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Have Yob Seen OUR LATEST STYLE LADIES SUITS. OUR NEW DRESS GOODS. OUR READY MADE SKIRTS. OUR NEW SAILORand WALK ING HATS. SEE OUR SHOW WINDOW. We are receiving New FALL AND WIN TER QOODS daily, and invite you to call and .see them. We wish to call the espe cial attention of the Ladies to our line of SILKS We have the Finest Qualities at the Low est Prices. We have the BEST el every thing you want in our line and w I ill not be Undersold. SAM SANGER. WKXTOVM Hi:iMUl. BARN 1 ho following ik lire l II. I It. Jonee, City Sexton, of tbe num ber, ii-uies, dates, etc., of jiersons burial in the Bryan City Cemetery luring the third quarter, c.nn-im-ncing the first ley of July hud ending the thirtieth day ofSeplWBa ber, 1 Via. BURNERS AT WORK AT KAUFMAN, ttr, mm sir mm i..,,..Mii wufc I" lk Lmi Tw Wntl. RUTH KI)M THK i ITY. Solomon J. ('lute 1 Antonio Treviuo, Auu'Ul (; Little Mitry llur ton Crr, August '22; I Little Con Ladle ii i. in. hi, Au- Kaufmau, ,i . Oct II Almost a roifti of terror is prevailing In this town Within th laat two weeks nnn barns hava hnan destroyed by flrr in this city. August 'Jnd; sJl within radio of SOU yards of seen other. Two week ign t large hsT barn be longing to Slaughter, that eon tain-d about "i um of hay was barn-!. i SJHHHHILiLHHI gtlet Bimon I'ineki, Augu-t !; Just on w.-- afterward two bsrus fill- S.-unu.-l Hall, September 15; Col.j Briscoa 6. Baldwin, ft jitemlier 2'). U HITKS KM tii I COOVRT. Mi- Mollie V. Iliggi-. August: of Parley Hlsngtiter uuVd with feed Jeremiah Wilson, Setileiuber 27 OhiiKKD KMOJI THK ' ITT. ed with hay sort rorn, la-longing to W. K Watkia, within 100 fset of Maugh ' r . !,,rn. w. r. I i.p . Saturday nijrtit lat another Urge bara stuff, was barasd. Sunday nitrt.r ; y y,,t pot two tick ets 'if water an t accreted himself to his Jiimes King. Augu-t 7 Thomas barn to agtlngui.h the Are in the event nia irn en"iM I., tet u lire, and whi. BEAUTY'S CHARM. IT II !!) Mil thing that aaaka mm Impnlna Um uek you .we aa. Um rrerkM aoM, or bUKrk or plmplm on Um ehwa. Not Trjoo mm eaa ha bmaUful. bat the alalaaat (are Is in. i - , by a clear, part tkla. HALL S TWIN SISTERS FRECKALA- Ousrantttd to remove FreoWlee, Tan and Dark Splotchtt from tht Fan and Handt, or Mont" Rtfundod. Manufactured and fur Hale at Hall's Drug Store, ItltV.W TKXAH. II. AT. I i "' Northbound No I -out h bound Ma I Northbound No 1 2:07 am Southbound No 4 I. At! N.Time I'uble, llearne wbst aooaa. No. I leaves. Kn . leaw- a m nft a. p leave. 1 eV BIT BoCsO. :, M . m .4 . fmm agrwsse a aa kn a. aaieaia. No. M, Isaw e llearri. : I" m. No. 10, arriv. at . 1 1. Via. II. X T I UM I iMl llMM S'SIII Mot'Mi. So. I arnvea 1 M P Ui .1 arrivea Mrs. i. it. Kn and Missea iussi- 13 I s p m ; Kyle and Moselle Itoyett teturned Imiii t (XI p in Diaa yesterday. I fee 1 1 Hull and I'.erwirk bay "yster- I H a hi , r I r 1 1 ii-t aiirday al I'ar.ons restaurant if F.i.l 'am will lis M wind mills, iMa. and inaihi nary pMnipily and at rea-oaablM ratea. -74 For Sale My store buiidinc nnd Ma, !t . h weli ! vtater, s'abb-, etr. J.N. Mu.iarbia. 