Have You Seen
We are receiving New lrAI.I. AND WIN
TER QOODS daily, and invite you to call
and sec them. We wish to Call the Mpc
cial attention of the l adies to our line of
We have the IMnest Qualities at the Low
est Prices. We have the BE5T of every
thing you want in our line, and wlill not
he IJndcr.sohl.
ii a, ffi i Im r.i. Brfm
tfortl bono I No I 11 I p m
-..! hboond V.l 4 tflpin
Northboend Hoi -''; a m
SutMoonl No 4 I:4
i, a a s. Tiiun Tniii. Umwmm
MI01 I all.
So. 1 leevee.
Mo. 3 Imh
The McClelland place for rent
It Minn Im Mi, el iii.l
Hriol eecond band liuggy
cheap Apply to M II Jemea.
IO. m
oft in
So '.' MM..
S.i. 4 leerra
. -IA! a. m
4 u,
No. ii, leave IMM 10 P
No. 10, arrive, at lleni 1 1 '' a hi
II. A 1 0 I "" I i'iI' IWM
.mil MM
No. I geilvee Ifj
No. 3 arrivae '.' i ...
I). Ii. Kno vialtcl llcrne yeeterdey.
Dr. T. C. Hull' m here from 0 Mp
Henry Bolide returned from lloueton IrtOoorl., I'l.oM V
1 l-w.
K l n'Saal l-)t yeeterday for Ve
MM where he will reeide for time.
"Boyal lllue ' a etrirtly lint Haw oc
Hgar MM only try 0. O. Pereon.. MM
T. J ewei nl niece, Mi- Mamie
Todd, of Bethel, wer- vlitor- to Ihe
my yaaterday.
Kreah II ah ami Berwick liar oytter
rrrry Friday tod Kaui'day at Par.ona'
rr.taurant. tf
For Sale m I Ho piano in aplendid
condition very cheap. Apply to Joe
For pnra fount tin and bo'tle ndi
llr. I'cpper, ami all ilo' Ian-Hi icad
drlnke. camliea, fruita, nuta, rv . .a I
.111 1 ' Q, Pron. I'.'.if
Mra. K. K Marriott ami daughter,
Mla K. la. of Bethel, called M Hi
Kaglc Ml here yeeterday.
Cotton eed If ill ! for aale in an
It Irilvered an. I a cheap aa
ran be Itonght anyahere Apply to
away Iron,
you can get
A Colan.an
s.-i.i 1 n.i.i 1
By John Trary J one.
In trailing robe of go! 1 and crlmirn
Serene ehe walka 'ha wo.-d!awn patha
Tha purling at ream let Uaregde lla
MM am .nf
Nift, fringii . graaee ahich her fa1'
data preeeed.
I'atne Nature grt eta bar fair autumnal
Will, full, rub mehaly of wild bird.'
While at bar feet, a humbly tararant
Karb lowly MM oa ita purpla
Baoaatb tha ateadfaM gae ol bar deer
Tha Ivy hlnihaa Tarlat All abroad
Tha maple, lift tbalr Ibnilug IMM
To light bai way wbara lata tha earn
mrr Inal.
f u.. ' l.l bm .....I hadaa
.T. Mil. .BTI, II "H
IMMMi walka 'naatb antumn'a ra
diant aky.
a a
Kav. II V. Wllaon of Plaao, kj bara
wiling hia MM
Mra. J. II. Mawlni.nay and liitla
dauKhWr ara vbdllng In lloualou.
Joa Aabfaid, tba popular young opar
ator, la Ml for a faw daya aftaratvaral
araka abaama.
J. A. l'baw and littla daugbtar, Harab,
I ior Covington, Va., yaatarday after
alien. In i .liatrir' hara in tlm Milnio-i,
will raae.
An Italian waa hara yaatarday to
hate a tiaab wound in the arm draaa
ed and allagad be had baan abut by a
boy wild a mall calibre piatol.
A A I'hlfer and naphaa, Arthur Ha.
tara, Robt. Durat, I'rof. i-o alton, W J
Cm, W .1 Cui it, and Joa Kogar aara
hara from laon inuoty yaatarday.
Jeff Kitigirana, Hugh Hurn-, Oainaa
MM, Im I.. nf. I. M Dowall, Cbarlla
rain, A l Camaa and Will Carne. aara
bara fr.un initial county yaatarday.
The aim ra day In tha diatnct court
nnd two -iHclal tenlre- ware ai haiiale.1
w .11 ..nt 1 1. 11, plating the jury in tha Kb
H-oncaae Another venire baa been
aun.moiiel to apiear thia inorniog.
