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3Bt2an illborntng Eagle. BRYAN, TEXAS. SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9, 1898. Vol .III No. 268 Price 5 cent. MM 2,000 lbs DODSON & HILiS Pickled Onions Mixed and Plain Pickles Evaporated Horseradish Mustard Horseradish Mustard. Blue Point Oyster Catsup, Oyster Cocktail Catsup, Barrel Sweet and Sour Pickles Barrel Olives , , I UTIK MELON. Barrel Mangoes , , , ,, .,..- Coming : Battavia. Highest duality. J HEAT POWDER The l-t and I'un at I'owtler on the Market. ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO INFANTS. Ha no l:qual for the Cure t sIUiii and preserve th Kkin ol Adult aod prevente the Noklniie lr of Koi-mIvv pertiratioti Agent lor THOS. GOGGAN A BRO., Pltfi, Organ, fetal Mc ' Mu. -n al" 'upplie. i-t my prlcta. lN. 1 I tin a trial. Prompt Attention to All Orders. ltrl'i: thi.i.y, O. Gr. PARSONS, A Kull :ind complete lint) ol (nnli.-.. Fruit-, ttt-. rijfitr-. Fancy OrwtritS, Ml, lMdqartMl for FUh, v.ter mid Short order MmW. LADIES: call and see m new Slock til I a.shionahlc FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. All the new Shapes in Hat-, the New Effete in TrimniingH ami Or natncnts, ami all the new Similes in iii.iiii, Velvets, Bllki ami Btteiu. mRs iimII Elf. Mosquito Lotion. Toilet Soapt. and True lit. Oifi 'e CaWawea, ISt Lae1 f'mw. of PARSONS' Bottling Works, HKYAN, I i:AS ftlltlgBll and Thoroughly BqoipMd with NKW AMD IMPROVED M c II I N- l-'I'V siiri. ilv Maea-akaeia iiml l.'-to MU Plant. Prf pared to lull orilrr-, litTK or "mall for Pure. Wholesome and ) High Grade Soda Water (' All r lavi.r- S MMtMM Ml ' Ketail. Satisfaction guar anteed. PriCM right, (viw c. m. proctor. is sriiEims. Id-port From Mississippi Ar Any thlni; but Kiitouranini; and ( rowing Worne. MAW TOWNS ABB INFECTED. Tbfy Are Srattrol Over the Stat, and hot Few Nation Are Free From tlie In-va-e. RAILROAD BUSINE8S HAS BEEN PARALYZED. Three Interstate Road Mat Suspend ..I Baiaes la Ik Male, a ml Vi rral short Mar Will Hate ta Fallow Mm., 111. Memphis. Oct. -The yellow fever nidation throughout t state of Mistie- alpftt baa aumcl grav proportion The ara of fever n an enlarged infec tion that it may be said to i. general throughout the tale, aa there ia riot a return that haa not been titled. i Three interstate railroad have preen rally suspended I uain-an ami several hurt line anion I ho verge of leuiporary hat ilown. due to lark of trarle. Tha or mora people who hur riedly left the (tale ara reftigeeitig in northern ntie. . sg. rly kwutmg thi ai pmarh of cold weather Th dtaanaa rontmoaa to inrrraae teadily at Jaekaon, the atate napital Since Hep. i there haa been 44 caaat I here, of whirh i4 were negroa. Only li v.- death- hav.. t.-n ra;iorted ainos the tiriniiinir. The maj'mty of negrfietara well and feel none the wnrae of thatr yellow frvt-r MMlMM tmt tha majori ty of white -aam are atill under Irual-in- nr SeTrraJ are muTalaarant Ittabop (ialloway haa recelred a tele grata from Kev. J. W Line at Ht Umia ttating the direrfcwa f the Methodlat nrjihan aaylutn ttiern would aamM to rmxl'T tin- Qti.inm of taking car of the liaptiat aaaylua children located at Jarkaon for month. Tha two caaat in the orphanage, Hmtm Caiita and Ma Klowera, are ttth tmng well Ho far none .if th.. children hare manifested Tinptoma of forer, although the eipna ure ain'tix I hem haa been general. iiaitiealiori; and LambrrUio, in the out hern part of the itata have become infiteil, whiln Natchrx, one of the larg rat river ctttea, report two caaea of the yellow fever piagwa. Kepan from Oifnrd indicate the chr eaae u aluwly preading and beeomuig more maliKiiani. Harrwtnn. Hvtte. Slarkville and ril ward all report new fMl The aitoation at Valr Valley i air rhanged. I'omiltiona at Taylnt'i tat ion do nt improve, and the dleca .