372 Ms . snd Mrs. J J. MUtrot. Mrs. V, I' Mi.ti'ii. Mie Mxrn- Mi.'rot and Mlaa lxiiae Hlanehet led je-t.-r lai I i lialva-t' n an'l Ne Hwria. I.s. Messrs Iteorge snd S. K. ('lute, who have lri been here the .t few day te baetajai iinnectel with the tv J. LOCAL NEWS. TKNNr'N."iKK's I'AKI.VKIf t. in. ) iireair went to Krankliu yesterday, i ... t - 't'iute esUla, tell esleida f r their ' inline in Montesuma, la. i ii n gai Hulls frsale delivered and a- heap s ran be Ixeight any where. Apply lo Ira Ooorb, I'lione AH. 371 I have rei.led the i luaie Mlthell pas- rent. Apply in II. W tuie, .JU m rre, g l gra-s and water ri Apply k I for utb. Mis. Ile.-ie Lawrence i Navaaota. House lor rent Mike. John H. Mike tpenl yesterday in Houston. Good store lioii'e fr ienl. Apply to Ira Uoocb. 375 Buy aar bay from W. II. Yatea Korney, Teias. 375. Miss Millis Msrwllaky hss rstntned from Navasita TheMtH'lellsnd for rent Appli Mise ue MM .ei in t Nash, Augiit '; Mrs. Anna CWI ilreas, August 1; Mrs. Dinah D '"t Auku 20: Infant daugh ter nf Thomas Maon, Heptrmher ."; Kruiik Jack -oil, Septemher l', Denni", September 20 imI.i.KKI) KltoM r II K Mil NTKV. Billiard Humphreys, July 17; Krsstua Tillery. July 10, for Justice ol'tlie I'eiiee. Mr. W. Ollllsj Mib hell annotin- res in the Kagle this morning n a I randidate f ir justice of the etw-e of BryaM precinct V, , tt the ..n- suing November lection. Mr. Mitchell ha lived in Hryan many vcar uiid i- douhtl''-- personally nciimiiite. with every voter in the precini t. Ilii ability mid qVafiS cations fur 'lie ullii'e are also erjtial- ly well klio vn, ind if elected there is -very rea-on to believe that he will iii ikc an ellii ient, careful and .ittenti ve ollicer.' i ii Wapaleaa Hattlllaa. Vapol i Milieu died Mon day night at 10 o'clock at the home of his mother, Mrs. Annie McMil lien, live mile- et nt' Bryan. Me iv us about twenty-three years old and well known in this county. The funeral took akkM Tuesday nfteruoon at -I o'clm-k. Kate- for pasturage IliUUtll. us.tmg in l'""1 l"r Higge attle ur horses tm- Applv to .-. H. to laka it. 270 The wife ol Jake MiTntoah, frol ) de mail baa M euel $I(SS) in.uraure on the life cf her hnsbsnd from tLe Mu tual lb-em ... iit- ' ii lie b Reed. WANTKI- A situation by an inlet i grni youug man and a tmatlcr, and will ..rk for a price that will make jou employ me. Adlr.-i. M. liar natt, Bryan, Texas. 'I .11 Ma bulla, fc. S. K. MrClong, J Mack Ulerk. J. It. Horn, A. A. Allen. W. H. Ite-' Ha sn l i. I ( onsway srnv- ed yeeterday from the llap'ist slat MJMMM si Waco. W. H. McVSichael wa here leatarday and reported the gin st that plae both and meal fur aale .,,rrlln -,.i, , ,,i ,,,, ami workinir .lav M",r !' 