On a plantation near Modvllle yea
lard iy aftarii in abnfjl H o'tlotl a aan-
..i 1 ultiiig alliat i i, plate in which
Jama Williama waa dangarouly rut
under Ilia light aim and in tha hack.
It la allege.) that another negro named
Joa Mitchell did tha cutting and aul.
MMMMtjT MMptA iHttrara here were
notified laat night.
1 MetrweM u,. Maaa ia "-r
in - ....I.,. r 1 hm oav ra nf ika
i Aamrlraa Arm?.
J. M Hickman here from Cotton,
wool yeiterday.
11' I Hm.kmaii ol Matiaonvllle ie
with tha lllada.
Kill Itryanha- returned irom a IMH
viait to llalton.
Ir. and Mra. M. rrai.n w.r. here
froaa College yaatenlay.
J. M. Miaa waa 111 loan veaterday
and called on the Kaa-
Mr. and Mra W. W ai galai came
up from Navaaota tealeidav.
Mra W. It. Sander and children re
iA' nj trot! S'araaoia yaaierday.
TI Ciaaihil waa a riaitof 1 I
yeaterday and ra'b-1 on 1 be l.agla.
Wante.1 To pun haae a g" -I a... oil
hand aafe Apply at MlMM M
llouae hi rani and furnituia for aala.
. t to Mra. J. A. Ilockholla d l-a
li. W ltnckhault ol near Kurten to la participated 111 i-y the people of
of near kurten ae in Bryan telerday. Ilraioa and auriaun.lmg MM
Why do you aand II M
for a crayon .rtalt when
tha umi. work from Willie
fur l H
J It. Kaa.1 luhn I'avla. J. T. I'te.a,
I inner I rauahaw, J. 14. Todd, have
Tiinmaon, I. T. I'ate and W. I. Sal
MM were tlaitora t the city yesterday
from Itelbel.
It A Brantley wiM aell hia real. I .nee
In Bryan U the hlghaat bidder for a-b.
I have ale. a giaal a gal piano for aala
Sealed bid iat lie addreaaed to me at
s. merer! lie, Teiaa until Octolar let,
ha gin.-. . one will looae ihi- o(-
J. M. HttalMf waa hare fnun near
i rank I i ll.Hi. rt.oii . oiintv, taabrday
Mr. Mrlaroy ote.1 in llr an til teen
yeare ago, la-uig then angage.l in l.tia
neea here - lla aa I he favora tha idea
ol a tock ah w and MaMU of agricul
tural prralucla at Bryan neil .iiinmer
InlMP Hotel Arrlvala.
A 9 Wil-on. Ilaarne. W V McMaater,
A B M.ak. Waco, K M Stap., Louie
ville, J Mrl.,i,a!d, Atiatin. W I'
llarma, Uallae, II F Senear, St Louie;
J M Caldwell, city I It Hancock, Hen
deraon, I W Klebary, lloiiaton.
That Celebrated line of
All the Latest Style Lasts and Toes
TAN. Alam tUnt lelM Of
In all the new Shapes and Colors in
Soft and Stiff Hats.
Webb Bros.
Letter lr.nn LIbMMMM OMtfi
Ban Hur, Hapt. IB
UUfl lb.- Kagle:
Kormerlv n resident rrf Bra MMt
and bating many relat'Vea Iriemla and
ac.iiaintan.ea in aaid county, I uw
rlnde.1 io cininunicata a few local doli
to Voiir neaay culumna.
Tbi ia a MM ol co.intiy ol wi.n
lerf il pugajimtltae; m li in .oil, grand
in proporllooa. Iheaanlc lorellaeaa of
ahnli ari- im. I. .pule to portray There
ia Mil nit i- it. r-ili. ..t inn in larmtng,
I rn and r-otton lieing chief prorlucte.
and airanga ae it mav apear and not
unlike Mftf -titer liM-aliliee, but few
la mer uie anfllclency ..I meat for
home .uriee, while gardena are hut
little i illitaled, ban e the -carcity ol
vegetal. Ie.
Jhe aoll ii ad..pte.t 10 all tereali of a
te.i.p.-. ale and m ill of Ihe aaini trotii
i al plant- " it'on picking ia the order
ol the day. and tha early ahietle ol the
gina dally admoniah farmer ihat early
n-ing ia necea-ery to keep the macliin
ery running, rbtll wonna and ahar.
ahootera damagetl the crop Al per cent
ami the leaf worm- are now plating
havoc with young . Hon. Corn will
average H huahela per acre. The oat,
millet ami orghtim BTOOf were tine
li..:. ll..ri. ,,.ii,i till. a , i laaa aa
I roomie. I In it labyrinih of beauty and
llarlilitt nfaoil Here la a here the aver
1 age farmer Rfajf in IM aiinlight of pro.
i pernv and bappine.a and the average
lr!ii-I'.r ie-.iiii.a loa wonli'd - win.
