f WK A HI". NOW HHOW DCQ THE MONT mm UP-TO-DATE LINE OF FINE STATIONERY ALL NEW Tints and Latest Shape Envelopes. HOWS YOUR TOILET CASE? Is it I plrtf ! Oar 1.1 ae of TUILITT M MTERS aad PHI PERU MERV Is the Best la tewa. WILSON - JENKINS DRUG CO. THE DAILY mad at tha Bryan, Tsies. i laaa mall Batter BT ( ONNKLLY. PA1.MIR ( AKSKH Malcolm Ciim Editor. ibly affected throughout the serv ice "hi heart m in the cof fin" and the eloquent pause made were indicative of the Hood of sweet tad memories and tender s,ejitiiuents welling up within him, ' while the gray haired veteran , were in tear, rn chaplain read scawcairrio raica. from the scriptures, and invitel Per Weak. lOe. - Per Month. 40c . the comrade present to pea a, ex plaining that the memory or the deceased i-iiinr i l- in irnn w;i n dtw to one aa to another, and the service should include the tributes of all. In response to the invi tation Major W, A. Hank Mad Col. R. K. Chatham delivered eii logieit touching the high civil, military ami social standing of Col. Baldwin, and then the chap lain delivered a glowing tribute in which he declared that thi world i but the working model for the future, and atriotitni ia but to fit the heart for that home eoutry where we shull live forever and ever, lie admonished hi comrade to be ready for the marching order of the Q rent Su preme Commander. "Nearer My (iod to Thee" wa then render"! and while the people ped out the sweet, soulful notes of "Home. Sweet Home ' tilled the church with melting melody. Slowly then the long procession moved to the cemetery where, after a prayer, a military salute, aad the sounding of ta, they left the sol dier with hi- departed comrade and with his (iod. Till R-IM V, BRPTSMBRR .0, MM. I'l M I.Al OF COL. BRltCOl 0, HM.liWlN. Honored ly Veteran. Oaiir-IiI rn of the Confederacy, .ulet- mill Citizens. 'head! but hi) apint breathe' head' lot Ins heart is oura' Dead! but hu sunny and aad land wreathes Ilia crown with tear for Mowera." "All loal! but by the craves Where martyred heroes rest, ( en. Stoddard in behalf of the He wiosthe moetwhohjnor savea- alteram and Mayor Adam in he Success It not lb. teat." Mjfrf Ul, , extended thank to Yesterday beneath a sombre : ,, Foster ami the cadets fur the .kv while itututnn wind were attendance ..f the latt-r a- a -nurd chsrgsd that at one tmiu .tie attempted ...ft I.. ,. ,.c of honor at the obseouies of Co I I I I I C '1111.1111 i " ' i ' t f am Bryan, with heart- billed with HOBSON WILL BE GIVEN LIBERAL AID. Tl. iran sal llaaka aa Hit Atilliljr lo lulu n.- Dwells lit Oaaelea ! Wntkin. Washington, Sept. Assistant See retary Allen, who has been directly in charge of the arrsngetueut nude with the wrecking companies to raising such of the fspaniah,warbis auuk r strati -! in the battle of July 3, as can be recov er I, aaiil ' 'Itefcmng to Constructor Hobeon's work on the Tenia, lite navy depart Hu nt ha given the young constructor all the aaai.tance which it ia possible to extend m the pnaserutcd of the work. Moreover, it i now proposed lo give hi in farther si i in bis rffirt to raise the Colon, by far the finest ship of the Span ish squadron Whatever credit has been earned bv Constructor Hobeon bv reason of Mm raising of the Teresa, would, in the opinion of all. be largely exceeded in the attempt to ran Ibe Colon if it re sults successfully In the cue of this ship, the young constructor has pledged professional reputation against the unan imous opinion of all expert wrecaets that haw examined the ship Yet t'te navy department ia