Newspaper Page Text
35nan Ifoorntng Eagle. BRYAN, TEXAS. TUESDAY MOhNING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1898. f Vol .III No. 245 Price 5 cents. IMPORTED & Olive Oil French Sardines. . . French Sardine a la Tomato French Queen Olives French Peas French Miuhroon . Maccaroni . . . Spaghetti . . . Dewey Etc. V OWELL BROS. The (irocers. T HEAT The lt and I'urent I'owder on Ihe Market. ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO I INFANTS. Has no Equal for the Cure t softens and preserve tha Skin ol A. .,! r r.Mif pef-p.ration. Agent lor THOS. G06CAN A BRO.. Pltaoi, Organ- Mi eiral iict my price. 4 TAYLOR & SUMMER DRINKS I Cooling Drinks. Stenothenino Cordial. Everybody treated Rioht. Best Wines, Liquor and Cigars PARSONS' Meepi Mi nlllai sM ' mi lauinitni Mm bluer. strictly r'lrt ( lawmxl 1 -to-luti- riant, eawaasxejaj ! III i PURS, WHOLKaOMK Ml IIIMII OBADR HOA VtATKIt, all tlarore. at W holesale and hvtai PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS PER CASE. A ab s re of tba public patronage reeprctlnlly nslirited. Cotintrv Mer rkaats, llc-nic and Featival parties eapecially inaita.1 to give lit a trial We guarantee all of our manufacture, and five prompt attention to ail orders. Call n or address, C. C. PARSONS, Bryan, Tex. tola Proprietor and Bottler "MASUANIC WKI.I.S .W ATWt," Xatura'a owe Remcly for Indigealion, Hyepapaia, atc.-lleail.iui'tera for Kioa Cigara, Candiea, Frails, Nuta, elr. Come to See j I I l i ) 12 fjew-vr r 1 l Blackwell Chowchow Philippine ham Sausage Etc. Etc. Mosquito Letien. Toilet Soap. ani Trat llM.Oa.1 ClStS'QS, Is Ls Wi i m. POWDER of. lulu and prevents ihaNaatuaM l trior COOD LUCK! t.i Drink nt the GLOBE SALOON COX. Prop's. BOTTLING WORKS: Me ! Ami let's have a .jtiirt, Sweet Chat alnilit llionr Nice PrrsiMita vnu iviint I.- liuv. ills. il the ngrain ynii unlit dOM, i aa . i a. n " n r aa a . nave movco to d. a. nenn s uruq siorc where I h:i e llii- Ii. m i. M Stuck Pi ervelrY, Diamond. Watches. Clocks. Etc. ever brought to Bryan John M. Caldwell. Tin wi'liM'. SICKNESS AMONG TROOPS AT PONCK. On. (..nnine IW of Yellow IVver Ha hetrloprd In the ( amp There. IUCH SICKNESS NOW PREVAILING, Oil of Eveven Thousand Soldier, flier Fifteen Hundred Are Af fected With li AILMENTS OF MOST A HE BOT 8LI0HT. The II- nib Kste So Car Haa lleen Law. Tjpliold Fever I Oerreaelag aaa aa Alarai Front That Dis ease Now Falsi, Ponce, Sept. U.-Unlta4 States army surgrnus here believe that lucre baa been a genuine case of yellow fever in tbia nip. luaries Mi ear, a an vase af tba NlnetneoUi infantry, died on FYl day, bat it waa not until aa ausapsy waa bald Sunday tbat the snrgaavia pranouno ad ;it yellow fever Brigadier General Henry repnrtad the oat la Hr.-ikc at Han Joan ( reoerai Henry 'a report. Oeneral Brnke Snnday aa to the con dition tbe irnupa on tba aoatb atde tt the island, abawa threw ara lUt atnk oat of a total of 1 1 ,ma Thu W the hiKheat par cent yet afn1ed (ieneral Krweat'a bncwte, eonaiatinc of the Kirat Kent act y. Third Wlaonntia and Huteentb pcnnayhratna, araraa Tt par cent Half f Ibc Mi raaaa ara dlarrhnra. aort : typhoid frrer; la (Ieneral Schwan-. briad M ara rick Kirat voloateer i flaaar V ara atrk , ieneral (rraat'a I nalc t.a l0 rick , Utt -ry M, Hcreatli arniory, a rick ; lattery A. Htttb arnlWry VO ara atnk. and trunp ft, Hecnnd caralry, 41 ara ak-k. There i almertt no aicimaaa in battery E. Kifth artiHery. HMMf C. Tint ar tillery, and fSfvt ltlai:iii mifin.