Have You Seen OUR LATEST STYLE LADIES SUITS. OUR NEW DRESS GOODS. OUR READY MADE SKIRTS. OUR NEW SAILOR and WALK ING HATS. SEE GUR SHOW WINDOW. We arc rctcivinjc New PALL AND WIN I ! U QOODS daily, and invite you to call and see them. We wish to call the espe cial attention of the Ladies to our line i SILKS We have the PIlMSt Qualities at the I .ow est Prices. We have the liliSTof every thing you want in our line and w lill not he Undersold. SAM SANGER. SPAIN SENDING TROOPS TO THE PHILIPPINES. Om War m LMt M Tfc mm 0 Jhim i mm Me hM, lea la tMlUI Ta.r. a MRS. OEORQE'S PLEA WILL BE AN ALIBI. MM A KM a. ntl Mas la Wiaiaa'a iMkn Mr. ! II AT. Ch TtaM iril, BryM .Northbound No 1 IJlHpm aouthbonnd V 'I '" 4 tKI p in Nofihbovaii No I a m Miuthbonnd No 4 I;4 a m I.A SiTUM I it lilt", 1 1 . t i. No. I Imvm I m. S'i. :t laivea V nA . m. api MM MM . m .1 JV m Hirfflil IO ih i MO MS AWTnuio. No. V, loivra ll.arne 3 10 pm. No. 10, arrive, at Kimm II Via. at T (' I linn I .il.lf II. -..ri.r kru MM m. I arrive II M P I am Ml -' 1 ' B Nav.i. M.r- We a, I leav- 4 leam M Sc. No. LOCAL NEWS. LI Can lr malu.iKlinitlti. rnir. VV. W. Smith ipent ""unlay l'aila Mn. W r Si .nil la laiiliiK in Id. (ta lon W I.. Turner n alieuilnn.' tl.e I !! lair. Ilouae lor rent. Apply t I ilin II. Miktv M Hmm M n it. Apply M II. w. South. 374 li mii Stalling, vmta.l at lleinp.iead Sunday. Mr.. Ilavi.l M. l iii" . i. wiiliim in I'allM. lf. !! in-rr Iron. Mill an ye tardiy. Uuod itore houe f ir irnt. Apply to I ra ioo h. Mr. T. I. liantry li. for -an AhiiV.o yearrrday . Dr. B. II. Nuwlin wi here yeterdy Iroin kurten. Mi. John returned in. in -an An tonio Sunday. II II. I'eretley wn hrra from Miln i an vrii. r lii J. M. ClMwill. T W, Jolmaon and othen . nl t li .' 1'illai fair aturday night. Dr. 0 s. I dineoii returned to i ta Sunday. Min I', 'i .li 1'own. returned t liu yaaterday. In 1 i i Hit t returned to b 'in Sunday. dr. M W - mi and Mil Cha Mill! hate gnu to I'll a-. T II. Skial.auek of l aidwrh. li now Willi lafewf A ..IrCoiitfald. Mr. si K Hayuoi.U ctuie u Irum llriui.ataid yeaterday. Miieee MM I an I llolliw Cirr re turn"! from Uiiln yeaterday. I lif.Mi l leilaod plara for r. lit ApU t . Miae -Ue M. Cieii.uil il l-w Will and Julio N.tliora ric h-re Ir in tin li.a... butt ui -nuday. Ca(.i. Ha i'i'lu and rani In I -drrn wall to II .niton n in I) Im alii lur K ('. t am, ail round Mirliiui.l, at tna M. A P. Lank. A.s Id nr Km in. an I I'r. Jiilin s. I.de ni ii.-ii kurlaii. are in tomu yeilarday. I.aa ri-uri' Mi i.do .i Iim lawn attet.d ing tin- I'alai (an the pi-t f. daya. Cotton aarl Lull, ami mal for aalt. by C. r . M n. I'n n.r ;. ji Mn- Mam MlIm: wil, l.-ave UxUy lor i.aiv.a mi. 1'itnpiaaa and Naw Yo,k. Mr an I Mn. 11. stuaa ami dautfliK., Mm Kiti. HH l.rra Irom t iwtkp v, -Unday. ; I. II harwln fiit to I'll. a. Sunday, laeeoapwnWd by lit ilauitliOr, M-r .1. ; M. Mim. I L. III... .1. I !lilr.' utaika of i oru to liu- Iaii lair jeat. r day. Mn Alfrl Vvvley iMMwMl M Kur HM sondiy afmr i inti I . K. VVrrn and lan.ily. II. h. I. I pi .'.!'