aatwaMMMI ELECTION RETURNS BY PRECINCTS. WE HAVE THEM lor HI IAYBBB HUBS . B. I.. IIKXKY A. W. CUNXIKGHAI. R. II. KINCSBt KY . Kor Kepre.entatwe BL1AM MAYO Kor Diatrict Attorney: J. C. HCOTT r'or County Judge: A. 0. BOARD W. H. HAKMAN For County Attorney : CHAKI.KS (iAINKB DICK Jon KM i. li. MINKKBT 0. L. MiX)Y For Oniric! Clerk: J. 0. WII.I.IABH For County Clark : G W. Mi Mien l I H. K. PKVKBLY . For Sheriff: T. C. NUSN .. H. f. BULLOCK ' For Tl Collector: J. J. AiJAMS T. B.PU.IN For Ti Aae-or; B. M. NAM For Conntv Treaanrer: AMOS W BITIIANAN B. II. KVOWLU Wll.HiN ICKKD Fur I lintv nrveynr A. II CAIlWiS College SATURDAY. AT 4 FOOTBALL! Sherman vs. College ADMISSION Everybody Invited to Come and See a Good Game. THE TAKING OF THE PHILIPPINES. Aa lMrM lliarllMlnn na ThK Kllljint al a Meeting .r the r.nil m. rarr I'lnb at rhil,l.l.hla. Philadelphia, Nor. lit. -"The effect of lerninriiil i puiion uain our do. memic reiutioii. t i i . .nl.j. . t nf dUKuaalnn at a meetlnir of the Contem porary club, (be apvakera lielntf John Bach McMaater. the himnrun; Ti.oni.u O. Sbeantiaii of New York, and I "iin.r Hrnntnr KdinuniU. 'i'he llrat a-akpr favored and the other o ; mead the ar qntaition of ti mtory not contiKuoua tn the Tinted uii-.. Ir. McMii.ier nn e u In. lory of the policy pnmnnd by the t'mleil Slille. ni it artinitioii of foreiitn terruory mid ita methoal nf KOTeniinir it, to thow that the iropoaed takltiK of the Philippine would be in line with pn vioua iicl". He aid he Imlievc.l tin re m. n n i.on why we ahould not govern tl.e-e i..iui. a acceptal i. I he w.-.t. winch waa acquired br aever il purchase RefertitiK to the declaration of inde paildencc .'inn i . enumeration .. me aereral rltfhtanf tliecovernmeut, iimted lr opponeiiu of n colonial ayitem. Dr. Mc Mioiter - ii i I he 1. 1 1 in 1 1 nea there mat ed had nev. r la mi nt. n. iiu'orairaleil into the K'nertinieiital ayatem of the United Hiatea, or of any alate. JelTei non, who w.ote tip. iicclarntion of nine aitldenre, n 'Hi t mti d tic purchna f Lennialatin, and Kederaluta of that day tirired the aatua objertlutii in force to day tlmt we. would be coil)allcd load- " ? 1 P 3 P ' c i 1 3 i 8 4 5 ? N IM ! r ! F ?... i i M r I li II rn immune 010 ! ml M I 167 140 SM IH3 1M 1T 7S 189 2078 5 i c 7 3 o J os a aan AH "30 3 7 l l i W 86 60 I ISO tU 77 1980 61 .TT. U S U 1 ! 70 W JU 8S7 I tS 5t t 88 74 I 188 37 77 JOS 44 10 04 1061 I ma 1 m m 4 : 01 iaa no ua iso na iimi 7 L' 40 ;,' 70 17.'. .17 M 10h IS . Wi z 111 W 1,7 M N 74 U M7 S47 00 104 so oao 350 soft 03 ion in m as im iso $ no 7147 483 7 II 47 7 64 80 88 IS 110 Ml 00 64 li 47S SSI XU 80 47 14 W 9 167 8 68 JS 64 1SS7 S " " a 17 70 30 IS 136 Iftl SS 1007 a i 8 4 I 8 7 10 tiS 17 17 0 02 30 no as 67 as 20 as 600 US4 30 28 100 166 203 381 74 16 346 210 09 104 3443 6SO Ml 300 86 02 111 HI 40 144 113 i 203 H IB 2JN 60S 46 18 34 74 61 136 26 42 133 44 30 61 1U2 SOB 340 tlO 48 123 167 ISO 47 176 07 114 46 130 2444 263 86 6 62 43 43 74 8 163 138 67 41 10Kt m 202 224 81 130 166 204 M 184 70 173 .18 138 2677 3M H I 6 1 SB I 9 17 2 173 j 72 42 34 813 SfJ I 810 J 324 HI W M W 70 186 181 I 309 94 164 80m 700 ' 27J 218 88 148 87 114 40 ISO 190 1SS 88 141 9407 Vis 2 3 ' l 10r 148 38 12 87 49 19 20 W7 T 3 ..."I ? 