-en Altluniirb the a-r entaye nfairk lablh. ICncrally the larifr proportion of caara an- not eertooa, and the death rate low Tvpboid ia deen-ain( and hn ia no . iiiti for alarm I in-Span ..h t. .iniT. Alf'man XIII, wbirh haa arm-! at fin Juan fnmi Karc-lona with tnai! and xwngm, which brooaht inatrnnMnna for Ihe Spanuh c itumiaemnrr.. alaa han on board Instruction for the Muantah-CV ban n itioti oonimiMion ttbe will nraeaart tn Havana at ooea. Til-- report .f a iiorrir irie on the laland of tba Barbadore haa dclayad tke Bailing of the Spanirii warabiiai for Spain. All American hiua at thia utation ara aafe in the harbor Tha tnonitori are at tlnantoa, and the Cinciunati and the New Orleans are here Sit naval cartels who are on Inard tha Cincinnati are to he sent to Annapolis ly the Seneca, wbieh satla ma day with the irnal enrps, men who are lo beanu tend .sat THE TEXAS WILL BE A FLAGSHIP. ll li Mam Tlisi Ibst naiilestsa) Will Tske lh rise tt Iks Ultimo. la Hie .,,....1,..., Washington, Sept It There is raa aan to lertievc that the navy department has selected the Texas as the fn(ure flag, ship of the Aatadc station. The under tUading is that she will replace the pro tected crniaer Olympia which la to be ordered to the Cnlted States aa soon as ber relief arrives on tha Asiatic station Tkr i Hytupia's cruise expired some mont' ago, hot the breaking oul of the war with Spain neeeeaiated her reten tion in the oast and some hasty repairs lo her machinery were made at Hong Kong jut Is-fore th declaration of hos tilities lirtli ll.arhes Cleveland Sept. I J -The Fifth Ohio "i,'iineiit has arrived her' from K- rn.mdinn, Yk. Tha arrival of the - 'ii i- aniiouiiccd by the ring. Iff of 1. lis, idow'.ngof innumerable etcnm whittles, the roar of cannon aad cheers of thousands of nplc who sur rounded the union station and crowded tile htr.'ts Snliiisr. i I'hlrhamaaga. t'li.. saiuiiiiga, Sept. is -Tba Ninth New York have been paid and the regl ineiit ready to for Louie. The .ciiiiil Kentucky is also in MM 10 HOT. 1M upiMl 01 IMM regiment will leave about 1S0U men at Chickamauga, Iboaa comprising regiment and AD moo to the hospilal. Midway, at Lytle, which wai the scene ft so much tomioil during tlx rummer, u now a thing of tka peat. n i rirkt. Philadelphia, Sept 1 1-Five peraoa am known to bar loat their Uvea aa ttat result of tt gasoline explosion ban. Il la believed al laaat a half doaaa bocle. ara fat la tha ruins WHAT THE WAR HAS COST SPAIN. la KaaaJ ,,. n will Kss4 Thraa aadrsg mm snaasssj Millie Itallars waa sus gspeas osaistaa. Washington, Hop. 11. Anna from tba loaa of ner colonies and tha ahtpa da- troy art at hattle, tba war baa eoat Spain a boa. tX74,Hnn,0iO. Information to thU start bat boon received at tba aewy department tha naval at- MkM of this government abroad. In eluding