STTTATION IN SENATOR HOAR INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAY SUCCEED HAY. THE COMMISSION. irvlxj awl uatfht into JOHNSON BUTTER on ice Tl. ImMnl VWTmUi Mim la. t-al ml .,., i. ik. I .an f a. Jim Mi takaa Will IU Aasaaaaa aa4 "e liaraaHM n .... i ... will i. baiig'd waa itav uiunli-r of Mtaa Jonanna Kugadt, Oct. IV, while on the way to Breubam. Admiral Dewey ConaiaVrs It Serlono and Auk For Ad ditiooal Uarnhl. IfiOIHALDO IS I 4DSIN6 STRIPE He I Gradually Infreamng lli.t Army and uVarliini: Out For Mure Territory. EXPECTS AMERICANS TO FINALLY WITHDRAW. The Isadi-r Pretend. l lie Filmic h I rlcmlli l American, ami al Hie IMM Time Ilia .it llluilc I. I). Hunt. Manila, Sept. IS. Roar Admiral Dewer says ho consider tin- ..maMon aflltasL It la understood that ha haa asked fr an additional crui- r awl a battleship. The Spaniard aaacrt that Germany WaahiiKtoa. Kent. 13 -It la atood that Hnwidi-nl McKinlty baa da cldrd to offar the poat of ainraaaa l ir H the coorl of St. Jama, made .vain by the appoifiiaant of Mr. Hay a MRfejf "f aute, M Hanator Hoar Tha pri lent u n rr anxioa. to bars bim accept the poat. He think that Mr Hoar would mam ta in the lofty standards ea tablubeil at that court by aorta ambas sador as IstwJafl ami Hayard Nriator ia eouailcrcd learned, a liplntnai br nature and Ioiik tralnina, tvtful and rn win Tha only thing that standa in the way of Mr. llor' a i eptanru la tjla own health, which haa not ban v. ry atronjr for some time. Hu fnenda think, however, that be ta atroiiK i 1 1 i.'. for tha dntisaof the poat. Mr. Hoar la, ootalde of hia own qualifi cations, an iib-al man in the estimation of tin- pp Hi iniwion to Iotidon wonld create a vacancy in the cnat thai mid and WOald b Ailed ai" platdy by S-cntary of tlitt N.ivv IyiiiK. whoan friend are anxious to aee hun round out hu i am r by a long and un-hah. iikwI ... .it in tbu senate. THE DKLYKUb CASE NOT YET OVER. sfesahsra uf th Crmrii Cabinet II. i. a II. .1-1 li. bai. Ilrti lh. II.- ep.nll.t; of III . Ill 111 Jai ratal Far la Caaa, Washington. Hapt. 11 laatrw ttona to the Amenran peace mmiasaon o ia about ...upl. ti and ia aa followa, though aoma alight change may be Agor: i! i pu.i Kauri' , di .1 No Cuban debta will be aMumed nnleea Spain paya the United .Staiee back what money waa apent to the war, which amounia io aoont .ntai.ouu No competition will be given Spain for government biiilniugs in Cuba au i Porto Hi'-o All Wtm W in the forti in Cnlm aud i'orto Rico uiuat remain wbrr they are, but & Id guna will be allowed to be taken away. All public dtK'uin-nia, in'b aa titlca to lamia, and cverythmir thai will be a B caaaity for tin- lutun welfare of the :a lamia moat be left intact or Spain. The only point afjatMW la a to tha Phllippinra. Ilia Im. v o h wul ba asked to rune the i-lil. ion 0n of the I.a4rine i:.,nu wi.i be aakeil for. TWO DEATHS AND FOUR NEW CASES. The V-llow rrr l'uil..a I. K-Pul,r. .oi, Ikaaafe al tajrteaaj it i. aim itiili. aariaaa. Jackaon, Mia... Snt. Ill, No n,.n- IVaacotl. A. T, Sept. IU -The nre al Jerome on Sunday waa one uf the (real, eat eaiamiUea la the luaa of Uvea and deatructiua of property that ever oc curml in Anaona. Seven ranna loat ttaetr Uvea and 15 are atill miaaiuir Tha 1 property loaa wul pxceed aauo.uuu, with only about .." ioi uuuranoe. th pi Of ;::,. J. . .it. I .......I Daaa la It.. I. Temple, Tex , Sept. U.-J H. Hau-h of i Jlavtllc, in ihia county waa found daad in bu kHt He waa eiiot tbmuKh the brain ai.d hia putiil waa found hy hia aiue. There ia rouatdrrable mralerv aurroundinK the affair, and a thnuth investigation will bu conducted. M ir Hi -.. Weatherfnrd, Tex., Sept. Ill -While working at a gin atand Udonging to P. : A Wal'i' ti, 1 4 mile itoutli from W. ath erfon, a vounic man by th uanic i Wini. r- . igbl . . ' - ! :l baiilv i-ut. Otw hind waa completely aeverrd AJAX Breakfast Bacon and Hams. Fresh Barrel Pickles. Fresh Mangoes. Full line Dodson & Brown Pickles and Catsup in Glass. FLEISCHMANN'S Compound Yeast. JOHNSOH BUTTER k acknowMgtd the Fmt.t lo be had R. M. WILSON. Kill.. I I.. , Ir.iglu Iron. Phone No. 75. wi in w her M.l. two I ly. lie .. wmb v i"i irroBin Ice Crecra. IF-sirlor sf ICE CREAM Elegantly Refitted mhI all Delicious Summer IK." I mil., T Bonbons. ti I km. Wt Am ri T" allied ,v , .nil'l tore of the lolale Hide himaelf fn ilyim America intenda to do The correapoudi it iil' unable to anawer tbia inl u m, AguuuiliU con tlno.l "We bara bean fighting for mil. ptndi'iioe for a long tiiii.