Newspaper Page Text
Vol .III No. 270 BRYAN, TEXAS. WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 12, 1898. Price 5 cents. 2,000 lbs DODSOH & Hi us Pickled Onions Mixed and Plain Pickles Evaporated Horseradish Mustard Horseradish Mustard. Blue Point Ovstcr Catsup, Oyster Cocktail Catsup. Barrel Sweet and Sour Pickles Barrel Olives Barrel Mangoes Coming : Battavia. Highest Quality. Tames' M)S(uito HEAT POWDER Th Ih-' imi i n t I'owih-r on tlx- Market. ESPECIALLY UMPTBO TO IN PANTS. Has no Uqual for the Cure t olteta and preeenea the Skin o( Adult, of y. caive per Agent lor THOS. GOGGAN & BRO.. I' nical upplie. ti r "SI mum! a?&mu& 'i- a trial. Prompt Attention to All Orders, RKSl'Kt I Kl'I.LY, O. G. PARSOVo, h ull and complete line il (.'midim, Fruit. Nut, Cigar, Fancy tina-ene. Kir. JI.-.i.l , ,.irt.-r- Fiah, Oyatasre and Short order Meal. LADIES: Please call and see my new Stock of fashionable FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. All th new Slinpen in Mats, the New KhYtH in Tiiinniingi and r nninentH, and nil the new Shades in Kihlionn, VelvetM, Silks ami Satinw. ms. wi Lotion. Toilet Soaps, and True of and prrenle the Notion Odor pi ration -r -. H,..t Mn-i-- mi Mu. t toy price. PARSON8' ing Works, BKYAN. TKX As Merged tad Tbaraofhl Eiuipd with NEW Mi IMI'l!0 BD M V (' II I N iRY. Strictly Pirat-laa uftd U.-t. date I'lant. Pre pared t. ffl tinier-, Urge or amnll for - Pure. Wholesome and h II L a -J am a ai m 1 rtign uraoe 500a water r, All Huvnr. Wlmlt-ral-anil ' IN-tnil. SatiKlmtion gtutr ii. " I'm , - , (in,. c. m. proctor. THE SITUATION ALABHINfi. Yellow Fever Taking. Strong hold All (her the State of Mimilaalppi. PEW TOWSSFREE PROM THE DISEASE. New i - re i';irin'' Miu-h More Kunl:, ami Some Plar - It Ii Aimot Kiil-inir. LOUISIANA SITUATION IS MUCH IMPROVED. No New I Wi Innniinrt-d at NiW Or leans. Iml One t ae I Id-ported at Lake t .il- Nil later In tiL.iii.av, Mi . o t 11. The yellow fever Mlaation here ta more enoiia, are! the uiaa-aee it iu north Jarkaou Them i. now n.i . i.. m ..f i hi- rity uninfected, i-. . ii . - i '.il :. nig r.ipnt.i The fTlrial report fig- MomU) la nine new ceeee, mi whin- anil three rolored . II , ... It !,. 'Ml.. ,,f ,,. MH-A ,.,.. l-V I. - r'mit.-r, ii!rintendent of the Bap tut nrpbangc, whan the fen r appeared two or thre day airo Dr. J II I'aruell, MM health officer in charge here, baa tamed the following te'-lauiatiiiu . "Yellow fever m appearing- in all parti of the city. Thai preail ia becom ing arneril. ami aa it will lie three or four waaka be for cold weather ran hi raaaonal-'.v ia airatn nrgc-l that all partie who raa poaeibly do o, lew at mu-" fur mirthcrn or other pninf that will receive refugee." 1 i.i ,-i-v ..; Hun -1, when- th ferar raged laat rear, ta agaia tnfi-cted, retain rri-lirlng tha little ti.wi of Warelanit with three raaea. Dr. Hunter, eeretary of the ata haWi "f health, repwta a followa: Tie MUpirtoua airknea. repoTteil it Pant. in have hevn reported aa raaaa of irrnuiim yellow ferer. tta iiriirin tmt trareahle to Madlann. The town ia bad It infii'te-l ami a.viarl itepopolatioa, whirh haa aln-aily tien prartireil to a ronai'lerable ejtrnt. llaiTiaton ).a II ra-. '" iin i. r -i i ment. live aertoua and twornttoaJ. Mailuon ha II new raaea Ox f. ti retwirta una new raaa. Elwarda report' two new raaea and on- ilrath. Fonr auapirioua raaea annth of Cryrtal Piiringa Tarlor'a Station re porta ona new raa. Orwooil renorta all new naea and ioa .leath The (inlf and Ship takand road nottttaa the Uairit that all paaaenirar traina hare been dlarontinned arcoedine to ordera Tellow ferer la offletally announced at I. nmlwrton and l'oplarvtlle, H- arl river imnty I.uinta-rton haa I'l well devel oped raaea and Poplar Ule haa two. Kamarton haa aunt oat an appeal for tmmane phyairiana and nwraaa. Herm new raaea are riorted from II. t'e-i -.rir amoiiir heinir I t Bufkia A aenwaa rondition of affair pnall at llattiealitirtr In aytdition to yellow fev er avreral raaea of imallpoi bare devi-1-mu ! aiming the nefrnea Tha aiiuailaa la Laa New Orieana, I let. II Dr. Bouchon reporta ibe following aa iba raeord for Monday i New Orieana, no raaea, no deaffca Clinton, three . a..