'U and night Mr M.Mi.bsal, l,o is poalinaaier i lien-. -ay later on whan the entree! espire he wants to net the mail i ''.te l I ruin Hryan lo Macy direct. d 1-w aaa a loMi Will Mil' ii visitor to Hryao yeater lav i my H. M ler i.o and grai.di lill.lren returned from llouaton yealerdsy. Cotton bye. r. II (. Hh.siea and A M Waldrop have renin ed Iron. Hie Halles fsir lave calls for I I'. Cain, sll round Mscblnl't, st the M. A P. bank 271 sitting in his barn he heard a match airun at tb- rear of his barn, and heard j two paople talking in a low ton of vote. Bf" he coold seramhla over lo 1 the rear end of th house with his water bu.a eta the kay was ablsss, and ths -whola straetsrs was vara in sshea and the firebugs gone Aisiot two hour later the larg? barn of K. W. Hmuh was sat on fire, and It, too, with its contents, was soon in ashea. Monday ibnut 1 1 o'clock the handsnms barn ,f Klc rb li Mixe.ll was tmrnrd to ashes, t.tbr with Us conrenta Tbs totai lowea will foot np abont 40nn, or perhsp. $.Vs. with but little insurance, arvt that only on two or three of the barnaa rlmtroyed. Tbs wboU thing i shrovkM in mystery and the en tire town i worie l np to fever heal over the mailer Will a H.ler4 O.K.' II. --General J. C lawn inc uded in the llat of major jeperala r.. ! o.r.-r'i out, and wi.i return to ins duties as in- ;. - r u-n rl. w:tli the rank of Isnga dler general A laMhinr, t"ppel. lyxingio-i Ey , Oct II As a reanlt of the kl.luigot a private in the Twel'th New York rffun,.it by Hrivoat (ioard Kilchen Su'itay ntsht :'ii .r si mem twrs of that rafitnetit fenaei s mob laat night ami a train t UaMp Hani- .It. .11 ' . !.! '"I of ,.l.fc- ' ' town on it aad raiding the county jail for the purrstss of taxing Kitchen oat and lynch ng kim I leasaal Wi,..y and Ooioael iVosard wim.l.v nor of the upruiag ana n,er sutipr.-ed the mob by tbs moat raoical and prompt ac ttou TEXAS BAKERY AND BOARDING HOUSE. OTTO BOEHMH, Proprietor. All kiixl. ui l're,li Brrml ,n'l tUk k.t J constantly on hand. Suppliea furnished on short notice for picnics ami barbecues. I am running a r'rec Delivery wagon and will deliver your order at your doors. My bakery is a home enterprise and deserve the patron age of the people with whom I live and sjiend my money. My rates are $1.00 per day for sist ial prices by the week or month. Phone 89. OTTO B0EHME, hUVAN, : : : TEXAS. 1 . with tempi m BkaLl GOOD LUCK! to Drink al the GLOBE SALOON X THEY HAVE ARRIVED. That Celebrated line of the Ii- r I. I -. . Ii . ii y The on. liiug yrti iri rbwl a lingering, a lairit ntal Is death 1 can remember something of a few ciatcbea In remoia lir.iri. t. v. Inrh longeat . . b-1 alrangu list t ti. and memory of thoae ili-unt daya bua len awi-eter wlttioul tb.-m. Tln v what Nlmnai deecrila-s as the ol-xilete. olrl fa. binned crav h of Ilia I K'T In. id, drawn by rlltpiriled, ill fed jade, rit, r long atagea Due of bis parsgrapha w. ll d.-acrihm what nsed In make my i lo. at Isiil with Impotent fnry. imbittertng the joy of returning borne for the holidays, and deepening the depreaanai of the M-biailward jour ney: "The four borc whip and thn Not tinghaiu wlnpr-orrl were of no avail over tlx- latter part g th ground, ami MM thing like a cat o' nine tsila was pro duel ..ur of the wni.h was jocu larly called 'tlie nppn utii ,' and a ahrewd appreulbe it wss to the art i f torturing, which was Inflicted the wheel. r without stint or measnre. but wirli mi which the cratch might have taw-li often left