Mr l .l n S.-eley ami family ..f Well
I - r n . Ilrama county, i n everal .lava
vietting rilmvea airl Iriemla ben- re-1
cently ami -a - Braoa la t lie banner
i oiintv in the atate.
The niatrimorial market ia dud. The
loril. ara anliritiou. but the tualdi ap
pear intlifferent to the aupplirating an
Long live Sat-ere, the t bampion ol Ihe
TaW Maaan I'hriatlea ami their inter
eating fainiliea, lormerly from your
ooaaly ai here and on the up grade
Wiahing my old lira. county fiiend
auccaaa, I am moat reapectful'y
K. B shernal.
a a
a M rall.li MM
r'. r mora than fltrn yeara a drapery
linitltieaa li i. MM curried M III Ihe aiiini'
Imlbllng in St.. iln Id. under Ilia title of
the Mign of the I'nrwne, mid tinea I , ...
the I U'llieaa hn been l-illlllncted by one
In fitalliig IMM (be Ml of Jalna, in
India ia far nhertd of all riv.ila Kal
nf from M Io 411 tlayi ara mil uiieoiu
hilly veiira ago Analrla hail erven
citiea with more than MtOM iniiabi
Mil Tiabiy there am II
Kew Y .rk, Sept. TV Tb.. fraaaaaya:
Tha following general order laeoed try
'. ra. i. '.i. ... .t i.i rhe alti
tude of lb- I'litnn army In regard to the
evacuation Pt hpim.h foma of the
towna and vtllagra and the att.jngatlon
tt AmObAm army to tha military an
Ihoritle. of rha American commandera,
haa raach.l the Cuban junta
The lima having arrived when the
Sianiah forcea ara to evacuate tha towna
and vtllagee tni) the population being
mtt longer auhimted to their authority
which ia now to be dalegated to the
American, through tha medium of the 1
revolutionary ptrty aa nor alilee may
daem adviaahle, I tatlieva it proper that
1 .hrnild pnbliah the f tilowmg:
"Tlie former order of the conned ol f
lit proalaional government of '-nha with I
regard to the attlluda of oor fon ea upon
entering aaMMM territory in time of
war will la itrictly obaerva.1 in tha oo
ctipalioo of Utwna and vlllagaa evacn- 1
aled ly the enemy. Tha right of
property hall la reepected and a rm
hall be nnmoleated In the trfonnanca
of their lDtWia and in nbetltence to the
law. Without 1 1 1 tine i ion aa to race
or color tha flag of Coba ahall protect all
citiaena ahka aa well a their property
In aatlettng in the control of town and
vtllagee MlMM and in the negotia
tion which may la neaaary. no term
hall tat Imanaed 7 (mr army with the
idea of litjBiilutioo, Imt at the name
time tha tioanr f ,,, mm and tha dig
nity of oor mm ahall alway la pra
aervad. Ta American fnreea will baaa
foil authority and it will be tha duty of
the OMM fcrre to MM and aid them
in ih pro eating All maJef ac tor ca
anemia nf tha public order will la pun
lahed anc'rtltig to tha law rtf common
"The flag nf the republic of Cut. Will
alway l MMaV ,,ut 11 rnu,t on
dentnml that I ha American fierce will
be in aothnnty and have tha enforce
ment of aii law which the army of lit
eralion wHlkaralletl optm to otay The
aJJlanoa of nejt force with thoae rtf tha
American la placed a new phaae upon
the conduct of affair which will lead to
tha evecuatWe of all Sjmnlah force fnun
all town.. .Hi. and viliagwa in Cuba
and in all the American will
have anrrMrtty oror the Cuban Al
the aarne naa it nt nndertood that tha
opermrtty I not for the purpoae of uh
)uramg tha f'ulan fori-.-, to anv other
orient than tb" g.aertie.1 tty the rule
of war and la accontauca with oor al
liance "i tor amy ia in no way humtliatad,
bo la rather honored by uch an alliance,
and will em ip rale in every way with
the A marVan forcea to eipattlte tha
vacua! Ma of tba force of the enemy to
tie en I that Cuba may he ijuickly rtd
of her r-ntwhila enemy All chief of
ilivi.i.in wi.l aa that they place them
elve. in rnmmunicatioii with the com
maimer nf the American force when
i . . i . . Ml arnt an i w -ration
their bane ' cording to the assignment
deatgualad I'V tha American command-
I liaie u number of m-w ttnd .. , ,,. h, !,i,-y, will
l ancriliced in order to cloee liefort tha nt w nuxlelt are put
"ti Die market. Hert'l )otir obMM to get a Ana wlie-l at
your own prir. I alao do ftWclnaa repair work promptly
ami cheaply, ami hate a full etocok of hii ytle mindrie.
