Newspaper Page Text
V '." iK oar the Hal below il von dmI FINE A nirfii I'UfKI MKRY and TOII.KI AKTIt'l.FN, lAUlCOi aupply yoor waota with Ilia higheet (nut A goode that are made. In Viula Ki trade we hV- WOODWORTirS.3- In Violat Watere wa have LOZEUS, VIOLA, and WRIQH IS. In the latent onlera we liar "LozeMV Hispania, Corinaria, Crabapple, Em pire Ulh . Umpire Rose, White Helliotrope, White Rose, Pink, Jockey Club. White Lilac. Wilson THE DAILY EAGLE. at tka faiUMn at Brrae, Tia. a liainJ claw sail maiur. T coHNiLi.r. ruiiit OABim Malcolm Caaea Editor. ce-catr-rioa MM Per Week, 10c. Per Month. 40e I DKMOCKATK I I i K KT For United State Senator C. A. CULBERSON For Oovmior JO01PH D. BAYERS of Bastrop. For Lieutenant (Jovcmor J. N. BROWNING of BiimiIHii For Attorney General T. .-. ,M ml of Hill'h iro. For Comptroller g, W. FINLEY of Tyler. For Lanil ( lommiaaioner 010 W. FINGER of Ft. Worth. For Treasurer JOHN W. BOBBINS of Vernon. For Kail mad I ALU BOM MAYFIELD of Sherman. For State BaperinU ndent J.S. KENDALL of Ladonia. For --ociata Jottice THOB. J. BROWN of Sherman. For Court Criminal Appi M. M IROORJ of (ireenville. For Cmu-re .. ntli Hn-tri I ROBERT L HENRY of Wueo. For RtprtaWntivn ftSth Dlatrict MAM R. HENDERSON f Bryan. For Dlatrl 1 Attorney '2l th li-tri j.c. scot r of Franklin. TUK8DAY, OCPHII I i I !". i:ebiifigc Hotel rn ilia. ,, . , . , o..,-i llaaelton, Ja,kao,.. .l i. i.t. II II lain- ton, r. 1 Jaioimk, naiiaa; r I ('oiuiii'iua 1! l Mcrerron, I'll s Batbrta, Oolumbo; 0 lre- ialveaton, I B Ian ole, Ne V. rk Briganci, Navaaota Chaa I) lg, llonatoi ,1 W arraouie, J W delphl I 1 '. I "... i I I ,rll, S I Ti mailt. N. w 1 1 e ins Au-iin Mill, D.i lai Try EMIYIEL'S STANDARD MEDICINAL Preparations. 20 par oant Every Preparation Reliable. Enmel'i Egg Emulnon ol Cod Liver Oil r'fb U.t ami iasi paUUbta Rat'dajon lb market I'M . e aii.l - """ Emmel's Cough Balsam t 30f tfl.t e' pr tmttle i,,iarnle. . ' Emmel'i Wonderlul X-Ray Oil OHM all ualix and !. ''l '"! per taHlle Emmel Healing Ointment Fmmel't S.n ill.i Tbs baal l.lo.el .i,rn - l"' '"' Emmel'i Iron Tonic in. arel sj. r ' Emmel'a Soothing Syrup J0c par bolll. PALMERS, LOZELLS, VIOLA. WRIGHTS, and - Jenkins Drug Co Iteenlutlona on the leiillt of lata Hh. it.. ii. It having plowed Ood to remove from our whool, by death, our lit tle claaitnate, Lulu Shelton, be it therefore rcaolved Firnt. Thnt we feel our low very keenly uml that for sonic time we w wj er from our cMi. get 'I. Thul we, teM Sunday nchool of the Chriatian church of Bryan, eitend to the friend anil Hativra our sincere sympathy in this, their bereavement. Third. That a copy of theao reao lutiotiH ! i-mlrodied in our tuin nt - uii-J given to tin' daily paer for puhlication, also that a copy lie aent to the bereaved p.irenta. Gertrude Nail, Sadie Maw hinnev, Hallie Davenport, Cotnmiltee. Itev. Krne-tti. Townaend of Dallas, preached at the Baptiat cborrb Sunday and unday night. The anhj. i t of the morning aermon waa: "I am t lie way, the truth and tbe life." I bave ranted tbe t'luad Mitchell pan tine, .M ii rea, good gr i a :ind water Hates for pasturage .;attle or borae foe a bend per month. Apply to I, II Ugjft '.'73 1 Mr. J. VV. Brock man and Mr. Mary llnilaie'b were married here Sunday hy Jmlire J. T. Clora at the reaidencc ol tne latter. The couple went to llre tiiond Sunday. I hey hate the heat M idies of The Kagle. Marriage Ucaaaei: Richmond liavia to Ml lie Heaven, Ja. W. Hrockman to Mrs. Mary Hudspeth, Jolmaon to Marv Kobereon, Tom Katera to Minnie Stene, Will Johna to Maggie Shield, ttm Oooyaj ts a nine (MtgMB, A delegation from the Bryan lodge of Woodmen of the World went to Mitts can Sunday