i JBmn BbotntrtQ as BRYAN, TEXAS. FRIDAY MOANING, SEPTEMBER 23. 1898. Price 5 cents. Vol .III No. 264 "T PRUNES. Pancy Kvaporated, iHqM Crop PEACHES-APPLES. Libby. McNeil & Libby Potted Ham Lunch Tongue Corn Beef Tripe Ham. Potted Tongue Chipped Beef Vienna Sausage Boneless Chicken A BATCH OF NEWS FROM CUBA. A ( 'ii ban ami a Npanlah Offln rj About Head) to Fight u IMifl. Swift's Premium Hams Breakfast Bacon Kettle Rendered Lard ALL FRESH GOODS. HOWELL BROS. RAIDS ON THE GAMBLING DENS. "BATAVIA." CALL FOR II. THE GROCERS. Mosquito Lotion. Toilet Soa.pi. and True . U4 f HEAT POWDER The lt and PVMl Powder on the Market. ESPFXIALLY ADAPTED TO INFANTS. Has no Equal for the Cure of bidden to go to the theatre unless pro ridtd with permits from their superior officer. In tbia caw all had the dm sory permission hot General Arolas. ner srtbeiees, had all the own arrested and taken lo tht Cabanas prison, utterly ig noring their permits, and only releasing then Wed need ay evening upon eertou mm i,:. t.t inn mails bv the admiral. sad rnral Blanco threatened lo re port ih aboae to the minuter of marim at Madrid. It I eald that Oeneral Anilu it daily making nemie by hi. arbitrary and ansoeratle ways. SOME QUARANTINE RESTRICTIONS MODIFIED. Arr....i M4. - Tfcet tr.nn Cm Urn Ku H mt 9mm Orleaee 4 tmm Mot Austin, Tm . Kept. . -Dr. Blunt, Ute health uffleet, U jnat back from consultation with Dr Carter of the Uwra iff health of New Orleans and othsr officers of the eald board of health at U rayette, L, He report he haa mails satisfactory arrangements by whins train, coming to and from New Orleans nan bo relayed at La Fayette Pi.ejour.nl going into New Orleans n not to tamed save Jast long enough to rtoigf . are at U KayetU. Coining front lucre, however, they will hove to go lot" .ideation camp 10 daye, then bay their belonginge fumigated before k. . . - int.. tllM I lit T a r vmuimi ... ivtuv - rtavana. Sept. STJ A sennas inarrel utA XrrmmrelB.Bto h been made took plane Tliorwlay niKht at the ' by wmirh all frt ight fnnn Alfisre June of the Univereity be.ween Professor I ,, iMr(-, tB m, r fr, N.v ' Irlean lx-ratio at'ulnu. and Liutnaul '"lo-Jcan rjelroofht iota Temaawlthoot delay. "lTiMrltjr.. FIVE NEW CASIS , I Isasl II. i . ik' ' . i ; 1 1 " Spantah Officer fn Ku.-h In and Pocket All the Money That I- In Sight. AN INSURGENT CHIEF DEFIES THE SPANISH. Re Station. II let Mea Near Hataaiaa and Would MM "hen Or- aered- HlaucoHaallj Permit ted Ih. .1, lo IE - ......... Just Received 0 0 0 0 0 New Crop Cranberries New Crop Dried Apples Fresh Sauer Kraut Fresh Maccaroni Fresh Spaghetti Fresh Scotch Oats Fresh Snowflake Crackers Fresh 31b Cartoons ABC Crackers Fresh Hominy Fresh Grits Fresh Cream Cheese Fresh Mackerel Fresh Java and Mocha Coffee. Jno. B. MIKE. t . . and proeervoa the Skin ol A.lulU and prevents of Excessive pefpiration. Agent tor THOS. GOCGAN A BRO.. I'iam aical Supjillea. ( , Organ. Sheet Mum let my prices. imiwm ;odVi uiiil Mu- COOD LUCK! Drink lit the GLOBE SALOON TAYLOR & COX, Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS I Coolino Drinks. Stenothenino Cordials. Everybody treated Right. Best Wines, Liquor and Cigars 'A PARSONS' Works, HKYAV if.xas. WMpi ami TberotJghly Bqdppad with NEW AMD IMI'RON KD M A ( II I V F.KY. Strictly Firel-clas .unl Pp-to iioAl Plant. Pre pared ti liill order, lare or small for - Pure. Wholesome and High Grade Soda Water All Flav. r Wholesale anu I Mail. Satiifactiou guar iiiiteeJ. I'riK rizlit. Giv iih a trial. Prompt Attention to All Orders. MtSPIOTFULLY. A Full ikI ioiui'I (irix-frif., Kir. 11 Ml lb, t- Vmw ol I'anilieM, Fruit1, NutH, t ignrn, F.iin v 'aliiiarUTn fur Fi-li, Oyntern ami Short unlet I hac mMmI ii lltW I in-' of Moulding FOR PICTURE FRAMES to 111 v atoi'k of HiH.ke, Stationery , Wall I'ai-e. ami Palnta, Call on me lor l'ltlt'KS ami f-KK TIIK NKW HKH1UNS. Tyler Haswell guren Tlie i -iroee n me quarrw . adiepoteaeto