Newspaper Page Text
3Bv$m nborntng Eagle, Vol. Ill No. 253. BRYAN, TEXAS. THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 22, 18CfJ. Price 5 cents. PRUNES. Fancy Evaporated, iHgN Crop PEACHES-APPLES. Libby, McNeil & Libby Potted Ham Potted Tongue Lunch Tongue Chipped Beef Corn Beef Tripe Ham. Vienna Sausage Boneless Chicken Swift's Premium Hams Breakfast Bacon Kettle Rendered Lard ALL FRESH GOODS. HOWELL BROS. "BATAVIA." CALL FOR IT. THE GROCERS. SPAIN'S TROOPS RETURNING HOME. One si.-mi. i Leaves Nan Juan aud Another Heady to Make the Ntart. OTHEB STATIONS BEING GIVEN IT. Am r i -an Troop Will Take the I'l-ices of Sanihh Soldier an Fart an Possible. SOME ALARM FELT AT SAN JUAN. Ship- Mi i vp.tnih Soldiers ron ( aba Ketarning pala Vmi l't Ob at Haa Juan, aad .)!. Y i it l V .nil. ayoi Will Atleed. Ckicago, Sept il -Mayor Harrison haa areeptad an in nut ion to attend th. rhnsttuiug ceremonio of to buttl--ahip lllinoi at N.wport New Oct I. A party of alderman and city officii., will accompany the mayor on the tr , Ks-.aaar tiM in. Hartford, Sept Jl Former Unit.: States Senator William Katoc, dw-i ra of a stroke of paralysis, anatain. las' Sunday. Ma waa bJ yean old. Vttquito Lotion. Toilet Soaps, and True 1HEAT POWDER The U-m and I'ureat Powder on the Market. ESPECIALLY ADAPTED .T0 INFANTS. Has no Equal for the Cure of. t sltei and preeerie the Skin ol Adult" and prevent the.'.Noaioll , nlr , ... . ,,- of per.piralien. Afcnt tar THOS. C066AN A BRO.. Piano. . OffMM. .Sheet Mum. and Mu sical "upplie. (ii t my jrior. GOOD LUCK! to Drink at the GLOBE j SALOON TAYLOR & COX, Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS I Coolino Drinks, Stenothenino Cordials. Everybody treated Right. Best Wines, Liquor and Cigars PARSONS' tattling Works, BRYAN, riXAl Enlurp-d and Tlioroiihh BqviBMd with NEW AND MrmovKD Mac hi v ERY. Strietly Firat-elaw aid UpdO iota Plant. 1're pared tn lull order.-, large or (mall lor Pure. Wholesome and High Grade Soda Water All Flav. r- Win., -ale .tn-I Ketail. Satiofai lion guar anteed. Prices, right. Giv n u trial. Prompt Attention to All Orders. USfBOTFULlY, O. G. PARSONS, A Kill I and roiiiiilete line ol (uulien, Kruitn, N'utK.rignra, Kaon (iroeerif, Kt. . Hea..iiarter lor Kih, Ovvterx and Short order Meal. San Juan, Porto RieA Sept. SI. -Th repatriation of the Spanish soldiers bo Ran Taeaday. Fbur hundred men, sat whom -tsl were tick, ? twlnugul to the engi nr. r norpa, sailed for Havre on Maid thr French steamer Chateau la Kitte Fight hundred infantry are ready to aail on the Haa Fmnruoo. The waterfront waa crowded with thousands of people aad aaw the Span tah march m the maaic of a rapaaish quickstep te the wharf, where they were reo-ived by Captain Goowral Ma rhlaa and OaMpjl Ortega. The captain general did not make a tpewch, t.ut he .book handi with I bo uAoet and 1 man. There waa nodemnetrataaat made by the pMOli Some Spaniah field boari the San Francisco, but a ioetion waa brought up by tba rommisssan conn-ruing the diapoaiUoii of nie (ran, which waa not allied. Tin- . apt&in general gave notice thai the Spanish ttoop will lattia frcai Ab "ntfo,.JJaraii'tiitas and Harm, oa Sun. day and from Hunaarao, Uuaruiaaa and ' Cayry an Monday The American troons wiU mo np and aaeapr towni aa anoa aa they at' 11 imt.