BRYAN. TEXAS. SUNDAY MORSa'NG, SEPTEMBER 26, 1898. Prica 6 cents VoE.III No. 266 PRUNES. Fancy Hvapo rated. iHyH Crop PEACHES-APPLES. Libby, McNeil & Libby Potted Ham Lunch Tongue Corn Beef Tripe Ham. Potted Tongue Chipped Beef Vienna Sausage Boneless Chicken STUDENTS ROSTER Of the- Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege of Texas, Session 1898-99. TELL IT TO THE WORLD Swift s Premfum Hams Breakfast Bacon Kettle Rendered Lard ALL FRESH GOODS. HOWELL BROS. "BATAVIA." CALL FOR U. THE GROCERS. Mosquito Lotion. Toilet Soap, and True HEAT POWDER The In, and I'tireat I'nwder on the Market. ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO INFANTS. Ha no Equal (or the Cure of Tiiu i .v m College Haa OietfjmwH Mb Wm lllllM l or I'itkliitf nr.- .,1 id,, lliiuili-f Im i.r Tnta Boyej "It Mmatt Itu Alx nntiiKea, The Fault- prex-nt this morning lite roster nf rtudwitl matriculated for the current trnu in the Ak-ricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. The iiifii lution i in a BAtirMuog condition ami enjoy, wiileH.real iioptiUriU euciiding U-yoini ti.. border of the state. Indeed, o great have tin- deinanda grown nl u it, a we bar fre QMrtU taken invasion to note lately, that lb.- Iiarrack are wholly inad equate to accommodate rnore than half a) those who deeire to attend, notwithstanding the equipment in other re.j t i practically tta tti-1 ' cient for a largel y increased attendance. The pre of the state could not render a better service than by inpr. -wng tin condition properly upon those who will comprise the next legUUture, othal the matter may . lie remedied aa speedily, aa potsihle. The future looks particularly ....,. a ....... Kleinamlth Mayr l.ullna, T.xas briahl lor the cidlege, and inlluein-e in ; ,. i:,Uii,k" in its behalf Knlall. V. I. . hsmtatravin.. T.xa. " I KuphaJ. Will H . Waco. T.xaa in a way that must he truly gratifying totbo-e who have it manage. I '.rJ''VliTixu. meiit in hand. Col. L. I.. Ko.ter, the new president, baa entered u.n K.owr?. w ".' wii" t.V" hi duties with that zeal and stewlineas of puriwee that has ever mark- KmUM,?inT.m.' tv'AV Krlly. J no. W.. Hrown.vlll.. Txa. ed hi successful life. The tame aay beuid of the faculty, many of I uwmtnai. j. a.. PsteaHna. Tne I I Mka Lf UMMhaM .'- a at a horn have i v.-n year 01 ineir neai sun in it ieiialt. I tie hoard o! I Just Received! 0 0 0 0 0 New Crop Cranberries New Crop Dried Apples Fresh Sauer Kraut Fresh Maccaroni Fresh Spaghetti Fresh Scotch Oats Fresh Snowflake Crackers Fresh 31b Cartoons ABC Crackers Fresh Hominy Fresh Grits Fresh Cream Cheese Fresh Mackerel Fresh Java and Mocha Coffee. Jno. B. MIKE director are liberal and progressive aud Lave a thorough understand inc of the unpoitanl work devolving upon them. The Alumni A I J-.. ft!.. I,: Ilk; I.- I u.iiif H ..... I 1 . L . L ' tM.ft.i,aaD.pretrteth.rtk.n..f Adult, and pr.vente .he Noxious liflor j "I Kx.