Newspaper Page Text
Bran iTfoormng agle. BRYAN, TEXAS. THURSDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 29, 1898. Vol. Ill No. 259 Price 6 cents. 1 GLORY ONLY HIGH GRADE Made of CHOICE ILLINOIS SOFT WHEAT $1.25 per BATTAVIA. Mosquito I HEAT T he U-M ami I'lin ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO Has no Equal ir the Cure I aoltotia and preserves lha Skin ol Adultt an.l preventa the Noxious Odor ol hi.-ceeive per.piration Agent lor THOS. GOGGAN & BRO.. PIMM, OffMM, Ratal M"-i' iflaU BipiplUi. QM MJ pfiflM. i Jt J t L at , Prompt Attention UKsi'Krmi.i.Y O. Gr. PAR.S01V?2, . A Full iiml complete line ol Cuoln-., Fruit, Nut,( iurs, Fain (inaeriet, Kir. II ult iiartcr- for Fi-li, )vira ami short onler M i I- TAYLOR & COX, Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS I Cooling Drinks, Stengthening Cordials. Everybody treated Right. Best Wines, Liquor and Cigars I ImvC wMtd new line of Moulding FOR PICTURE FRAMES to M etoek of Hooka, Slalionerv , Wall I'ape, ami faint Call on me lor I' KICKS ami SK.K TIIF. SKW KKSIONS, Tyler Haswell. FLOUR. FLOUR IN TOWN. Sock. HOWELL BROS. Lotion. Toilet Soapt. and True POWDER - at I'owili r on the Market. of PARSONS' Bottling Weeks, HKYAN. TK.S. Khliirp-l mill Thoroughly Bqoippad itl NKW AND IMPKOVKD MAC II I N KHY. BUifltl nm olMI ami Dp to data IMant. IV MNw to tiill nnltTa, lurt) or amall for - - Pure. Wholetome and High Grade Soda Water All Klavnr Wlmli'Milr ami Rttatti Sntiiai tion nai nnuisi. Priaaa rigkl dm iik a trial. to All Orders. COOD LUCK! to Drink ni the GLOBE SALOON THE FIRST KICK BY THE AMKKICANS.- Object to Itaphlfire (iuns Urine; Shipped r 10111 IliliaiU Hark to Spain. THE MATTER HAS NOT BE EN SETTLED, Xot.'v Havt- l' liwpfn iheCorn in i --i..nT- lnit tlie Spanish An fWr U Not NitUtaftorv. EVACUATION BLOINS AT MANZANILLO. The Troup. There W ill to t lenfne gnt in l in bark r'nr Spain -Twewtj Thousand Mf spanMi "uldlrrs Arr Now I t una. Naw York, 8pt. ifS A diapatch to Tha Hi rnlil from Havani aaya: Manila r or tba Amancan conimiaama wi-ra aatotilahail by tha albt of a haav rapldtira nun and carriaira mora paat tba liotal li wit t t riif takau hr a pavl angina tow.ird lha nr from a l;UTy la-hind tha Hoti l Tnirha At a raault a t ra MM waa pn-narad INFANTS """faT in unmiaiakabla laiigiuMre to tba kargah inflarncwl bjr Major Gauaral ' Snnh that tha American j Marrm rapurt of lim n;oation. i rommUndoti cnntidrrod tha ramoral of Tha instruction! to tba ityanith com tha gun n AiaMaaf liraach of tha tarma j miation. accordm to Tha Oaulom, it of lha protocol, adding lha command briafla u hold out and make tbo tat that no cannon or other munition of war i- morad without pn-Tiirat aaaant ami permiaaion of tha American corn niiaatoii. Tha note waa prnmptlf aant. laMuf dallrara.1 bj Captain Hart and I.lant. Hampton to the Hpanith -immiaaion long Man ih cannon reached the city. A mam tier of the Spauiah commiaaion aaid ti.4t he conantered the matter of no importance. Nothing had la-en aaid to the American commiaaion becanw it wa cotiaiileml thai the return of the cannon to the rrutaer Alphnnao III from whii'h it had baa-n uken to tie battery and waa perfectly natural and within Spauiah nghiaaud that no Amer ican content waa nereaaarr anr more tmm 1r the return of iuralid noltttan to Hlm. upwanlor of whom ud Wn aanl hitttiii aiti.u t V. .. ,,hli,.u.l .1 1 - ...... .... 