ELECTION RETURNS BY Tnia table show the Uratue County rrlgtm aa received i iDII'Tr:a Kor Gvfat ii" 1 J(i-I I II l SA VERM BARN KIT UIBBS . ... for Congreea: R. I HENRY A. W ( I .N.MMiHAM R. II. KIXOSBIRY ... For Representative f-AM K tlKM'KRMIN ELI AH MA VH For District Attorney: J. 0. SCOTT For County Judge: A. O. BOARD W II. IIAKMAS For County Attorney- 1 CHARI.Ks (iAlNER DICK JUNKS J.. MINK K RT ... C. L. MrCOY For District Clark: J. C. WILLIAMS For County Clark . Ii. VV. M' MICH via . . II. K PEVERLY For Sheriff: T. C. M NN B. F. BI'I.Lot'k For Tu IoIIm lor: J. J. ADAMS T. B COLLINS For Tax Aaeeor : I:. M. N ALL For Cnnlv Treaeurer: amos W. BUCHANAN B. II. kkoWI.EM munn ukkd For Cunty -.irveyur: A. B. ( AliMiN M 6IS I :M IMA m 473 211.5 :t7 35 .2" 1134 li.) ami m m m m !3 701) 7U 107!t 42 :2 i 240 HA HI IW 272 21 I'hcsc returns arc sufficient to show the election of A. Q. Board, County Jtldft; Chas. S. Gainer, County attorney; J. C. Williams, District Clerk; G. V. McMichael, County Clerk; T. C. Nunn, Sheriff; J.J. Adams. Tax Collector: W. n. Nail, assessor; A. W. Buchanan, treasurer; A. B. Carson, surveyor. The democratic majority in the county If something unprecedented. l'm inct No. I; fbff 80t88ri88i08Mr, B. S, DlSM, 738; John fttey, 4011. Jiif-tiii- of lb Pence, .l.'l. Cloc-. '':'.; W. ii. Mitchell. l-W; Tim-, .lolin-ui. I -iiibl.- V. I., limktr, 1077. TMC new invention OF NICOLA TESLA. Urn l,y II,. Klrrtrlr.l la, .nil... Ilial lie .a liir.i i V..Mla la I'.uni rruui aknra. New York, Nor. 8 -Nirola Teala, tba elertri'-un, m a newaper interview daacril.-a an application of electricity When I y wttbont lha Interposition of uy artificial me.. mm of i mmiiunicatimi one man 0111 control and mrect with ah- aolule 1 tactile.. Ill it uf 1 11 v typo uf reaacl, balloon ..r land vehicle a: any uxtanco that may 1- i".ir. .1 Fr m ttati.in on thoro af from the .lect i f a Taawl under way, a tornedn I. a: rqnipi. with Mr. Taala'. mntrnll.n; detic, may t praptlM eituer on ur le. low !!.. .urface, maueuverml at w II bj any. attaajaj dually lnuiiKht lata oonlai't an.l etploiled aKiut the Bail .1 a hoati.e vi aaul at any piaM within III" ranife .f the viaion of the uperator. Mur.. than thii, a.. um 1 - that it ' 1 I" accural- iv 1 -.tt th pout,., i . f tim veaael which It la ileirel to lie- i y. the tor.ilu !ki cunld h-ili-rafte . -ii :t. aran If tba ahip lay in tin bar 1 : nt S.uthami toii and iheo;ant..r Were ntvtiuiie 1 - 1.1 Iv Hoo. Mr. Te.la aaid luat -oiuo inmitha had alat-i 1 .nice i.i- iiad f jiiy .1 . ;,.... 1 i i. ItTica fi which ha ha afplM for a patent When it waa l arnul ihtl A4 iral Crivi r.i waa bolt.eii t-.-i at : go It WM Ilia inn nt on to apn y in actum 1 am to v. r.l laaa ij aad . n Uar atua.l craft loaileu with Inch . aire, and M nuiilhll.it- the fleet at an chor Admiral Cervcr.i. hnwaver, cam. out an.) met hia fate nnderthf min. of tba Ainerieun fleet Iwfore the uecenry an .... Mr. Tai Vea tbwi ni 11 Ill I 1 til. (I 1 m;uie. Then 1 nnd a raid 011 tho Siii.i in liiTaiM harbor, only to be '" )r('li mat tun of the .tl.ltle. "Ii ml Mr. Teala, 'the t y Jjlem M illinK the 1nuve11.it. Of :i rum a iliataiK-u have Ui fl. ii through the men 111 in n' a uuctor ncii na an 1 lwtr.il Cab.e. but tin. kv atem i. aultj.