the . ,,t f praparattoo in antlri awttonofthe war begun by Hpain la ; May, 14. tbaaa stuns have barn raiaad and riaaaaad : Krom tba aala M,t44 Caban notes, HMl m. from tba aala of AO.OM Ou- baa note of l lata, .W4.r?; loan if WO,0m ..,taaoa tba Cuban faaran taaa, t74.a.fiOO; from tba aala of aUrar etc.. , loaa of tba Bank of Spain on the .fa., guarantee. '.'". Umn at tat Hank of Spain on tba aa tomi rosaante., et- loan af tbe liankoftaa ii ifuarantce of ontr.:i tlofM,; loaa of tba Bank .if Spain 4 par ram uaaaraal aabt, IM.OOO, W; Philkapin. taaaa. HT.tqO.Otm Tbaaa aaau do not iaMbjaw dabta for tbe transptaw, ate , ooattwataa for by irnTemroaat which ara pbwaa at proximaialy aa,(i00.niaj Aooordaw to tba information ta uf the lieparttaent al! tba tbe aaoway okaunad haa beea espaaaad aa i c i pert It was ent to tba cn Ism lea, wbnae total arooaa led to soldiers. ,TM officers aad ahoal 700 aiaarali Of the millions t. nde.i only ,lO0,n(a) waa ' spent by lb Spanish government to tn- lis naval force Kl Ma ado. of Hpain, ran men ting a pan tkie small ap ITopnati.Ti for tha navy when each a larga am waa aapaadad far tba army pntnffont (hat thia rani was awaVlent tn have bought and maintained a battle ahinof in otajtooa "Wtth the entire appropnatioa'' It conttnaes, im battla abipiroold have been eccored " i i.g to th.- r ;prt. reewtvri hrt, it is avtdeut that Spain deeply de pl.aas h-r falinre to add a large aamter of iklp to lr nary instead of applying at taut half of (he appropriations made by Ike cortea to (he roaiateaauae af the armv ll is appreciated by the Madrid gov ernment that In view of the condition of bar nvasnry, and the farther fart thai lT asrsl force ia now greatly interior, it wunl 1 ta uaaleaa to continue tbe stnig git, aspecially aa there ia ao natloa of Kurap' willing to stipxirt her in case st should ignin resort to tba arbitra ment of arma Beaux of thu tba aathontie have n Haaon to tvlieva there will be any hitch in tha negotiations of the mi mission, and while they ra- pect lac Spaniards will do everything powiblr to delay tha completion of the treaty, believing tbey may la-ing about a.lvantagrou to their government, tbe Amencan represent., Uvea will be In a poalliou at any tune tn bring ibatn o terms by a simple (hn ul to wit SPAIN HAS LOST THE CAROLINE ISLANDS. ;"' He Taaee a4vaeis( ( ,.sie't I '.'" sail !..-. l All th.r ( aa saJ Iss lbs ,.. (iff. Haa Francisco. Sept. Ik -Tba Caro line group of talande which belong to Spain la undoubtedly by this time in the batiilt of the nativee af the group with lbs Spanish garriaan wiped out. N. ms of a revolnltoo ta the islands reached thia city in letters from Hono lulu by the steamer Coptic The story was tonic to Honolulu by a trading c linous r which touched al tbe Caro lines Two native kings of the group wha had long Iven at war with each other, some months ago declared a truce, com buird their f r e and lgan a war against th Spanish authorities. Tim Spaniards were ennorn'rated at Piuiapc. and it waa here the natives made their attack. The blacks fought the Spaniards aud in such numbers that the SprtnWrrt won. compelled to retreat and take -heifer