-eaaive per pi ai laudable it. i unceasing efforts in behalf of the college, and among the Agent !or THOS. C06CAN 4 BRO.. l':ano. Krgaii-. Shtct Muni ai.d Mu- Ml ,ul ,r ,,i:in. the hast wtent iaiMtOa .et in motion i the ''' "upplies. ,;,t my pucea. Farmers Cougres inaugurated by Prof. Coimell, the influence of which upon the agricultural iuter.t of the it.ite and incidentally upon the ..rk of the iutitution w ill lie far reaching ami incalculable for Lov. A ' rrsnklln. T. l-olim. Jitti, Tr, T.xaa I.MIH, An K. Hunf. T.xaa. T- xaa aa a. 1 is. UtU. M Mr Luhraan, C. W Urwis. J . MrM Uw. J. M us, t t t LarWIe. J. A., l-arkln. Wm . I.J ! r 1 . 1- It Morrla. 1-aopol Mi.a.r. A ' riu. ton. Texas,, Trsas. ' . winklrr. 'has.. Tl Orore. T.taa WhiMinm. W H . Kyi. T.a, Wlttmann. John. Hryan. T.xaa. W'mlon. Ixion. HtnMtnl Texas. Whlir A Hou.ton. Ti. Wihrmunil. I'hMtfr. Ban Anlonlo. Ti i wrrnn. M M , Han aUrraa. Texas. I Whmsrr. C. B. Manor. Tias. I Wallar. f'arl. Krntrra.. T.xaa. i Wrtatrn. ' M . T.xas. Wlntw. BoL T'xarkasa. T'isa. lllouchhjr. Iaul. hraUt T.xaa Whlt. C. T.. Brady. T.xa llktoa. I. T . Brraaam T.xas 1 W.alhrrty. C. L, Qraaweas. Tvsaav Yarburough. E H . Nsvaw tx. T.xas . Rubsa C , Waller T'rxsSX GOOD LUCK! In Unnk at the u ii.mitf J ii H L.uhna. T.xaa. Marrua. Ah. Wlrhlta fall. T.xsa. I..,,. J. J . Usn(v.. T.xsa. M.nir, K U. Kyi.. T.xsa. M.u.u.. h l.o. Hsm Antonio. T.xs.. Uit. V t' llulin Trill. The ieronnei of the -tudent body i f a high order, the young men ; ' V'h. j t mm' ist tircpentinu an Ihtellieeiit aid luillih il'l" e. in. I rvincino an in. Hi""' '.' Y' r T P . i"' -J.?"' II " " r, . "S aim K- i ter. st in their work aud marked appreciation of llieir advanlagf. ly. T.xas. GLOBE SALOON TAYLOR & COX. Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS I Coolino Drinks, Stenothenino Cordials. Everybody treated Right. Best Wines, Liquor and Cigars i... It. .1 '.!!. Ajr. ult iral ai.J MM-hanloal "oii.. ul l.xsa. asaalun An. nam. rarsst, aabin Pas.. T.xsa At.raham.. J. K., New T.a.i rMii. K Whitturu Ti-taj-in. I.r. Kmm.i, t'rdar Crark. T.xas aJpyttSj II I. . Ilraumont. Tttas ! ' l4, . Hmltbvilla. T.xas. tr. W K . Han Mari os. T.xas. i:i I atari Km., i, II j tMf i. J U . Hamllt.iii. Ttxaa KUr.i.. h.r K foil... i II . Hkair.or. T. i l.sae' T.,. I t'otumhus T.xas 'haa. 1 . Aualln. T.tas Koai.r. J U. 1 Tastrr W II Kioor IUnr I Ti-aa T.xas ixaa S si PARSONS' Works, rsxAft H W AIU. T.xas. i: I' Kl Paso. Tstas. Mark. W II . Ilraumnnt. Trias. II t oakum T'xas M in lloanok.. T.xas. BRYAN Knlarc-il and Thoroughly Viuippad ith SKW AND M PROVED M c II I N KHY. Strictly First-c i--Jpi Dp-tO late Plant. I'n--paretl to UU orders lare or small for - Pure. Wholesome and High Grade Soda Water 1 All Flavor. Wholesale an.l K.tHil. Satisfaction guar anteed. Prices right. Bfaw us a trial. Prompt Attention to All Orders, RKsrF.rmu.Y, O Gr. PARSONS, A Full and complete line ol Canities, Fruit, Nut. ( i'ars, Fnnrv Qroesafiae, Eto. Haudquirtori for F'i.