1 - , . . . wiihout the effect of the American com miaaiuu Thia reply waa delirereil at tha Tro. eba by the offli ial hpauiah inter;ratr, Major IWnit It waa regardel aa an eatitfactonr, inrolving further nimmuu cation on the tut ject from the Ameri can I'ommiaalon No Sttniah evacuation reply hat bean tent yet hecante the commi. i. .11 failed to meet Ttio.ilav night at had bean ex pected, bin it it promiaed at the earlie.t jiOMihle date It may he delivered to- 1 morrow. miiiiIi tmopa which are to evacuate . Manxanllln befiare Oct. 7, number annul liiio Ther will go to (Vnfugoe nd ' await the emltirkation of the other trii there According to the formal Spanith note on tin- aubjin-t revvml l v the American r immitaion Tueaday nigbl wnen ine leave Manranlllnall the ( g rirmeiit property ami affain then I will be turned over to the l.raj Sjianitii civil authorities memta-rof the Sanih commtaaton j aay thai then are ,ilut laVOtf Q Span. n toiinera now ill I nit. I-I All Traaa. I.mlou. Sept -js Oatn-tiTa, 1(t ail tnir I of tba woman they bad ahadownd after her arrival at Liverpool and they are now ranaacklng LaBjtaB hoult and l-'.ir hntiaea. t'p to the preeent time the police have not found anr trace of t he traveller Th- woman refarmt to i. aiippoeed to lie )r Nancy Ouilford of HrnlgetHirt, Conn., wbo it wanted by the Coniieticiit h.ic. for the munlcr of Linmn liill or Soiithiugton, Conn Oat Ma,, lha Hrlllab VartL.a. Pant. S. of i's - The (iauloia puliliah eti.ii ino rview w ith M mitter of Colo un a M. rrouillot. in wbicD he iaiimitml at anying n it true that Major Mar chainl had la-en abandoned. I'i'to the prcciit, r.e mtiiiater nlded, the French government hat only the Hritiah ver- , aioti or ib nnjor a iK-cUuilion of Kaaho da. and tn p will la. taken until the j French niv ei - re.rta are nwive.l. l nitatj In a 11,.,,. Halifax. Sept is. - A aiwial exruraloti tram on in.- way to the Halifax exhlbi. turn from 1',, ion, ambad mtoa work ing tram i.. ir Stell.-r Jame Sproul, engineer; Michael Oltri.n, eugiueer; W. (i BMderaon, tireinaiij John 11 M Kenaia, Uremau and William Came rou ot Srot.-h Hill, ,, pittenger. w.-iv killed Joha HellUaM ni P.i-l.u, . JJtVaaeuger, waa ltijur.-.i. Aaulhar Mat Om. Washington. Sept. U. omrUl in formation haa renhd ih ttate i-n-wnil lliai W n. r. in . mi government declinet to admit free of only official nop let for the um of United Stats Mim.hL .1 a ... "iiriin witnancwor ratal. I of ,h" ,rwunry . , UM,..i,ia ....... ii, . . Mint by the iii-r.ii. ian government (or the tiae 01 U offl. cit in th United State. ONE FRENCH ON PAPER THE INSIDE. l ... What i .art la Ih. Paelttea I lb I'aara i t.. .. ..... . laa- anlle Seeraer. V... Sept. n -The United Stav ""niniaaion want Into sessioa at II o'r.oak tliu morning. The Gauloiasaya: In ;ut(. of the myttery aurroundir g th.- matt, r we am al l", from a high aourat, ,lfc;iv,. th outline of the post. Hon or both commit.ions While tb Ainsrwant have nitrrnetiont which are niuoa it, op. precit than those of th Wpariiar.1., there n a diversity of opinion in r.-far. to (ha Pni.ippinea Senator Gray it a very anu-nt Denua-ret, end ctiasqaently he nngt to tba pertv which rapaniat-a eipti..ion H oppose ail antiiation. and bit opinion, therefore, totally ,hlT. ra from tha: of tue otli-r four ni;iimiaauii,ar, Mitnt of whom would l r intent u c aair etat.ou intbePhilippiu . ;'.: .;.' vi . w hue other., ..... s ,..,ir,r 1 .i v . - i iw .it- .. anneiati'.ii f the whole r. hidago " Tb Gauio a, howev.r, l-.ieve. lha Ameneeiu. l.y mn'aal concessinnt, will coma loan miiwiiii ni, aim ihev wui la tarma .amble Madrid ia well aware, it apfrra, that tha ronfarencea at lawt were only bad to pkmae the Hpaniah peoue, and tba only bofea eoartainad are that the Americana will not abuaa the aitnatlon tiai much r m if mailt in Spain, it u added, iluiikt it belter in abandon the Philip pine itland than keep them under cun-.