Winter Clothing;
Underwear, Jackets, Capes, Comfort and
Blankets .....
We have a large stock,
Jhm. Try our HWi l
for hull ami Winter wear. W oAw tli-
I wit valuer in all line fir the money thai ean
lie obtained anywhere.
II AT. 0 Tliiic I arl, Hryan
tfurth bound No I 13:1 pm
Monthboand No S 4:ttl p m
Northbound NoS 2:07 a tn
Southbound Noi M a m
I. at U N. Time Table, lleiirne
waarr socbd.;
No. I leave. I Oft a m.
So. :i leaves u.i.la. m.
So. 2 leave :.M a. mi
So. 4 laaye 4 aw p m
narwan hk t as a i arrnxio.
No. 11, leave llearne 3 10 p in.
No. 10, arrive at llaam . . .11:56 a. m
II. tT. tt Time) Tul.le llenriie
MM Bot'xn.
No. I arrive .. IL'.'iOp. ni
I arrive 2:15 a. a
Try Taylor i Crn'i beat.
Trouser sal.- at Tcmpleman'a.
Mr. Joe II. Meed went to Waco
I'r. F. M. Law went to lb Hon
yeterd i v
' Albert Worley hat returned ,
from Waco.
Rev. 8. H. McClung was in the'
. city yesterday.
I'rof. I. L. Mclnnia went to;
W.i. .i M'.i- r.l.i v
Judge John N. Henderson left
yesterday for Tyler.
Tom MacNair wan here from
Nava.ota yesterday.
Investigate mir troii.er bargain
Teniileman A Son.
Hen Mnrwil.ky came nj from
Nawi.ntn voterdav
Acijiiired hin roiut;itinii on lii- Ltdifl
SlmcH Hlrictly ti Merit .
Trni' Merit counts; tlinfi why we are
anxious to have you trv a pair.
Ti.x the hesl $2.oo
I ii AM .in t-lli
W Ve till til III.
!fiM)i It. 11I 1 1
M"" -wwrwwv.w
ami will lead in Low
- nilies and CMldrra'i
Minti Miry Hole. .,f N'avaxotii, i
i- 'in.- Mm W. M. Ko-ter.
J. Allen Myers ha just return-:
ed from a visit to (ialveston.
Drs. Arthur and KlhelU-rt H.ir
low were in the city yesterday.
Miaa Briin rn l Friday m.'lil at the
(irand. It ia an extra t eomexly.
neloii' roof paint contain no1
I'reoaite to ruin tin neif, and it aiMpk
Try Taylor & Cos'l lrt.
Kleetio-i li : , - i j, ,r.- t. tif.
by liitfh ' i f I r:n- .ii. I
dull btttine .
W. II. May hi- ariired from
Willow Hole and taken In- p! n .
at Zub' r A Mi DoURald'a.
Better have loloa ! i paint that
roty roof bef ire the winter rain ret in.
Ila guarantee it fir lour rear. ?.U
llouae For I! ul Convfiiiently
located to Main -treet. Apply to
Mr. Tebout or W. J. Walker 907
Fur S ii l a i denir.ible Unld
iog loU adjoining my renidence, al
o one lot in bloc!" !tl. Applv to
Mr-. ( M. I'r... tor. 30
II to aaved on every pair'
of pant you buy fiom u- S.-e Hi.
me vr -nil for 12 ).
It. H. Templeuinn A Sou.
It'a the (kill ol putting together the
proper fngreiliant that make your1
prescription right tietter go to Km
net' a right reasonable price there
too. KMf
Col. Nathan Davi and Mi
Nancy Davi arrived laet night
from South Carolina and are viit)
ling Mrs. II. K. Whit. .
(ioo, fitting and well made ,
you run no rik your money back
if not (atiefied. s.ive from l.ki
to 'i by buying y.uir tlYMWI
fr.itn u. Templetuati A Son,
ami 2.50 Ladies
Mi,! fruii.l it'oof.
hum twoM vll I
ililrcns .s nit's
I nlted State. Troop Will lie
Placed Flight lilM From
Clt of II a v mi a,
The famp Are Flared Out of the
City to Avoid Contact Willi
Contacioti- ii-a.---.
