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JBran Hbornmg Eagle. Vol .III No. 241 BRYAN, TEXAS. THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 8, 1898. Price 6 cents. Andr. Smith. RoebMftr. S. Y.. -nootly John Kreaer, tfoebsc, leg rut off. Sept. 1st will be a good time for you to begin trading with us. Fresh Goods, Full Weight and Good Measure Guaranteed. We deliver Goods Free of Charge. IF YOU WANT THE BEST, PHONE 23. HOWELL BROS. IVOltY HOA1' IT FLOATS. HEAT POWDER The licet and 1'uregt Powder on the Market. ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO INFANTS. Ha5 no Equal for the Cure Milteni aod preeenes Ilia Skin ol Adult and prevents llieJNoslou (Odor of Kai-eeeive wrapi ration. Agtnt lor THOS. GOGGAN & BRO.. I -ial Supplies, TAYLOR & COX, Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS I Cooling Drinks, Stenqthenino Cordials. Everybody treated Rioht. Best Wines, Liquor and Clears , . . "W PARSONS1 B0TTLNG W0RKS: : ii ' kW and refitted with N'v mill Improved Much lurry. A Nrntlv Kir! t U ami lii-to-liMr- IMmit, nna picpsred to nil ..r.irr-u.k-. ..r mmII, f. i Pi Iti . WHOLEMMB mid BIOS OKA III. BODA WATKIt, all llavor, at WllllMll 4 Retail. PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS PER CASE. A eliere of ihe public patronage reepeclfiill) .olid ted. Countrv Mar. rhaaU, IMc-nic od Kaatlval iiartle e.ecilly inrilaxl to give ui a trial W gunrenless "II giiode of our manufacture, and give prompt attention to all onlera. Call n or eddre, C. C. PARSONS, Bryan. Tex. tola Proprietor and liottler "MANti ANIC WKM.K 1WATKR," Nature' owi for I iidiireatlon, I'yipepela, eU-.-lleatua'tera for Fine Cigare, Candle, Krnits, Sut, etc. Come to See The Grocers. Mosquito Lotion. Toilet Soaps, and True rlot' O iO' '' C'ow, LjreJ F '!. of. .M I Mil lift my price. GOOD LUCK! to Drink ut the GLOBE! SALOON : Me! Ami let' have n timet, Sweet Chat ui Hint tlioHi. Nii'f I'renentH mmi wniit to huy; itlxint the KngravitiK you want ilono. I have Moved to B. S. Rend s Drug Store where I lmvi' the" henvioft Stock of iewelrY. Oi.tmonds. Watches. Clocks. Etc. ever brought to Bryan. John M. Caldwell. Tlu .lewelor, !8 Fort) -Four .Mm. Without Moment' Warning, Find Watery Urates. TWO SPANS OF A BRIDGE TUMBLE. fiiitr Workman Are Thrown Into the Kiver Snie Siity Kett lie low and Meet Death. BUT FEW BOATS WERE IN THAT VICINITY. Terr Few of Ike Men WonU l a dertake to Swire Oat lato the Turbulent Water ta Mate Those Dronalag. Htsgansl-uag, NY, Hept 7 - A boat noon yesterday two loath spans of the International bridge of the New York and Ottawa, now under c instruction acroee the St. Lawerenee nver about three units from .St Reel, an Indian villa- 'ell wtthrmt warning with " workmen, all twing thrown into the nver, aom HI feet balow. Over SA ware picked up and taken to the Com wall hoepilal and 27 are now inlint The bridge cons lata of three (pan, uf which twn ware men pie tad tot the other nearly completed when the oath pter gave way at tu foundation, causing both apant to fall inUi the water, taking ita load of human freight with it. The nam -s of the killed and drowned eannot at prevent tie ascertained, aa they were mostly from Pennsylvania. The tsridge that gave way waa being built scmat the (It Lawrence river at the foot of Long Senile raptda, near Met n hart island Tha immediate oaoe of the disaster seems to have been the washing away of one of the large pt.-r Late report from Cornwall hospital say K3 men have been taken out of the water and transferred to the hospital. Klghteeu of them have since di.-d. The latest information make it prntahle that the deatli list will rmrh ,K Aa far as ran he l.-arned men wrre m the payroll, of whom M' rermrfed this morn ing for work. Of this list only .11 have actually bean accounted for All efforts to get a list of the names of the work men and those have proved fu tile aa yet KM W-lnM' Pomwall. tint , JWpt 7 -An eya w,it neas of the fall of the New York and Ot tawa railroad bridge says he waa sitting on the tank of the rtvi-r watching the workmen above him when without warniun there came a fearful rn Two iipans of the bridge i-ollapMl, im mense msH-sof timber and iron dropped and th agoniring shrieks of the men who wen- helng crushed in the wreck were drowned by the rushing waters Then he saw bodies coming to the sur fate and the work of rrscus tgan Thu waa helplessly inade.nat. there