Newspaper Page Text
JSran Ifcormng Eagle. BRYAN, TEXAS, TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 26. 1898. Vol.IIINo.281 Price 6 cents. CREAMERY BUTTER HOWELL Stamped on every lb. Double Crown Full Cream Cheese Pettijohn's Breakfast Food Self Rising Buckwheat. Maple Syrup Chicken Temale Currants; Dried Figs. Etc. ANDERSON'S Concentrated Tomato Soup Two cans 26 cents ; one can makes an excellent Soup for Six Persons. DOZIER BAKERY FRESH CAKES and Crackers; 18 Varieties to Select from. b Fancy Michigan Apples; Fresh Roasted Coffee: GLORY FLOUR $1.25 per Sack. For THE BEST Trait milh . WllWili Howell Bros., U i,. ij the army. bia Ma. M: i. ii. ...... ..I after w M-ui'ir . '.joI of waa Wipuili in ctam r.-m port and numbered in an eieeeclinglY bright, M ! clevenieaa wM coo THE GROCCRS GOOD LUCK! to Drink at the GLOBE SALOON TAYLOR & COX, Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS I Cooling Drinks. Stenothenino Cordials. Everybody treated Rioht. Best Wines, Liquor and Cigars tinoaliy getting him the n.or.nnilei' n rtripi and whoee eerapedca were Jaa( aa Ii. -U' lilly getting In in reduced to lb ranka 'hM day tbii ..Idler tarti-d i at chatter ' paartrri with lonr (ai l' and appln d fC lenve attend lb (antral of bla mother, wbo bad 'ileal Iba pre v cot nijant. be eid, ia iba tewn law wqneat wt granted, tm later m, ia looking over Iba eaiua iw ord, tbe rol-avl diencrered tbat tba aJM man bad bra granted leave tbe montb before on Iba fdeut teal preteat Suaftar aaid nothing. Imt a coo pie 4 day. afterward encounter, d the la-reoved warrior rirad. aai .ml "Ix-,k Inn ,y man " il l !'. Hill aolctniily. "i want to a.k y,u a n neat ion. Wi r- w a good t . thai mother of yoore while, iba we nliveV "Well, air yea, air tbat if, I leja aNfMMN the colprit. not knw lutf what waa coming. "I boprao, too," replied theeobavl "I've beard of motbere dying for Ibetr hm: hut MM "f 'lying twice la SO daye for one. Yoo may go ia a oar a tan f' a mouth at llw .'uardbooa. " Nw Orleau- TtlUHa-lb-nt'cral Peck, "that a boat bait or II In iba preauapapben' window. ar of bridal rooplee I wonder why tbey aj. wayi rob off to a pbofc .graph, r aa aoua aa tb knot la tied?" "1 fancy ibe boeband ia r-.jiM for it." aaid Mr. Park. realize tbat it U about bia Uat cbanra to war look plaaaaat " tVaraoo'a Weekly. PARSONS' Works, 10 in: v an. w.w- I I Enlarged ami TbTOBedj.e Bqiitttd with SBW AND IMPROVRD M tCHI N KKY. Strictly fjfat elbaa nml Pp-tO aVrtl Plant. Pre pared t.i tiill order', lfK or email fur - Pure. Wholesome and i) High Grade Soda Water n All Flavor)1. Whnlmala ami ' Krtail. Hatiifaction guar-aiita-f 1. 1'riii - ritil. n a trial. Prompt Attention to All Orders. HKSl'Ki TKII.I.Y. O. Gr. PARSONiP, A Full nml -mil-t- line ol ('aiulii-a, Fruit-, Nul-, ( inara. Fancy ir rira, Kt . i I 'it i ur t-r- for Fi-li, Myatera anil Slmrt ofdtf LADIES: PlenAe call and see my new Stuck of Pashionablc FALL AND WINTER- MILLINERY. All the now Slmpcs in Mats, tin New KlI'ctH in Triinniingf ami Or DfUntnil, nml all the ni'W Similes in UiMiotiH, Vol vein, Silk- and Satin. : i.. m- Whanom yoor o-aaua .f aiKht f"l awk, do oot claw at lb. in with tb annrklaa, ao to ctpraaa It. Yon raw. Dot niaa-aiiH jrotir ejm tba aama war yon would lh -' i .- r , iri- ! t. body. Taajr aaad balp from Iba haadi bat thl h.-l. moat I- adwiinatarrd la a vrTy in I la and drlicata mtbod. Joha tunx y Adama had a way of tr.