on the road." No: the Inal of the Mad cnachee cnrruptlo optlml rb.jppeared mid b fl none to monru them. (Slack wraaj's M igalne I.o- Crh.ll , 1.4. JackaneviUe, KU , Oct. 11 Plivata John i nrbsrt nf couinany A. First Norn, 1'am.tns, waa n..t and ai.le i l.v Prtvan-Chni Koinnson f cmutatny I, Fourth (Uinoi. regiment, while tbe lar tar was doing duty aa provoat marl Kobinsoe waa mora led ;r in a 1 blame as be actei rnursiy in self iat I San ! Iha ! Hell. An.tis. i t II -Judge K B Perkins of Ureesvii.e snd H H Msrsh of Tyler, attorney! for the t Vslton Bolt railway are hers la "nan!tatin with the attor ney gvnarai aunt a suit for the forfeit ure of tksf barter of ths St. Ixmis South western rakway of Tetaa for not ksep ing s geseral nfflrw in Tstas. Under the law a r ad has an mnntha to com ply with tfcn sutntnry provision and tbe mmtnlMion 'iirt have lepeiksd that i - rrsvl has adopted measures to comply, bat the penalties aaked for still hold, aad it la either ths remission or comirmue of the penalties that the at torneys rat n runted are hers for. Nego tiations ware not concluded. TAYLOR & COX, Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS I Cooling Drinks, Stenothenino Cordials. Everybody treated Right. Best Wines, Liquor and Cigars annolnci:mi:nts. We are authorised to announce JESSK (i. VINKKRT aa a candidate for County Attorney of Braxoe county st the ensuing November election. We are authorised to a noon ace A. W. BUCHANAN. as a candidate lor County Treasurer ol Hrasos county st tbe ensuing November election. W. H. LAWRENCE DENTIST. 'Iflire Front Rooms over Postoflice. Bran, ! Texas. UKNTWT Or TICK OVEE RHODH W f FlIITNTAIIU ? s v i n .i i .ii We are authorised to announce J. T. CLOSS aa a randidate for re-election to the office of justice of the ieece, I'recinct ' So. 4, Hraroa rounty, at tbe ensuing, NovemUr election. BjMSJaa. l-rkliarl. Lorkhsrt. Tea., Oct. II -Jim Hmith rudorxd. vaa ahnt and senrmaly wound eel br Alterr itraosnaw, also colored, a few mv-aea.t of town for Deputy her.ff Kowler and sum-no ered snd now in jail. We arenulhoriml to sni ounce J. II. BLACK, Hrsdahaw sent 1 ss a candidate for County Treaa irro of 1 All the Latest Style Lasts and Toes in BLACK and the NEW SHADES OF TAN. lii" ant. i.iotTaphy i r tlx late h ('liar'' a II. HpaffM lontains an M count of what may t termed nn early j In.ll,. ventlir." nlld Ita infill, lie nn hla character Hpnrgeon was hronght upon Watt's hymn., but not allogether willingly His grandmother MBBld him with nmn.ry to b arn them At llrt rhe g.i-. e In in u penny, but wlnn rhe anw bow ' ru-ily it waa i arm. I the old l.nly i ili.i d III, fir ire lo M Italf i..til, v :,,ul lli.i I lo a tartbing There la no t,' llmg how everybsly and poata a IfMSsi f.,r. county, at tbe bar election. lsmng Noveni llaaaral llanlla fr Uafiraar, ."helbyvillc. Ky.. Oct. II In an vl areas here lieneral H Watt Hardin for mally aiiniriuced himself aa a candidate for the netr IVem.a-rntle nomination for guttruor. i i . i ..i New York. ct. II -Oorbett . In . A ! I tin I I .in JOHN B. STETSON In all the new Shapes and Colors