It l Believed Person Speaking the
spanl-li l anguage ".bnnld I - i . . .
en Mather Than Taking
Ihe Xllllla.
Waahmgton. Nor. h. -Colonel Hecker.
with Colonel 1 of tb. boar which
wa. sent to rub. to al.ct camp altea ,,
the American army of occuatlon, )u
reachel Washington and haa had e r
1 confen'tire With the prealdent na
Secretary Alger. Secretary Alger haa
aptirored the location selected by Ihe
Meeker luianl for I be principal gn i
which will be in ibe neighborhood of
Havana. The place aelected lie about
eight mile onth of Havana, in the
nrighlxirhooil of the town of Martan-i
Two campa will be pitched at th;a point,
one on either aide of the apleudid aqne
oiiet which unplie Havana with water.
Tin acrtieluft will ) tapna,! and tlm
water urawn by ateam pumM from it to
upplr the camt, which will lie pitched
on a plateau about IfcVi feet above tea
At lh" n. :ire! noitit to the catnp on
the aea batch a dock ia being construct
... The troop will ) landeil at tin
,K.,,it and inar. h.,1 directly tothe can-).
the p,ir,.w heinR to r.vo,. elt-eaure to
pouuie inii'i-tion in liny ma l tie worx
on tin dock I Lang pnhed w:th the
cp ;it ! energr, and it contraction ha
given employment to about !.oo inor
nt - i. .ii. r-. ho wep. g.ad to nwirr
the . r'lin.f y to make a, peaceable liy.
ing by toil. Similar arrnng .ment are
Long made in the neighLrrno vi of Pu
erto Prineitte. wUch will be the (lrt
jioint to li garriaorped, ihe principle
lletllL- iilauTVed there a. in the cae of
the Bavani garriMMi of keeping the :
troop, from mrect contact with th
town Thi i done nmler the beat '
medical advice, hnt ono conw'jnence of
the adoption of the rn la to oblige the I
g. vermin lit to lok to ome other power
than unlitarr tn paJM the town
Oolonel Heeker haa heen able to make
a m. t flittering report aa to the goM
ulitie of what i known the gnan
drill in Havana, for thta work. The
men compnuig thia force are otaallv
emwen from tn taf nu n in the army,
and at any rate, are p eked for their
phyaical and intelli ctnlal qualitle
They an- aide to commanil at one,, th"
reatiect and obedience of the rather reef
le llavan ipolatlon even belter than
older It i not iloabte.1 that they
would lie willing tn continue In Ibe dia
charge of Ihe.r untie when the I'mted
State took mihtarv pMeaion of Ha
r inv an I if fi BM tM arri ig I. tin
government w i.l feel that a great load
of reponibi.tr ha Len iiftc.l
Already numerous incinetit. have
haptn'iii'd in ome of the town, not only
in Cuba, but in ihe Pmliprnne. tnho 1
that the ffatled State toldier la utterlv
utifitt'Hl for the ta.k of policing town
in lime of peace, tbi unfitting being
fonuilcd not otiiT en ignorance of th"
1 utnt of the people, hut on a iroug
retmgnanee to that kind of duty.
rurlh.r II. ml
t Ihe tinier. Ilnwn
Mrl Teresa.
.. Nov H The United
N. lort, N
Slate c.iil.er IyHimdlW
and the repair
hip VUaM have arrived in Hampton
Koad. Thev ktartil from Santiago with
the Mn Teresa. Officer from both
vcH!t give anbatantiallv the name story
of laa fo uideriiiK as that given oat by
I., .tenant Commander Ham. who
n "maM -if the Maria Tore.,.