. i. lama i var from fankry siinua and arnt to liillaa )tiirrtay. Mr. and Mra. Miouel loy and Ju-llil- 4vv writ. ii ava"t.i mii.'Ih nUlit to all. ml lttt inairtaifa) of Mi. I. D. ONW and Miaa UMaN Utff, Naw Tort, Jot 10 -A dtapaleh M Tha HiraJ4 from Waahtnirton ajya: Tba Unltarl -'- may labmtt di Tdomatir to sin ibroofb tha Krawh ifOTirnmant a-alnil in art ton in axmtniir a Snlah boiiIumt faar bavtad with anna and ammunition to IM Plnlippinaa. I any frrnt the mattar n on'Vr .,n uliration and tl n br-ltared bai n ni.nl In ih at it-iiti'.ri of tha Amariran ... !..,..... in lar;a Tlw '-rniarr in qneatton li tlw Hm-noa Ayrai. IwlontriuaT to tb Hpaiitib iiimliary nary, wbi' b linu Admiral I ay rnrad lo tin mm u.'ii.irtiii-M M-varml dayi bro, u due to amv it awftvore. hiraita aet tlam. nta, on I t 13. It ii appri-riaU-d br tha authnrme that Spain h.ia (lie -une rlbl in Ilia wye of Inti-riiiitional law to Mind rvin fori .-iii'iiU to tha I'bllipp.netalandi tbnt thli (foTrrnm-nl li. ami anypnit.it inaiii- wonM of the moat diplouiitr rlianrtr ami "iiiiiht .eiirnel to m tbatth iMiiuatirrof tliaaTHr- P "Ittrial of tlu- ISuamai Ayraa b)M I JwtionaUi'. Hi the oth'-r hami. a m-m-t r . f tin-rati. m t . .ultliat all of tin I'bilippinna, wnb tba eireption of Va una. are in tlw nominal ii-mrnum a j Spain and that it her undout.teii pnri- I 1. if, If b- ..in it adTianble In do an, to wiiit tri-.i.-t'i ib" eaitern ulandi to 1 ant'lue any inmrm-tion that mar orrur. Another meiul-r of the raliinel, who talkeil the mntter orer wnh th jir.n dent, idmitt 'I thai S;mn liai Oie mural right tn fl'i li leiufomrmenti to tha Phlllptnne.. l ut ai the fiweea of tbll goTerniu.'iit r" in iotitril, it n within Hi authority t" prevent meti reinfnrre. nienti macnillk their dnatinalion How ever, it li not eiuected thtt the miliar will go beyond u proUnt. fit doea that i aaBamr Ikav r.e.fa and wirea fan ton. O . Oi. 10. -Mra. Oaaygi wai airai;nad Mra on aa affluavii chirfxini Mj wuh maroWli tha in I daaraa for killin Mr. Haiton. TbM waa nothinir mora than a formality for flung tba data far preliminary haanii It U clalmad I Ml the defviua will Im an aii In and that l ha ah-rta war And 1 t a mail in womaa'a farh A pnataj oard dalad Hprnufl dd, O , O t - l,r.... 1 i i,. r,.e of ldM id Canton iifnad X Y Z. nytavg: "I nailed Sanori and I am not rry for it, ratrh me tf too ran." bu lawn recatred by Maror I! i I i ni. i i. -n in.-. I ih- nimination of witneaM-a an. i the number on hla lm tndirataa that bu i munition will not ba oinrJiiu-d tor ! daya tui. WmM an-t Ware. Jaikarn Mi...Orl. 10 Tha ywllow faver iituatioii in Mim ppi irowa npidiy wihtm., and aiilaaa root waalMr rom' awn n-iny toe eutirn itate bt.ii fair la M mm inrtfiH li .i 'pll Itn n of onlv i .V i fMpia, yat 10 rat a oevelopad hre .Sun dav lUttir.) urn now baa 14 rani. In Jarkaoa little yellow fever flain Blirklliir lh- preienre of intern ill and M iWTiajiiinf ni!inily. 1 .'