Newspaper Page Text
an Ifcorntng EWe. BRYAN, TEXAS. THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 13, 1808. Vol .III No. 271 Price 6 cents. 2,000 lbs DODSON & HlLiS Pickled Onions Mixed and Plain Pickles Evaporated Horseradish Mustard Horseradish Mustard. Blue Point Oyster Catsup, SAMPSON SUNK S v M DDr lost Bh; Tb Uarne. tf M .- fl o MMM o in- tattle, the board wtr not nttxrtr i by ant signals n.-y irom bit flagship, gou .latbtd out from I ha y-tt la-ginning of tbe engagement and kept within rang of ib enemy until tb Dght ,n.i.-d. I i. iv. i i i. .in for the Naval liattle .it Santiago tie I uka on kki TMN of Jul). SCHIE1 GETS S01E MENTION. The Invent isation Board hpi lie Gave Nome Order?, hot They Were namnfti Oyster Cocktail Catsup, Barrel Sweet and Sour Pickles Barrel Olives Barrel Mangoes ITITUt MI."N CI I 'MHI'.RM. Coming : Battavia. Highest Quality. DDE CREDIT GIVEN THREE BATTLESHIPS. Tlir Oregon. Tni. and Iowa Were the Vessel. That Ib-.troird the llwl. H alun rlrlil Not Mentioned In Ih deport. Mosquito Lotion. Toilet Soaps, and True .... on- . en". urt " n.-.. HEAT POWDER T he lt and I'nrcal Powder M Ihr ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO Ha no Lqual for the Cure of Market. IN P ANTS. t niltei.s and preeer Iba Skin ol AdulU ami preienta of Rat cssive perpiratmn the Notion ltlfr Nw York. Oat 1 1.-Although th A n (! .ii the lottle off Santiago iii .In. v ; ci!. nil ii. if. ii. r i. ..Hereof Rear Admiral Sampson, given in ad vai to i jut i . ii an nm rgencr. I it wan essentially "raptain'a fight." ) Thla u the suUtatue of the rejiurt of the uata. board which haa I wen investigate .:. ..; uli I uinti ,n tbe battle It tr Admiral Hauisvn was not present, and tha two orders signalled by Schley, "cloae in" and 'engage the enemy," I diil no good and wer- unnecessary, fir I the ihipa bad already rloaad tn and were engaging the enemy when the orders were run op. The fall text of the re port mutt conn, from Washington, but many interesting .ints ware obtain! the naryyard after the board, which i. i.l been in session on the Brook lyn, finally adjourned. The Ixard find in a mop-general way that each ship in the fleet knew exactly what to do sbou.d - rrera come oat. Hills br Light eleg. HunUfilie, Tarn., Oct. II Whila a roue to ilaniavill W'm. Glover of Mid way waa struck by lightning dunug a ttorm and instantly kfUad. QUESTIONS OISCUSSEO BY COMMISSIONS eblUeala.s aa4 Ik Debt ml (ab. if.,. M.r -.,,.lte., Aer -I lb Other. Parts, Oat IS. -Tb Joint peace com nusion of the L'nited Htate and Spam devoted yeiterday. according to The '... to tha esarainntuia of tb so lution w hirb it waa poaaible to give to t'" taw, queetiou of tha protaoaL The 'httipi i.e qmetion. The Gauloie adds. v.mdav-tiaad incidentally, tha United States , .inmisstooer aaaklng to imp w a -r, i of rompaiition forcliim. n n.-cted with the entire group by awnm trig to debt, provided Spain guirunt. I !. Th" M-riuiarl, it fur t'.wap;. an, wUh the United State to MSSBr 'i,. Caban debt and hanl 01 . t" Spain all tha war material in u' "d rirto Mm The diacnion, ac crding'.. The OanhiU, w rery ain mattd. Judge Day, preaident of tha American comnaiaatoo, and Senor lloav b ro K - .et of lii- M;n.. nahatti, haring receiTed pneiaa inetroo , tioot Bom their raapactitragoacrnmenu. I The Aii. ricane con'Wier they ran not diwiat tin- pftSMafKM fimning the base of ike pr .toco! to which the S;nupia reply that tha protocol waa tlgned at a rr. tiaai moment under tneb preatn g necaant? that It cannot he eoniiderad aa eiprawmg the eorereign will of a fre natian Just Received! 0 0 0 0 0 New Crop Cranberries New Crop Dried Apples Fresh Sauer Kraut Fresh Maccaroni Fresh Spaghetti Fresh Scotch Oats Fresh Snowflake Crackers Fresh 31b Cartoons ABC Crackers Fresh Hominy Fresh Grits Fresh Cream Cheese Fresh Mackerel Fresh Java and Mocha Coffee. Jno. B. MIKE. Agent lor TH0S. U0GGAN & BR0-. 