- no deatha Wllaon, fonr raaea, no dealha One oaea of frr ia reported at Lake Charlea Infection traneabla to Alat- Ml The New Orieana board of heal lb baa derUred all danger of epidaralo pea awl and haa aaked the atate board to permit the city to open tta doora to all potnta Ma Yallaw F.T.r. Little Rork, Oct II. Dr. Kraoae of the marine hoepltal aerrlre, after an ei ammatlon of the aiiapiotoua ferer at Varner liaa prommm-eil it to be a oaaa of malaria ln-mat una ami not yellow fuvu Wam atraai Cera Runnlag. Waro, Tea . Ort. II. Street ran ran In Warn ye.terday from noon until night A force, of new men were, ae- cnrail. I.ittln iliaiiirlunoe la i-nrrud, but ofrlr-r weni ro ilinnally on guard Many of the new men were induced by thoatnkora to have tnwn laat night o.ily wi-rn luade. Tbuatrike haa ta-eu tin one weak. Ki 1..1 hf l.lghlnlna. Fnxli nrkaburg, Tei ,Oi t Aiiinn dui Vogel, a well-to-do farmer living almut M milea from town, and ma three, horaea were killed by lightning while llrirlnir borne fro-?i a rot ton gin. Unon xamlnati m it wa f mint that be bail a i amall hole in liu bfi'i. Ilia three horaea ware iymg aula by .1 i. e.fauaiei, l'p.ffrr. I g llfrlrf, Waahington, -t. 1 1. Adru-ea re., eelel at the war detainment uniicabi ""' v-n-natmn nf l.'utat tin Hpanlab forora la prveeclinc aatiafartian ly and ainootbly ' bethiwaU-ned troablu at Mantanillo )a nlown over, and tba Spaniard, bafe yielded eontrol to tba American foroaa. BACK FROM ALASKA WITH LITTLE MONEY 0r Ta. llHKilra.l Paaaagr ate. Fart Tuwnaanrf, bat Lall K ... Hlka i. .1 l II- i. i.i-l. I r' T-iwnaend. Waab., Oct. II. -Tba leaner Toja-ka haa armed from Aiaa ka Winging shftut IV) psaaangara from I tha vartooa northern mining diatncta Many nf the Topeka a paiaengi r are from Itaw-on They bring but little avmeT with them. They left Dawann Sail .land up tha rirer on tha atim- r Flora. II affOi W. D. Wood of lieattle, whii waa i ' " i r ' 1 the Fliara, when port way up the rlTrr. fell ovrrWaud nut eani. near ia-iiig drowned. A life buoy Wb thrown to him and be wa ptrked P- L S Ailea la-niga glowing fnirt of thaK'Ttr Mile diatrirt. Tn- II k U- ke Mill intnaportad to the boumla rv ' milea from the mouth of the nark, on the ice tbl winter and haBpi rartoal aaetf inibe apring Tuia "eniitir haa fJOarrea nf plarer groum:. oa which men web r"i er. have U- u making from n to 10 per ilay. witn rack- ra working only a tow cm bio laat far ilay, while tma plant would have a eapai ny of .wveral huudred feet. A San Joae romnanr whicn went to the Kane I pe-iuiauui early laat apring auvie a atake on tapper rreek, a tnbu. tar of th'i K m ii rtTi r. which indn-alea all Tie- i-nmpeny placed a hydraulic plant, bat owing to toe w-arcttr of aup pllea waas rom palled u abamion the r,. f -r tbe aamaon. (i W Towle, manager for tbe romnanr, apeake well of the property. He reporta the iluoor ery of eitenaire copper depoalta between Humer City and Keaurrection Cut Tbe cupper rarriea ufftcient gold to par for working and it i within eaay reerh of alt water. lU-turning Kiondikera report MHMMt able thieving along the river. Cache and tenia are Icing looteil of auppliee by ,rtiea w no are trying to work their way into Dawaon without nemey. 8ev rral pnrtiea have been robbed of thmr entire uutfita and have been compelled to return. THE INDIANS ARE PROCEEDING SOUTH. Araaaa Hi. ka aeaa Aroual l ... I.,k,, awl aiim. llaa- IWn aaaa Haer Fackar, Minneapolia, Ol II. A apecial to The Journal from Caaa Leke aaya that armeii latcaa are undoubtedly proceed ing aooth Calla were r- reirt fnm Beraedlji hi troopa, hut none were aent, t aa thu waa roneidered tbe mora critical point. There ta conaidi-rabte apprehrn aimi and an undoabtel uficeealty for tnaipa tn adty panic iu tbe email town along thia line. Tbe foliawing telegram waa received frmu Siipi-rintendenl K Hlanrhard -if tin- Norbbern Pacific at Parker, Minn. "Wiiiuaajuat in at Mctiragor from i.