-r l now onl.i in - . Hon of ih- rity withont t env of ti.. CttaMaM i.rth Jarkaoa, and there ire iwnnrti.r MMptrima caai-i ninlr tmv. laaMI 1 fall ..I aa MMMM Bai franrtaeo, Ort. 10 -Cnarlea W Toinktr. an aeronaut, fell from a lallmn M tha QMjta. a p.raaure n rt m-r Ooluaa (rite park, and received aenoai iojurm eeral nln. Nii'it. an arm ami lag Iiua7 broken He uuid. the aa caut aanitii.K '7 '" teeth to a itrafi it- tar baa to a tra" Hla Imty faioo to i BEAUTY'S CHARM. IT II ik. Iliti lSir.fi Umi ataM aa 'rraaalia. taa lark oa Ma aw, taa rrarklad aa. at a aiaath of mwiila oa UM rrtaak lie Ml fM aialaaat far. . itiractlra ay a rlaar. aara ekla. HALL'S TWIN SISTERS F RECK ALA Cuaranticd to rtmoii Friekln, Tan and Dark Sfilotchtt from th Foem and Handt, or Jfowr Htfyndtd Matiufm turnl in! for Siie it Hel1T& Drug Store. IIIO AN. II tpv rv n rrnu 1 LAAo BAJXLail' AND BOARDING HOUSE. 0TT0 BOetfRie, Proprietor. All killli of Freeh ilreail anil Cakew kept QMvtantljr oa band iipliea furniibcd on elmrt iiotne fur .ii nim mn! barbecuei. I nm tuniitnif a Frrv ei very waifon oml nill leliier our orili r at yoai .i.r-. My bakery .-i' lit-rpri-e mid i. i-rve the jiatron . life ti theipe with whntn I live and ijiend 1 my parrtj. My ratM are $1X0 par day ten rxranl. with -iei iril .rn.- by the week or month. Phone Ml. I' i OTTO B0EHME tm Krom the dlifatrliea reraivwd frim Chairman liar the authoriltea ara allll of the ofiinion that rh work of tha p.re mmiiiiaiioii wtii t eowplete.! m fori ontiirreae meeti. Mr. Day lake , quit" an optlmiitii- view of the iitna- , Hon. Il ti hti deairn to limit the tuna of diaruMion of tba vartoui 'unri ram I a mu h pontl.l.-. in orler tint IM Mftnialiou may reach in aar.y conriuaion inf r nation whw-h liai tawn r.-reiv-d here abvWl cwarlmivelv that Senn hti no further hoia. of for- , eifn interferenee, and thli f.irt leaylithe IUtllorlll. il to IwlleVe t ..tl he will HOI attenijit to uraij li.. n.-ifotialioni nt aa iolllf a he Mini if nil- ta.,eved tlielW wai a chanee of nny Kortmeau irvern meni attemptinn to aw ure a ui'Mitli -Hon of lb"' Atneri. i'i ti rtn WILL NOT HELP MINfc OPERATORS urroui,,, Li the rroamu and h wai thrown from a beiirntof ataiut .Vi feet min the itraet The r4 al Ktaeaallaw- Madrul. Ort. 10. - Il tl Hid here tlnti the Waruittioli of t'ortn Kv-o will la. rompleir.t l.y m-xt wwek. and that the evai aati.'ii of t'nt wtll be arrompliamd tiy tbaemi of Novembrr. The jroveni meni emplnviMt l veaaela for tM ra patriahon of trnopa. The aoldien have rereivid Mr for Jane, and on lamliiiK in Span tbi-r will rerwlve two month pay, wiilbtirtY. n (ivilun nothiUit and Ik Biukml out ol ei-rvu-e BRYAN. TEX ,s. I r tii.lhr Wraa. 10 Dr Nain-y ( inu- if Hriilgviirt, t'onn , ie.t.rH..r ruin. Wlnaa If th- l.b..r l. uni : t ... li .in ' l.ol.rl I I ii.i.rleH a a. i Lawnou, Urt. ford.il." iiuuwif- wbali uniter arp-t ln-re rh.irir.-d with t:i.ni.iuirlinr in ronm-tioti with the iinii, "I l.iini.a i .ill. wai attain remand ti for a week at tii. Bow Stu-et pi.uw mart I kwniel for the prtx.n ram tow oVut did mil dupute Hi., in. iiiny wnn Mr tiuiliord. who wai wanted ly tha OwiU's-t'.rut jiitlra I have added a new line of Moulding FOR PICTURE FRAMES i i Block of Hooka, stationery, Wall Fipa. II 1 'Villa. Call on ma lor PfW'Ks and SKK TM N1W PiCaiGRH. Tyler Haswell. Spilll,'te..l. l. , t t in (iovrrnor Tallin r hai hul a harp ronirovernr over the teletihmie with Maiwk'ir I.akem of in.