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$v$n nborntng Eagle. a BRYAN, TEXAS. THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 10. 1808. Price 5 cento. OL.III No. 296 V.M nr r.r. Aautin, Ha. 3 Syer baa WM 1b wall. . ir governor. From FORs THANKSGIVING I mlUMl.". of the ",! I MNni'i ri n.- -uui (jibbe receiv-1 ROOSEVELT WINS nkw viikk. We Are No Longer Experimenting In the Roasting of our offee For Fine Flavors and Aroma try our Climax Coffee 8 lbs for Batavia Coffee 6 lbs for Java Blend 4 lbs for Fresh Roasted Every Day. Cubanola, the best 5 ".'fit cijrar in Nryan. Pancy Country butter SOC per pound. Fancy Creamerv butter 25c per pound. Batavia HOWELL BROS.. The But ol iti Kind. Grocers and Colfee Roaiten. Attention Prompt RKSPKtTFn.t.Y, O. G. PARSONS, A Full and complete Him ol Candie, Fruit, NuIk. Cig irf. FtOCJ tir.H . rien, Kir. Ilediuarte)ri for Fih, Oyatore and Short ofdw Meal. i TAYLOR & COX, Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS I Coolino Drinks. Stknothknino Cordials. Everybody Best Wines, Liquor and Cigars ADIES call iwiriTrnirPiifi UUI $1. PAR80N8 Boiilinii Works, liKYAN. TIX At. Enlarged and ThOftMlgfalv Eouippeil with NKW ANUi IMPROVKD M A (' II I X KKY. Strictly Firt-daa and Up-to-date Plant. Pre pared to tiill order, large or small for - Pure. Wholesome and High Grade Soda Water 4 All Flavor". Wholeaale and Ki-tail hatisfui tion guar anteed. Prices right. Give uk a trial. to All Orders. COOD LUCK ! to Drink at the GLOBE SALOON treated Right. and sec mv new I asliionahlc IIU Majority Over Van Vrk For Governor la About Twenty Thouftawl. THE LEGISLATURE IS REPUBLICAN, Senator Murpby Will Loe Ilia Place at Senator From the Um pire Stale. DEMOCRATS GAIN MANY CONGRESSMEN. Indiana, Kaaiaa aad Oa or Two rr stli M IbtuMfal-Twn (oncreolnnat HiMrlrt la Trta Doubtful. S, ... v, N . '! ..-odor" II" vi-lt, H iu: i' n. luu bam atoetarl par. em or "f iiii Mate by a plurality any wnere from 1M,i to ),XI0. All of Col. Roosevelt' associate on the BajMbUcan Mate ticket are probably elected with bun The return both from Ore-.ter New Yuri, and from the conntle at-aim- of tbw municipality are incomplete, but enough nave l-'n rewired to indi cate a heavy falling off in thu vac np the Mate, while that In the city wa well anaUined. The consequence la a failing off in tn Republican plursii'- III tb'' lale irom 3iZ,i to lue approa mated figure given above Oataine nf ( ,f .; r Ni -a York tb rota for Van Ci.lovrt. - ' vi T.T Wyck i only about one-fif th of I pr cent aNive itvat of Pt r in MM Th-r-appear to l the loa- nf four Krrrahli can eongieaim-n in the Kronklyn dia trictn, the h.Tond, Fourth. F'ifth an I S.nh, and iigp iiian iuigg. h had a majority of about WOO at the elec tion lat year ha been defeated I it Wm Ator Cbanler In the Alhanv dutnet, the Twentieth, tilvnn, Democrat, ha lieen elected to ucceed Smtbwick, He I uMican. In addition to the foregoing there are, wemingly, Democratic gain in the Kighth and Thirteenth dutnet i. Uith in thi-city, Datn.l Rior.lan l-ing t lect.-i in one and Jvfferann M. le-vr in t) e oilier. Thia makea a total DBgggMat iriiiii of , n congremi'ii. Kuoogh return from the aambly have been rec ived to nhow the prob able election of R .nublican and Al U-moTat witn tune dl-inct doubtful . r not heard from f .mg all the latter to the Demacrata, the Repnblicana will (till have a majority of III la th eeetnbly and fourteen ei joint ballot. Thi. compution if Nan. out by officii return will mean the election of a Re publican to tb United State' eenate in p ace of Kd ward Murphy Jr., a Iemo cral. DEMOCRATS GAINING. arM nl I IllMllH In N.rl, Twn llandr-l I'nngrv-tlnnal Iflalrlel. New York. Nov. Ii - Return received by the Aaanciated Fnaa in this city all over the country up to UN !1) o'clock tin morning indicate that ." Republi can and lo'.i Democrat have certain. y la-en elm-ted to teat in the national houae of repreaentativea. Tit aame dis tnct two year ngo returned to th lower houae of congreaa hia Republican amis' Democrat. Baaml aolely upon the rotimate in these diatricia a Repute lican lo of -.ti and a Democratic gain of 21 I indicated. : ! eatimate eon- cede to t lie Democrat all of th n- t-r-ien.i .ntnet in (ireater Ni irk exoept one in the Fifteenth (lag- I i.n.,1 In l alllnrnla. nciaeo, Nov B, (Jage. It"- imor. ha Imn elected Republican claim and .lino tin- . -Wy that the D i-; Liiigr, iuen Ae.tin, Nov. . -Th followis;; Depv ' ... 11 a mv. !-. 11 . in the following 'ilatftctt: Firt-Tbonia H. Ball, rlctad. Second Hmul B Cooper, rlctd Third -R. C. Da tlraffenried, re elected Fourth -John L cmpprd, reelected. Fifth -Joseph W Rail-y. reelected. Bixth -Robert K Burke, reelected. Bvnth H. inert E. IHnry. reelected. Kigbth-Hamcel W. T. Lanbatn. Ninth -Alfred 8. BorlMOo. Eleventh Rudolph Klaborg. reelect ed. Thirtc-nth -John It. Stephen, re- Th Tenth dintnrt i favorable to Haw ley over Robinana, bat Hlaydan ha. thi- le.t of Noonan in the Twelfth. Urn t haage la Mesa ':ombn. Kor. 1, fjliali TTaarik er of tb- Democratic atata committee al minnlfht . .iii-.mM th tate to the l -pnMicaut hf over 40,000 plurality and ITbairman DinRherty of the Repablimn Ut- ennimittee claimed aboat fio.tani II . ii.t. --i.aVl delcKation mailt the mm a at pr-wnt. l.'itoil. eac.'inar'r carrytntf preciaeiy the aui ', ili(rict- i. al the ur''d ntial elvct.nn K-nlarkr. Lnrvllle, Sot. V. -The Democrat i of Keaiu y carried I and poaalbly 1U I oat nf : i roncmahanal dUmct in the ' tat-; a train of J or S over their lat delegation. The Republican earned onWas- nrict. the Ki-vnth, Mlidly, l ut tbla wa alwaya eooeeded by their opi-iatn;-. aa it ha been a Republican tr ofh",.t fur rear. In the Ninth dis trict bV race between Push, Repobii- m" "' vuliam. IJemprnt, i very cln both idee ' it. ine ne pnblkan in the Fifth I Uonuviile) dla- tncLUik iif con'c-tinB the election of Turner. 1 i-mornit The vole through- i m t la tate waa the lighleat known in yranan'i t be election wa entirely de void of ciriting tnctdrnta. " llsMhlre 11-1 Ilr n Coneord. Nov 9. Indication are . the Republican have carried the itate I If lea than WOO. 'as' i " owe. Detroit, Nov . Governor Pingree baa held hi own. The Republican claim bi election by from 50.000 to 60,. 00U nijcinty. The vole on congreat awn l cloae' in half of the I J dutnet. the other returning RefuMican with o-rtaintT The leanalature wi'l have a H-pul,ll.-i Carr, Inwa, u.. M , .. Nier. t R -tum from W prectneu abow that the Republican najontT thi year will ueatly equal that of the prveiueritlal year Kpnt..iri, llrk.l nrlnl. Ifilwanki-e, Nov. . Knonch return have tieen received to inaurn tb election of the entire Republican -tate ti ... aad the ! gi-lature i overwhelmingly Rapniilican. I atatta l-m r .1 w. JcVun i.l", Nov. . The whole DaniK-ratic ticket ia elected. The light , vow ia dfjl to the feeble re.ietanoa of. ferwl The i-ontitutlonal amendment . rnjainng that bonda of atate offloera be inwuud Mtrety and guarantee compa nies waa carried overwhelmingly. Th Republican and FopuliaU will not elect altogether over tire member of the leg. ulature, if that many The lejulatnre ( electci will chooe a ancceaaor to Sena- toTrWo. i,.i. win la Naeih r.r.liem. n SoT oh,, iuiimtt .... . , . tnai me I R'HKK Iftl, Ita.n i.iii.