-. t to oi.vi. OUa llr. 'al.. ui. auch a are ittit-ml by tbe lag -tn, n. ht. an I .IrciiKih of tbe eoii.iu tor winch can Im pra. :i-a ly ue-i; by the liifllciilty of ma.ntainlaic with amfi-ty the hlth tpaed of the veaacl or cbti" Die oirvcti f her move- aaenu with rapidity, by the neceaaitr of affectiiiK tb eotitrol from a point Mhich ia prrcticallv :i.-i ami from many other drawbi'k which are uiM-parably con Mrieii with auch a ayitein. "IIm plan which 1 have Hrfunte in Tolvea none of t Ik-mi objectlnua, for I am anabie.l by tbe IIM' of my invention to atnploy any meana of prnpultlon to im parl to th v me U.n of tin. veaael tie) hlifht'.t apei.l, to control the operation of It. machinery am! to direct it. move-Mem- from either a tiled .imt or from a btkly moviiiK mid . naiicitiK ita iilroo tkm, liowev.-r rnpnllv, and to maintain tbia control over great dl.tancea with oat it 1 v artiiicnil uiiih- 1 1 u. i. tween May vaaael and 't he ap)ratiia govirtunn ita uioveui.nl. in 1 Willi-.ut .11. h re atrlctiuna a theae nui.t ueceaaartiy im-poa.-. "In a broad aaii.-, m 11, my invi-iitinn dUTei. fludi all n.e.e avttem. wlu.-h prov di for lb 0 . ml of tba median tun otrri" I by aioi .11 : ihjth and guv. arm n oio'.o m that I rciiuip, no I I I 3 a tl 167 150 255 18 7 W HI 87 3 J 74 .... 163 88 132 86 7 70 176 167 202 262 luM lilt 201 67 64 66 47 114 MS 37 42 70 t 4 SS 30 108 168 203 201 10 ' 161 121 74 61 138 m 167 11(0 43 43 74 1.10 188 384 :i6 ! I- IV. J".! 14.: 8f 114 18 105 143 6 7 168 ' 26 interim 11. it.- wire., rai I. crotm r io.n of electrical ur mechuueal cuniii ctui wltb the iibjvrt ave th" tinii-a. niiln in cv. I arfompl .h m v--rt:i. .- , aimilar reanlti and in a iiiucu more nr. 1 Heal manner by pnaluc ng wave., mi pnlaea or radmtinna cn-li ar ajaaift 1 throuch tl.e earth, w.it. r or Msaaaabi r . by uitahle apparatua on the 111. v m; Ualy and cauaea the deair d action, . 1 Ionic aa the body r-niauia within tne m tive region or etfeciiv.. ranice of .tu U current wavea, Itnpulaea or ml i tlona " 01.I .o'.lt.r nn a ll.ma.g-. Dubuque, la, Nov H -Trail Dir ling, an 01.1 .o.ili.r. . tit. red tne r-..-di-iice of hi. r.crirlv ..ivo c-.l wi ewmi the intention of ad. nig h-r Sin. 1. wartv-d of in. intention, ami when I )ir ling forced 1.1a war .ne r..iie I .or iieip to a l.arni r, Tbimi Civanauirh Aa tne latter ciiiic ..1 wifta r he ri.-iv.-d a I u let 111 tie if.o.n fio-. 1 r.uig'a w.apoti Dar.ing'. wite and uan:hter mean' I'll" a:.-u Dip uga a Inc. u.aar. Th'-n Daiit'iL' tiirti-d tn t. 01 him. aelf, tiring a kaJaM into bail 11 1 1 Dar ling may die, but Cavaiuu.'ti, It it thought, will recover aala iv ....., In It...... Kii.MllTilb, Nor. H. IIi-i night watchman ill the town of Lunar waa gagged by a gang uf aafe blower. M 11 day night. They proceeded to blow open to.