in the barracks which , they held. The gunboat (Julio was then dis sii. lied to (luani for aid, but ok arriv ing there found the American ting fl.sit inn The (Jniroe never retumiri and at Yap, in the Caroline group, il waa i nought she was lost The supposition 1 tlmt the ltdrone garnaon of Ameri- Have Just Received Fresh New Fresh New Fresh New Hominy Fresh New Meal. Youri for Business , cans had posseaaton of bar. There ware M0 solrtirrs in Ponape town, bat tbaaa were poorly supplied 'with ammunition an i in no par ion lo raaiat a proloagert attack Tbe belief is that tha place was captured and the Spanish gam son ,1a in Tba entire groap, unles tbe Spaniards made an unexpected stand, mast be by this time in tha possession of tba na ; tlvaa. Thia story is confirmed by James Wilder of Hoaolala, who recently re turned to Hawaii from a tour in tbe Carolina. Ha aatd at thai time tba na tives were much discontented an preparing for a revolt ate lUvelallee la gem. Washington, Sept. if -Tba Peruvian legation in Washington baa received a cablegram from Lima staling tbat there ta no revolution m that omntry At some p. aces band, of raerudere appear ed, who were dUeraed at the aparoarh i of government trrups seat to pursue I'lipiilur turn Itiilc r.trtiralon to Hot ttpntrng, Ark. (10 Septemle-t 10th, the I. A O N K. K. will aall excursion ;tirket to JHot Springt, and return al ihe following low rstea Palestine 19 AO. (ialvesion and Han Antonio IT..) and otb. r pn'nta in profiortion. Ticka'a goo-l nnlil Sept. 1 'tli with privi'ege of extension o( 30 daya on payment of sufficient to make rata one fare. For psrticn'ars call on nearest Ti. k. i iirent I. A (1. N K. K or addrrea. I. J. Price, U. I. A T. A., Palestine, Texaa. as- t Naranaa v. . ke ... ssetlM Be w. ea e tew asm . rsa es. i nimm set sennwie. ms a tea swIm a. PBlPF'i " w r sil J t,UM,sjdt,u,a..n ispi i keekaJtk uw ....... i. ta Ves sus, rawaaxssm ga sum CN (UMlMat.'Hi hittarr I ssrvsa fa., lasrvae, aou wmat TWIN SISTERS Guorantecd to remove Js -s- . mm - J akS) I Splotchat from the Fac and Hands, or Money Rafundtd Manufnrtured and for Halo at Halls Drug Store, lilt VAIN. Tl.X.VH. Grits Scotch Oats JOHN B. MIKE. H.H.C. R. R. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. Sb-rt and Quirk Una Battraew North and Soatb Teies. T S Br.Ttrr.tN H L HOUSTON M DENVER U E Via Is als sad ft Worth q E GALVESTON . DENISO" P Via Heasttx and Dallas U E GALVESTON,,, ST. LOUIS 0 p Via Hooston, IddIi aad Parle rt S HOUSTON u AUSTIN Tba II. A T. C. Ullage (ialteeton llonalon, Brrnbatn, Austin, Waro Corsicana, Wazahaebie, It Worth , Oallaa, I'lano, McKingary, sharman and Denton, and gjvei flrst-claaa Serrlre. C. W. Bbj. M. I.. Roaaiat, Trafflc Manager. ti. PAT. Aft. W..S. Wiuoa, Agt. I ! is ton Bryan, Texaa. J. W ITTMANIN, MERCHANT TAILOR MAIN STRKET, Brvan, . . Texaa. , Ail work.Unaraataad and dona prom p. y Oiva blm a call. W. H. LAWRENCE, DENTIST. (Iflica Front Rooms over I'ottoflice. Br) an, : Texts. BEAUTYS CHARM. T ta lb Utile Ihlnt ibst aak an Ixtprestiea, tbe lack ou step on, Fans run Nose, or s bletrh or ) unc can fact is HALLS FRECKALA Fftfktes, Tan and Dark