be ing only a few boata in the vicinity and very few ineu who would undertake to swim out into tha turbulent waters. Many who might hare beu saved were 'irowuol before help could reach them I'lteoas, sj.p nliii faces sank beneath the w atera before tha eyes of helpless on lookers. Mangled Nsliaa oama to tha surface for a moment and than paaaed out of sight. It was a terrible and heart rending seena Kveu those who ware got to land alive were in such condition that many died on the way to the hos pital Home had their backs other both legs, while others crushed by the heavy timbers About W) of the men employed on the span wrre Americana who cams hare to work for the l'h.a'iili Itndge company. The remainder were, mostly Indians, who acted as assistantH Krery man on the division went down with the wreck. Th killed are: V J. l urry, I'at. rsoii, N J. W. J Jbi kon, Columbus, O. Louis Runner, Jobr.stow n, Pa. R L. Pysart, Tyrone, Pa, J D Craig, IVtrn i l'ii Miirnhtr, T'iri.iito. Thorns. Itiruiiiigiinm. Dsn lluifli.-H, C.ev. land. I' rank U'vigne, I igdenaburg, N Y W S. Sherman, Cornwall, Dnt. V. Saunder.. Haiti.,, ,l"lin Clause, Cniighti.-twega, N. Y. H, Isavta. Pittsburg. Cyril Oamphell, Coniwnll. The , i, j hi- i arei Mitchell Reaves, Cornwall, Oot., sari- ITe rim Nnrlh.r Dallas, sap, 7.Tbelong ptrtod of bo weather cam to an end rather ah ) raptly lata yesterday, for the Him being it at least At at o'clock tha tbermoni I registered u dm) ta the shade At Ji u'clu k the temneratere of the air h bsea cooled to To degree, makinit a fall of degree, in teui Ave hoar RED LETTER DAY FOR GRAND ARMY. Mast erdUI HseOsbaklef Over Ibe 4f Chasm Was BslBetly Cinciaaati. Sept. 7. Tha national en oamptnaat of the Grand Army of the Republic uUy bad ita redletter day. Yesterday waa bristling white, naval day. f"r sta ami Monday blue with ita threatening weather Rainy nights and clear dayi. could not hare bean expaaead, ! snlt an ooeaalon better. With I reunions by regiments, brigades and other 'gfAnii.-d associations, day and 1 night all th week, there baa been pa I radaa tally The labor parade opened I the week Monday. Yesterday waa tha naval partds and today was tha Grand Army of ta Kapnbltc parade, to ba fol lowed tcsjjorrow by tba drlo and indus trial riraaa as a peace Jubilee demon stration. The attendance in tha city over night and today reached tabu lows ngurss according to estimates of tba two domi railroads that hare bean eased beyond their capacity, bat ar range meats were such that none ba e wantefl far food or shelter or suffered from heat or want for anything. At raaraw all were aroused by a salute of 43 gaat at Camp Sherman. There were numerous meeting previous to the parade, bat none attracted more atten tion than th meeting of tha blue and the gray at tha chamber of eommerca at S a. m. This masting bad been arrang ed by resalant Confederate and Federal veteran with a view of tsjinglng about the most cordial handshaking over the bloody chasm, and it was eminently roc- ceasfu! la the meantime the conteat betwata hex ton of Ulusota, ahaw and Hbottsof New York, Anderson of Kan sas sad Mack of loio for onmmander- 1 in-chtaf goes on with animation, while I r.v.r Kansas City and Philadelphia ar asxk ing a not conteat for the location i of th next encampment. Batlatee ml the Urea-tee Case. Pins. Hept 7. Tha Kigarn says a cab inet council just held unanimously agtasd on a revision of the Dreyfus ease and directed the minister, Justice M. Samen. to take neoeeearr steps to that end. Matin announces the discovery of facts implicating officers of the general staff, adding that General .urltnden, tba n- minist.-r of war. reported the matter to the council and urged the MV ccssxr for reforming the Intelligence department of the war office, whereupon h directed the elaborate project of sep anting th duties of the general staff fmm those of the intelligence depart ment. W..nllls I .... ( Tspholit gr. Beaton. Sept. 7. A soacial to The Globs from Ponce, Porto Rico, say : Seventy-six soldier of the Sixth Mas sachasrtts volunteer regiment are in the hospital here with typhoid fever, mala rial aad diarrhea, and too are confined to thai: ,narters unfit for duty. There has been one death. Arthur I. Wilkin son, entupanv M. of Mllfnrd The daily Improvement is noted in tr- nu n's tihvs ical condition. The cath M- ...