Newspaper Page Text
JSrsan Hbormng agle. BRYAN, TEXAS, SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 1, 1898. Vol. Ill No. 261 Price 5 cents. 1 GLORY FLOUR. ONLY HIGH - GRADE FLOUR IN TOWN. Made of CHOICE ILLINOIS SOFT WHEAT $1.25 per Sack. HOWELL BROS. COLORADO SWEPT BY FOREST FIRES. Vast iMtTMtlM Ha Alradj Hitii Wroimht ami r'irt'H still laralMt RANCHES ARE BEING DESERTED, Valuable Timber Land llatre l-.n lilun- in Ahr Over an lm nn-n-i- Tt-rrilorj. BATTAVIA. HEAVY RAINS ONLY CAN STOP THE FLAMES. Tm 8tfVMMa1 lteert III Hnra log- The Hrea Are Nearlf Thrre Hundred tltlee la I lr-""raaafcrearr. Mosquito Lotion, Toilet Soapt, and Trie hm' or cM-t. u' t etaae T HEAT POWDER ffc lt hihI I'urnit Powder m the Market. ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO INFANTS. Has no Equal for the Cure of i -lUm and prarvai tWatal a MiM g H "", O,,or u( tlltaTI r'iratlun. Agent lor THOS. GOGGAN I BRO.. Pit M, OfflN V 'Mil -i-al KtippI . li'-t my ri". PARSONS' ittling Works, MY AN. TtXAfl Knlarge.i and Thoroughly Eunippad iriUiNBW AMD IMPROVED MAOHI N BRY. Stn. ily riril ll iiml ITj.-1. ilatt- I'Unt. I'm (nirwl tn full nr. Itf, lurge nr "mall for - - - Pure. Wholesome and High Grade Soda Water All Ptoww Wholesale and Rtttfl BaUaahetton guar miteed. I'ritrn right. Hi vi' in a trial. Prompt Attention to All Orders. IWnUTFULlY, O. G. PARSONS, A Knll :inl complete liiif "1 Ciiinli'", Fruit, 'ut, figure, Fmirv (irorerira, Kir. Hrail'jiiartcr- for Fi-li, Ov.tor.- mill sbotl OfdOf Umm Carlmudale, Sept SO. On Bald moun tain, atari Cattle creek, to lb et of th4 place, the entire ridge la . :t -. ami the heavy wiat wiud prevailing the Lut three day, an- driving it op along the mountain to the Mat, ami at prearnt extend a natance of five tulle to the aoutheait For mile nr mi ' to tb northweal of liayttack mountain, and intending ii ti Hi Mmhiy country, another large Are le burning, while due weet, above rprui(r gulch, large timber trarta, cov ering hundreds of acre, are being de itroyed Northwest nf there, ).. Sniiahine, anoiber large tra-t la burning, and due north of here, between Spring valley and Oraml river, a large tract of Mnt land, over l ' mile, m length. ia naming The goveruuient rewrve, t.unded by , (irand river on the north, Krauing fork m 1 1. 1' i-aat and iunniaon on the treat, it ' i max of flame Thla reserve run through the rountiee of Oarti. nl. Ivjta 1 and Meaa (tig White Rtv r gfiv.nin.-nt reeerva. atartttig in Oarfield county, and extend ing through Routt and Km Hlanr-o conn tie, k al-n atlrc (tellable repnrta -how that the Area nr.- now nearlv :i o noi... m cirramfir Instruction are f.ile We are here m defend ourlvi-., ami,, are no: willing to give any of our weaina M nor o. i omenta " Wmw Tkree H I Rigea. igo Hapt. 10 Sheriff ..f Pa- . Hli , where there baa been trouble tween imported negruea and onion mm ! Ha. telegraphed (iovernor Tanner at Springfield, at 6 o'clock tata taorning u aMd MO rtflea and have the waapona al ' at 7 a. m. The governor eatd tb raqaeat coo Id not be compiled with a - THE FIRST TROOPS TO GO TO CUBA. ordr laanaal r ia iU(iu ataaill le fist Ke4y I Ue. Iarl Fnr lh lln.l. vTa.h,n,(ton.Hept :tO -The pabllaned ordar forming the Drat dWlaloo for the occapation of CoU doaa not deaignau the an j ,r general who will command it, bot MaM that the diviaton will b teni-. poranly commanded by the aeator of-1 fleer iai ,uir uutii a ijermanant dtvuioo comaunder la choaen by the praaident The divition i i4 three brigade aa fol lowt: Oavairy bngad, comnoard of 0i Seveam ,,! Kighth United Htataa cav alry to b cotiiuiaiide,! try Hngadiet Oenera. I. H Oqe-nter firt infantry Irnrade compneed of of tha fifteenth I'ni'e.) Sao infanrrv and the K'larth t.'nitet H are volant- r infaatry to t- coiiitnandefi by lirigaoi-r O-nen: Simon Mnyder H00'I infamry brigale. rvminoaetl of tie firt L'uiimI Htate infantry and the Hulk failed Sutea volunteer lutan'ry to baeonimaiiiiei try iirigadier Oeneral K B Willuton. Tavae troop, with the rlceptnm o the flfte. nth infantry, are onder oroer to go ui Hontaville, Ala., and the Kif tenU wJl probably be ordered ther aona. BLANCO FOR Just Received! 