-aiiuc bia ryaa, wbf'h. It ia arid, i i ir Tll " to !t age. Willi oat iba belp of aptaitaclai Tina waa to plaoi b:i Ihcjaband tnrr firiir-r "v h tiraai an y lid and ki1t rnh tin in toward tba Daw a narnlar of ' . .. . i, .lay 1 (. .i t. ii in -raa. lr nlalinaj of bhaal iu tbat I'- aiity. d'a-a away wilb tbo tiny apot tbat aoinrtitum n.akl l for lha vtaion and pci-Tiut. tbat flattrntnjr. of tba laaara which rauara dlruuaaa of algbt at a or tail! f'- oa. It la wonderful bow raorh goo4 raa bn ill na th fjnaof pmpln of all aaa by natua Utia aimpla csrrctaa 10 or It bio elM rarh day. If you are waara it may m.t fcanm v. in. 1,1 i ni i-t.n t in . Hi 'b' il iik. It la wall In ri.iiut tba uuiul- r of am i maib. hy tba Itniii-ra orrr tbe ryaa until you hare rvarbrd l In- uuiul- r tbat yoo bar.- try ria rimani tbat IniM will allow, mm York T wanly nine ib-p iatr donad Into (be Aaatralian oolooiaa is 17H ar now 1. 1 n a. ii:.. by ISO, 000,000 of tba Heart wool abeap in tba world, Mafcfcar Raa4 Ymw Il'a4aha. "Ibrpartnwutal liaadacbra ara a dla tioct malady. " remarked a wall known phyaician to a reporter, "and it la oma wlurt of a aarprtae bow many uffarrra tli. ra are among d-partmenl 1. rka f; in ti n " ni.k Tb- ihinn - .ii.. t , KMW among lb. in, and tbey hae tneir i gularly aa lb. y baa their work. A almple remexly wbicb ia worth try lag ia to pot a rubber band around tba bead jart above tba earn "flu- band -bonld U"t Ian light enough to -lop Ilia ircalaliiHi of tba blood. Tba band known aa tba atring band la gauerally nurfl' lently teary for the porpoae. It abould ha applied j uat aa aa it ia noticed tbat tbe lieedaoiw bj M-tting to and taken off tba moment tbe pain caaaaa. In many raeaa tba ruLlr band worka oicaly, though it aflorda Do re lief wbea tba baadaeba ia tba t -nil i f toinaf b Iront: "I find ed a tot foot ii a band from a jumpi liable, to b. I niDi-h huuildll robber band a tbe nerval ia top tba pain, around tbe be la. tight enou of tbe blood ' UIi - tier I and twl Just Received! Broiled Brook Trout Mackerel Keg Pickle Sauer Krout Irish Potatoes 2 lb Tins Java and Mocha Coffee Maple Syrup Fresh Mince Meat Fresh Apples Fresh Oranges Fresh Cream Cheese Dried Fruit of all kinds B. MIKE. The Original Cutter. Jno. Aa in d, th. iri'iiUtloa tar Her flr.t itreer. . i v. i..-wlv ii. aril.. I ..wi did m t know a little, bit ulot either hooaa-kt-t'tng r fhoj jnng. aud .ha waa gir mg In r . ry fir.i order. It war a croak' ii I nt tin- i.p i . r waa a c. rer nan and waa um.I to all biodi of aud rould int. rj n I tli. in euijljr "I W in! I. ii p. inula of paralrnd aug ar. " he I- gan, with a boaiiieaalikH air "Y. in Anything elae " "Two rana of ooeMtaaaad ilk," " Yea'm. " II- mi ... w ii "i ul xr ii 1 1 ngar ' anil "coiiil. iiM-.l milk. " "AiiMluug in. .re, ma'araV "A lag .( fr. eh -alt. 1'e aiire It'i frrwh." 'Yea'lll. What Beit?" "A poaaal of rlianiati il ndlili 1 He arnb' glibly "deatecatadeod. " "N. tiling in., re, nia'ain W. hat e in- in. .. hone radi-h ju-l in " "No. " abe wild. "It Would te of 00 Oar lo 11 a Wa doa't kaep a h'm " Tin 11 the gri . er -at d..w n and Cum. d hiniM If with pal. lit wa-lilauril. a I th. .ugh the tetiiperalore wm nearly . r.. N. w ik Vi rid. Itlrmeaa. In amue port 1 on a of (i.rruariT tlm klnneea, or rbup h inaa-. f. rmarly dam. d 111 honor of the deili ati-n . f a rbiirrh. la now obaerved with Ibe tperlal rharaeter of a barveat borne ll uiarka tlie 1 l . of tin. y. ur'a I iIm r m l i Ii by three daya of tuiiair, feaatlng and dunring wild purtnen brn or l lotted, amirdiiig 1 .ii-gr.e of Cornell 11.. nt th.