afternoon ami participated :n the nine. ling ol a in inument to a ilnrease.1 Woodman there. A aplendid aupr wai served to Ibe vialtora. Among thoae alio went from Bryan ware Joe B. Uee.1, J, N. i.awienre, Dr. Lawrence, John Kttle, Frank But e. hsii hi man, I II. Newton, M. I . Wallace, A. W. Buchanan, K. Wetter, Mr. and Mia. W. II Human The rwMWM OaMgeM hv Mr. Mc Caaland and W. D. linrrelt and wife, waa hurne.1 ye-tenlay inoruing aluiit I o'cloek, vviy little of tbe couteuta he g aaNed. Tkl atathkolM reaidenie adj Ining alao hmt one gatle burned and Ih. i oi, .gel MeCaalaml and 'tlarrett had IIO'JA luiutaiice on kaNM and fin nitiire, lisa on ttie lluckholta rwidwrf I 100, ll I) I ered hy inaur iniice. Mra. .lolinaon. who upled tll,kiillil la,!d.M, laat MUOonlnVaT tine, covered hy InauraBH. l ire: Flrel Fire! V(lil ,rr 1( f y,plir hotuea OTt yllr Hue aaminad, ratlaad aad , , ,.,. ,.,. ir1 . 1kl. w" er-. I'i, ,.ne I in. .1. Alen Mv .'Ml Ihaa Paliati. Guaranteed Efficient and Emmel s Belladonna Plaster r, eent Emmel's Castoria 25c. Emmel's Laxative Syrup 40c not. Emmel's Liver Pills The he. t pill, ile per iMitile. Emmel s Little Cathartic Granules 20c per bottle. Emmels I, ss Chill Cure syrup, 'oiaraliterd A. ilaaiii . : Emmel s Headache Powder (luaianli'il inn and 2ur Emmel's Sullerine An imprnv'l liquid iilphur. Curei all kin aireeiloni. I'rlee aio per ludlt. i hr..a an Kor ". " A etnry ia told nf Fanny Kanihla, wh. . favorite rammer rreort waa Len ox, that no her ttr.t Mam there ibe employer! aelf reaper-ting villairer, who bait comfortable turnout, to drive bar about. Ha. feeling It to be In. rlutityi make the lri v.- aa entertaining aa poaei ble, began to rail her attention to thn beaoty of tbn ecenery which aha wtahed to enjoy undiaturoed and to tell ber who lived In certain hooapa aa tbey paMed ehaig, until Dually Mr Kenib!e, being nnable to alaml II any long. . 111 the high tragedy manner aomewbat Tuliar to ber, "I have en gaged ynn to drive for me, air, and not Co talk." Tbe driver ceaaed talking, purw.1 op bia llpa, and In all their nhannenl driven hla only remark were audi a hu found neri-awn toiiddn -- to lil hnraca At 1 1 nd of tliKM iuH.ii hu haiiihil in bin hill for the summer acrrlcca. Ituu nlng her eye down Itaawkwnrd columns, be piiiiwd at an item that ahn didn't understand. " Whut la thl. air? I cau not eouipreherid it. " With e.ual gravity he replied, "Sus. I'i. I don't nfti n hike it. hut when I do I charge. " She paid the hill without comment and rontlnued to enploy the aame driver during many aummera ahn ap. tit there. Hoatfln Raoord The l.m.ililr rs' ( upper. "Many of the pints, of life in the Tenderloin are kuleldiwoplo In their ebangea, " aaid a hotel detective, "but there la one little group of men In this precinct tbat I much the same now that it waa a down year ago. I menu tin. oatalde men of the gumhlllig hoti., . They are well known to all aporflhg men, and I mnld iiumn four or five who bar dona little elao all their Uvea, It la tin Ir bulnea to know the regular patrnua of faro hanks, and If the man who employ them haa turn forcl to cloae np hi old phu .. and open a new one It 1 their dnty to circulate thn tip "A good outside ...n spctida hi tlum around hotel and In all night retmi ruiita ami pick up aciuamiaiice wlmr ev. r tin can After working np to the UhJ.-et i't gaiuhling he Invites his new friend to go nrntind to a little place that la run hollestlv and Sllfelv (lie of thn hot dre.-ed lounger on itroadwuv, whos,, fm e luu oug la'cti familiar to paruder on Hint atn et, la a puller In for a garni. ling honiai. Ilnvna a liar kei p. r II few .