1'i.m. -. ruan-, Sli.ft Miific and ii 'Hiilii. (ii t my pricee. Mu. PARSON8 15 Work' BRi AN TEXAS. Kiiluri;eil an. I Tliorotijhly KqaipMd with HEW AND IMI'Um KD M A i II I N KUY. Strictly PtMHdMI .iixl U. t date Plant. Pi i;irrd b full nrilcr-, i.irue or amall for - ' Pure. Wholesome and High Grade Soda Water All Flavor. Whnlcaale and Itctail. Sntiofuition guar .uiti cd l'ric. right. ii. ii" a trial. Prompt Attention to All Orders. KF.H'Kt TFN.t.Y, O. G. PARSONS, A Full mid complete line ol Candie, Fniit, Ntitu, fignrs, Fancy liriH'erie, Klc. lleiiiiiartir Inr Fi-h, ilytr and lmr! order M...I- WILL PARTICIPATE IN THE CELEBRATION. I Tae OoM ae4 lw W ill tu el Ho de Jeeelee ee Mee. IS eed Cele brate Wlib tbe Hreillleae, and dul It w lien he came out. Each captain fought hu ahip on plana pre- Waahingtoo, Oct II -The navy de pared ami order, given by Ham peon partment bae aent lnatrnctioaa to Opt. a bail Schley directed the movement Barker of the battleahip Oregon, wnior of tha fleet in the battle, which It wa : ' ' qadron under rdar 10 uuii.-eiary. they w.mld have been ei- totloaoioio. to beat Kto de Ja- ( ecuted becaoee of tbe preparation made '"). Braiil. on Nov 16 to participata by Sam peon and within hi general celebration of the anniversary of (tep, tha eatabiithment of the Brazilian re- ' The tindingi of tbe board u tnmma- pnl 'ic and tbe inauguration of the firat ,t : ii. it country Thia action wa tak.'ii on tin 11. t i ti.-atum from tl..- DO YOU LIKE FINE COOPS? Try Bayle's Fine Sauces as follows: Cock Tail Catsup Celery Catsup Anchovy Catsup Tabosco Catsup Wine Mustard Anchovy Mustard Celery Mustard Horse Padish Mustard I ) I sell Swift's Premium Lard at the price you pay for common lard. I want your October trade. R..J. FORD. ' -! m roiinw : S Tio tmma. f. rare Vat at ra.l a , n LADIES: Please call and see my new Stock of Fashionable FALL AND WINTER d MILLINERY. All the new Shapes in Mat-, tin New Ktt'ctH in TriiiiiiiinH ami Or BUientH, ami all the new Shades in Elibboilt, VolvetH, Silk- and Satin-. mRs c. m. proctor. nmn plan. r iar'd l y MafSWi v The direction of tbe movement of hip done (t S-hley ilurang the taattl w ,i in. .iii.. rail.. a. The New York ha no active part in the tight 4. The Mrklyn wa not engaged at an cine quarter, a ha. Ien reported by the flmt report On an average the w a. two mile away frim the enemy '. The brunt of th fighting waa bom by the Iregou, Texa. and Iowa. fl. The Haw York waa about nine mile, fiom tbe Colon wben that Unp urrendcred, and hrtwceu four and Uvf milea from the neareet .later .hipe en gaged i from which lignal dlitance bj taken, i 7. The average range of tha ahip. moat engaged win about a mile and a naif. I No American .hip at any time dar ing the battle waa within a mile of an unsurrendered .hip. Tbe New Yk, the board flnda, did notli.iig to affect the iiane of the battle. Wbei Hi. . flag am. down t.v New York wa. nearly n mile to the I eat l ward Sampeuu waa near Hiboney, wie n- he I,, .it i the tiriug and turumt about and oauu back aa faat aa foroad draught uould bring him. The New York waa furtbar in thorn than any of the other reaenla, but too far away to aaai.t any in the detraction of the Spaniih fleet All the did wai to fire two ihnta at long rangei at a torpedo Nat destroyer. She did not reach the (Vilon until three quarter, of an hour alter the Oregon and llrooklyti and II mlnutea after tha Tela reacbinl th. n At the time of the hotteet fighting (between 10 and 10:16 a. m. ) the llronklyn waa in line with the tregon, but tbr. e .iiarter of a mila farther out toeea I he Oregon at that time waa (.wring (Ire into the Maria Teresa The Oquemlo was about S000 yards .iistant. i with the Texas and Iowa a half mUe to the rear of her. Aooor.ting to theteatimony tbe Brook lyn wa lying farther out to sea thbu j any of the American ships. She headed in at mirv and when about 9(Hi yards the Maria Teresa, which was lead- i nig tiie Sjiauith fleet out, she turned to III.. ml, lb. u ibiubl.-l wmcwar l to w-n for n short ili.tancn Schler then I followed a ral!el course with the Span- I lards, keeping up n ruiiiimg fight, lie was well outside the course of the other Am. rican vessel, ami in the lead. He kept this position, an average dutan. . J f about two in Ins from i he Colon until of tha important event. ! ... 