in Soft and Stiff Hats. Webb Bros. low the iimontit sr l.inn luigbl iinve fall. li. but Jnst at thia tune his gral.d father insrle a dlw mery w Inch i more ih ".irahle to Spnrgistii He discovered that his hon.e wna overrun with rats and offend Ins grandson u shilling n for nil he could kill 'II vtipiitioii if rnt killing gave Ii l in tnvrv niorjey than haming hymns "lint. '' Mr Spurge. ii chitrncleristn-Nilv i ays. "I know which en nloytneut has lai n the iihT' i'rnisui'ii;ly pinfitalile I to me. " III naalneaa. "I'm afraid ur new son-tu-liiw isn't nincii of a I usiii. -a man. " alio s-iiil "Ihm't you worry almt that," re plied ll Id getitleinun. "Ifl... .' u'l know how to make the is it of a bargain, I don't know win. dnSi Tin. day Is ton the weddltsg he iMawwml that Mints is had a frcckl- under bet left ear. snd lie made i ii arid l,iKMIIn her dowry nu tbe ground I hut l he go. da weren't en tirely III Hccordaucc Willi the invoice. .i. almost ti In U In le thill lie wasn't a uohlemsii at nil, but u N. v Kughiiiil Yankee iu disguise, " Culrau i Cost fplt. Tom Murker manager accepted tbe challenge for the sailor anil 'anted a forfeit KlfUl Nn Is, Jail. Guthrie. ( T, Ool. 1 1 There sre !7 prisoner, in the i oh rai jail here swatt ing trial 'lie of them is an H-year-oid boy, charged lib iswtofHce robls-ry tm Stork. Yor.tnwn. Teg, Oct 11 -Attach-nu'iits am "iirr tig to ahont tM were levied on i hi goal of H. iVhaaar.r, gen eral mrrriisudiae nealer at Nontheim. 111. "f SStea Sell , film Oatesville. Tel.. Oct II, -A dray man natne.i John Grant rei-cived a riotia injury hern try a haie of cotton falling tn.m a wagon N him Wall Known I Oil. a llea.l. lUiinsaav, II T , Oct II A. J. Ka- sVMrj a well known citizen, aged Ml, fell dead in ths 0 ty drue store of iu-nrt ma eaae. Tramp, il i l'i Xefra, Round, Tel. liet. II -Two trauiM held uu a nsgm between McNeil and Austin and robla'd linn of f I. We are authonsetl to anm unrc T. t Nt NN a. a candidate for re-election In the of Hie ol hentl of Brano. MM) at tbe sn-uing Noetulr election. We are rntboriet to annoume I . II. I.IK MirCHKl.l. as s candidate for justice ! tbe peace ol precinct No. 4, Hrsioa county, Texas, al the ensuing November election Doremus & Butler. Law Offices. i 1 and 2 Parker uildirg, BRYAN THXflS Hall Oliver, PHYSICIANS axii 81'ROKONK Omen at Haix's Dbi Sthrs Chnnn Ho. 66. Rntidtnca Phon Ho. 76 Dr. Oliver, I'houe V2. J. V ITT MANN, MKKCHANT TAILOR MAIN STREET. ' Bryan, Texta Ail work (Insranteed and doite promp'.y tilie him s call. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE fcc TRADC MserMS DCftl&Nt COwTRIeKT AC. h wnl rlMTTlisltna Hf itittsti fr what fear m citable I ru sajntsa Manirs.K. I i lesnl a. nnht Scknflflc flmcricaii. n.U l i all newtdatM MUNNUo.'Kew.l(ort , V St.. W..Mnel.-.D.tfc DftHJIHIl .aw fnflrjriifl i pupii i imi ewen to .i sipw a w Marsn Bar i.Ha ama isjssp . ,s . Caar 4Mn . . s Caa as .... t imiaan asnianiiai S Mas, 'a. SMVS- Vi , ks. QOirCC mmmmm MHM " HSS 'WO rv,.wiss.ihiitlis.. t. iwa hreej aa...... ,hi smiiwwets CN UilluaKi Mtltwr tHTMN (a. iifwvri. -. s '.t a. sfl