- riimrn V.rii.n foil rompany in reanl to armiini lnip to Virden wh.-r-the "i r tor. havi. la-en ,,,rt. arr that t lie Wuehau i-n will be platinini lo uae imturt.-d neifpa to III! total ir the nlarei of atriL. r V r I. .. rhilaielinla. O.'t to The Rntlih Meatner Weehawken, oil lan ii. front PmtlaoVipliia bar Venire, i airround ami on ltrv at t'i.errr luand Hall. Delnware rn- r. 11 nn i a la ... (fte rlly li... . . . k--ii rleari thu port Satur day The . info roniuta of 1,000,000 k-i .if oi,, i ;u. ; ..t ti i .... it.- THEY HAVE ARRIVED. That Celebrated line of 1 III reply to a quelin aald he tirutawed to uurt la -or and wimul .--r.it- liu mine if in .r at iln- iinir.- of Win-i-heaeri flafHMi Tanner Ntwl h WOtlld not ai-rnl troipa to a-al.l the op .-ratori in roiiinnc their min- with im ported talair, inn if th - ota.rator. at li rni.nal toenfor.- tlinr idea, in rvjfir I I .l .... n1 l a.1,,1 tl - na initial iruanl m V.r ..n to dlaarm all. In reirani to lb- aituatt m at I'atia ttovernor Tanner .a. ' 'h. . - rmmi arilit'-l ill employing1 import.-d Ulaw he won I withdraw the trimo from that )ilar. INSANE GRIPMAN A CAR AT ON CHICAGO. )W GU LO SHOES. All the Latest Style Lasts and Toes in BLACK and the NEW SHADES OF TAN. Aim I Inn I Iiik or JOHN B. STETSON In all the new Shapes and Colors in Soft and Stiff Hats. Webb Bros. ii. I.. ... Ill ar 1.. Iba Ka.l ! .... I la-, lit Whan I.. Ii...... , ftaa-il la lie I ara.t r.r. CMaVPaOkl 10 - John 11 Jeaarn, a Itnpiiian on the Samtii Slate .tr.-et ritile line, leoillia inddrnly aawMH nil while iii thu Dwidltlon. ran hn iratn iotdeit with (naienirei-i from Twenty-are.. rid to Mviieon without arrident When the train waa rvavly to make tti return Ma llawM'i reaaon returne.1 and raalinni; hia i-ondlllna and feanni arelnni of th mania, iwrhaui w Ith diaatroui rrinlta. railed to i pnllreman and aaked in lv rared for When taken to the police tallon Jea arn wai ravtn a-aln. l ot aMaMM fatW ifter a time, lie hai no rerolleriion ,,f iirinituiir hii rar from 1 wmni a.-on i tree! up Ihroufh the -row. I.-. I bnilneaa tlioi. 'itfhfarea. and Ma r.--p..n.. a ., ha romln.-tor 1 aignali were entirelv me-rhann-al Srieral dayi iro Jeaaen wa atrui on tlm head by an an .denial re. leaaitil of a Itver at the rar turiu ami an-ly injured. Thu u mppuand ui ba the rane of hla Inaanlly. II. M Two laaalaaa. 11111.001 iii -Tha United State ieare i-ommiMKHi abald two eeeilona i.-la They wara datnlad to anulr ii - and watghlnir Infnrraaltou ralallta to UMttoni InvolvM in iniliiri uuder iniuiMtlate roBililaratun by tM oovaniuv Uu-ri Wifa Wi.r.lar-r'a -kail lr.oiir.. Teilunde, tW, Out 10. Dr. O t. Uentser ihot ami killed hu wifr with out provia rinoii He thru loaMaw hi rr'v.rai W T Monr.a- of t 'lev. land, i l'rolhi-r "f Mra Mentser, w ho la viail. tnir her Molina- a'rapp -l with tha murderer, atl't in the light that eniui-d the Motor', akull waa (r-turei It u brlu'Ved be will ilia of nil lujunei. Jl-nri"- wna mil i mated aiHrlala tava fur Omaha. W.iamiiiion, Or! 10 -The Waahlnf bu i i nVial wrty wlurh u to attend the Omin.i ..itioti .tirt. 