unhesitatingly sup orting Hnbsou'a judgment i indicated by the fact that it shipped from New York $20.110 worth of specially man ufactured rubber airbag lo t used in lifting the Colon. Aside from nn. , mental reasona !or sparing no ctTorta to , save thu ship, the nary dertment is i i satisfied, from the rep rt "f diver who ! investigated the condition, that she is i well worth, from purely a monetary ' point of view, the expenditure of a con- nlderable per rentage on her original ! value, whirh is about 1 OOO.oiS., if there ia reasonable pnwpect of raising her. A DOMESTIC MURDER. Owe Slat.r-la-l.sa Slaya lb Oth.r la BkSM Mlaa-art. Maryvilie, Mo, Sept ."' - Mrs. . Kwing shot and almost iniant.y kii.nl Mrs. Krank Kwing at Hopkins. The women were aist. r-in-.aw, having mar ried brothers. Their buabanda were both out of town, George being in Ma ryvilie and Krank in Omaha, ami Mrs Frank Kwing accepted her atster-iu-law's invitation to go to lier home and stay all night with her. Mrs (ienrge Kwing deelan- heraiat r-in-law triei to kill her and she ahot her in - i Coroner Shearer was immediately sent for and an LflBJBaBI held. The jury returrnvl aflT l-ing out a short time with a verdict ib-clanmr that I.ix Bie Kwing came to her d-:tln without juat cause or provo-ation at the hands of Ida May Kwing. Her atory of the way in which the af fair occurred is not generally believed. Whether true or not, the circnmatanees unfortunately appear to he ng tiut her. It la saeeli.il that whhe the two women have always maintained an apa-aram-e of friendship, the living woman ha long N ell le.i,. .IK I if the Oilier, .111 I It . - II to drown her. sadne and veneration, consigned to the grave the Ixidv of Colonel Briscoe (4. llaldwin. Every kw siblcmurk ol rt.-st wa accorded the dislingutsbed dead. Iletwc n the hours of ' nnd 10 a. in. tin buiiu -r bonsea were dosed, the city schools dUmlaaad and court oiljourned. At ' o'clock a pr x e-sioii wit Hildwin. Ibe detail wa om mandeil bv Capt. Sloa anl includ ed Captain I'oiiltcr, Kyle, Martin, l.ii ut. I.ove, Whisenant. Adam. Sergt. Simpson, Rogers, Hand Muter Miller MURDERERS CONFESS. Two formed at the city hull , where the , Calvert, and C .1. llotra.--r of Tell How Ti.m t..i-j B . Wur.ler In Xlattama. Ilirmingham, Ala., Sept. BJ -Another aeiiaational tory .i plated in the - United States court here t the trial "f The Twelfth senatorial republi Ghees Motes, and nveeitlsena of Tal la can convention met here yesterday dega comity, bow ere charged with the antl elected Mr. .1. Allen Myr muni, r of W. A Thomi eon, a govern senatorial chairman for the next nient witness. Hubert Taylor, one of two year and endorsed MeKinley J defendants, created the first senaation and UIMfl, J, I!. Neece of Mexia. ' J,y making a con'.-.n n t. fore the tTnlt- iiri-lde.i, and .1. A. ti imnill ut ,d snti eommiss'.oner He alsncrattd boily lay in state, headed by a tie tail of cadets from the A. and Ma College, ami including the mem ber of Camp J. II. !lobcrton, the It. S. Ho. Chapter ol the Hailght ers of the Confederacy, ami a con course of cit'uen. The cortege liearne, Wore in attendance. asei (iraml Call OpfMllSfJ In our tailoring depattment Friday snd Saturday, tislay aodtoinorro. We have with ii foi these two days a repn sentalive of the ' treat Western Tailor ing l ompany, one of the largest tailor- LADIES! VISIT US EVERY DAY THIS WEEK FOR Dress Goods and Sloes At Exactly New York Cost Without Freight Added. RESPECTFULLY, I. B. TEMPLEMAN & SON. moved, amid t lie tolling of bell, to but houses in Chicago, with au im the Presbyterian church, where a servioe full of beauty ami paUsoa wa aooducled by lir. V -I, chap lain of Qttnp i B RobartfNn The Choir -aiu' "Asleep io .1 sua," alld Dr. West spoke briefly .r.