3 ' 181 1079 818 I 236 100 j 168 ! ISO 308 08 1S6 108 j 216 08 I 104 82A1 Campus. NOV. 12th., P. M. 50 CENTS. mil til cit r.euanip on eiual terma. tne creolaa, the Snanlah, the French, the neiirnea and all other rona Inhal .tine thia larim temtorr It waa their claim that the Miaala.it.pt ' waa the natural boundary of the Tint. , I i Htatea and liter that providence bad i erected the llncky tmmntaiua aaa proa-r iMmndary nf nor L'nion He ipiotMl ' from Daniel Wcnater that tb con. tun tton eonld not la. atrntched to cow a territory. H relatixi only tn atatea. A temiiirv 1 waa ainiply owned by the United Sim . , aa a man would owl a Imr.c . ahoweii nlo ihn from the latflniuuir . f our MqaMilqa of n rritory, the preat dent had ln-eii the rupreuin .ml horn r, I apaiiutliiir a Kiivernor nun l onncil, .mn mat ii rrtlorii . were iwlmiti.-it aa atain, not na a inntt. r of right, Ml of ti - lb encv. Fortnei .Senator lieorire Kdmtinda . in part : "Our anna and danirhtera cannot live In the ironic. 1i.ik t i. ,., ,,f I (ireat llrtlnin and her huudn daol inir. i of Indian uiaatery Kverylwaly know. ! that there Ima nev.r laen an Ktich.h ! anitlement w ithin the tropica, but en .. iana that k'o thrre II out of In die ta f .r. they are lUl yeata old, atld the liau of the lattnliona that (fo then t. itreater than that of our anna and brother, who went to SautiaKo mid ('amp Alirer." BfOMOhaf (ii (he I'hi.ippmea Mr. Ivl mund aaiil "We now have from theae Ulanda nil (he comm. dltle they priaiuee on the name turm. that ofher nation tlo. Hue I km.. US uke them mid adopt the llnli.h colonial N, icy anil make them a olona colony and allow no one to trade Willi them eicept ourwlvra. How MHin would the other nation meet u by aayltitf: 'We will treat yon the aamu way in our colon , ami t nri inn naianoe ot rum mr'ial iritui w.mi.l tanl.rupt toe in ml Stair in SM reara. "We lo.ii ;SMln.aml told ibo world. I v a wdftnti li- rl.iraMnti of our conjrr, . . i. -in im war air.iiiM Opsin. " i tho ulna of lerritMri n ' iMCKnin W.i. that a In., n hai i it 1 .. iri'li iiri- inl , , , unon tint fara of lb world and aavi 'Yea, wu hare been ljrinif. ' " ShMWa) mi 6m6 Wa)b. Imi .Nor. 10 VSMIISaar U0iIi.mi iir lilooitniiutiii which bav.. I been pat on the trail of criminals h.i baen rule.l out by Jiniir Yonnir of Wr. aaw, In the caH of (iiltrt Younir, w waa trace i br tho hnumU ami arrem- l I for niMiii'iim tnwpaaa. When ihe.n waa called ten junn decide! lint ih r. waa no authority for acorptitig in,. , ,. oence offere.1 by the dug, and that t would be ilmblr unjust to bold l lie iriou.T li. mate Ml no ,,n, r proof, Yonnit wa diacharRed. OAbOMM MM la roarlMB Tan. New York. Nor. 10. BSOSI on the New York Muck Kzcbauite were qnot.