0 0 0 0 0 New Crop Cranberries New Crop Dried Apples Fresh Sauer Kraut Fresh Maccaroni Fresh Spaghetti Fresh Scotch Oats Fresh Snowflake Crackers Fresh 31b Cartoons ABC Crackers Fresh Hominy Fresh Grits Fresh Cream Cheese Fresh Mackerel Fresh Java and Mocha Coffee. Jno. B. MIKE. PREPARING THE EVACUATION. Me r.,.n. 411 r-ullllrel Prlanr eed l (I.. ... Ik I- .... Wker lb TreofM Will Kaakarb. Havana. Sept 110 -The Official 0 wmu- imUiehee a decree nigned by Cap. lain ' reneral Hlanco and bearing 'Ute of firpt If, granting lainton to and order tag the n-leae of ;.litiral ; n.oner la the laland It i underaUnl that or der have been given to tha Span lib force at Holgnin to march to (iibara. concertrate there and hold themaelvM . . ... .... I 41 J, f .L.u,.,. , U.u. I M Tkd m-e. wuu wienwti Mpnnga Tor tba ! r .Jr . - c titer, aud practically every mownUm troopa al Puerto Principe are ordered tn I range with timber la ablaaa. Many f to Nawrlaaa, thoaa on tha Jnoam- ranchea have lawn alandone.) Moron to San Kernandina ami tboae al There appear to he no hope of area- JUnaanillo to Cienfnenoi aatiot, of the conflagration ear, by . Th, hlp1 firartn dtTUion, f th 22 lnl"r ,U" f,,no,:,la- "f,v,orp. will emt.rk a. M.t.n Iiml.-r i.y the ii". froiing element . ' 71 . . aa- and the flrat ami aecoml diviaiona of rir le Maaaamal ........i. the aame corna Irom Havana The o. Milwanki. Sept .in - Ke porta have dier in the province of Hinar del Kit VMJ rec iveil at railrvl office in thia and the divuion engaged in the defeiue city to the . ffect that the f.ireat fire in f Havana, with Oeneral Blanco and hw tha northern rt of the atate have been wlll rmimtk utuul i nuenched by a heavy fall of rain. . . Tha heavlaat l. .uffered t. in Cum- Th Sp"""h l'r",""1 '" I. rlnml where V, fannliea are rendered '" wl"' ascorrling to the order, go hi.tnel.-aa by the tlame. and a large aaw- 001 "f -aiatence and will l. incorporatal DO YOU LIKE FINE COOPS? Try Bayle's Fine Sauces as follows: Cock Tail Catsup Celery Catsup Anchovy Catsup Tabosco Catsup Wine Mustard Anchovy Mustard Celery Mustard Horse Radish Mustard I sell Swift' 8 Premium Lard at the price you pay for common lard. I want your October trade. J. FORD. GOOD LUCK! to Drink at the GLOBE SALOON TAYLOR & COX. Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS I Cooling Drinks. Stenothenino Cordials. Everybody treated Right. Best Wines, Liquor and Cigars I have added a new line of Moulding FOR PICTURE FRAMES to nit etock of (tonka. Stationery, Wall t'ae. ami Taint Tall on me lor PRICKS iind HKK Til K NKJV Hr Hlt;N. Tyler Haswell. mill plant valued al frW.UUu i wi-l ! out. Duly one death aa far aa known B aulud, and that waa Mr Jacob Com Mm of Drywiaat Two children of Mr. Coriaauu'e were . burue.1 while attempting to iheir mother. T in.ari not . i . , t,.,l t rerh I over H.iRJt ,UU). THE PCACE COMMISSION HAS BEGUN ITS WORK. Ii. .... Opr., ll.. ,,..,.1... .,,. flf. Milar4 lien. Ill.f.a la. '...r. iiii le rreerk Pari. Sept So -The United Hute paaoi commtMion haa taken maerwion of it working cjuart. r, a uite of aeveii nami on the ground floor of the (Intel ('out mental, commanding a view of the Tuilienea garden, and waa fortnerlv U 'I I'V et-Rinpre. Kogenie. American flit:' ilmt' the entranco to the ar ' louimiMiou'a at-artm nta. The clerical f. r f the cotniniaainn haa been r, U-uiatited mid i now working bucllv. M.r i wiKiten l.iv.-a i-.iiitaitiing th" record', data mi I aiithornie aff.-i'tiug the raae of the United State, have been tin -pajhMl and carefully arrangiM ll i l.