-.l sr.. I tin- Spnnia l-i.ija will take poaition near the ca;stJ and will easter the city in order to be ready to embark oil tin-arrival of KeaidenM of 1 cl Hiro and AiiietKMua here are a..irml t;iuah .hip. n-tuming from Cubaatop at the. pnrt. They tnliava there la danger of the mtmdnctioa of yelkm fever rato the uland from thu Spanuah tu 1 met i'iii ..f 1 'adu .1- ueie men aick on baard of h. r were ton Ul to iiroied ami w,v ) rough! ashore. American i-oniiiuMioiicr. will protp.t it there ia a n ;'litjn of thu. VoiuutetT have all been diahandid and vu.' -I :n .ii- mantlaaai the araortea and liarracka and boxiug gun. mid aiiiiiiunituei. They are r.j"'. nig ovr the proapecl of an early mum t i.ome.. R 11 Admiral .- ii 1 y haa refoaetl to purchaae the coal atorxd here, but it may be urchael for tba am of the L"nitel tftate. anny. CERVERA AND OFFICERS REACH SANTANDER. STARS AND STRIPES R. ISED AT HAVANA. The ... , ri.g II qui J mm the riag iur "f 11.. Troeh Het.l la That CMy. Havana, Sept 21. Tba ftrat Ameri can flag in Ifvaaa waa hoisted on the flagitaff of 1 roc ha hotel, tba headquar ars of the American evacuation com mlaaioa, on Tuesday. A guard of ma rine. w putted at the entrance to Iho grooaas. Colonal Ulotu aad (5a plain Payne atood on the roof of tba hotel on Miher tide of tba flagttaff. At 10 o'clock harp t quartermaster of the aaaamar Kaaolnte hoiatad the flag, which anfuritd and flattered proudly in the brwza. All the member of tba com mis. loo raised their hate and cheered the ttart and stupes The approaches to Hi groonda at either end of the street etrt patiollad by squads of the 1 iviia ia order that the coui miasioatn might not be mole ted A wiaow aad two children, evidently paraoat of ret aement, bat in abject want, approached General Wada, tba praaidaat of tbecommiaaion, and pleaded for raoaf Tba widow and children ware awed ra the dininsrroom of the hotel aad err en a hearty rnaal Oakvrt In aeta wen equally well treated, all who app.i.-il receiving relief of aanie Just Received! 00000 New Crop Cranberries New Crop Dried Apples Fresh Sauer Kraut Fresh Maccaroni Fresh Spaghetti Fresh Scotch Oats Fresh Snowflake Crackers Fresh 31b Cartoons ABC Crackers Fresh Hominy Fresh Grits Fresh Cream Cheese Fresh Mackerel Fresh Java and Mocha Coffee. Jno. B. MIKE. ! Will Mat Lt xiarton. Ky . Sept. IL Secrete rv Alger, wheal asked by tba Aaaortated Praaa about his reported resismation. aid: "ThT' mot a word of truth tn it ; that ail" Amphltrll Arrived. Waahiaghsti. Sep! H. Tba nanitor Aapkitrite arrived at Fisrt Moaroe in tow tf the cruiser Yomila She oame froa Porto Rico by way of Male St Nickolaa S he broke her marhtaery at th kilter part and therefore waa ordered ;n low of lb- Tneemlte. BOM Mm Mih.r.le-Lsw. Olaagnw. Ky , fVpt Jl.