-. nt . u j. .vreayl V T St, prominent trnai neaa man there u dead. CHARGED WITH THE MURDER OF HIS WIFE. A Wrallhf Werrhaal In K,u t nilar Arreal l r 'Uonlng lilt Mk eaaMaTa Uiwp-n Km . it h J J Run kle, a wealthy merchant, hu been ar Mi cliarged with baring murdered hi wife by wiiik Mr Kunkle died in dayt ago. .t four week preyumt to the woman' death M r lie Comiuyore, her It-year-old ilaughter by her former inia'eiiid. died after a linger ing tllneea whu-h Uitltil the akill of the family phyncian A few day before the death of Alrv Kunkle be told hi-r neighlairt that the waa being alowltr polanneil, and alao that her daughter hal l,.n miaoui-d. An aoalrsi of the woman' itomarh ihowiil trong lgn f artenic, and ii;iom ' the t. xtlinoiir of iiKighlatra of ih Kun- kle, the jury returned a Ycrdict that Mr- Kunkle c.ntie tn her death by kii on .1 .iinieevr"'.! -it the hand of her hn- I' ' ! . I t 'tli.' y ll'lkmm II ' V f. Tiner .:!.. of Kunkle l wild to Ml id u Iduiily after her life had bui-n amVttf bMMli Will MM MMti Illl iotl, 0 ' I - I lie Time. publih Ma letter irom a Manila corre.pntident wliii, ; .iiu n't;eg ami el.ilairaie do. I toll i to the i'liiliptuiii-Hnancea and the i - tiuated liudifi t fur the current year. The -.irre nuent how that Hie alMiiitiiHi of the obmixiiiut uli i n wnujl ronvrrt the pretent urplu into n dehnt Ordered lu Italagua liar. . yktf Qsi. . - Th f tonr U current try Baa i ..rdetadtoi RanikkJa, "o Bermuda to fit oat m4 then -a-go to lVUgoa bay, Booth Africa. The JUmbler u Moood clan cru.aar. Tweet; Haliaiaa Mara. All tie CUT, Oct H A Are which originated la Hippie BtcOaaa a bmth WW lae beach front bm deettored 10 tmBdingi and cauaed a loa of oewr DEMAND MADE FOR INDIANS TO SURRENDER. If o, i., . Ma l ,mph UWf4 T" ' Wilt Oa Owl arier la. Ma l, Thai Ara Waa la. Minn , Oot 1- An Indian u held oa the reaarvation aad a dennad .i made by the goTerwaaatet through lun Aarent Sotherlaad for nB aauaral la ika re? aol- rttar rr j.n4 w b giTan ap to " V Ike ckrga of murder Mar.ha ' la t tnd K.V. .,f the tr.-;a en. by .n Baooti will moea to the Hou have fltan will I gfl Mad I I l-i lian f r manhal haa bench wamau uoopa arrlra at th agency HI be earn oat and th- m-u bi In aaaa thee do not reeixiud MarAld (-jnor.liarl t.y troop.. ... K M that. una waa giieo oat by one of w at the ouuucU that If yoaag thai the force which engage.: " I'M Hacon'i command near Hear U -ma HI tiwon-Ay-Yoaht waa ar and directod tha plas of bat H baad refuse to com u or take M eounoU. It la likely inch re- the I lie. mm neg wU. khai aaa awi ta IM Ikaai lake thing lively for trTeral '. iiiuc hmelve to di ;.r- daliM m mail aettlmento 1 r j rt that Bog a-JUh-(i fhik liy one tharptnooter it dnid aajgglil I., take part M) GOVERNOR CLOUOH IS WORKED UP. M ar tiwtiattl Ratakaa 04e I 'I Treapt a all (lewnl, aa lla 1 aaaaawhal I ad Ig Baal. Minneapoll. ct " The goTrrn Oatiit hat notiued (ierernor ('lough to Itrnke the order putting the Fourteenth aflnnetota Tolnnteer at Dulutb and St Ptal under bia order He had all prep aration! mad to aend the Uuluth com panie to the front at one to protect the etl.ert ami wa arranging to mot lhr.. !tB remaining cnmpaniea at St Paul H uppur the rvTocatinn la do to General Hacon'a meaeage taring th 1 troubl wa orar and there wa no more danger He added : "I thai i par no more attention to the , war department If neoraaary. I will Ikwue a call for Tolunteor and arm them , with uch guu a I can pick up and let the government go to the dtril 1 am bred of doing liuaiueet with Waahlng- 'ton There ia ton much ml lap about it rdr are iued one minute and Mawd th.