-d Mouilay at i7..'1oo bid, whlca i. me htg hem tirire in 1 4 year. The record price u SiU.'iiai, which wia pai 1 in ( kiu OA ism. by (ieorife II Fn-nrh. Wun UU) initiation fee. Mr r'rencn'e arr.i nnt him 8M.MW Since then ata have old at low aa M.X Their adram-e recently i er.l-d to the praiieroii coiiiiition '. Uixnemi in Wall utreM. M. llc.rcn .p.ilnt.l. I 'on.tani i "ou. , N u In I . re.it lirii. tan, Krancii and itaJy have ncrentet Huaniu'a prn)MMal to appoint I'nie i n ori-e of i ,re. . .. f 1 1 -1 ci 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . i one r . ' power in the I. land of ('.-ete The Turkiah coveriifient hi. anp.i t to (i. rtvanr and Auatri.i aKn.t UM pro.o-al, but HM'fTeciuap'y. Nalrl.ra tree Iron (aver. Natchrx, Mia. , Nov 10 Tne Demo, crat will puMi.h a .tateiu.-nt c rtilleu ; i by all the n-iyntu pkwskMUM of Uu city to toe . T. ct thai Natchez i in-t enitrely fr.-- iroiiianv ci.e of yellow le ver. It can alao m aiat d tn.it not new .-aa o: fiver iiaa o-curriil for ' day. Kalaar lloln; In "pain. Madrii, Nov in The t.ennan rue mil at t'adia ha received a tel irram at nunc. t. if that Kaiaer W.ln ,111 will Via t mat p.aiv mi in. return journey mi th 1 iOth o.' Hi, month. Ilia l i., table l et. . Mr. I'itt .-im.. your friend Hllnktii' tuami'd Mi a Honda he Im Imeo load IUK Ibu life of a iba. Mr. IViin I'm i-orry for blm. "I'm not." "Dou't you ayinthlrn with him?" "Notnt ill. liu baa nothiiiK to il i but Mi, alta'p iiud ntnuaii hiinaelf. It' tbu lifu nf a pet pun do( he lend." 1'ltUburt! ' 'hroiilcle Teleurupb. The Traaalorineit l' lliaa.irraa. Some utiih rifnidualea once w iahed t play a praclb ul joke op- u a bmO tttJO waa diw iple . i I'ytbaiioraa, ... one day When be waa a little aleepy by reaaon of Ihn ami. tint . f brandy and - dit tliut behd imbila.il hi friend nie.tred hint with hom y mid rolled him in (he In aide of a feather laid. When the dletdple of I'ythaifnraa got up in the lunrUlliK. he baikiil in Hie baikinH atlaa nt him BSB M4 BtM "lowly, wilb a whiatJe, "Hird. by .love"1 . ,,, l.'iuuro lloi.lr.ll. Ilritarlee. She lud put on ber hat mid kIovi i ami MM BMVfSa toward dm door, win n be baikial up from hi newapapor und Bakial : "Where are you yoiuu;" "A htlal and Willi Ki d M ilan lievi r aak III Wife where ahe la lining." "Iiut I auppo.e u woman with i(in. aetiae ha. tin riifht to urk her buabaml where he i- ejoini!?" "A woiniin with Knod aetiae m vi r iSOl aiiytluiiii of lint kind, laaiauiei it the ha K I n ahe lievel inarriea, an he SM ,,o b MMOtt Ta, tal" Atld It never dawneil on her tlmt aba had culled bora, ii .m en i.-l'. uraoii' Wioklv AT TOIiTON.i Elif.it Srzrnr Imported Killed, Two IV nu nil I'll ami Three W hit Injured. AIM KD Wlli IK IES PATROl THE CITY. 111 ' ' ! Mini ami in.