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$5tan dftornmg Eagle. Vol .III No. 279. BRYAN, TEXAS, SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 22, 1898. Price 5 cents. f ITS THIS WAY ABOUT OUR COFFEES We Roast Daily. Wo give you Pl'IlK COFPKE and at price lo cult every purchaaer. EIGHT POUNDS CLIMAX COFFEE $1.00. Guaranteed to lie of better (Quality and to give In ter ttatieTaction than any package ColTee in Bryan. BATAVIA BLEND 6 pounds for $1.00 JAVA BLEND 4 " " 1.00 Batavia. Mocha and Java -3 " 10.0 .. i iii mxr ii.v WE HAN 1)1.1! NOTHING HIT THE VERY IM kl! I l)KU(iS That money can buy and sell thelll UK lnW ;i- yoll pay for in terior brand. Wt treat every prescription a though we were tilling it fur i.ur own families. W- order all medicio" mil 1111 ally kept in stock, when d.-.ired. I ur line of Soaps, Perfumes, Toilet Articles and Other Druggist Sundries lathe Beet. 'lieaM-t and muit cumpli ti- in Itryun. JAMES & McUOUGALD The Leading Oruggi.h. I 'A ii a a trial. Prompt Attention to All Orders. REsl'Ecmi.i.Y, O. C3r. PAR8ON1P, A Full and complete line of Candie, Fruit, Nut, Cigar, Fancv . merries, Ktc Ileadipiarter- ir Fi-h, v.ter- and Short order Mi - LADIES: j Please call and see my new Stock of Fashionable FALL AND WINTER , MILLINERY. All tin- new Shapes in Hutn, tlu RtW KH'fts in Triniminj;H and Or nnmentH, and all tin- new Sliadt-s In Kild.ons, Vflvt'tH, Silks an. I Satins. " v fHRS. HOWELL BROS. I PARSONS' Bottling Works, ItKVAN. TKXAS. Enlarged tod Thoroughly Equipped with NEW NI IMPROVED M A C II I N KRY. Strictly Kiret-clae and Up to date Plant. Pre pared to I'nll order, large or email for . Pure. Wholesome and High Grade Soda Water All Flavor. Wholesale ami Retail. Satifactioii guar antred. Price riglit. (Jio C. m. PROCTOR.."" A SBOT TO DEATH. Hope Adam. g Killed on the .Street of Wharton by In known Partir. LITTLE KNOWN OF THE AFFAIR. Instantly the r'u-illade llen and the Man M lad on the Public Ntiare. NO ARRESTS HAVE BEEN MADE AS YET. Adam Was a (aaala'ate For - fl lu Opposition la Ike Whit ftWi i mi. n Tlrkrl. Wharton, Tea. .Oct. 21. -Hop Adam.. th Independent-! 'Minimal fur sheriff and li'ivn-ror tb- independent movement agaiui tot. White Man's Union aaaocm turn, waa hot lo death in tha afreet of Wharton yeateniay. It u not known who did th.- -hooting and no irmli have mrn mala yet. No una aeema lo know ju.t how tho snooting waa broairht about Some ."i ..r J.'i ahola were fired Thay eeeined moatly to lura roma from tha court bona, bat otnn mm (rum other direction. The man (all at Tha Kearu ter offlca, and nrar him lay a Win chester nflV The wtndowi of tha office ware .battered by several bollat holes, and where they entered tha woodwork thowed that thay rama from tha dirae tioti of tha eourt hooaa. The phyawian who i lammed tha body ..! there ware two wound on the body, ime in tho log and una through tba neck. There had been aome tmable on the atreet a thort while before thia, bat waa q oa lied by Sheriff Utah, and it waa thought the matter wa Milled when the hooting of Admit occurred Ho;) Adam, the man killed, waa the leader and m.tigatair of the lndeiendent ovameut agaiuat tha White Man Union and ha been very ladnatrinu in hi effort to break it up, and thl waa beginning lo raun." aoine friction between I'a 1 1 la 111 wren N Temple. T, t , . ' M. Jl. A deate-rst and blilv tiirlt (vurre-l at the Santa Fe and the saWsTM, Kinai and Tsia junrtion between two negro lection liand on lh Katy. An 1 grudge bad MMM and they agreed to settle. Each knocked the handle out of hi pick for a weapon and at it they went. It was a desperate battle When it waa orer Wataon Johnson had hi tlrall crushed and other horrible bruiata, and John Teniaon waa badly battered ap, tint aUe to leave the battleground and inrrcader to the police Johnson is in a critical condition and is n perted to die. pa.lah .. tm IMMharga. Havana, Ott It.. The American com mixtion liat twen infomieil that a great numta-r of discharge have been aaked for by Spamh aolni. r and nfflcera unce the pnblioalion of Captain Oeneral