1 iregou, l.iwa. lr... (Vt . und Brandia will sail tomarrow, the A bare n la bating isjeceded tha squadron In- -.a... d fr 1 . Hi- h K ei. for Montevideo. HHminc oraerea te SalL iioaton, Oct IS. -The gunboat Wil. stington haa received sailing ordeit for attt 1 uesitay, and simuluuroualy tbe avryard iiflicuala got word to rush work hi -. ui i aaVl her ready by that dale without fail, even if it is naoaaaary to wet. overtime in all department, to io at Hr ...b r hiti, the Helena, la nnder oruer. to sail fur China tbe following Tn .tar. snd the work has been pushed on her rather than on tha Wilmington. taaebXom itiaine county for sale Keep ing, was captured at Burnett county. Tel. She w 4-nr -i.i in a r I Mother Hubbard and man's coat and hat, waa heavily armed and waa riding a Una horse astride. Ir..,- fiver Sealt.e, Wash., Oct. II News it r ettved from Alaska that Lak.. Ilennett froK' over al.iot a week ago. A few days later tha toe want oat and tha teamen continued to run The river is getting very low and will soon freer for th-' winter Hut one more steamer i. rtpi-c.ted at tbe lakes from Iiawson. There will soon be a cessation of tha outward travel until th traveler can come ever the ii Many will come out then ll-lrr. t io,. Tl. ....... I Holler. Chicago, Oct IS. - After a search of two wiek. detetive. located Minnie Norton, for whom 114,000 in rami e.tate and cash is waiting in tVntralia. Kan. Mia Norton wa. adopted by Frank Nor ton in infancy, and tbe still bears hi. name. A relative of the Norton uied hi Ontralit recently, U-queathing hia fortune to Minnie. I ... . Steamer O.erdee St John, N. P.. Oct. w Some anx iety it being felt hire I .-cause of the non arrival of Lieuteaant Peary', arctic teamcr The Windward, which is now due on her return frosa Saermrd OeUirue I'ird, west of I rreenlaad, where it waa planned that tha tlurald land Lieutenant Peaxy and lbs mtmber of tbe expedition. DR. PAUL M. RAYSOR. I'llYsiriAN AND Sl HtlKON, Bryan, Texas. OfBce. over Jam Diagttore. Kaei- !!.. Pbona 131. Ufe Senteaee fer Menre. tmt Worth. Tex . Oct 1J -Tha in the Oeorge Moore case sgread t :. t and fonnd the defendant guilty of being an aoaompltca to murder in tbe first .b'grea. aa charged in tb second count of the indictment growing out of the murder of Wataon Whittaker, the fireman who waa abot to death in tbe Saginaw hold-up. Moore', punishment was assessed at confinement in th pen!- I tentiary for life. Tbe Cell 11.11 need. Austin, Oct. I J. -The St. Louie South western Hallway . ..tupany pleaded guilty to W rebate suits and accepted tbe minimum penaltv ..f I'm ui each rate, n total of f IQ.OOo The can hi for feit th charter and f..r penalties end. ing agsmtt the above navd in the dt trict court at Tyler bat bum tb tui.j. . t tweeii Attorneys IVra- H.AT.C. Re R. r. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. Mhorl and gnirk Line North and South Texas. i S HKTWrtN HOUSTON AS DENVER Via aad Ft. Worth GALVESTON . OENISON VI lloiiti 1 1 a 1 1 I GALVESTON 37 LOUIS Vis Hoottoti. Ian si g fat HOUSTON AUSTIN li R O U 0 ri L E E P E U S The AMERICAN Laundry. Two iloor South of Kx change Hotel. First claM work (iuarantevd. Prompt ilclivcry. PATRONIZE A HOME ENTERPRISE anil k-ep your Money at liornc. Telephone No. 141. E. D. BEACH, Manager . . . TH V THE new Pity bakery. in if the nsvl aud the at torney general. BtM Oatj t .pt.t.d. Kinglisber. o. T , Oct. II. -Dora Cox. a 16-jear-old girl, charged w ith horse stealing, lio recently . .c.tped from the Kingfither jail, where .he hml Th II. A T. P. reathee tialvetton lb. niton, Bretihsm, Ati-ttn. Waco Ci.r-irai.a, Waiabarble, H. Worth, Dallaa, Piano, Mi Kinnay. -berman and Denton, and givea flrtt-rlaat Service. C. V. Bn, M. I. R..i bis, Trafllc Manager. (. P AT. Agt. W. S. WntoM, Agt. Houston i ... .in, Texai. worn Fresh Bread. Rolls. Cakes and Pies. Delivered to any part of tho City. Leave Onlere at Jon M. Lawrkm'k A Co.'s BatvuM Vohk. K. GRIB88IR, Proprietor aaayjsfBaxfaSJMtaxa