- aafe. of t'atort liro. , then thii one 111 Mr. May'a atore and another 111 a .mailer atote The eiac. amount ther obtained i. pot known. They have 1 o: been i-apture l 8nhM Mm a laaajaVaa Ki.n.rr. M I. ui. Nov S aa I'oatolllc.. Iti.pc. t or Due wa not 1 lie. I of the arreat at Han., Mo , of three lad.. Harry. 1 har.ev and Itert Ix'kwiK.I, agei l.tw. n and I'. year, for milling the pa.iotli.-e at Stnithera. Ma Annai 5 tn Malpl and a f. w pciintc w.-r.- i.-i-ured by lie boya, who 1.0,-1 the gi ola on them when arreted I. Illl. U ai.r la u ..... . 1.,.. Auatin, Not. 8. St'.km. 11 r-irt that iiiuat of the atniama and .prtnga in we. t.-rn 1'eta. ani nearly dry, and many of them have rented to 11 o , niirely. t.i VI. 11 Mal.ba.l b, II.,, StanU-rry, Mo , Nov - In a rutting affray lu re K l ward Dtillr and Bruce Craym-r were .lahb . by (ieorga I h iru at. Duffy ia in a critical condition. A NEGHO LYNCHED IN CENTRAL ILLINOIS. it. 8ajaaNa8 a oi.i aa-i PabUt niu ui.ni la .In.ng Hie I rnrh.r, W 01 I... I t..unl.:.r.l. Ucon, 1.1 , Not. 8. -The llr.t lynch, ing 111 central l.lmoi. m many y.-ari ti'k place li.-i" ,,. 11 nn miner, from Toluca, a mining t.ot 11 a .hurt iliatanci ea.t of In re. brok" into the county jail, tiMik out I. W. Stewart, a Toiuca negro, and hanged him to a tree. The work waa dniii. iuickly and .uletly. Oiiiva few late tragglcrt notictd tho iiuml e. "ifalranger. who kept arriving 111 towu frum the ea.t. They were well organ lied, however, and almrily after mii mght rStiurlay nlgbt tbey irrio 1 nian hml aa the jail, broke 111 the i0ON nfter a .hurt !rley with th alu riil. ilragge.1 tin- ii.-gro from In, came l him to a tim. a mile fnim town when, the reuiamd r of the party awaiti i PRECINCTS. up to 2 a. tu. today. 9 1 r i I r 3 ? IH3 8 179 130 70 44 150 73 78 112 21) IV 88 Li IM6 156 18 167 13 ' 4 Ih6 144 42 176 I 280 KS 112 86 110 6 33 2..0 208 43 115 133 172 72 260 182 40 13 10 00 22 52 7 20 74 36 46 67 68 , 02 83 1 6 100 IM a J DM 12 DM toetn an i lie-n- . .. ,mg him to a .. .stew ait". a aja waa nn BBBBBll "ii rnnir evening 11pm Marv i) ! dnn inter of one of th- Toluc, m.n r Alitiougn manv in Ln-. in depior the lynching ih. ie m a generil imnr. .-1 -.u that tiie tie-'Pu wa. t'lliil.iie I aa h icrveil aim no pccial eff irt wnl ba 1111 1 -lodiacover tne identity of the miner. The coroner', jury r. tnrii-d a Ter lw thai Stewart came to ma natn at ti hand, of i.tmii:. unkiiown, and ti a aheriff teem, to think public aentimeii wonin not j-i.tify mm in making atretn ou. rtlort. 1 iciptnre (lie lyncliera. DIED AT HIS POST. tn Engineer PataWl l.l H ill. Ha,. I aa ll.e rhr.'llla. Knaa City. Nov 1 -Whi.e the fa.; relngeratoi train .11 the Chirago n-, Alton roan wn. aaaadiaa tow ant (II. k dale, Jnt en.l . f here. Kngtnaat It chard A. II hum. .a: daad in m sab, hi. Inn. 1 trraaning lha tur .rt;. , hi. gUaext ere. lil.-d .traigl.t H..-1 on ii. t; and n peaceful .mil.