-....u t k. .1 . i reporta two doaan Indian in war paint 'r ..r her from her hum- She thinka bar buabaud and lather are killed " Falel Melrlannnlal Career. San Kram iaco, Oct II -AleiS Samp- ton of Weal D ax bury Maaa , la dead at the city hotpital bare after being lured to thla city by tew adrartlaemant of a matrimonial agetuji. He waa tf year nf age, and came here to marry aa al leged "rich widow." He naat a woaoaa who baa recently figured In a aotnewbal miliar oaaa, bat wbn hie money waa gene ahe it eaid to refnae to raoogniae him. Jut before hi death which la at tributed to worry and dkaappotntmant, a letter for htm containing fund ream ed tbe poatoAoe ben- from Mr Kleannr klagouu. i.n.i rViiibroke, Maaa. trl aiamar a It- Halttrea!. New York, Oct II - Deputy guarter utaater Kimtatll ha received orient from the war dtrtmeiit to return the Span lib prtae ateamer Meiim to her owner, li e Spaniah line The Megico will car- ry torea to I'orto MM and will then In taki-n to Havana M Ic tiirneil over to her owner She will aail from New York tin-laat of tin wee The Mestrowaa eiMil in the port of Santiago when tin city urrenilerwt and he will be return- i-il on the ground that her aeliure waa illegal viiim...i 111, I. Mail la JalL, Oakland, Cal., Oct. II. William II Allen, a recetit amral from the eaat, who claim to le worth nc-jrlr aqtwt'ar Just Received! OOOOO New Crop Cranberries New Crop Dried Apples Fresh Sauer Kraut Fresh Maccaroni Fresh Spaghetti Fresh Scotch Oats Fresh Snowflake Crackers Fresh 31b Cartoons ABC Crackers Fresh Hominy Fresh Grits Fresh Cream Cheese Fresh Mackerel Fresh Java and Mocha Coffee. Jno. B. MIKE. DO YOU LIKE FINE COOPS? Try Bayle's Fine Sauces as follows: Cock Tail Catsup Celery Catsup Anchovy Catsup Tabosco Catsup I sell Swift's Premium Lard at the price you pay for common lard. I want your October trade. R. J. FORD. :f a million dollar, ia locked up ia iBi rity priann on a rharge of obtaining money under falae pwteneea. Re waa arreafart- on a complaint a worn to by John I .ad maun, who allege that Al ien, to aecure a mortgage on the Win ter hotel, eierutmi deeil. to property In thia country and Miaaouri, to which be had untitle whatever. Clerlaeatl i. .,. I.. ... St. Ivinia, Oct. II Receiver MocketV f ii. of the St. Loui tiaerball rlub baa told Pitcher Jack Taylor to tbe Cincin nati f..r iaj ,;, Pitcher Hill. He aid the aalo waa made becanae the Bmwna needeil money and tin rah of fer waa made J oat at an opportune time. It ia farther ataleil that John T. Bnuh ia after Ijfe ("re t.tbc Brown' a tar third Will Meet at Waaklagtaa. Quebec, Oct II. Tbe international rommiaaiourra met fur a few mtnutee on Monday and then formally adjourned to meat ta Waahington Nov. IX. HattTaC I'l IV DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. Short ami Qmrk Line Between North and Sooth Teiaa. I S HITWCIN ii o u a ri L E E P E w s HOUSTON & OENVER Vlalnalaaadrt Worth GALVESTON DENIS0N Via Henat and I w GALVESTON.,,51 LOUIS Via Mention, rnnlin are HOUSTON AUSTIN Tha H. A T. 0, rrathri tialveaton Honaton, Brrnbam, Atutin. Waco Corairana, Waxahachie, Ft. Worth, liallaa, Plane, Mt-Kinney, lierman and Deneon, and glvea flrat-rlaaa Service. C. A'. BajR, M. L Konaixi, Traffli- Manager. t. PAT. Agt. W. S. Wtieog, Agt. Honaton Wryan, Texaa. Wine Mustard Anchovy Mustard Celery Mustard Horse Radish Mustard I) DR. PAUL M. RAYSOR. PHYSICIAN AND Sl'RiiEON, Brvan, Tea. over Jamei Diagitora dance Phone 131. The AMERICAN Laundry. Two doora M.utli of Ex chatigr Hotel. Pirat cIam work (iuarante-d. i'ronpl delivery. PATRONIZE A HOME ENTERPRISE and keep your Money at home. Telephone No. HI. E. D. BEACH. ugor . . . THY THE new Pity bakery. FOR Fresh Bread, Rolls, Cakes and Pies. Delivered to any part of the City. Leave OrdMI at Jons M. Lawkkmi: i Co.'a DoilLTJM Won Kit. laORinBIR, Proprietor e