HUnc.i'i decree announcing that ach application would he granted. The total number of Hpanuh soldier who would make application for ahtolato dia chiirg fmm the armv liefoea the evacuation take place u now "11 mated to nave n arrici i:,,iino Miliar, sa a Strike. Van 9mm, Ark , (.tel. II. -Fire hun dred miner rmploytal by th Western Ooal and Mining comny at Jennr Lind are out on .ink. Several dayt ago two driver were discharged for permitting a mule to t. accidentally killeil and th miner demanded the re lliatatement of the men The atrike it likely to tpread to othar ininea. Al ready coal town are feeling the effect of a coal famine. Mallaaerr outran L.I. Anttin. Oct. xi -The ttat printing board awardeil the atationery iimtract to Kugene von lioeckmann Co of i An. tin, that tlrm't bid tfinir f T11411 o j The Iward aiao assessed a penalty of flflOO again. 1 tne .latmnery contraetora tocov erallegiMt defective work in printing the latl thre volume of the mutt n- port and r " on a'.legeal overcharge on ' ttationery furnuhixl the tate. Iil.eevrre.l a New (em. I. Qm va. I V.. CM .'1 -Dr. William Una, ke, director of Smith objemtory, diacovereil 1 nw comet latt night. I . INMiiiou it right aacention U hours ill minute, declination north, tm daur... '. r bright Thia """'ii -Mil Ili-MM.'ri V I tin tinkoa i - nomate imwmm by br Kl-arU.rner Malleeh Rebbtd. Washington. Oct. tl. - Nawa hat leak.-l .,n here of a daring robbery at th Arlington hotel, rnmi day ago by whi. ti n ii.nrrronr Bollock of Oeorgu and hi wits m diamonds and jewelry alued at several thousand dollar No clew yt tmnd. Woodward, O. T.. Oct. 31. Tha am iem of ib mion formad Wednesday iu. of all classes rater the winter in .opart condition THE BITTER CF A END LOVE AFFAIR. onm Uttmk Mm inw, is oaa.r MM th. Mas sad Ma Hat Faaa4 Itaad. relwid, 8 D., Oct. t. Albert arlin, a rancher living near the Chey enne river in Ziebock county, enliatod aa a 1 r v it, i..-iimir of th.- .r i and hlghi at the battle of El Oaaey. After the tattle he met Kaiuona Perea, the laagnter of an officer of Oarcia command and thay became weelbearta. Soon af le rward be waa attacked br fe rer that MM him on atek leaae He wa "Wagad before hi departure for the war i o 'uenatigbter of a neightiring ram i ' man n-! rrani(ed to I married while 1 home on nu leave of atnenoa. Mean hue the Cuban girl had learn-! of hH Ultieaa and that ha had gone home ami the reaolred to lollow and MM i htm. Dressing in her brother' ciothea ' r to J.unaira liiid aivreteil m r elf a f ruit iteamer hound fra- New Orlaaaa. Hearhmg there ane rramil ad beat bar way to tlenaoe, H. D. WheoM rea. hed there .he learn. d of , her lover appnarhlng mar ru ire and th aeex drove tier inaane. At lh tame tine Ik Amencau learne.1 of her lover' flirtauon and broke off the engagement. Martia t gan drinking heavily and di- Hested. A few day ago hi body wa loud floating in tha Cheyenne r;w Whether lis fall m while intoKtoated or ("!i.:uilt. i uii ;'i la a matter ..f .unj. . ture HrabS MafeaMi !.!.. Vtetery. Iaaoo. Oct. ai.-Eiceptinnal inter eat was taken today in tne oalebration of the anniversary of the battle of Traf algar, fought Oct. 21, I Mkt, when the Untun Ileal under Admiral Nelaon gaiaeu a lanlllant victory ovsr the OesU of France and Spain, commanded by Ad lanal Villemnsve. The cauas of tin in creased outburst of patrioti.m here u tktdMpnte with France orer the Paaho da question, which in some quarter i laoke.1 ii, -.ii as a matter that may possi bly (Ting about war between these two coenrriee. I rear. rreat Merthaed. I'm. Oct. VI Major Marchand' re port lelegrapneii I rum t'aim. waa re--.rte l during Tburxiay nignt. It dia- not mention the arrival a( Kaahiala of lieneMi Kiteheiior, only give an ac roam of ine lucidenta of the expedition, with an rate dearrtption of the roair fo.lowed, point orcupini, manuer tlm apfioii. the tl.,B, the f..r left at each nnt and the treaties of MHasi.ii i-oinluMwi with the in'... w itb n addition referring to encouur with lervihe. Alia.,. la. I Waahlagtan't I users!. tm Yiwk, Oct. !. Her. Charles Heaia, colored, m dead at hu home in Una my. aged M yeara. The first not j ab. erent m hu life waa in I "u, when hit mother ranted him to the funeral of IOcge Washington, so that he could J aiwer ay that he attended tho burial of th Brat president of hi country He comd remember the older Kandnlph nianuon on Malvern hill, where Oeneral Lafayette made hi. headiiuartera t fat.., 1.1 bp llubnar pan, Rston. tct. I.