-. will go n Arecibo and San Juan in trn day. No caase exists for alarm in Mas sachusetts regarding the condition of the regiment. Mrltlsh Viae KM l.-l. Csndia. Island of Crate, Hept. 7 Tba llrituh battleship Oampenlowu, having on tsmrd Hir A. Riltotti, the Hritiah ooniul to Canea, arrived here. Several other warship have also reached this port, reinforcement of bin jacket bar been landed and early restoration of aaiel i exiancted Tha British vice consul here, Mr. OelooaWnA Waa killed j 111. r. UK lue I- en, ugUllllg N ranker r..aeeaaleaa Will fie M4e, St. John, Sept 7. -The Newfound In.: government has consented to allow the Gloucester, a refrigerator veesel Tlllid, to secure Anoo barrel of fish bail in our wet onast wnters on condition that the owner of the vessel give a 1, nd of 1000 to land the cargo in the Cult ,1 States, thus prev. nting a proba bility of a portion of it Icing sold to the Frrnrb Ii. - r SJol Hv.lgn,l. Austin, Sept. 7. The published state. Connor of East land has resigned is not vcntl.d at the governor's nfllec If he resigne.1 to take I effwt the day befor I the election, it la ' iiietionable if tin . ,-an ne cr ib red, liecanse thirty dsrs notice must N- glv.-n Bees. hnrr m, i. Washington, Hcpt. 7 Secretary Al-, gcr letrns from personal report of cfll-1 ccra when the responsibility for the tnisinati '"u etit of (be Suutaco cam I fe Mike He If you are a customer of JOHN B. MIKE, paying at the end of the month, you get a bill with each item purchased. At the end of the month you compare our Statement with the bills you have received. This pre vents misunderstandings, and makes settlements a pleasure. TRY ME THIS and see if you are not sorry that you did not trade with me sooner. You will never know what I can save you on Groceries, and how well I can serve you, until you give me a trial iSSSm, - JOHN B. MIKE. paign lie. isnerai .a.-.- nerau;. atlaa Wlaasa Itaaie IseSter. Narragansett Pier. R I . Sept. 7. There was qaile a noticeable Improve, menl in Miss Davis' condition and the day for tha patient waa both oomforubls Oeaerel Berte Aetlag NUIIaae Beveeaa. Parte, Sept 7 General Bonn ha been appointed set teg military governor of Pari la succession to General Zurlin den, who has accepted the nortfolio of war. Barer! Better. Dad ham, Mas . Sept 7 -Mr. Bayard passed a comfortable day, being fatly conercious and taking nourishment, to thai while hi recovery 1 not yet as sured il is considered probable. sail.. i r eatlag New York, Sept. 7. -The United State transpott MinBgwasia sailed from this port )uad for Santiago aad Ponce, Porto Kico Twin Sis ters Freckela. FOR Freck- les. Tan, and Dark Splotches. Sua rant td to rtmovt feactM. Tm, and Dark Splotchet. fmm the face and Hands tr Monty Rtfundtd. Dirtetivm a Itvi. .Ipso cafiow ritrrmtty SimpU unit Easy. Maiiufui turel and for Sale at Hall's Drug Stcre. IIHVAM, II ttJ.' ' DfllflllRI e 'B .aw. (-Bflrarinfl . m mint s ii m aajBe m a r . SMlFian tn. ickaev Bsa I .e"e - ess. - ' i e ajaa. s V. ... . Csn tm .wn sm. i . jssjBMssS NSseaHaeai tMeaai Use. aw Co. i . PRICES -rit rv..-Mf ss frf a. u. N B.n. slu. CW IM. CN (JiNkiBwi-fVimtr ttgrjetit C . a w svi ismvo. axe iarnas sends you Bills. MONTH, H.M.H R. R. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. Rbort and Qaick Lin Betwaa North and Sooth Texss. T S BITwEIX H L HOUSTON asii DENVER h Via laaU aad TV Wort 0 E GALVESTON . OENISON P Via Beast n aad Delia U E GALVESTON av ST. LOUIS Op Ta Bsestsa Baals sad Parts tl S HOUSTON m AUSTIN The H. T.EC. trainee Gaheeton II- n st. ii. Brenbsm, aostia, Waco Corsicana, Waiahachla. It Worth, Delia, l'laao, McKioBay, Sbarmaa and Denaon, and give flrat-claaa Service. C W. Bate. M. U Roaataa, Traffic Manager. ii. P AT. Aft. W, S. WiLao. Agt. HonetoB Hryaa, Triaa. W. II. LAWRElfCE, DENTIST. OlTice Front Iloomsover Po-toffice. Br) an. Texae. SPECIAL HIHMI TRIP RATES I THE OLD RKLI IBLK SHORT LINE I. A (.. X. R. B.) The Quickest aad Beat Route. Una qiialed IVuble Daily Service to Ht. Loui, sndIHract Connectioaa So PoinU KmL Sl'MMKR Tol RISTlTICKETS. Now on eal to all tourist north, northeast and northwest. Good for return until December 3lt, IMS. Kor foil particular, time tarda, i ar reeeretons. etc, apply lo ticket agent, L A U. N. R. R., or ad lress D. J. Pan a, . P. and T. A., L A ti. N. R. R. Palestine, TeZM, J. W ITTM WN, M ERCHANT I TAILOR MAIN STREET, ! Bryan, . . . Texaa. All workUuaranteed and dore prompiy Olva him a call.