-lieved the cnminlaainnera an1 rryatal:ing their plan and arranging all det:nl. of the work Wlllch Wlll Iri taken up when the cntumiMinn begin th' ir joint aecaion. The f-iinili ninl.alonera .lonw van- ona inti rvirw and paragraph purirt. lilt I" t- th'' ii -i in f I heir in- atrui'ttona, winch npneared in the new. paper. The accrvt iry of the Spanish'iii ai.l : "No member of out conniiiaaioii ha. givMi anv mierview la the rank, of th. - ..M-.iary tri; of the Sinih army, r. turning to Spain and a nrt of the "niubtliaed" irregu olartriaipe, will tie dtalaanded. Kvh Uttalion la anlhonaed to aell the hone, male and men la-longing tr it an .i -i- m1 conimiMion i api- . it- l to ovrraee the al by auction. I BfeaM le He Maaul.rf I'nlie. Santiago de Cuba, Sept :tn Arrange sent have Wn completed for the form, atlon of a force of Cuban mounted po lice fnr the province of Santiago ll comuata of a commandant with thekrank of major, tbnw captaina, an lieutenant. 10 errgrauta and 240 enJiated man. Tha rale of pay of tha enllated man are tha earn aa in the United Stale army, while the officer get two-thirda (Jan. laatillo haa charge of the preliminaries of the appnintmanta The Cuban are beginning to under amnd that the andden change they wanti.l after the nrrrnder wnabl have cauaed dtaorderaod oonfoalon while now everyday number of Cubani are ap (ininted to poeltione of power and etnoi anient The C lilted State collector of rnatonK here, Mr. Oonaldaoti. ha nHjoeated l ieneral 1 aw tan to apunt conaul al liuantaiiamo, Santiago and Mancanilln 1 he treaatiry depanmeut at Waahing ton vcnnngly conaiiier that the laland of Culw la foreign territory ami retiuirei , fore i-onanla in the tranaai-tlon of llrtpptaf; Mkd other t.n.iiA.. about m year ago 1 he body waa ra interre,! in the city cemetery MM le thm IV.ilt. Moffatt, let, Spt W. V llialgra, who urea near nr. haa tn chamtnon cotton tic.r of the worm. On the dav hi ltt'le .laught-r lnon waa .'i year, ami a weci ajj n t -t that made one-half bale to the acre, ebe pickeo JiT mnda Ixtween no up an 1 umiowu. taking one hour' teat : t noon She eign. i pgajaji ' me n vouched for y ail of in m ignbor aa be. lng correct Two Man Uj.ire.l I., a rail. Jarkalro. Tel., Sent 30 At th oil' milla the M .ifToin on wmch the .t .tii maaon wer - woraing. fell ami bro. both lege of (ra Ligbt an . a Mr VYi-.ii had one leg Srokea. A laeaaral aaal(aaael. Itaiiaa. Sept SO -Paaehal A OCal lag haa, general men hand la , Mixjuik, made a gane.-al aaaignmant, uannog J 0, Wyall a aeaignee UabilllleatMi;:. 4i. H.H.C. R. R. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. bort andj Qui, between North and otth Tesa. T S RETWeKM H : HOUSTON i . DENVER 0 L E i: la Clb: aad Ft W rth GALVESTON ., DEMSO U E GALVESTON., SI LOUIS (p v . nooetea. ball nCI s HOUSTON AUSTIN Doremus & Butler. Law Offices. I ind 2 Parltr uildirg, BRYAN TBXAS Tha II. A T. C. rva bet Gain Honaton, (tirtlum, At' n, Waco Coraicana, Waialiarbie. Ft. Worth , Dallaa, Piano, Mi K.nner B ermao and Iena r, and gtvea flrat-cUa Service. C. eT. Bnv. M. I RoKBtaa, Traffic Manager. O. PAT. Aft. w. S. vTiiaoa, Aft. (Ic Unit, Ttxaa, rmc J. n A NEW PITY BAKERY I FOR MAIN STKKKT, J. WITTMAXN, , MERCHANf : TArLOR and all WhtOC a: ti! in -i.i.i . Caakei t'nearike.l. Navaaota, T.-i., Sept IK). - The top nf a metallic caaket waa dtcovend in Itrnige' lane, a thoroughfare in town It arem the afreet now rnna over what w. imiiv a cemetery aud the wagni track had cnt down wnrtl feet. Tl i v k' t had a .mall piece recently btnkl out, diacloaing the ti inaitia uf a, nre.M..i in ii hruadclnth auit. It la to Ir the biaiv of )r W I, Oreo. hat "" killed bv briuv thrown from hi he Fresh Bread. Rolls. Cakes and Pies. Deli ven d to an y part of Hits tit v. l.itivt-1 r. m at JollS M. I.VlilMI- A CeX'l HoTTUhi. WoHKta , I , K I K- K i: rrofctfcr . V aTOTnen Bryan, . ,i ,a,. . ah wora.nnaraniee.1 ann ilore proBp. v tiive hiaa a am : rryr- I i Fttj di n i i- r Oijrici ove. KllilK'