-'i ... First, Tbiril. Fifth, tilth, Seventh and Ninth congreMional district. A t water, ! I'opaliat, imloraed by the I mo-rat. I I prnhsbly elected in the Four- In the I Second it la uncertain whether Foun tain, l'opnliat, tnpportad by tb Demo- I crat. or hue, coion-d. iiepunncan, i elected. It look like Fountain, how ever. Th legialatnre ia Ttemoi-ratic in both liranch. by two-third majority. The Democratic Judicial ticket n elected by A)."" o.i -! (lata la llllnala. Cht.'ago, Nov II. The indication are that the Republican elected the.r entire tate ticket, but ItM figure are conmiR m alowly from otitaide Chicagii, and nothing could be eiimted with accuracy The Iatmocrata In mat.y count"', have ahnwn gam over the vote m !- ' imt they have aptatrcntly -cnreil Mveral congriuen in (Took count v and Mime outside of It. Ketiabllrana TbI All. laven, Nov. B.- Tho remit of ion in tin Mate wa a general - -. I'. puMicau iirk t I'om ii r us. from 1 tkl town of the MM adVve Lonnabnry, Redjihncan, jj.i Morgan, Democrat, 5N.40A. N. the t v.t pn' . in ; MINCE SEEDLESS RAISINS ORANGE and LEMON PEEL SHELLED ALMONDS. WALNUTS FILBERTS BUTTER NUTS CITRONS. PICKLES. Everything Good to Eat in the Gro cery Line. JOHN B. The Original ;ou retoru inouv.e uaa aaeiwpu. lican wilt nave a majority of al leaf? W in the general w-.ubly II.. ill I I aim Mlnn.inla. 8t Paul. Nov. B. -Both partiee er claiiuinK the mult 03 the late ticket. On the lefulatnr the Democrat have ail along conced-d the victory to the II pahlfan llettirn on conrreaamen a- innfnrient to ti-cme anything, altboug i it la probable th- Republican have ut leaat four o' the aeven delegate, pro' bly more. Apparently the reanlt w .. be decided by the country, a the two cltie are about a tandoff Na Opawllla la Boalh ( arollaa. Colambia, Nov. B -The Democratic late tloket wa e.erted without op no aition. A very light vote wa east. Mnniia Naahvilie Not '.i -Return partial and complete from 40 counties show an increaaeof 13,000 in MrMUlint' majority over th Democratic majority of l'."l and indication point to a majarity for McMillin for governor eiceeding SB, 000. The vote baa lieeu t xce,-oingIy light The Democrat gain about JO membrr of the legitlatnre. kja rm aw . m uamaaa e. a tm turn Mt , mts tea a snu aaaga cm. wtf. vm a DDIPCC 0al SM r o'wtvj l.- ntm I tm f rri IT- N. Snw. aU 'In m,Imim Cht UHlunwt Mtlwr (HrMa tJ Tna MA OCNVOt. GXQ iJ 1 . jMall Oliver, PHYSICIANS and SI RUE0N8. Orrug at II a i.i.a Daro BMM Phono Ho. 66. Roiidtnct Phont Ho. 76 ' Dr. Oliver, IMione W2. Doremus & Butler. Law Offices. 1 and 2 Parker uilding. BRYAN . . THXHi) THY THE new Pity bakery. FOli Fresh Bread. Rolls, Cakes and Pies, Delivered the City. to any p.irt ol I . ave i IrdiTH at John M. I.awhi n k A- Co.' Horri.ixu Womkh. liltlKSSKR, Proprietor -i .j-, MIKE, Cuttter. H.4I.C. R. R. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. Short and; Quirk Liae Between North and ronlb Texaa. ' S BITWEIM H R 0 U Q ri The L E E P E P S HOUSTON ATT. DENVER Via KiibU aad I t Worth GALVESTON ... DENISOW Vis IIoiki i aad T ' . GALVESTON ST LOUIS Via Hoaaton. taal at O ' a HOUSTON A, AUSTIN n. A T. C. resihe i.aheaton Houston, Hfenbam, Anntin, Waco C'or.irsra, Waxahacble, Ft. Worth, Dallas, I'lano, MrKinny, Sherman and Den. 'n. and give flnt-rlaa Btrvtre. C V. Bbm, M. I.. Roams, Trafflr Manager. (i. PAT. Agt. W. S. Witsov.'Agt. Ilooitoa Byyan, Texas. The AMERICAN Laundry. Two doore Sooth of Ea changr Hotel. Fir't cla work tiuaranteed. Prompt delivery. PATRONIZE A HOME ENTERPRISE and keep your Money al home. Telephone No. 141 E. D. BEACH, Manager DR. PAUL M. RAYSOR. I'llY-H IAN AND SI Ki;F.0N, Bryan, Texaa. Offles over Jamea Diagttore. ilence Pboa 1.11, Cell. J. WITT MANN MERCHANT TAILOR MAIN STREET, Bryan, Tela. All work Hnranieed and done promply Give him i call.