, ,. , , ,
... 1 - he la.l man to leave her total .he
a ahnndotifd in tbe terrific gale
off San Salvador The,, ofllcer tpeak
in lnghe.1 term of the brave and gallant
work of the seamen , luring the atorm
lid .ay that ..fficera and men add Uo-
Mr In the hold of tin. Ijenmdn an '!!
of the gun. of the dctroTcd Slatniih
II. . 1 ranging in 1 . from .'. lo II inches.
Some of these are still loaded, at ihe
charge, could not l. ritracted. Tbe
raft iiion which Lieutenant Holwon
left the Merrlmnc after he had blown up
ibe 1. nt in the mouth of Santiago har
bor, I alo 111 ihe hold, though tome-
what 1 i 1 ttirn r.o I from n ahll l'l,,. ..ill.
cer .iii.l in. 11 are in icollciit oniiitiiin
rire lii a I ..l.r.tlii Town.
Piikin. X at I All the tauliiing on
lioth sines of .Maine .treet from Poiirth
ifl'l street, J. 1 in numtier were de-
origln. Tln lost 11 eati-
iN Ml
It. Potter, found-
one a f anion
II Cmn ii.. War With pie. bast,
II ! .. Will Mat Ma .......
' t ..,
New York. Nov. 8. -Tba Herald from
Wt.biugton av :
Major (im-ral Nelson A Mil- hat
completed mo ubmitted to tba ward
partmant hi report covering tb entire
period of hotlilitiet between th United
States ati'l Spain
It coulil noi be learned at tba war de
partment whether tbU report in Ita en
tirety will he given oat for pablication
tn the near future or ala'.l. It U hinted
that certain portiooi of the report may
ba withheld. The aim and mbatanoe of
the reason for wuhhoMtnfl it. it t a.
tertd. i the fart that tba report i aald
to deal Mjuarelr with matter that cer
tain official, prefer to keep in tba back
Wlwmm m 0MMl Mil who claim
10 r"nixant of the content of tba re-
port aay n l( cxhaattiv in dealinjt with
the nunnteat detail and many thing
which hare not been clear to the general
lblir a to the conduct of the war are
folly and comprehensively eiplained.
Th" h tb.rougb and e.
""'" " ,,h,,WD ,h- ,tat 11
CO"' n'" ?
w niauiioio iper. aim inciuoc.
alldiapatche arnt brand reoaired by
(ieneral Mile In fact It rorer ail th
part taken by the army tn the war, and
deal in the m(Mt annate particular
with the perint beginning with (,ener,
Mile' land ma in Cuba and nntU h
left tha laland of Port, Kico to come
The reference to tb .Santiago cam
paign alone take up many page Tb
tnvaion and occupation of Porto Rico
U aivea in 't,.til It i alo MM
that '-eneral Mile. . tif erred with Ad
miral Sampvm, and aaked tb admiral
to protaet the landing of United Htate
trnoM ot OatafJ .oil. which wa done
The report alao refer lo tbe warning
(rencrai Mi.. mtve to (ieneral Hhafter,
ami in plain Kugluh critictaea (ieneral
Hhafter'. condnct of the camna gn in
Ml m
TKa BMW... L. t.-
. ,ZZzr7
of t).. worn ,. ft be Inspector general' de.
;v(,)rh UVm t)Mu
'. in o far aa the tnpectinr
I nwer and authority to act.
hi. inference i drawn that
r general wa curtailed liy
r. it. r than hi. in n,,. ...
da -l of hi
1hipn practically atate that the
mnddlxi conditioo of matter relating
to tUtannr .t.itn I laatoibe fa t that
I c
tkm wa given ont and
t he aeeretarv of war.
1 taiiie. iu tbe report are Iran cop
let of every telegram thai paaaed b.
IwatnlLneral Mile and Ihe war de.
tartmeiit. S'.ui of them are curtailed
or mutilated and 11 ia aald If the report
Kpehliaheil in full many of thaw tele
glim and portion of other will he
made pablie for the flr.t time. Thev
telegram., it 1 farther taid, will tail
truth that 11 1 aUaged bar been to far
Tbe report make no reference to the
recalled Alger-Mile. controversy, bat
ome .if th statement credited to Oen.
Milts are reiterated. A frbmd of lien.
Mile said :
"The general will not make the report
pablie. 1 ut th ecrtsu-y of war wnl
girt it out H will not dare keep it
lark. It will he hitter pill for Alger,
hut when it 1 known that the report
hat tarn sahmitted, the demand for it
will be great."