-.irs ;,g.. .Old there lllllde a lot of acnaintancca who urn his tia-k In trade, lie sstuls money a freely ns a wine agent, and I have no doubt that he brings many thousands nf dollar- to the man who run the giimhlitig hon e New York ."-nil eased I ire nnd l.. The French author Martainvllle. who begun his cure, r toward tln i I - nf the Inst century, la aunl to have ow, , the pres. rvntion nf his life to a witty piece of inula, ity l(o was a royalist nnd did not, t i uttHi'k tlm French revolntlnn nnd its uuthorttlea Presently, of ci ursc. he w i siiiiunon.l to upM'iir befoni the revolutionary tribu nal. The revolutionary tribunals at that time did not hesitate to send v rv lly to the guillotine w ho had m mured to attack them. Murium ille cip.-ctcd logo with the rrat of the victim. "Whut is your name'" asked tlm judge "Murium ville, " aaid tbe young author "Mar tallivllle!" i iilaitn.-d the judge. "You are di ceiv lug us nnd tr lug to hide . nr rank You are mi ariti riit, and yonr name is lk Martainvllle." "CitUen pr. sidi nt. " eiclnuueil the young man, "1 am hero to I' shorten, -d, not to lai lengthelie.1 ! M'uve me inr inline'" A true Kreiichman lovia a wlttlcitn above all things, and the trihunul waa an hv Martiiinville'a grim reaaiue tbat it spurn, hi life. 1 tjajaat Medlelar. The peasant phnrniucoi,i ni of Kratue U wonderful most womh rful Wine is an ingredient of every prencriplion. Ill fever ns. - II ia ulwiIVs the predolnl nan t one. The French s nsunt'a fulth III ferillellted grilpe Jun e ; . trill V he.lll tiful. If hla rblldrelt are stricken with the ;ish , In- (.'ii, - lie in I nk ra of Wine, well s weeli lied with honey and highly apiccd Willi pepT. For ,i . re cold he odlnliilstcia ii iuart of tnd WtM uml u mi Ited tnllow cundl : .e.L For -uret or hriiin fever be l'Iv.s egga. White Wlllll mid aisd Well he.iteu he I get her. Not ull their Usrstiii,na um j curious. Some urn putheiic. A mother, for uistnm e, often hurle In r di ad child with ita favnritii toy or her own l-nntt-ful hair in the coflln, "that it nmy not fi . I iiiitn aloim." -Farts 'orn .p.,i,d- line rirrllll..n mm,,. At Klllareev every visitor limr some liiiighalde sloriea. llerelaoui in w nnd ! freah, 1 think - who h picked an dnr lug my lust visit to the glorious lakes: A iiuinhcr of I out men who were quar ajjta aJjMl UkS division of "tip" in. dulgetl nt Ihe lop of their vine, , a gissl ileal of profiinu Inuguug. . which the marvelous e, ho repealed verl.ntim. " Arrnh, look nt that, now, for u igaja. dal," aul f the juirty who wio of a ploti turn. "T'lichin thn pi- r oaia less echo to curse mid aware. " Spec tutor nia llaallaiHy. ' "Tbn minister and the policeman. " siiid the young uml i vnicul lamtder, "a is. pur.ihln udjiiiii ta of i l iliu tloll." "They nre very much alike," aaid the i ii. . rf iii nitoi. "One is a palm mA the other Is ,t (n eler. " ludlaliapolia Journal. Karh flgnre in a first Has waxunrk exhlhltloli has to he leiuadn every lour or tlvu years The wax lose it. -, lor and M'comca soft mid spongy after that num. It I catlmutiil start in furl one In 1H of tint population, or KiO.llOO, live on charity, wllh a tendency toward i rimu In Uindoii thii claaa la one lu !10. BIG R. B. TEMPLEMAN H, F. Mm, Ibe well kaowa pain'er and decerator, who astot aeveral mom ha in Itryan and decoratail the in terior of the osra bullae, paaaed thtongb the city MinMay en route to llonatin from Hinahn. MeW where he baa bean doing a large amount of work at the Trans Mi-aia-ippi evHisilion. We have received ropiea of the I tms hn Dally Bee ia which hi de.igna ate much praised, eap- rial ly the elalairate decoration of the Bee hiukllug. Mr. l.e-irge Hoyler and Miaa Fula Wyntt wera ma rued at Hetbel cbanh -unday