .
boxes of the pn n m metal bdonuing to 1
the Canadian Bank
i f i i iiniiien-e and '
I ''tinnier "ial naa
tbn-e for the Ai.i-k i
Patrr.saahboB awkrhingorer i II paan I,
"' t oruattn i ronu-nt i. w.ot i,.
strike on the YiU"ti on Am. 1 1. an terri
tory. The heanv. .iter-"i tie Kiyuauii
have pun tie.i out well ant -ii.o or pi i
men are digging there .ml t . ,UI
numla-r are waiting to ledgn there this
v. inter.
Head .,,,,,! Irion Hip lUulf.
Memphis. S-l,t ., -Tbt Ih.Iv Of I'o.
terM P.iv -. tor f ,
fne K-ins.i-i' ". V. i. - .i I..: m . v.
A Texan's
ie For the Remedy Which Saved
His Daughter and Two Sens.
good whatetrer, the sore coutil
spfoad mid gnov : the hile. I i
two bottle of . .-. which heal
soi" ihd cured ii periniinetitlr.
ii suasssl .. . h (.,, .,-. riiiino
Olfl "lit J., i.ad what the) doctor bro
noiincial an internal lilmsl trouble, winch
thev said would ev cut isllv cause)
the itomaeh. Knowing from
8. B, S I gave it to I
H"ll, -o that hit
"Dicey, I'arker ( o., retaa.
It ia dntiRcrotia to npallaMBi "ith blood dlaoaaea, Tin ra i
only uii cum for tliein, uinl all otht-r roniodioM only ttenniviiio
llio lii"iso ninl roiider n euro moro ilillicult. SwitVl Spacifla
(8. S. H.) nccomj)lili" nt onco what DO other miwdjr fan: n
fOMtsOVB to thu vory t t tea of nil Mood (lisoas' uniitl -nr,s p'T
mnnentlv olmtiuato. iffi-softtc(l cnioa whioli nm Im voihI t In
roach of other rem edi. It inv r favUl to ottN Mrofula,
Catarrh, lOMaM, BhOBUttiarn, Caii' r. Tt'ttor, Sori-, I'lii ra,
or any other form of liloml trouble. S. S. S. i purely regotabki
and ia tho only blood remedy Ktiariint ed to eonla I n pu r
tide of mercury, imtuah, or any other mineral.
Hooka on blood mid akin diauoaca mailed bfJ to all by tho
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Oa.
I r
y inw ni-ti!iiK.
I cieanir erervl i
muni' iv i . .i
J .oirtde
i of the UMJet
t father is said to be one I
ptrtuti it rj-im of north
Manama, living at MUA Hia hrotb
H i pntfe f a rhol at ( Ireenwooil,
! MM ip Tralec
f'hicago, Sept. n.The quarantine of
Memphis, Jarksou. Mobile and other
towna against New Orleans doe. not in
terfere with through travel from pointa
north ..f tl- !cinisM-e ime. None of
the Illinois (Vutrnl ihrough trains, paa
senger or freight, hare iwn iiia.-ontin.
Bftt and but few local traina running
U tweeti New Oreana and ritlra which
ac qnarautined against u hare been
la. ' tl off.
MsasBBSJ la MM 1'hillettlB.a.
Madrid. Sent, tl - ( ien.-ral J.n.l.....
ad iutrrim gorertior of the Philippine
island, replying to the gtrrrniment
f quest for itifonnation aa to the true
otuatmn of the i ffaira in the archipela
go, reHirte tb.n to assure the reeatab
liahmeut nf Snuuish Mirereignty orer
the island woniu require a permanent
anny of rt(i,ti . ...,iera, n fleet and end
lesa quautiti f materials.
t. i saaMas laaasfaasjaaal r..,, hs.
Home, Sept. 6. -The Popolo liomatio
announ e. .. u 1 1. It ,., K,.x, ,
ha deciden to reply to the circular of
Emperor Nicbola on the subject of a
ennferenre to consider international
pea. e in. a. lire by an offer to w i-oiid hu
proKal in erery po-aiblu way.
Aa OI4 Tim- JsaajaaMM H...I
Ohilllrcothe. kit , Sept. 6.J. 0.
Rarkley, age. i tl rear, an old Maaa
jotirnall!, I ilea I i'f heart disease He
av-' a wifi an, t two children, oi f
ui on, u W Barklay, U al work In
New York City.
a saataeaattea Mr..
New York. S"pt tl -An exp'iHinn of
cbemlca.s is'.-ursl i'l ttie wholesa.e drug
store of L'li-rAi Ani-nd, corner of
Elghte niii .ir.-. t Tniri Avenue,
starting a tire mat 'i iiuagmi prorty to
the extent M 41 irs"
Htsa I is. I. BasafeJ W .M.
N.irr.i;.. i ... it l'i,r, L I, Sept. a.
Tnete in. nn material change in the
munition ,,f M:s. Winnie Davis during
yestemay ufn riKsm ana the physicians
said the was resting comfortable.
saaastesaesl Us sasfsswsasai
I. una. Sept. t The Peruvian con
gress, brnn '.mui"tiMt majority, has.anc
flotHti in- mi. i u. inn of the writ of ha
le i. corpus as th" i suit of th" l?i n.t
latum ami other di.inrUtn. e,
I'. Hill.; I'atllO.u llar.,.,l.
lleM-te, Jlnr. ., Bpt, tl -Thn big lath-
mg parti ion at it v tra aek, bafli be
the .Afetrojs. .!., I-.,,' eamm mkm ha
U' l. bur,, ,.. lei-s ., tll aUoul
M -o
cancer of
texnerlencn tho proat vlrt '
nn, and seven twill li s cun-u soumi nun
.'III, as Is'cll excellent ever MIlco. Mft
inch for my family that I ! i I competent to
nd I do not lieaitaiu to declarn it to Is- th"
ade. "U. .1. MeKiSMiV,
Phone No. 75.
ri .
Est'- A
COOT. si,
e J Cuni. Iris slid
O in I rrMhMuii
Main nd tux j
InTitin8 LOWNEY'S T!k:"r
iiuiis, lad, i
Chocolate Bonbons. "t!.
to ivr-sr
Patrons and Friends '
r Itta .K. Mnili-ott, firiiiiee, HoUrttM ami
lJure-i'ii t 'unlit it-- :
ie com! ii.
Oi. P. franklin & Son,-
Butchers ancJLMcat Dealer
We Buy Hides,
Markets under Academy , of Music and next
door to John Mike's store.
I hac .itldcil ;t new line of
in ii i v stock of Hooks, Stationery, Wall I'upe.
and Paints. Call on me lot PRICKS ami sKK
Tyler Haswell.
AJAX Breakfast Bacon and Hams.
Fresh Barrel Pickles.
Fresh Mangoes.
Full line Dodson & Brnvyn Pickles
and Catsup in Glass.
FLEISCHMANN'S Compound Yeast.
acknovltdgtl th, Fmtti to bt had.
und all
Wool and Pelts.

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