- , rn nling May fiatlril. Iu wilt hern liertnany the .lid . f the harveet II marked hy the alrkle feaat The Ittai eii. uf la in triumph In the lru mid placed on tba fi.r. whlla lh" ,. uuger r.mpli dance around IL inn half of it li then dixk'd miiIi rib I una and hung alofl, while tlx- other half la burned. It. uahea nr. li .i-ured aa a remedy for mid ara -.nil. tlm. 11-.. I 111 making .ii'iul. la or 1 harm". The a-aot. Ii-urn fur W.-bui, or "lha oliloui', "a few ran of corn and u mint 1 1 number of apple-, it l-ing id. ti. I unlucky to atrip . 11I1. r Held or tr.i' entirely I are l.ippin. , it'a. OIRS. c. m. PROCTOR. I.ellera and 1 rae The lamdou Daily Nwi nntei tba altlintv I. twcii lell.n and trade. : I ,. .'. 111 I Mill tiard to adorn the old India Hook. Auitlu Itol-iiat, I.,,., .mil Cii-uio Moiikllouae nr. Ill the hoard of triule. Itetijamln Khld an4 W. M. It.waetll uaed to lai at Soincifrt IIodm.. Ihuitellito-lel Hoaanttl narrow -I 1 ,i 'I ut . mi 1 riaia 111 In- ireer la iug u lelcgrupb cliak ia-lcu.l f uli iirti-i. Tlm poatuitlna ubaorlail for many yi ur- the u rlluoii. cnnglei . f An thony TMllupe. Ilia l.aal I liaaee. Did n n 1 v.r nolle.., ' -nld Mrm. N. trt-laat-r'i Mil. Ai Hanaen waa Uermany'a gi ii.-t maater in mathematical aatmoomy, an waa tba venerable Argelauder In tbe ob ervainaial aide of tbe iclenoa, aavi I'n feaaor .-nie ii N'ewcomh in Tba At lantic. Ha waa of tbe aaiue age tba newly crowned emperor, and tbe two ware playmatee at tbe time (Germany waa being; overran by tbe artnlra of Na poleon. Ha waa lerld in love and reaper! by tba entire generation of yoong aa ti 1. 11.. r-. loth liermani and f r. tgn era, many of whom warn prood to bava had bim ai their preceptor. Ain-ng tbeae waa Dr. II A. (ioold. who fre ijoenlly related a ilory of tba aatn.n ouer'i wil. When wilb bim aa a Mo I. ut. Ii- win Uonlleia aud iuatl a glial band of hair. Bat u rn I ng m mie year- lat er, h bad become I aid. hot bad naada op for It by baring a full long laard He nt. red Argi laud. r'i itody unao nouured. 'II . . ti 1, lucr l.-ikxl at hint with mme rurpriae, uot at flrat recog niing him "l j' u 11 t know um, lU rr 1'r. fi a orr' The aatrom m. r liaiked not cbavly. "Mi 111 0aj It 1. QgaJi uut hll hair alruck through. " t Tela ml nalla. The following remark Iry a high land clergyman. In hi--ermon presetted in a imall bun h In Mrathp y. ufl r uivi igliiug again-t alotbfulneea, na (aid in ihadtig, "li yoo think Adam and Kve went about the garden of Kilcn with their lunula In their raa-keti?" Iain year, 111 the north of Ireland, the following . aim- under my obaerva thai. Iu a hotel iba porter, for my in formation aud dullfolly in furtherance f the inter. ti .f hii employer-, re marked, "If yoo wuul a drive, air, yi In . .In t g.. out f the hotel. " meaning. of couran, that carriage- formed part of the eaubllibment. Another boll waa' in a overheard between 1 two workman. ne pot tbe ioca lion, "Were you antialuted with rke ' and-an'r" to which the reply waa, "No; , he waa dead before I knew him." An Iri-b fri. ml f mine waa d. ril ing a dinner jurtv hi. had been at. It 1 waa a great raceeea, ai two noted talk en were j rinut u b of whom waa I talking ao fait neither could get in ' a Word. Spectator. Tobacco la I'-aalaaJ. In regard to the which ii Miinetliiiei 11, I. 1 hat oneway to relieve agricultural d. pre imi 111 thia country 1 would be for the government to allow and even toiii, irnge the growth of to hacru. It mav I inter, -ting to note bow long tbeprolnl ita n haa luted and bow -tcrnly ill, ,. ! f.,rc. I Thu may la' giither.d (mm th following extract: "r.inict Waketleld with a arty of borw mat. 