- Mrs. Wm. Boies, llvtag several milea from here, was fouUy naunlcred by John Franklin, her son-in-law. It appear that Frank lia and hit wife, who la Mr Bo.e daoghter. bad separated. Franklin want to Mrs. Hole' house to try and partuade his wife to return to bias, but hat m Iber ia-law itrongly objected to bar doing aa. Franklin then left the boose in a rasje. but returned shortly af terward aad shot hia mother-at. law thrnugh a window. Bloodhounds have been telegraphed for to track the home. On hia return, when intormeu of tba occurrence, Smith took a large wooden man. aad coming upon Fiuler, who waa drunk, beat his head into a , palp- Negee With . . . Hls Head. Jacksonville. Tes Sept II. -A negro identified aa Eugene Thorn peon waa I found under the rom press platform with 1 a how tn hi forehead. It U thought that he was knocked ia the hand Sunday night There ia ye! no claw to hi alay- 1 H.M.C. R. R. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. J Agrea, Yokohama, SepL HI Tba Japanese government has replied to tba circular of Conn! Muravieff. the Rassian foreign minuter, sugeit'.ng international dis armament. The reply sappoits thr . rxar's prop. ami Morton ti...i..l tm Argenllea New York. 8ei-t. f I. Argentina in vitea ri-Saei iter, of Agriculture Mot ton to orgauiav su ua.hpirtmentthrre ' The repuriic ofters a princely eatery i Mr Morton will probably accept Short and; Qcick Line Bat I Ifa an.l .. ith Texj. T H K 0 U a ri S BETWEgJI L HOUSTON m DENVER t Via Knatt tad FT Wo' E GALVESTON .. 0EWS0S P Via Banatu tad I a E GALVESTON t. ST LOUIS D VU Houston, laais ai e a , S HOUSTON taa AUSTIN BO Y CARS' EXPERIENCE VMM Thsdc Maaaa CoevaiCMTa Ac. Kllltesj .. Waller Co.. I,. Brookshire. Tai., Sept. J I . -Charlie Wuliams, colored, waa killed at Clem not. about sevea miles from here, and another nijgro was shot aud senoasly w.smde.1, but not tiecwari!y fatal. The party that did thr ehoottng .uccded in making hia escape II it not certain wbodl'l the shooting, hut the officers are m parch and claim that all n picion points to a eonple of young ne- henff LinM-.imt from lhu-ie n among the searchers . - wr.4tn .im.Ii aest assrststlne ntf Q.lrSIf . n.Sl i.t ,.ntntt rree onHher ihm ttrtstly rwSasMstttssteno oa Keooj 9M frvo. oi ini uki'T f. Ttruu; BSjiaaah Poler... ttee ,r ,n u Co. rrrtes I hwioSontelT lltnr,tl welf of wt, .- 1.-IM1S.- WMjm. salts IL mu I y .l i MUNN & Co New York drtnch tew , f ... ff.-Hvi 1) C A Crowg l i. l th. I.tnitlng anil Ulve. h..r For th. l.f..t.J p. .Ith tilmlrel. Sanlander, Spain, Sept II The t. aim r i Home, i-harterl by An- miral Cervera to transport to Spain tba i Baltunori v as reelected grand secretary Spanish sailors raptured in the battle at M'1 Rc',t Muckla of Philadelphia, Santiago, and who were rrcentlv re lea. d treasurer. etl by ti... Uatted IMh 1 1 HI k Jbe 'uprema grand lodge voted to . , . . - hold its next annual seasion at Detroit, nva.1 here today from l'ort.montb, The convention then adjourned wiiwnrt' in.', vtuii iniin pi 14. i;ap- l.l.ellna mt noat.m. S,-pt II. -Alfred S linker-: tonaf Worcester was anauimous'r elect- , ed grand Ut of the sov-reign grann lodge. Independent Order ..l OM l'e.. low. For deputy grand tire, A. C. Cable of ; Ohio waa elected. J. Frank Grant of 1 I , . V. , - .raa ""l ldiHftm -1 l r-lT'- t - rn tat 1 1 lei twiaaw A V. tM taS a lew . mjt, tm im aaaa - ms .