-Tha Olobe say: It la reported that the Boston Robber Shoe company has been absorbed hv the United States Kubbar company and that Ml 1 n. rae, its prealdent, will laaeome a director in the new cot-poration. The pun liaae pnee 1 said to he $1,130,000 cash and jtlW.oi.i m preferred took pay lug - fm cent for the dividend and $,. 4M,?iai common, a total of $.,ft3,P00. An il Murdered. Montgomery, Ala., Oct :'i I' Met', v a. rgeatit maiorof th Tlnr.1 Al ahaina regiment, was found dead on Jack. mi atreet at 3 o'clock Una morn, tng. H had been ahot, the 101 enter ing the left ear. He waa an n Tocadav with . ontiderahle money, tut when foun l lu. pirketa had been cut out and the money w aa gone. The coroner I In Teetigatiug Cnn.lrla.l of Murderlag a t'blld. Albu.pi. niue. N. M., Oct Jl In the 1 dlitrict curt Joseph K. Rim has been oonvicted of murder in the firat degrea I 1 he date of Ma execution haa not yet' been aet I.ut November Mia while j mnch intoiicated flreal two .hot. into a I .group of cliiMren. killing tl-yrtar-old l'atricion liauuon and wounding Ar- iuro (tarvi laansaet targ at sWasea, Kan France . Oct t.The BritUh tar i lia .. - 1 J, ... ! 1" "V. t?L?Jl" mam7L ,.,, ..... frult thBt 3 G thu mrt fur iinnr numtba She t:ok Just Received BroUed Brook Trout Kackerel Keg Pickle Sauer Krout Irish Potatoes 2 lb Tins Java and Mocha Coffee Maple Syrup Fresh Mince Meat Fresh Apples Fresh Oranges Fresh Cream Cheese Dried Fruit of Jno. B. MIKE. The Original Cutter. DO YOU LIKE FINE COOPS? Try Bayle's Fine Sauces as follows: Cock Tail Catsup Celery Catsup Anchovy Catsup Tabosco Catsup Swift's Premium Lard at the price Ot?trade0I0n lard- 1 want your away cases i ued at .'.i ..... . i- . of .alnion and f canneai fruit. The cargo ia val- All Ker..r i. tmsthatl St. Lonu, Oct The weather con dition that pr ail now l,p .,k . m... teorological recorda of thia tea ton. mow never twfore having fallen so early in i- 11. acurding to the weather of leers The earlitt previoua date cn ! which now apprei here wa Nov. U. , Msr Take ... New York, Oct. V..A Havana dia patch aaya an aicreeuient between the two commiationt a to the date of the evacuation again aeema probable The American u.timatam 1 Jan. 1, and this date w ill he finally accepted by the Spaalah MMke a lh. k.i , Avtrtad. St. Loma, Oct. K. -It it learned that a atrike of engineer and conductors on the Mlaaonri, Kansas and Tela over the of rainatatinir three iierttr..l conductors has been averted, the compa n v agreeing to take back two of the men H.4T.C. iw. TL EL it it DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. Short and; QaJck Line lletaeen North anil South Texet, T H R O U G rt S L E E P E w s MR VIM TKL.S.5P1 GALVFSTHN nrkllCriki GALVESTON 0ENIS0N Vis llotiat n r ' . GALVESTON M 3T LOUIS Via Reuilon, tonia ai 1 HOUSTON m AUSTIN T. C. reai bee tlaliriton Houston, Rrtuhem. Anttin Waco Coraicana, Wataha. I,ie, Kt. Worth DaJIs. Ptatsai vi , .,' . ' and Denton, and givea first das sctvhe. C. " . Bat. M. I Konbik. Tiifllc Manager. H. !' AT. Agt. W. S. Wnaoa.'Agt.- HonitoD Bryan, Teaae. all kinds Wine Mustard Anchovy Mustard Celery Mustard Horse Radish Mustard R.'J. FORD. DR. PAUL M. RAYS0R, PHYSICIAN AND Bryan, Ti. BUBOIOV, .aa. Offlee. orer Jamea Drag tore, deuce Phone 131. i.eai. The AMERICAN Laundry. Two (loon South of Ex change Hotel. Piret clara work (iuaranteed. Prompt delivery. PATRONIZE A HOME ENTERPRISE and keep your Money at home. Telephone No. 141. E. D. BEACH. Mauaier THY TBI HW fjlTY BAKERY. V Fresh Bread, Rolls. Cakes and Pies. Delivered the City. to any part of Leave OldM at John M. Lawhknck A Co.'s Bom.iNn Work. B. (iKIEssER, Proprietor