- 1 lie uativ. who profeaa to favor annexation ara In atnoere. It ia inert ly a ruae lo aaotr tain American viewa." Tha whole interview conveyed the iio pre.atou thai Aguinaldo ileairea alo. lute iii'icpcndeuoe, rrgarda the miaaiona of the Americana hern aa atcouipliahed andexpecla their w itlulrawal "jnataathe Franc h with liafayette withdrew after helping the American, in tl... vtar of in depeielem v. a Ot hnoiam'v Juat now Aguinaldo maintainatlierole of extreme fricndahip. aaualaa Mr la im. right. Madrid, Sept. 111. Captain Aunon, tsluiater of marine, haa reciied an ANOTHER ANARCHIST HAb BEEN ARRESTED. II. W aa BaM at MHau IH.trllullu( aa Anarrl.1.1 llaiilte.l.t, ami K..I.I..I Arra.t. uilltec," liaa lieeii dUtributrd at KQn during the pa.t few day.. The police 1 Monday arreateil an Italian who tvaa en gaged in di'tri'iuting the maiiifeato. The nriMiiu i . h ho had j.i-t hUlltd (i Switzerland whan he wa lelarxl, ahont'd "Img Live Anarrhjr," "Death to tie- King " A crowd waa preaent ut the time of tha arreat anil interfeml ' with the mi1ico otllcera who made the capture Several peraoiia were injured on both .idea befont the aiiarclitat waa ' balge i at the (police lb-pot i'wap.-r here n-mark that the recent riot at Mi lan commenced lit a aimiUtr manner. I MUCH BITTERNESS AGAINST ITALIANS. i and an in. urgent llotul t in Tiller alU'lX'Mfuill m Vented it landing m it.. V ,, i ccording to the diapatchea IN had live vcm U. a.l ..f aunk. The SmniarU had,,1 Adnpi.,1. Madritl. S : 1:1 1 i. it. it M (lay'a t -eatou ,1. linitelv ado .t lh. A.a..liiall-n l II.. r.mpr.M ol Au.lrla li.. All ll.r i . .. 11 Aialn.l Tli. id' lNtMf It oia I rnm t r..lit. iw York, Sept. IS. Jack Bonner, London, Sept. I a. Special diapatchea from Vienna say Ika MaiMj Au.triiin lltingiirinn empire i. mfunab-d again.t the Italian a the reaull of the ium-iii. atiou of Kmpmaa Klinbeth ami that violent ant l-Italian ditii in.tratioiia lutve taken plac. at Trieale, w net.- Italian, anil native, fought in tlm atreeta with ht.. . and -ton' , and n nn tmiea iimiiu' i Iter. Six death, ar reported to have occurred there and tr.K.p. Int.. barn called out to tjjfnm the ihturU antra. At tirata, an Itbliau peddler wa. lib i "rJt?o my Patrons and Friends Praise For the Rcir His Daughter ai y Which Saved Two Sons. what S. S. S. will do. No S ) imt rcciirtimt'iiiliil ly its pr ri''tjri only, loit rf ol : hi niiiijc for it it lttck"l by thownriU "f ir:x L - nf t!i'iu!inU nf n liable ptoplf, all over tlio country, whu havo fouml it th only i;ro for r-al, nlmtinaio diaeaafa of tho bliMid. No oUtW n iiicily iii i ;irili can i:uro tho dc -?i ,it il, t-tuLl urn IiIoimI - ajhtW wbifh B. S. curia, U-cauao thae diaoasf ure lioynml llii-ir ri'uch. S. S. S. ia a rtal blood remedy, and gets down to tlio very fouiulution of all diaeoaea having thoir origin in tho ' ood IkM N vi's iivury trace of tho taint. It mutters not aluit other tr. .itnn iit han failed, S. S. will euro any caae. Here la testimony which show beyond question the value of Swift's ppeciflc. It is from a man who had exhan.bil medical skill to cure hi children, and it. t nine can not be overestimated. "When my oldeat son, Rlchant. waa .mite jounK, ba had a severe attack of atfj to row w Um ixt r r S lion sinan.. and r ejir. tie .urea ring. All kind, of arm ".ed.i.iit the. of tlx. doctors .aid 1 bin. Having triad tli tirnged ,! had apecifir ba trieil . to Invpruva at o mm Of !' aril. . U I N $1,000,000,000 35.000.000 i y l.lnr of Btafts, town or OoWtl. I have m Mil i.-tit oflksc roiM, tlw :illir. of whit mnnnjretiieht of FRANK W. IfcCONNlO iioh-r tlie I iiImi. repreai'iil KijUitablc Lift A. urate So, i. ty ,,f Sm Ynrk; PsMtfk Mutual Life, Alii. I ' 11 i.alt Life; Fidelity ami ranuully of New York, rorl. h I am Sal only a.ilhnrlir.1 a.iil In Hryao. I reaperlrully salMI aa4 wtU apprarlale jvu baalaau. J. ID. McCONlVICO. tXl. P. Franklin & Son," Butchers andMeat Dealers. We Buy Hides, Wool and Pelts. W , Markets under Academy .of Music and next door to John Mike's store. u;eii, ,-r tbri-c by the coimiy . opUSaxei to e otllel d ii tho only blo..l ivmrdy gunrn '1 to . , ticle of mercury, ptitoah, or auy otlcr mineral "Hooka on blood uul akin diMiMI tuailfd frta to nil by tho Swift Sjxjcific Co., Atlanta, (la. led a new Um of Moulding FOR PICTURE FRAMES Hierv . Wnll 1 Tyler Hasweil. 4..