-ceet!-ir.g n fervent prayer. He was vis- mense line of yard lengths in I'm- eign sn I I .ineetic woolens fir fall and artataf wear. We will make aMCial price during this sale. Mylieh busi ness mis tailor made S 10, $11', $14, fit. v Fall trou-ers Usilot msde t', $4 and $' A good opportunity to get your fall suit at a very low price. Parks A Waldrop, L'71 i '.nthiers aiid I urnisheis. I .lust us iuiK)rtant, is it not, that yoiir Pi e-i riptiODI are properly prepared us it i- that ymii phMi-ian prescrils' correctly ? Yt)C would not ak the id of i pliy-i' in who did not posses a Diploma from a r.'jiut.ibli Collefe of Medicine, ft t does it ever occur to you to inquire if the Druggist who put up your Prescription, (ierhap one of great iniortance. reuir iug special Skill and accuracy) possesses the required iroli ciency u well u your Physician ? The Vetlua of Prescription depends on hoiu they have baan filled. I make a Specialty of Skillful l'rescridion work, l ake your Prescriptions and family Keceipt to Emmel's Pharmacy. another by esratang fnun the courtroom during the tnal linn t'hesa Moles rented atioth. r - n-it; nl y making a confession, sarmg tl .it he ami Taylor ihd the killing and tl it tl... nth. r men are n it guilty Mmea prium-ed money in court which was tukuu from Tuuuip MB after he had leen munlerrd Tlie confession wan a h.g aurpriae, as the de leased was Mute- .'.-iin.-r nelaw NEWS IN BRIEF. Mr Rrafg, the wife of a farmer, was seriously hurt in a runaway at Hotiham, Tea. Phil Hatsfeld was awarded damages to the amount of Sj7 am ugin,t the in suraneo comjianles nt Aiismii. Tel., for tie 'liming of hit atirli of dry goiala. The 4 year-old son of Janus i'hlsi near Ardmore, I. I , was hurned to death, caiiM-d by setting a nml ml can nn fire. I Hum 1 Walters, a firmer, died at Citu itiaron, (l T , fnun in oyerlns.- of inor phuie. Mia Lucy Lea Hill, who now resldea at Chicago, is the new 'I laugh tor of the Confederacy." The investigate aa to where the Htaudard till coninuy got ita vast wealth will Uigin at Ri i r Oct. Vi. M .o'.a'a property ii Pan. I' ranee, will l .old in satiafy a judgment of Ho. oi francs. Miss Crenshaw was badly burned at Laredo, Tel. She waa tilling n gasoline stove w hile lighted. Colonel Hriscne (1. Haldwin. an old and rejected laliaen, died at llryan, Tex. tieorgo D I' hi tain was arrested at I'aso, Tex , charged with counterfeit ing. Judge James Morelind waa aerionaly injured at Deinaon, Tex , in a runaway. Splenetie fever is raging among cattle along the Moiave nver in California. Harry Marsh accidentally shot him self at Farmers Ilrauoh, Tea Ha la at rioualr hurt. JOHNS IK, THE Vol.UNTKEB. When I nhnnie joined the volunteers lie lookeil ' tall and grand, With his rule on I is shoulder And Ins praier Isook in his band, And father said to Johnnie Shoot a Spaniard every . rack And then you'll wear the shoulder strsps When mil i no- marching bark. Two months went by, pa ent M ramp To a-e if.lnhiinie wore the straps. But instead of shooting Spaniards There am Johnnie shooting craps. A Volunteer, a e l.v liiinue Hotel Arrivals. H II ,V. San Anb nia; I H Hay, Houston, J. K. Williams. I 'alias. Dave llei lenlo imr, iialvesbm; C II Steele, Dallas, R I. Henry, Wsco, 9 11 i.ra. ham. st Louis ,irja T Weil, Cincinnati K Harris. Knnis; A B Matthews. OUatPi J b IWatty, Houston. W I .a. aa. S t al B t I l Meisner, st law; . r ... 