ChMUw leg lalsli.rs I'm... aa Ant I'ro.
IMttatJ o, Calling ( MM
Arlmore, I. T.. N'oy. N The Choc
taw lagi.latnre paavxl a law which, mi
le., it 1. vetoed by Prealdent MrKinley,
willthnw lhouanda of people out of
employment and materially affect the
lumber trade. It passed both houses
. and wa approved by (rnvernor (ireen
MH'ortain It repealt all lawt now in
t i force allowing a national agent to enter
Into contract with sawmill owner and
others 'rmitling the catting of umber
of any kind or tiet, or t Mining sawmillt
within the nation
Tli Indian contend that th law wa ,
nude ueces.ary in ortWr to protect the
' Individual member of their tribe when
i ,n" ,lm' nf "",m,'nt come, and each
" H'T,'n bis .hare of th land Thay
! 2 7? n
tin 11. I I" allowed lo sell it at individo-
., mn ,h, p,, .,,,,, g()
, tbe Choctaw nation at bow. It U ea-
I timat.sl that tint ween 7000 and H0U0
people trodetwndent npon the timber
1 mdn.trv 111 I he ChrcUw nation, and it
wi ,,ll will be thrown oat at mploy.
. . ,. 11... l.t, 1.
Before the bill call liecom.-t a law,
it nui.t be signed by tb aecreUry of
the interior and signed by President
There are almut '40 sawmill In lb
Ohoctaw country, and the dally output
of tli. ... mill I about iKni.ono feet of
1 lumber, which would I, a nerioualoat to
the liiinl r trade if 1 ho new law lie
comet ffectlve.
.1-1 l l.y I I.
8t I.ohi., Nov. V Henry Wolff wa
held up and robbed by tin.- armcit men
at he wat ttng tbe month of tbe al
ley on Ihe smith lde of O'Pallon atroet.
The roblier did not aeenre much, but
they kept Wolff covered with revolver!
for over minute, while Ihey were
searching him. Two of the robbers were
negroet. Two kept Wolff covered while
the third went through hll pocket,
A Constant,
Steady Trade
In the different Depart
ments. Especially so in
Don't Forget
Very Rcapect fully,
Guaranteed to remove
Splotchtt from tht Fan
OTTO BOEHME, Proprietor.
A 11 kinds of Fresh Bread and Cakes kept
, with si
That money can buy and sell
them a low a-, you pay fur in
ferior brands. We treat every
prescription a though we were
.filling it for our own families.
We order all medicines not usu
ally kept in stock, when desired.
Our line of
Soaps. Perfumes, Toilet Article-, and Other
DrujjjjLat Sundries
It the Rest, l'heiiiet and most complete in Kryan.
JAMES & McDOUGALD The Leading Druggiitt.
Wa a aoticcaUe Feature in our home during
the laet few weeks. TIB BITBA l.tlW PIICBS
w are making now we cannot help but do bu
ine. it li a Ptraiarc to kaew that a Cutoacr
IMMJ JW heat Ratliltw, which we are trjinf
to continue to uphold.
ha been bought in the market by one of th
firm, and ia well selected. So if there is any
thing you want, DON'T HKSITATK, hut call
at our store, and wa will SAVE YOU MONEY.
that wr are alga kaaallar
Him hi It t aBa MM KRIES,
Levy Bros.
T T M Ui lltu Uilngs that mats aa
A Iwsta, tb lack .up on.
, ia rr'...i n..e. .,r ti.,i. h or
plmpl on th rbstk. Not avrryoa aa
' eao b beaoilfol. but tb pialat far la
nis-tr iira. UT by aclear, pur skin.
Fraaklaa, Tan and Dark
and Handt, or Monty Refunded
and for Sale at
constantly on nana, supplies lurmsned on
short notice for picnics and barbecue. I am
running a Free Delivery wagon and will
deliver your order at your door. My bakery
is a home enterprise and deserve tbe patron
age of the people with whom I live and spend
my money. My rntes are 11.00 per day for
ial prices by the week or month. Phone S9.
even searching the sweat band of hti bat. j