wbleh of the two men boulit get off the .idewalk in order lo allow othera to paaa. the lUrejaa aide walk, only allowing one pedeetnan to paaa ot a time. The profceeor and the officer en tianged eeveral blows before I hey were raraied by fnenda oad paaa en by. It i uodertoil that eeconda have beaa eent to the officer try the pro faeaor Thees duturlranrea are looked upon a having politicol ronnertion a they al woye occur t-twou Sjranunla and f!u ban Tlie nty i heorlly patroled, hot the dUturtraOwea of a like natore are fre ' ijnent in the edburba. at fiLitilaT . oa Sunday laet, while a OF YELLOW FEVER. Thtm .1 ih le-e. A. a Tarl -IWn, v.. a. lra i Oa t Maw ......... Waihington. Sept. W -Three now com of yellow feter are reported from Teeter Station. Mla fife aaea are under treatment at Oa foot Mi . with one death there. Oat new oaae la reported at Orwood, Oat new r-aen at Xow Orleana Aaeab.r t m ai Jk. rk..m. Ml . Set U -The bmrd oftoalth baa offlcially announced a coae Brraa or GoTerii' flolcomb make any reiue.t a to mumeniig the Third Ne- braaka regiment allude to the lieeirea .,' Cbonel Hrran in reference to the Object Ohlllaraiad ... u .......... mm, s-t.t tt. -The Ft ret (eor- tna will .cate fi.r Macon to be muttered 1 out Frtday Tbe attachment u-tween .TrrjXL lJOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. been the ob)ct of much cutnrr-nt i.. r. ik.. .....imiiu.. nf ih I mm ire la ree-iment in iuni H.H.C. R. R. I .k. k.. at tha ram f monte i- roti " In a cafe ,,', U1., i,mtod athe old Marr HftltiH- college about two mile north- - f 'le . .ti ! '.. 1 nl ut a white W..I11.111 nam. i l iars K-.-w. who liye.1 at lWla. jut acToaa tbe bay. two sol dier bo nit into the room with drawn word, potting the terror-trtcfcen play er to flight and pocketing aU the money on the tablea. They were hotly pun oil by the aentrle on guard, who ei chaAgwl wreral hot with tbem. bol faile.1 t couture the ..n.nilera wh hare been lltiiriice in gambling hoow are . The) cirrluu we doubled lm- of frcooent icnrn'ii"'. IIT.rxl Ihm rur.lra oow. r"an. Hept. aa. -The minuter of for eign affair, M. Delcoaae, haa offered the trace coauni.ionere tbe tue of the for eign office tm their meeting which will com roe nc Oft. I Hhort . : ; Quirk Line !:.: North aod Sooth Teia. T S BETWEkl HOUSTON )at acruea the itnwt from the botldlng Viorr the man Kllirore died. She has been isolated and haa Ireen nnder close rmrTrilaeww for IH I., nr. ami the case diaguoMxl aa mild. The detention camp l.i.. wot ink Yokohama. S ot. 71 It te the Japanese h'"ernment ha. decided to negotiate for a f ..reign loan of a ..... o L E E p E w s BO Y CAMS' EXPERIENCE ling eitenaieely potronissd The maurgent chief. Klgardo trarcia. with men. pilcheil his camp Suti.lay at the etate of lgenito, fwo mile frooi MaUnxaa, withua the limit of the mo ileignated by the Spanuh goyiiriitnent (ntieral Molina, the Sponieh military goyemor. Mr) poilte i-ommtintcatiflo mediately fter tbe annooncetnent of tbe coae and there U little danger of a pn-ad Taw r..r is Mlea. Merida. Mea-. Sop, tt There hare two no more deoth fnm yellow feeer. There have ten many esses of fever la tlw interior towns, but mainly of an in termit tm! character, which at Ortt de-4 to (iarcia informing htm tluit h- a r, ivixl the experienced doctor. ,n.,.le the limit, and w.rnld r,, TWO MEN AND tnm.'. ' i-eu'iti Tti" in. urgent How !r'....i : v.- ier.,1 L k IS KILLED HIMSELF. waa not infnnging on tbe pmvintaf the armiatu. an i would ivmam whet OsaaaWMl a a m,.i M.ia a.a 11 W H R 0 U Q rl The H. A T. C. reaihta ialveatn lloustvn, Brtoham, Aotia, Wawo Conlcana, Waxshachi. Ft. Wortk , Dallas, l'lano, Mt Kinney M.erman and Iena..n, and rives bnt-claa and DENVER Via East aod rt Worth GALVESTON DENISO Vis Hen. tn - it f .1 GALVESTON , SI LOUIS V is leaaten. Easi ai HOUSTON ... AUSTIN Toaoc Meo rwaicNe CoerexiMT Ac. ,.... wfOttnf . .IHil Mid .Miel.llns un et-urtnaf i.aitit ,!. rr:.. nl fr llM- f-1 f.K I'M... I. t..,-) lhe..n mu Scientific jfimcrican. Tun, as New York .ih.ii.'