- i - i. them utit'ovrnable. MORE TROOPS SELECTED TO GO TO CUBA. raar Mora II .. ,i . Will On la Ad.ll. i u Pna. Alraailf C'aoaae bf ll.aaral MOaa. Xw '! jt ,H -A Prrl f,rh " The Herald from Waahington eUTt In admtion to the troopa or dered to go to Cuba, not later than Oc tober hi. there will follow four more itmaiona - three of infantry and on of tavalrv It it the preeent plan of (ieu. eral Mile that the., troupe aball all In lanilad in Cuba byNorember In, though aa official aaid that he did not believe tbriatl would arrive there before Dec. I The flrtt troopa to go, will it liei- prrtrd, wttiiaa tha beginning of the evacuation and they have Wn hurried fitrward Wauan the evaluation will ta-irm .-arli.r than waaexpected The headcnartera of the three military diviaiona will I In Havana. Puerto PnnciM' and Santiago It kj aparent ly well aettled that (reneral Wavte will I. in romiiiaml of th" detainment of Havana General Law ton w ill remaiu wbrre ha it, at c immander of the le lartment of Santiago arid General le, It it thought, will be in command of the reiitral divition The whole iueatinn will be canvaated with General Ie whan he arrivea here on next Friday night The caTnlry will ba under the com mand of ( reneral Wbaaler uuleaa be re tignt to raaunie hia aeat in congreaa The cavalry will he aoattered in detach ! mentt at many pointa. (ieneral Milea ia now teWting the troopt of the remaining dirutnna and it It expected that they will be anuouuowi in a few daya. Merrill lanlag lb Olhar Ho!, Port Said, Kgypt, S-pt '.'i - Maj. (ieneral Merritt of the t'nitv.1 Slate annv. Major Strolh.-r. aide de camp. and Captain Mott Howell, tba general j eecrefarv, pataeil hen- on board the tteaiiu-r Arcadia on way to Mar arillet and Pant i Map w tVlaaeal i.aan.,i. New York, Sept ?s -The depart nn of troo)M from Cnmp Wikoff cop. tunica Now them nr.- only three regi men I a nt the camp, which a month ajn had .'5,000 men. Hnepital thip t,wlaf..n took do pick meu to I'nividemv to la- iliatnbutisi niiioiig the vnriout hoapitala of thai city There are fefal men in the general Inw pital anil only one death reporteil that of Hurry Welilon, company K. Second infantry, who tiled of typhoid fever. On llnaiiital Only Nta,ld ('hattaiioo.a, Sept. m. Letter a t "it lire.ia'iha...a.".... hoa- Just Received! 00000 New Crop Cranberries New Crop Dried Apples Fresh Sauer Kraut Fresh Maccaroni Fresh Spaghetti Fresh Scotch Oats Fresh Snowflake Crackers Fresh 31b Cartoons ABC Crackers Fresh Hominy Fresh Grits Fresh Cream Cheese Fresh Mackerel Fresh Java and Mocha Coffee. Jno. B. .1 I 'amp Thomaa, will ba oloeed within a week or 10 daya Tba number of atok men at lha park baa to gn-aily decreaaaai that the Stern (jerg botpital la anffirienl for all ueeda. Kteaatt ta O-. I i aba New York. 8apt h It la believed by the member of tha Sixtr-nintb regi ment of thia city that the regiment bat been arlectad fur only in Cuba. Tba .liaan... lira... Jackaon. Miaa . .Sept 2 - Local health official admit the yellow fever aituatKai ia grave. No new rate are anuonuni but pbraictana have teveral anapicnaat cat- under aorveillatice and it u expect. ed aotne or them will be declared yellow fever. The area infected It Tcry larg.