- mi hi. tae. Fireman Jonti VarndaU, who ha : 1. r buay fir Mini. in. nn .- in r t, , walked into tin- cab, comiuuing hit flr ing, and it w im- until ;. - - ika 1 1 Itouae that U waa mala waa dean the remain, wn. . .irri.-.i . . 1.. ti.. rabonae, and Qiaadait rrailtfattaal to an incoming train. Tba came of dxatb if not know n lln f Atmnlei,. San Antonio, N.,v s William II.. fling, Sr , formerly county cominiaelnn I twajad ei-alilartuan. and a well known ni ' ti, fell deal near hi. rr.i.l.-tn .. fnim an at.itilectic .trot.- ,- v.aa ban in iermaiiv at y. nr. aguand ha. raal . hen- ain.-e I ..v: II.-waa the 1 onfe.i. r at" coinmi.ary hen- . luring tnu ci war and bj cn.tialiati of a urge .ii u tily of aup'.nea tnnt w.-r- -i,rr n inrad I 1 the F.ileral government ,,t , ,.. ,, 1 the conte.t. rira ia a ..r. Baaaa, I Naw York, Not. s.-Tlw whoioaa 1! pica houae of M IVanm ,c tJo., " cupying ih' .,tory l.ri.-k ami .1 building at i;i D,ul! .1r.1t .utU.n ! 8-"al,lMlU ha.. i,v lire n Paraaaa Brawajaa, Palae bland, tint , Nov, s -Cbarl a llarne., Kn . W1..1,.. 11,,,, , ,,a,.r .,1 d hi. two ai. or. drownad batwoan Kingavilli' ami 1', ... .. ,,,, , The cupcr, fnii,iar , ;,M.r Hin and ud Ml.', a. 1, garni. h for aalada, ia iiiiB.rled fr Spain mid I'runoa, I laptni are grown in Italy, bat nona la baporl ed from there into u, ronntry. i'ii.r are aaytad lata foaf aiaea, of which the amnll.'.t an. kimwn ootniin 1 ' ktU) a. BOaparaiU, mid the nest lurg. r ii. .iirllm .. Th xt l.irg. r 111 lYatti .. nM r nr.. caput in. . ,tl,i n. large. t ciait, a, while Ih.. i.,t tll )ll8 ,, and the largeat of spani.h capera in known re.p,-cti. ly , raKitea No. I and No. u. The .mulle.t caMin nr" the niiMt de.lriiblii mid bring the mutt uioii I'teiii h ca. ra II t,ir more limn Siii.h. 1 'aH r- nt,. mii.t.rl.-d ulnn .t I wholly in bulk 111 kega of 15 or III gal 1 "'I barrel, i f about in gallon. 111 bill r vim gur A faw oapBPJ nr.' In I- 1 i"l 111 glaa., I nt th. y are uioatly put up 111 tin. count! , l ap, ra grow ou a uah. Nei York Sun. Tb sall ,. . in. 11. . , T j aee tba spaniel nt hl beet ha ahoolrt be taken tn tba haunts of tba waterfowl. In iIm .alt marahae, tba lakes and rtmuni at tba east, aaal ia Ilia prairie sioaab of the weat, be la m dr. I Kraal little dog Hi .lumpy lega uiay be pr performer, ou ilry ground, but tbey ara very . fib n ut when It 'inn.-, to aw limning The dog. t.ai, 1. a hardy fellow, ready to iBaaaajJ weather and cold water whenever a.ked. Af a run. . r from wut. r In- 1. m..-t ,1. ,,r., bla. while bin Int'lligruce and compact form make In 111 tin. U-.i 1 if .lint, fur ii... lacking .ktfT ( if cum.. the Iri.h wat-r epaniel ii etrluded from all rfrai es to abort leg. 11 ud . luiuaiiioaa. A it'" I I"' II ' till" 'I gup.'.ir. to be .uit. l 'II kf legg. 