- tieit I am not an alarm ut, bat It it a af" thing to be prepared. It will n-auure aettlera and rrhapi pre rttit in outbreak." The governor received a menage from Maror John H Nerera of Itrainart tay- 'lag: I ! hare jtut returned from Walker. The Indian are concentrating at Leech lake in large numtcra. Think they held a council Kriday night The (tin n n litik grave " MjMaMM epr..,.d. Washington. M. H - Kegulatioa for rarrywig the Cnrtit Indian territory act into effect in the Choctaw and Chlcka ,w nation ha been approved by Sec retary HIim Intpector J li Wrtght, who i to be In charge, will leave for M territory in a fw day. MM alltalea la Mtbratke, Omaha, Oct. K A double header freight train collided with the rear end of a etig-r train at : yards ' i inr waller in the dining aaj wa killed ami tit peraont injured Waal al Virden. I'arlinTllle, III , Oct Sheriff I iv. rnttTt ha called on ti' governor f.-r to ptvterve oro' r it Vinlen, where nnl miner. on : -tr NEWS IN BRIEF. JMlVUw wa allied at U.rr l.riu'ht. Tc Hl ...tyer . - itia-cl The A.liuice kfllllng eomiany at IVnton, T. , wnn the flrt pna.. for an .t at the St Israi fair. Thi i lie (hint time Hi,- mill na taken tin. pnr II m Sherman llir, died at OodcotI, M u a'f IJ phoid fever .-ontracted Willie ting . amps of AJaatachuaett vi; iiu: ' ' itloiied in the south 1 . ftv ..' A 1 liam llurrowa at K lin g r. Ti . watdi-atroved by fire. Origin unknown. Lot, t nn inturam-e 1'. ter Malier unit MrCov have ireii tk f fr i ration i, -Wr- red an .t. wmK ni'i 4a urdeeft all" 1 "it chief Just Received! 0 0 0 0 0 New Crop Cranberries New Crop Dried Apples Fresh Sauer Kraut Fresh Maccaroni Fresh Spaghetti Fresh Scotch Oats Fresh Snowflake Crackers Fresh 31b Cartoons ABC Crackers Fresh Hominy Fresh Grits Fresh Cream Cheese Fresh Mackerel Fresh Java and Mocha Coffee. Jno. B. MIKE. DO YOU LIKE FINE COOD3? Try Bayle's Fine Sauces as follows: Cock Tail Cat-up Celery Catsup Anchovy Catsup Rfe Tabosco Catsup I sell Swift's Premium Lard at the price you pay for common lard. I want your October trade. matcneil to light at Coney uianu on Pec. A. At ('ripple Creek, Colo , (ten. Kar ri Ittat Prank 'ramer. an aged cripple, w ith a 1 In!' 'rattier may die. Game Nelon a Oomeatir at Portland, Ore., wa fatally turnei wbii trying to atari a kitchen lire with kerosene A carpenter lumed Hall fell from the Louisville and Naahvill bridge over the ; enti'-te nver an I waa drowned City Marshall Emtl Allan, of Hilhv boro 111 , wat flm-d 1(1 and cn. m the police court for falling to arrett gam blers liunng the straet fair two week urn Al Johnson, a Kanta City cigar mak er, while bunting near Venaillea, Mo wa kcridenialy khot in the leg by Pre Bond, a companion. He died in a few hours from lota of blond. Kerdiiiarl Kettgatrrrr, of ITue, la , wa thot by L uit Storrkrl, th result of a kltght altercation fettgaterer waa thot through the neck and abdomen and may die. H.4T.C. K. R. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. Short North T S kti.lj gitirk Line Hatween and South Trias, RKTwKIN HOUSTON ;N- DENVER Via r'unls sad ft erth GALVESTON 0ENIS0M Vlk llotikt -tt t t GALVESTON , 3T LOUIS ViaHnutton, Fnuliai H 0 u (i rl 1 e 1: p i; w s HOUSTON AUSTIN The II. A T. C. rrtilii (hton llouaton, Hirnlism, Austin. Wat) Corlcana, Wktabachie, 11. Worth, llatlw, 1'lat o, Mi Kinney, sherinsu and MMMi and givn firsl-i In a Seivl. e C. rV. Il. M. I.. Itonkiv. Trsftl' Manager. S. I' A T. tgt. W. S. Witei.v, itt. Itonaton llrikn, Trias. Wine Mustard Anchovy Mustard Celery Mustard Horse Radish Mustard D R.M. FORD. DR. PAUL M. RAYSOR. PHYSICIAN AMI StRtiKON, Brvan, Texaa. Office over Jam Dragstorr I'bon 131. The AMERICAN Laundry. Two iloora South of Ex change Motel. Kirai cltva work !ua rant fctl. i'romtt tlelivrv. PATRONIZE A HOME ENTERPRISE and kep your Money at home. Telephone No. 141. E. D. BEACH. Mntiiagor . . . nil Tin: NEW QlTY BAKERY. ion Fresh Bread. Rolls. r I 1 r- odKeb ana nes. Ih'liveretl to any jmrt of the City. I.i ive 1 Inlera Jhiin If, I. twin m y A Cn.'a BtVfltUM WoMKO. I liUIKSSKK, i'roprietor a