-a. . t .. .m, e. PPlfPC: -m . tm USD I ilit tm VM 0 asH-k.usiwsiuist.... wsi fee. tk.Catsa.tijs....,.,, e- ta a mm e abahsl r - na n Om WHluaw rMftavr rril Ca isJtvBV ocxjO ujsoaa ThaJH. A T. C. r.a.L.s .heaton t Hooatoa, Btrnhsni, Antia, Waco Corlrana, Waiahachia, Ft. Wortb , Da '.aa, I'laco.McKinaer, M.ermaa and I 'en, o. and give flrst-claa Service. C. A" Rata. M. L Roaanta, 1 Traffl. Manager. O. P A T. Agt. WS. Wruoa, Agt Hooatoa I " sr. Trxaa. MERCHANT TAILOR MAIN STREET, Bryan. . . . Teiag. I All workGuaraatead and dona promply uive a can. W. H. LAWRENCE DENTIST. Office Front Roomaover Pottoffica. Brjan, : Texas. I have .added a new line of Moulding FOR PICTURE FRAMES lo inv stock of Hook, Slalionerv, Wall l'ate uml Taiiita Call on ma for 1'KICKS an, I sKK Til K NKW DESIGNS. Tyler Haswell i r tain Kul.ite. former commauder of the j Spanish onnscr Yiscaya, and other Spou i. h naval oftli-era ware landed and war mistaken for the party of which Admiral C-rvera waa a member. The I Utter, however, was atlll ou t.atrl the ( "itv of Home, bat the crowd followed the officers and cheered for Admiral Cervera. Captain Kulate refaaed to make a stctemeiit for publication, declaring that I).- r. . r. i ln he lu.i to .iy for the court martial. Mo I roin i London, Sipt. '.'I. liujuirrs mvle at the Hntili foreign office show no news l-i "i ' '-v. d therefrom Kashola, nothing hi t len roccived t-i the thai.' ! of news troui General Sir Herbert Kit hner, tinea he left Omduntm N'ev Irom the Hntitli rouimaailor is inoiai'iitarilv eap.ctetl, however, and it will doubt les. Ui in the nature of gin -- -maiie, namely that the Kgyptian flag '.s uow dying over Fwshoda. Ilsltt to Aaswsr. San Kranciaco, Sept. II. Walter Koa aer, the Tennessee soldier, who shot Harry Hildrbrandt, waa held to anawer for his mine in Judge Joachtmaon's court The cross examination tended to aJttaj tliat tl.ere was no motive for the crime K' "er' attorney maile no show ing l-fore the court, preferring to save ' bi ar.-iinienta fur the higher court hot Mi. Wlte .n,l Stilt I.I..L i ' ,g. Sept :'l M liae! S -!i:tr. a nnuicisn, went to the home of his wife, '.una, from v. horn he has been iliorcttl for two moiilhs, and in th" piet-n-v of tlie.r ol i tliugiit. r hot his wife, killing her instantly fl - then tnnicii tuo weapon on iiiiueii an . end .1 l.i life by thootiiig hltntclf in ti. bead. Wlih a Msul. I.itt. Roek, Sept. 1. At New Bdin bargb, Ark., John Flnley, a farmer, in sultnl the wife of Ira Smith, his neigh bor, while th latter was awav (ma BEAUTY'S CHARM. tile ihlnis that male an ia. th. tat k you ,ur on. c iieauufiil, hut the plainest ft. r is nadc attractlv by clear, pur- skin HALL'S TWIN SISTERS FRECKALA -m Cunrantgcd to remove Frccklea, Tan and Dark Sphtchet from tht Fact and Hands, o Montf Rtfundtd. Miinulat'turetl and for Sale at .'s3 Drug Store, HHV TEX AN. - a 5Srv " T&x