-h, Oyster mid short order Meal.. nhurg, T.xs . rlrt. Jr. Iir. nham. T u. i W., I ln l.lll.. T.xaa. L'hss i' . I'arla. T.xsa. K . I'arl.. T.xaa. Hryan. XV I, hanil. r till'. T.xaa Hry an. ' M i 'hamla-rst ill. T.xas Crooks. II ' Han Anaslo. Taxaa llaltea, John Wharton. Trias. MUnai.oi.hli. II A . t ail.. T.xaa. lto. it. h.r. K ll w . ii llaumaart.n. t'haa. lllaml I. I i nil. k. Ilarrun. I.. W . Haul.. T. xas Hraxlrlon. U.o I.. Warn. T.xsa. Ilurlvaon, It C . Han Halm. T.xsa. Iluhl.r. 11m A . Vl. torln T.xas lluhl.r W A Vlj inrta. T.xaa mall. Haa, I' . El I'asu. Tsxaa. t'ook.. Oavhl I., gulnlan Triaa farpsntsr M M . Hour lk. T. laa, rummlnsa. It. ., riay. Tsxaa. !. w 11. Jr.. Trinity. Tsxaa. 1 lark W I.. Ixiikhart. T.xas I'laninn. I'arllsl.. Knnla, TVia .'l.t.lanil. II W Jr . Houston, l J II.. Jr Itovk Hprlm Carlton, f M VHasrs, T.xas 'ilark. Rsb-t 11. Tylsr, T.xsa. I'ourh. J K. Kari.inn. T.xas. 1 no. ml. n S c I'arls. T.xas W. Y . Tnyah. T.xas A M . At a w t . tiroi. Al.x. It I 1 uart ad r j u 1 Hrlfflths. T W.J i: II . Ilraumoni Anlat. Hunt. T.xs M r. a. 1, T.xas. T.ftaa. M.,nr. J .. Klo Oraii M.icsanl. B. P.. Braaorts. T.xas. M.r. W H . Jr . Houasly T.xas. M liraw. Austin. Iisllas. Tsxss. Mi Af.. C A . Bnr. iort Junction, r M. Waltsr. sWnora. T.xsa Mrt'ormlck. B-. t'oluasbus. T.xas Mi Kaln. A. 8.. Wills Point. T.xa.. M. Conn no Hsm T. Hryan. T.xss Norsxsn Jno K . tlrshsm. T.xss. s,,i 1 1 Pstotln Ti s. ; j Kyi.. T.xss (Ms T II . Nr T.xss. Uaslnna. Pttsr K Thsru. T.xs. , mallli K A Thsr.. T.xas imaiiinr. I'.i.r . Thsrp. T.xas I liuslllnr K A . Thsrp. T.xas. I r, . II K It . Itarllstt. T.xss. , . 1 H J llowar.1. T.xas I'MUIir. Thoaaas. Tnpl. T.xa.. I ft' Hartktt. T.xas. lollhast. t ' II W.lmar. T.xas. I Hlnson. T J Knrnry T.xa. I ,,. I M Kusk. T.xaa. Pi.i.nai frsnk. itrowits ui. it Hr.ll. Tho. W . liraKKls. T.xss. 1 .n. A. U . I'ran. Texas Itust. V M . Hotiaastisr. J M.vsor. J. U. Ko(.rs O. P., II. anion K V llobarts II l I; . .1 II -i l! rk. J W . Ilisa. H.nrv T.xaa. ANOTHER IMPORTANT MEETING AT PARIS, Is th. Cosrl at Arl.ll tla th. llla,aCa Ualw Wrltaia a4 ...., .. Waabmaiaa, 8epl W. rhsarspssjsMsy. inf meettnir at Pans of th- 1 'n-isb--xais nsjri nf artitrs'i . st wtyanti Cbisf Jcsttre Falter ami J kiu . Urewsar ara arbitrators la tmhait ol tha n-paUar. will be hardly aeroarl In imtasnsaen re. the meetinc at Paris of the ist. sasns ratssinri. nwinetotbs rr.sis WKtabs V.neiu-la netinn ratei ttx-yfs tAr . I'nltsai States and (irsat Hnu,t. Jisaatar ' Cle-r. land's admmi.lrttl u aud Ibc -i test :a wbica the Monroe J or trine uvsj. 1 Tolved. 1 The presuieot plan (or tb noart tee I bold a prslimioarr smsiod id Jsnussr at wh'.rh time Justice Brewer will go It' Parts, bat CI... f JostKe Kwllcs la - ' likslr to go to the drat niretmir tr Jas Unit. d Mates apreme ranrt wtif m Try busy about that time an m.mbvr nf tbe bench cannot ba at lbs sail!" time K rawer wiL probably arrxni.