. MUNN & Co r.f.rtl lV. . r .- .Pt ( be w.i To a second ami more urgent ' roe.f. (.anu. replici tliat lie meant lo . .toy where be wa, and iold only hi moved by force. A cbuh oprieored ira imneut lleneral Molina mu.tereil hat men and pn-parwl to send them to d I lodge the !'nhan. but Ant con.tiltaa I'aptaui ietieral Blanco by wire, ilea lUanco n' plied, ailviatng ieneral Molina I to avoid a claah. The Cohan, continu to n main . ticanipeil in their prevwoa itton Advices fnmi Mstanias report great ditrea and .icknrs prevalent there, the .treeta remaining unclean and no at tention to their condition being givea by the city officials iism ral Blanco haa laansd an order f aulhoriaing the oldier of the rubaa array to travel unanm-d on railway tram in the province of Pinar del Uo and Havana The I 'titan troop throughout ti -land have addreaiwil a petition to the planter P-ijin luig relief, w hich, i not an obligatory tax I praciuwlly i identical wilh on". 'he BowiCM reaaon for the holding ol the meeting at tin admiral' pnl.n on Sunday of officer of tlie Spanish navy wi re to ptotet ntMinal the micoti.tnct of the cmitiaigll and poMlbln charge- of incompetency and cownrdico in tho navy, the bringing to light of II. i i. cnlpnta who were M tilame for the .1." .Irtictioti of Admitul Cerrcra' uadroii and to uphold the honor of tho Span ish navy. tin Sunday last Juan Vlllega. the pastry cook, with mv. ml other m. in ban ot tho oaw of too Snlii eraiaoi Alphon XIII, provided with written j penult' from their ctmimander., alien .- ad a performance at the Tacon theatir to uniform totals! nrt .Ml'r ato Ih Murdeeer Hilled Whil Bataa Mkao sa mm l umberUnd. Md . S pt . .'- Frank 1' Meyer .hot ami lii.tantiv killeil John 1etihart, a con.table, and Michael Keni a byatajMier. at (iarretl. Mo ahile renting eviction fnin the hou which waa the subject of a family to pule. He then borricsile.1 the nir snd window., tail wo flnalW csptured bv the .h.-riff of the coonly A be wa being laken lo loll wane one lu the rrowd ahot hhe prisonsr in the head ' He fell dead in tbe sheriff' arms A pose is hunting lbs man who shot . Msysra COLONEL BRYAN AT THE WAR DEPARTMENT. sssjoooj 11..1 Wm With HO... but Wad .Willi.! Mu.l.rlng Oat III. ..iuij. Washington, Sept :j -I'ol. Bryan of the Third NebroU, wa at the word.- pertinent today and occasioned o.ii, h int. r- i . Brj m a. a i .impanlctl ty (imermw Holcomb, " n-nentative of mt tate of Nsbraska. They went flrt to the adjutant gen eral's oflliw, toMii ral Corbin impnred a. to tbe condition of I'amp Jackeon villa and oaked if tho otdtcr wantl to come home Coloaal Bryan said he had not made a jmll, hut hi Jadgment a to Ihelr w titiin. nt Wit that they did wlh to In. MlU.t. I' d "Ut r, otiel Bryan went from the mtf tant genera'' offlci" to army headquar ter and cn ' ' " 1 ' Mile. Ni itli er to the oeai.taut sm-retarr of war nor . ti'c sit'' .0' ' tieral did Tolo-jl mm Dcsifliiiq 1 uarapiirt . .-. ,mi - sntM hi i i e .. ( Cm X .ess, mmt lew. S. au U ka OSW SM O, tm m mm W j. sw.ln m a. prj.prc m. . a iii a) r rtlt J t, j hi ii-.1j.fT f1- V. ... Cm. b Tkm Om h m n Cht WttsaM-Mffarr trntmrni t mm so oonvo, ou .i C. AT. Bats. M. I.. RoMtiaa, Traffic Moaoger. 0, PAT. Agt. j W. I. Wilson, Agt. Hoooto Bryaa, Trxaa. J. W.TTMANN, MERCHANT TAILOR MAIN STREET, Bryan, . . Texas. Ail work(iuaran!eod and dorapromp.y tiive him a call. W.H. LAWRENCE DENTIST. I oilier Front Ilooiiiaorer Potto (Hc Br) an, i Texas. 4aA mmm BwaMaxal xote BEAUTY'S CHARM. i.iua. th tsi k eu step oa, ..... v.... or Met. h of lb rbevk. .Not evtnen aa riil, bnt tbe .!alal far It ctltt b; clear, pur .tin. HALLS TWIN SISTERS FRECKALA Guaranteed to rtmovt Fftcklts, Tan end Dork Splat crti from tM Fact and Hanoi, or Montr Rtfundtd. Miinufii. tureil ftinl for Sale at Hall s Drug Store, Hit Y AN, TUX AN.