'I '1 hit 1 iii. f viiIuh .if tli In-h apauilcl to lbi .ri.iimn 11 as a minever, lia U wnrtby rtvvl uf tlm faumui iluir of the CIi..m . ill.., ami mi wiallmr it ui aaviTf. wliil.. few taaku ara tun iliftlcult. for In 111 H it Kaiun 1.1 tbu oura, a very pow.rful, iimKinllciit nwiiuim-r, ami t all lutciiU a natural retriever, ill oily ouat oau bid liftaam to eoM water, whiln a vtpBVBl uliaka appeara to at onra dry It. Ha la aa bardy aa a badger Ha la a iikmI int. 1 : i. nt and willing Worker, nud will abuw tu tbe K'ealeat advuiitugi. uuder cianlltiuiia wbich would natlta alinuat any utber retrierar from watir. ouihik lllillaa ". Turtle.' Ilaeka. Having had 1 iiii.i.l. riitile exa rleiir.. in turtle Batching. 1 know a awimtner can ln.;u. ntly uppruu. h u .l.-epiug tur I lie iroiu itenimi ami i.-up 011 11. 1 , .. Iuf'.ro it uwakr. The . rca'uie'a llr.t impulao N to dive, but if ita rider klinwa In. Iiii-meaa he cull III-tint I v bring it to 11 aland. till by furring hia tun.' r. into it. horny v. . win n it at onco tliaita motion!. .11 tin- .tirluce. I In tho 1 iiMi uf n mid. hi in. 111 w In ui I j know of lu got ..ii a turtle . In. k mid elij. y.-d II It II IlllllUte.' rid", .. HIK-I I III, I on tin. atirf of the water. oln. tlin.' mid. r, I', '.oro he lirimght the uiiiiiibI to I a rtnndallll. Threo tiling" am certain lira, the ability of 11 man to g. t on a ale. ping turile'a hack; aemind, by .itting far j back n il. .lull tu kii p ll mar tbe aurface; third, to in.tantlv .top ita ca reer by reducing it lo liliudticM. II.it- j lug regard to the bre it v and .implicity of I'.t.iig. iinaat't airoiint, 1 can MdM I Well I. h.-v.t thut loin I y mini .11 In. I coral .ami bank, with all hi. to. nun. ptaternaturally abarjM'in.l, did ax-lually ruin ulid guide thai turtle 11a he lia .tut. tl. Admiral More, by in afjaJM I I hrl.lenlaa llalllr.lilpa. Ilia Hot I.. In v. d thai tint origin of rhri.tening the war.hip waa dm. to an , act of irrevereiin-a. u mock baptl.m, but thill Ita arllr.t incept loll wut the human mrrillre, tin 11 the Ill ation. f , wine of lire. ee mid the north, and. w ith the apread of the Chri.tiuji religion, the l.leaallig of the huttlc.hlp, u cu.lolii oh MTTid t.ahiy in all Kntnaa Catholic l ountri.a. The obj. rt wu the unit in l.ith the pagan uml Chri.tuu rile., to inako Urn cur. . r of the .hip .ucceaafnl by an iipHal tn tin. pn l. t'liuii of nu known .iw. ra. Kvm Ibn .ii r.iitn ii. of tho. ..Id diiya come down to ua. We may lu.t ateul wi.al to make a awlft keel for our new .hip in- the night, on the principle that Ihlev. . tun f.a-t ill tin. .lurklle.., but -Jii.. -ail 11' . f M ir bl. bead tod.iv W illi a 1 10 1. nl ! t the ma.t. and 110 . r w will .tart oat 011 a Friday iinleea uml. r . nupul , 1 lihug.i 1 11. ie. Herald iimii. ..r i HlavtMMp. Nn clli. ti baa ii ri'ht h iritu t.. jiublin affaira or l.-wnil evil ciitidillnni whn li may i ti.i iinl. . I i v. ilimg t work, ua all cliiu ii. .In .il l. t i I. ttt I I im. hi in.' f.n t Inal ntu. i. n i .. d HI their, l.-t him I .-certain thut h uml. r.tiinda the ilutii . f cititctiahip in hi.cotintrv. Pan p H 111 nndi i I ,i tin ir olili-.it,. in n , iti. n- iio the .tlbject I . . I f i . I.I h I v. ry fr.i aWMpfcoattld ' 1 1' ir.