Call ;arly for a Bargain.
Albert J. Haiders.
OTTO BOEHMi:, Proprietor.
All kinrla of Kreah llr. , i and Cakee kept
. mit-tantly on hand. Hupplie furniahed on
ehort noti.e for pi. nice and L-n U-cuea. I am
runniiiK a Free- Delivery wagon and will
deliver your order at your iiitr-. M v Imkery
ia a holm- enti-rprie and di-aerve. the patron-
uge id tln-K-ope with whom I live and ajtend
my money. My ratea are ll.ijf) per day for
with -iter-ial iric'x hy the week or month. I'hona K0
Sells - Strictly - for - Cash,
III l w i : HBLI
More Meat and Better Meat
than any other Market in town fur the Money. Ami we
treat our ('Uatoim r better than anybody clue. heraue
we arc Itetter pn-pnred to eerve the Public in Firat-claea
We sell All kinds of Meats, and preserve them by
PnA Ctnaann ,r V01' Rlt S"T ' ''T0Mga
tola oiorage thy i h thh month,
S. W. Buchanan.
wl .r tank Wr.fb.-I.
aalMMkM, Heot H -Naw wa
brought hep' br ateamer Alametla from
Autnanf the wrack of the chxmer O
C. Yank on Klinder' itland, July I,
with 10 nf her crew, all who hlppel
ware wrll known cnaater either here
in ft- n r'li Only two eamen, Albert
Krmgh and John I'eteraon. were uretl.
antt but one laaty had laen neutered
when Ih Alametla mllait The MMl
waa drteen a.hora in a gale and went
to pMM in the nrf
Will H.lafar MM
I'arn. Sept .'J -The Journal ar the
govrminni liaa decided nam an Im
mediate itlatiwlch of a mmpanr of Sen
galeae .hartahnorer and a detachment
of artillery Io reinforce Ma)r Manhand, 1
the French rtplnrer. who I retnrted M
hae MM Kaahotl on the Nile
about tun mile alwre Khartoum
ilaaaral Jaekaaa Thaak. m i.. -.
NahTllle, Sept It (reiieral W II
Jack-, n ha tent a telegram to President
MeHialey, 'hanking him for the ten
iter of a praltloii on a commlaalon to In
reettgate the conduct of the war, ei
MMl regret lhat preeaing prirale
bnin' ronil him to decline iha
i harf'.l .Hi II gi,
Philadelphia, Sept M Thmna J.
Macki r, M aald to (a an et-jndga
of the Ml -nit Ml of Sonth Carolina,
waa airaale t in thla city on the charge
of btganiT According to Mackey'
tory he I lh victim of araarntton
Her enl.h !.
Waabinglon. Sept. HI Acting .acre
tary of war haa received a cable mea
aage from lieneral Hronke, chairman of
tha I'nrto lit an evacuation cmmulaatnii
al Ran Juan, aaylng Hot) Spaiii'h troop
hatt rnibarkrd for home.
i . ii. .in. at r. .. .
Waahingt- n. Sept. M -The war da
rtment ha hean inform. -i nf the
death of J a me K (lamhlr. af companv
K, Third Wi- iinatn and John K Riley,
nf Miniur y Tenth Maa hneetta, al
Hitnce. I'orlo Blctt
lnti.rll ! OaU.
Naw York, Hapt. Ti -Kngagemant
nf gnhl IMMI bare been mad by I -a
daubnrg, Thalman t'a, far M0,0i)t)
and the Hank of Briflah Narth America
for I..'". "'
ISaeaaaB Kl
stock of
New Buggies
that T. offer for sale. Will sell for cash or
time. Will take corn or hay in part pay.
See me before you buy, as I can give
Bargains in these Buggies
We are authorited to announce
a a candidate lor County Attorney of
Hrroa county al the ensuing November
e action.
I ll I I I I
new Pity bakery.
i hi
We an- aulhorWcl to annoiinre
A. VY lift HANKS,
aa a candidate for County Treaeurrr ot
Bra a county at the enanlng Novemlier
We are antborlaetl to announce
J. T.C1.0HK
aa a candidate for re-election to the
Ml of jnatlce of the iace
No. 4, Hratoa count v,
Novemlar election.
We MMlhMMl to announce
at a candidate for County Treaaurer of
Braoa county, at the ntumg Novem
ber election.
Fresh Bread. Rolls,
Cakes and Pies.
the Citv.
to uny tnrt of
have i trdcra at
al the mailing
John M. Lawkvick A- To
BoTTi ixtt nana
KH'iDR'H Salooa