'l in two - per il train, ov.-r th I'.iiii.ylvania and Baltimop. and Ohio rallnavdi. Ttwir i ilmenary arm nin-i thai the two iwrliea arrive at Omaha clou, to earh other t.....iila.l Tla In.llaaa. Waaliinfton. t krt 10 The prendmit ha.ipixini.-l I. t ' Hurria unit Nijiolerm Hiii.aworth of the Indian t. mi-rt, both liidiani, i "Hi and aipbait truiteei for in- Chortaw and I 'hirkiaaw uitloiii Will Mailra a aal..r4af. San Kranrtai. Ort ID IUi Adutir il Mn -r Will ri Mr. from the navy mil ttatunlay. NEWS IN BRIEF. John Ford, a farmer, f. ll from a waff up Unled with wood it lluthrto, 0 T , ind ii rru.heil to death Martin Halt wai arretted at Holphur Snringli Te.. '"I ib' murder of Jack Ilin Howard Clark an I Hattie Ma honey were ihot to death mar ' iwenitM. Kv t'lark wai wanted for u:- n nml flml on the nltlnn who iltenipre. to arr -at him The (trl w with Inm and alan hoi at tha oftii-er. Si.ter ('Liirw, mother .iip-rior of the Virtortl convent, mred 70 yearn, dlet at t 'orplll Cliriaitl, In Sin. wai the old It IIUII III Teta nia railroada of Ten. will - ' r an liiiunrtlon airalnit the rottna rata derid ed upon by the Tetia railway rornmia. mn Tha annual Knnientum of the Daurh Ir.a of lh ' 'ont' -rm r to meet at Hoaitou, Tat , "iin i 14, hai been p. .i pimed allll Not. tl GOOD LUCK! I Drink it the GLOBE SALOON TAYLOR & COX. Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS I Cooling Drinks, Stenothenino Cordials. Everybody treated Right. Best Wines, Liquor and Cigars woi nce,mi:m5. 11 I VWBBHCB DENTIST We are anllionxeil m mi oiim e If fc H I I J I . IKssKO ISKK.RT Office Front llnotimuvir roetolTici. a a iinilidate for County Attornvyof Bnm, Texan. Braioa county at the niuinir November lertnin We are aiithoru.il to announcw A. W BUl II N. aa a undulate lor County Treaanrer ol Biaxo count it the eniuinn Novemliei election. We are authorised In annminre J. T. pUM aa a randidaie lor re-election to th ottn e of juatlca of the aH'e, I'recinrl N 4, Hnioa on at the eniuloa Novrml.tr elertlon. W. i FlH'NTAIN, We ireaiithoriml to anmiunre J. II. III.ACK, a camlldite for County Treainrer of Itraroa i nly, it the timing Novum. bet eled ion. We ara iiutlioriMil to MMMfM T. C. NI'NN i. candidate for i- ele. tlon to the of. ti. e ol allllltr of IlllOa coUIIIV lithe en-uinir Noemla?r election. pywTurr oma orn KHuIIKs' Kiloon. J. WITTMANN, M ERCHANT TAIL0B MAIN STRKKT, Bryan, . Tiim All work tinarinteed and dona promply (iiva him a call Doremus & Butler. Law Offices. I and 2 Parker utlding, BRYAN TEXAS aw- a i i a w. -.a. ua (am Bw taWaia OWM taareeaai V. aaat al wan a law aaa taa la aeratv. wbi pnicr C "a fmmm a. U m Waaaai k ktaS rrtiULO tain a " i " - a... r-,.- - raa u w ..a M. 0a Waa Mai, I aaa Oa I II II I a II r Mftorr - ava.ii uowvta. cam aaiwa