-e a poatt-oto ment tL May. at which time both be and its chief jntice will bs free to join othar arbitratnrx 10 tsk op th.- r of ttie nra.iri.moo Tf las. Ii Harris. T.xas I.... khsrt T.xas T.xa. s. T.xss ll.trman. K K Austin Texas ll.lmish l H Auatln Tsxaa HuUn.. J It . Jr., Uslv.ton T- is. 1 1 airman J H . Hreslan T.xaa llulsmsM. K It. Iinlusiry T.xas ll.lh.rf Wm T . Houston. Trails. Ilooprr J J .t'oll.f. T.xas llriar Willi.. lliM'kl.y Trass Ipiar Alfrnt. liorkl.y Trass Itarfort J. ... W . Hou.ton. Texas llsa.ri.ttl.. y H 11 Worth T.xas llufhrs. A . Austin. Texs. II. illla. worth, II V . Kllsaorth. T.xas Mann ilro. 8.. I ll)ilr A V . Ta liuajrlry. O . K. pha.l. II. Itu.s.k. Krn. lioth.. r W'. Hior.. A. K. He hulls C K Hits.. A. M Jami Ht.rns. J. H . Hhurt A. K . Iwcalur. T.xss. w ,,,,,..,11 H II Hsllrttnlll- T. IS' -,mu.oii J H . HsilettaMII.. T.xaa. H. h.r.r It 'l Anshaar. Texsa. Hhaw L. IV. Columbus. T.xss. Hmlth. T M Hsu Miguel. I Hhol..r. .Xar. I I'BSS. Tra. Ml.' J I.. JS'k Himi-s ' M Ji Hmlth. Ira T . AM I hac added a new line o4 Moulding FOR PICTURE FRAMES to mi stock of HiKiks, Stalionerr, Wall 'ape. am! Taints Call on me Ini i'RICKH inl HKK TNI NKW UR8IQK8. Tyler Haswell. I .1 M.irltt. III. 1 j. r idrra, J , II . Ti T. xa' rxaa. I,,- U II It 0 W . lit II It . rk. 8.. I dl.r II K T II 1 iH-a.r. v in. Aasthsr Caaa at JvIms. , Jackson, Mist . Sopt 1 -Anotfc case nf yellow feer baa ap at Jack ton The patient i a la-ysar I old tnesaenirer by tbe name of Harry Wri-zht. employed by tbe Wasunn Via ion Teleirraph company. Ha Inn fata a quarter of a mils from tbe f earner laai of infection. I Dr. Poraell. tbe state health office 1 j baa iaaue-d a proclamation ad x is Ian tie j total dspopnlatiun of the town. I Ye paraiions sre now f gum swaaaaax- out a special trainload of ref uflats Ti infected honn are surrrjundeu rsa is tronK rortlt n of ituards. I,.. Wrssilsre. New York. Sept M.-AbdaJ 1UU Adali. tbe cbampioa wrestler of 'farka-y who haa just arrived here, has iswiattsaa weaptag rhslleoyc to AtncTataa wrrxt -lers He la to mra-t any nun fiw the championship of Amities JK' side stake o! 8.VSI or H"', ritbar Uta nv Roman or catcb-asHatrh-ean sty'.. He refer Kia-brr. and tayak throw OaBBxT Mueller four time Wllhu.: u hour's tims T s Harrta J II Wllla Ixl.nart. Frank. A I -1. mt T.xas An. tin. T.n im. T.xas. 10 In. Texas. rrt. A It tJiredo. Texas ritu baa, 1:. r-rnleel. ksliurg. r. x. II I K.iHlll. T. .,i 1. II . lsH-kfain. 1 .arlliiatnti. It. I.. Manor. TaSAS Inirhain K. '. laingi l.w, Taxaa Intvls, Tom. Irr.lrll. Tasas isahenpsri lioh. l-ltlslmra, Taxaa. Davis, J. I.. Kl I'asn. T.xaa It. ware, RaM., T.xaa. Iifws. H.tiry. Col,. 1 .flu. Teaas llrns I'liilllii. illvtll., Trias. 1-i.v.n., W I-., T.ratila. Ttlse. lull. Kvlr. i; J . Kylf. Ti ias. K.rr. Itnlit 1'. Hniiamn. T.xa. Kroailol r M llall.ilsvlll., T.xa. Whittle. C. Whim. J. I Walk.r. Kn T.xas ;. T 1 W. H. LAWRKNCE DENTIST. Oirumfront Room over IVto4sk Bnan. Texas.