wining at III o'clm-k I y lb-v J. M. tiullisck. A Urgaciowd aitneiaed tin-1 ereniony. Mr. Hoydei a home la on Hock I'rairie, while tbe bride i a laughter ol Mr- Ciay Wyalt of the Bethel community. Both the young I people are well known and popular, mid the Kagle join other blend- in wiahlng tbetn a long and happy life, A I iiiagiiiliccul dinner w is served i (be h iiieoltbe hride'a mother, atteiuleil hy relatives and friend. CITY DIRECTORY. lilt Ml II O'KM-MOstV Haptlat-W. 0i Filley, pastor, tar. vice every Sunday II a. in. and fill p. in. ; Siiiidnv achool !. I'i a. m.j pray er meeting Thurwlay night. Methmllat J. B. t'ochran, paetor: S.'tvicea II a. in. and 7 p. in. Sunday; Sunday achool '.I 10 a. in , Fpwotth league Sunday 4 p m. , prayer-meeting Tueailay night I'm nbveterian J. D. West, paator; Servn ea morning and evening 1st, ,'lrd and ltd Sunday In each mouth, hundav , liool 'i I'i ,i in prayer-meeting Wt dueailay night. Chnatlan, .1. I.. Andrew, pastor Seivieea II a. in. and 7:l'i p. in. Sun day; Sunday arhnol l;ift a. in., ( In b Hun Kndeavor ,1 p. m. Sunday; prayer ii st iing Wedneailay night, Kraa Communion Baptist A. M, thwart, paator: servnea every Sun. day night In each month; Sundav -i i I in a. in. t .lo.cph'at'atliiilicl hnrcli- Father I'clnar, paator; Maaa at H and 10 a.m. Sunday. i.oiioa MaaiiMo. I van hoe ('oiumiiiidery No. x. Knight Templara Meet 'Jnd Tuesday in each month. A. M. Hboile, K. C; 11. U. Ithodea, Secretary. W.T. Auilin Chapter No. H7, K. A. VALUES AT THE PRIDE nf the Housekeeper is THI! HOfTE. Then why not make the Home HOME! .IKE 9 llnmi- t'rt ir h t1 Ti I nx Ii nn ." ran tmi bt gtu tai BEGIN NOW ISY III IX. in UMI, We have Landreth HYACINTHS, all COIiOII, DOUBLE or BINOLI TULIPS, all kn.d CROCUB, rRBEZTAB, and lAtTIB LiLiKs. nil nice large Ittilh-. K in. kIm. Hi plaMlobtijr your D)UQS aad atfl yOM PRC SCRIPTIONS ailed. W baa Ceaplele atoekef SCHOOL BOOKS a.lupte.1 hy tlm MUla, and solicit y.eir trail for Ihl Uae. BEN S M. Nleeta Cod Monday in each month. John fajajf II. I' , Joe B Ueed, Sec'y. Brant Ijalfa No. I'M, A. F. A A. M. Meet fourth Monday in each month. It. M. Nail. W. M C O. t.'arr, se, 'y. Bran lodge No. M, K. of f . Meet first ami third Tueailay in each month - A. at Waldrop. 0. 0.) D. 0, Da Man t, K. of It. A S. VsdgM htalga No. .7, A. (J. C. W. Meet aeroml and loiirth TTiureday in each uumth M. II. Jauiei, M. W.; A. Kiiulen, recorder. Bryan No Lodge lll.l K. of II. Meet lirat and third Thurailaya in each month A. l inden, dictator, A. J. I'litlner, resirter. Bran" l amp No. KM, W. of W. Meet aeeo ml ami fourth t'ritl.iy in each month. W. S. Stuart; C. 0.; Joe II lieed, clerk. Iliyau Tent No. Ill, K. O. T. M. Mectlng nlghta llrst and third Monday each month. Sam It. Wllaon, C , Joe B. Keeil, If. K. Bryan 1nlgo No. ''mo, Home Korura Meeting uiglita aeroml and foil rt Ii Wednesday eaeb month. I,. A. Saun ders, pre t, Jim II. Bred, llnam ot Bryan Lodge No. lift, National Aid Meeting nighta hut and third rVadaot. day in each mouth. A. W. Ilolman prea't ; W. H. Stuart, aec'y, e The St. Leon Millinery Parlor are now open with the tnort beautiful atock of fall and winter hat, rlbbona, velvet leatbari, etc., aval show n in Bryan. H IN & SON tLIng READ. OR. PAUL M. RAYOR. a PHYSICIAN ANI BUSOBOI, Hrvan, Tcxaa. Otaotf over JajMM Drug Store. Keai ileliec phol e 131, W. II. L.WVUKXCE DENTIST. Ollice Front KiMiiiisover I'oatollice. Uran, TextiK. Charles Edinburg's RESTAURANT. I! N.N A IT I BLOCK, - HKYAN. Hot Lunelle nerved ipiickly at all Iniiira, tiny and night. imMsf, lAaVNaWsi mil, Ham and Kgga, Hot Weiuer, Head Cbeeae, Hot Coffee, Cake and all lunchea. CALL AND H M K. CHARLES EDINHURG. n