'long .ut of lil.-e-tcr upon tin. Inat if .Inly to Wiitcliconie and 1 ('hellnaiii lo de-troy tlm Tobacco plant- d in tin' part-, the Country did rire ugilnit lln iu In n greit laaly, to Ihe lunula t n( .'. or mm, giving tin in very ri'vilflng and thriatuiiig hc even to kill taaaa horae and man, if tbat he and hi- .- .Idler- did come oil, inaoiuuch 1 I hat the tumuli bring ao great, he wai 1 ..ii-trmi;' d to draw off and nothing mora done" iMcrcurtui I'olitmui, Uli 1 July-5 Aug., lilSHj. Notceuiid iuerlie. a.nllr.l la Ileal. l-'aee. Surely pajbjaj conld go 110 furtbar 11. an tli.- A little girl wui hy I (hncnglic of a palug train iu moth Cjoeaniland. Auatralln. Hald thedriver: ; "1 -iiw Hi- 1 1 111- child on the track, and tie -ight wm one that alma4 maitu my heart atop beating Hba waa iltllug DO YOU LIKE FINE GOODS? Try Bayle's Fine Sauces as follows: Cock Tall Cat -tip Celery Catsup Anchovy Catsup Tabosco Catsup Wine Mustard Anchovy Mustard Celery Mustard Horse Radish Mustard 1 ) L I sell Swift's Premium Lard at the price you pay for common lard. I want your October trade. R.M. FORD. town playing, it appeared, wun um -In wa in t old . in ugh to nn il. ritand the pnaJtion -he wa. iu. When I blew the wbirtle, Ibe little tot jort tomul an and, and aa the engine drew m ar her aba lucked up at me and auiil td. " Mell unie Age. lira .i 1 I'airter. Admiral Porter wai forever running nil 1 rint. and hi. penchant for tin. kind of thing waa a enorce ot great an iioyam e to liraiit. w ho waa Ida atan. b fri. nd. What do yoo think of I'orter aa an admiral:'" wai aaked of tbe general on one occaana. Why." replied tirant, with a .miet mile, "lie would be the gnateat admi ral unce Nelaoo if be had never learned lo write. ...change. DR. PAUL M. RAYSOR, PHY8ICIAN AND SI'RUIOK Hrvan. Ti-xaa. I'ucle The Filar, ..( Ir.ol "What U rapid trannt. Chrii?" "Kapid' Wby, it U electric can which hue to run ao fart tbat tbey never atop to take on paaarngen. " De troit Free freaa, H.4T.C 11 11 Ii. It. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. Officii over Jama Dragitor. M$t deuce Phone 131. The AMERICAN Laundry. Two doora South of change Hotel. Firat t afl . a aa.. ' t 1 1 i t u,i 1 .111 1 rt 1 1 . a r 1 mi n ilaalifaari PATRONIZE AlHOME ENTERPRISE and keep your Money m home. Telephone No. 141 E. D. BEACH. Mauagar H R 0 U 0 ri L E E P E W s THY TBI new Pity bakery rthort ,ii, 'i; Quick Line Hetween North and south Trni. I S IHTWKIlt HOUSTON ATT, DENVER Via Enal d ft Worth GALVESTON . OENISOr" Via llonn ii and I at GALVESTON.,, ST LOUIS Via Houston, Eunis ai . 1 Houston , austin Fresh Bread. Rolls. i it The II. T. Oi PMcbtg tiabraton ll' iiaton, Pirnbini, Auitin. Waco Or-icana, WaiahacJiie, Kt. Worth, I Dallaa, Piano, M Kinney, hlirrman and Denaon, ami glvra flnt-claaa Service. C. vY. Una, M. I.. Konaiaa, Tialllc Manager. O. PAT. Agt. W. S. Wnaoa.'Agt. Ilooiton llryan, Teaaa. Cakes and Pies. h.'llV.le.l the City. to any art I !v- T'lerg John M. I.awiik.m i .v l o. a BorrUM Work. K. (illl KSSKH. Pro, .rial.