1 Mr ,,,,,,. , ,.r. Mi-s Ktta phis, raw Prawiayt uy, r awneai i-a and wife. Citv. C K Hoffman, St Louis, Tlioniili' Creek. As the writer baa failed to give yon news of our community for some time I il! attempt to write a few lines. The weather is still hot and 1 r . Lain is needed as there is no stock water CMkM picking is the order ol the .lay. Cot'on will saaSI 'e a I gatheietl in this part of il e i oiintry. I'lo r.- was preaching at ikt chiinh Saturday and Minday.hy the pa-tor, ft M. Hollms, with a good sitendance. r t ei . aan also preaching Sunday night kf Kev J C. Waal-worlh. The regnlsr church dsya have In-a-n changed from I be fourth Sunday to the third Sunday in each month, and the Saturday before. The singing class met la-t Saturday night at its regular sptointed time, a large and etlen'u. , m. being prea ent. Ibe leaders were James II. Y0U, i Jesae Henry. W. K. Conway and Hen ry Conway. We will meet again atur 1 day night, !!mr the ae on I Mniday in October. Lverylealy ia invited to i ome and assist in the class meeting. 1 -inging j w MaQlaaaoa I N Oaaatigkajaa! Waco. M A WIIon, Na. ogd . hea. lu the iliatrict court yesterday An derson lohnsoti wss found guilty of Hldll in the tUOUi degree ami sen Ulicerl to the j.i int. ntiarv ! i n year Ti e aaaa BfJ Csrtonnlla wa eon- (ilese of Uenchley, attended here last Mturday ninht. The church here elected ilelegal. - to the Urvau a-- i lation. who h will con vene with the Bethel church llctolter , I and II, as follows J. K. W. Scott, C. W. Kirhey and II. C. Conway. They I also elected delegates to the Itsptlst ' Slate I onvctitioii, which will convene with the Waco church October 7, anil! !. as follows. Mes-r-. I iuoi v i-otl and WE WANT WIVES! ga serially lleakrrir. to auow Ibal Hi. a la lha .late lu buy Flavoring Extracts. Letter Paper. Feather Dusters. Soaps. Perfumes. Card Cases, etc.. As lor Pure Drugs and PRESCRIPTIONS. Ev ery one KNOWS that THIS IS THE PLACE. our nicjHT 5trvici Is good Registered men always in attendance. Bell al Front door. tinned bv Ibe slate. lie i rnniiml docket has hern completed oaniig only j, , (.onw,y Mrs Kaiinie Brewer ol Houston is vis- cm! biisiueas for nexl week. Mi-s Minnie Jones of Million, and Mi-a hsisy llatile ol Wellborn were bete veaterilay. K. Harris waa here from Limit yes terday BfaapaetJag. H Ii thinking ill i 1 1 Lf.i 9 1 ti i' ID liiisiues liere. Mr. I Harris fotuerly teaided in Navaaota lion a W t:unniuliaiii. ol Waco populist catibdabs lor congruia form this district, il in the cily and says he will sieak here at a later date. Krush tlsh and Berwick hay oysters i . ry Iriilay and Saturday at Parsons' restaurant. U I ..r sale- My store building and lota. g(I well of water, stable, etc. J.N. Mustachia. 372 House for rent and furniture for sale. Apply to Mrs. J. A. HuckbolU. d I-w. 1 1 READ. itiug her Hisler, Mrs. Maltie Rr x kinsii. Mr. Maltie Roy si I visited near Well born last week. Mr. Charley Flowers of Alexandria attended church here Sunday. The health of the community ia not gotHl at tins writing, but there sre no serious cases ut present. The infant child of Mr snd Mrs. Jim Sutton waa buried in the Thompson Creek cemetery last Tuesday. Magnolia. L Druggist. The AMERICAN Laundry. Doremus & Butler. p,""i ? unj i Lnrnnt. Law Offices. Two door South of Kx change Hotel. First clans work fitmranteed. Prompt I and 2 Parker uilding, BRYAN THXA8 ii your Money at Telephone No. III. ami kee lioille E. D. BEACH.