-f i I Mtrty '1 hey wonld tin u ba ca iblaof at lift and III i lligenl effort uml would .neiTe the folly of 41a ' ntu I'm. 'Hi. y would Ibaa know thut lil-riy, like nil thing, truly valuable, i .inii'.t b gam. .1 or kept with oat gtent i tlort mid that it remain, not loug with the nii'l rving. Sp. d ,M -. J in N 1 : :i Ann i , all llei I. w at 111 Ike II..... They hud i" n i h n ma diiriiig their .ch'.iltlnya, but had drlftrd apart Year alb r IBM y DM t ugiiln. "Wluit 1. .line of that unburn hair -Ii lie- gnl I In i li- d to I l!ie I i-. t ma jilay. r in our BBtf" "I marrie.1 her." repli.-d the other. "Alul !'. .ho .hll play t.'tiiila'r" iin ried In. Irieiul. "No,"wna tiie r ply. iind a look cf amine. alolo ov. r in. fare, "but .lie'a .till the boa." 'hi. ago New. ataaai in. Baatoaaa. BSM You know .-, bin lib r, the ImiI tier. W ho le. i lit I v I - aine a iuagi-tr.il Jimii Yea. "Well, lie diM'h.irg. .1 u prlaolier ye. lerdny who wa chuig. d With aleulihg u doen holtiea of l. r. '' "Mt" " . ;; Inn lib r - n l that vva.ti t enough touiiko ncaae. " I'hilaib llii i Raoord. Illviaenda tart "f I. lie. The fi.ila who give the '.'i hour to bu.iii'.a uml laai.t of It may cr it in. . the mail who can i t buaitie.a from hia mind mid enjoy hia Imhik. In friend., hia club, the ilmiti r, the oier, the dinner or the dame, but th" cheer ful man g. t ilivideiid. out of III. where the other get trouble. Chuuuc.y.M llejiew. "la .he very inn. li in love:"' "Much III love) .Say one .ii y thut all th. J.- . SSS7JSSSSSX jmm mid .he', la-i ii j i 'Imago IW Cool Weather Puts life into the people and sharp ens the appetites. If you are looking for something good to eat you can get it in our store. We have every thing in Canned and Bottled Goods. The Best Hams. The Best Coffee, The Best Flour In fact the best of Everything. Ring up 'phone 76 and your orders will receive prompt attention. R. " V.1.WB : VBWT RtMCM, r 3 city lOWNEY'S Fine Fruits. Nuts t Chocolate Bonbons. Candins. Cigars. Phone 202. Patrons and Friends "f Ilia. i- Mu.li.nn, (iriniea, Kola-Mr.. ii ami I! ii r I en ill C.iuiille : i -. nti.l .v me amount lo o oie II rba capital aad aa-ei. af Oaaapaala ati'.i g tilNs a urn in more i afldantlr baliavt UuU I cm aarva jtm Mm un.l frum IbMM dm . I-,- i.tvlay Mm f (H , ltJ. lnwii ur ('..iititrv. I ban tn t BManl ..Hi. . i .... tb affaira ..f wl, , ,in,r tl DMagnaent of PRANK W. KoOOIfNIOO. I atlapaj 'rHiin !: l':i: I-li'' A e-'irulUV Society of New York, ' PlciAc MvtMl l.iiv, Am. Union I,ifa; fMtUy I t aatinlty of New York, rof.wkl, h I am Ihr anlf aiitbofljad a, ml In Bryan I mpertrullr Mhni mW o I, .. i A. ID. McCOISTiVICO. ill. P. Fnklin & Son," Bute hers and Meat Dealers. tie Buy Hides, Wool and Pelts, Markets under Academy of Music and next door to John Come to See i J ! M. Wilson. Kandy itchen and OYSTER PARLOR Fine Berwick Bay Oysters served in ANY STVI.K or delivered to ON any part of the " """ "i 1 n nn nnn nnn an vi,uuu,uuu,uuij Mpaajaja lhan 35.000.000 Mike's store. Me 1