-. embracing about I tqoare mile and no lett than :)' negroea routined within the cordon. About IM whilaa reeide in Ibe diatnet Many negnwa are wuheut food and relief work will be commenced at once Tba anuation m other portioua of the ttate uucbang ! Uaarf l.lrlrk K.I.....I. (ial vet ton. Wept v -George Patrick, the coiopai union leader, waa re lea ted from jail today on bond of 11000 - fi.Vi on the charge or murder and I ou tha charge of ronaptracy in lion with the mob attack upon the Mai lory wharf. liar Kin. a is i .., i aylor. Tes , Sept. Ti -Thomaa Paaal, ),' yeart old. waa kille.1 in th- rompreei of thia place. The boy was at work al the ir-at and in tome way waa caught under the lower prett bed, which came town on him, bnrnbly mangling hia lower limba and a portion of hit body. tpale't i ....... Madnd. Sept. ' -Premier Sagaata declare that all the 4nancal difficulties of the government have been removed. The turn of 2&,0M,ono franca have been forwarded tuacaptaiu General Hlanco w nli a repitition of the order to ditband the volunteer. llrtna' Tarrlhla llb. B-evill, Tel . Sapt tn Richard Hramiet, a highly reapected young man, attempted to throw off the pump bait by mean of an iron and waa atrnrk by the rod in the abdomen, ranting internal hemorrhage He died in great agony. Will c in an (tram Hal, St. Louie, Sept. 7 - The Mtaaoun Pacific ha decided to meat ibe cut rate on wheat and corn made by the Atchi son, Toprka and Santa Fe Tba naw order i affective (let I, when the Mis souri Fartflr will put in a rats of A cent lata on wheat and 'i cent on corn than tba preeent tariff rate fur points on the line in Kanaaa and Nebraska It la ex- tr:e.l that "ther roada will follow suit. Teaaetrlng With lb Mailt. Chattanooga. Sept ?K -Chief Poetnf flee Inspector Itainl, in charge of tb out hern oivi.ion, recivel a telegram from Ittapcctor liooteu ttaling that be hail arretted Thomat Miller, a mailing clerk, wha liaa la-en einploretl in Ibe Jacksonville office acven years A la. of mail w at found tu Miller't piatan saam and!.. m.-n-v w at .l.trov.-red Miller made a full confession .oou after ' taking arrette,!. ftrtr Ism iva4t trattajt Haltitiiore, Sept. . -Colonel Parry Iiee DtTeTM, at one time a nieiuber of the staff of the governor of Maryland and lairr a fugitive from justice for ihretj yeart plead guilty in the criminal court today lor obtaining money under false pretenses and was wnteuaad to three years in the 'nitetilsary. Oo'lonrl Downs was arrested in Chicago a few mouths ago. having lived thara for two vears under an atii-ul name MIKE. H.4T.C. It r . lv. It. K. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. Short Dj; Qm Umi North and South Texs. r s H L HOUSTON ajrx, DENVER L v and ft. Worm () E GALVESTON . DENISO" P Via it tat r , U E CALVESTON.a.ST LOUIS Q L Via BoutK .... iu , , , ri S HOUSTON . AUSTIN Tb H. T. C. res. bet Galveatoa Houaton, BtenbeiL, Aurtin. War. Corticana, Waiabacbia, Ft. Worth , Dallaa, 1'lano, McKmney. sliarmaa I Henaon, and g.vea firat-claaa Saryl.-e. C. A". Bai. M. I.. Rosa.aa, Trtfflc Manager. '..PAT. Aft. V. S. Wilson, Aft. Hoottoa Bryan, Texa. J. WITTMANiN, MERCHANT TAILOR MAIN STREET, Bryan, . . . Texat All worklOuaranleed and dona prompt Ultra him a call. W. C FOINTAIN, DFNTlaT, OFFICK OVER RHODES' ftalooa. . . . TU V THE NEW QlTY BAKERY. Fresh Bread. Rolls. Cakes and Pies. Dalirered to boj part of the City. Leave Onltrs at John M. Lawi:i-m r. A- Co.'s HoTTLINo WoKKK. R0BT1MW, : Proprietor