- liiiiiiiini; Totailv loJsfojMjl by Fire. THE OUTCOME LOOKS DARK AND DISMAL Fan Are Katrrtalard Thai irmr4 N - "ill Altar Ihr I'larr. and IBM Vlallr Arr Taklar no (haarea. Wilminvrton. Nov in - The necr i la 'air r- at the Champion eoiupreaa, iimr. vkan : BSSBSM IMMMMl t'out il o'elork tin. momtnii ovi r wild minor, of trouble and rnahed into the at mi They were Anally omnwhatiUlnted and diet rami in am i ipi i i. to th -r n.i.n . At It 'in trouble iMiurril in th' Fifth ward Thn" whit.-a wMMSMl and tlipM. ne(rri i wen. k. bit I.anf" v n- jaun. ...lain. . .- ithere.i at i n,. aene. The MSMH retreatiHl, but nf being quietlr r iii.nri I by laln rer from tn.. coiuprc Favcttevilkl ha ran telegraphed t. for heln. A rem nfative of tin Aaeoriatcd Preaa ha MSI a atateiuent that wu worn to la fore a notary pub.lc from a reputable citiaen, Winca plant lev atatea that the flrrt ahot in the SMBkSI tu the flrat ward, wa find by n neitr A a reauit of fhe rtirht William Mav.i. a wrll know n and t onular younir man, wa fatal, v online. i m the aid". Ita-rl Ohadwlck wu wcunned m the arm. Three neirna .. whine name ran in it U aaoertained, were ki..ed, and one other wounded. Waahinirtnn, Nov III. A dlapalch from Wilinlnirtoii to The Star aya: Hetweeu 1 and il o'clock thl after 04 am there were aeveral kirmi.be. The total i-aaualtb-a were . :uht in-nra-i kllleil, two wounded and three white men wound.-n Wilmington. N. r. N-.v. 10 -The neatroea not having compiled with the demand of citizen, and cx-ially (he buniueaa men, at 7 : l!o o'clia-k tin innrn Inir, Hie time ftaial, a column of ikal armed white, aaaem hied nt the corner of Market and Fifth atreetaaud at H : V i o'eba k tbl nicriimii man In-ii to tb- of flea of The Dailv Kecord, u negro new paper, and dcatrored all tint 1..1I found in tne boiiiliug. The building took lire, hat Mime a.a-rt Ihta aceid.-ntai. 1 in- ni command of the int.. men - ,v they had no intention of lir.nittne l.uiln inir a aiam aa It waa m-coven-.l tne bin. ins wa on fire th aMSMS MM Are tigltie and the il mea re cm liu-n to Tin- Ibitinl but ding. On the miath mi. y '.'il feet niatant i St. Utike-, 1 in ..; the Uret negro chnrclM'a ni the cuv, and mi the north, within : .' fet a frame building iv- tinted by negroe Too 11, cord building a a wrera, lading ub Oiimt totally hurtled. I lie action of the white waa the h- ipiei or Weom-nniiv - 1 ting u( the court BMMkj anil inn reauit of w bu-h wa a nemaii 1 1 1 . n. ift-a-. :..r 1 he remov ing of a printing B9NB ami the MMSStM ..f tne i-ub.icatioii of The hVcor.l. Iat MJOBI wa an mix ion una for ciluvn in the n-idence aoctlon. Alamt fl o'clock S StOSSl ,-ar came nun the bualtie ni tion and rctmrteii tial in gna a bun fir. d into it and that the p-i-.eiigera n in I' lurin-1 t ':ie lire. A car hded w ith armed men waa mniii apecd HIS t-iward the --villi of trnuhle, but the otli-iiilcra ocapil The intiie i-a.letn end of tne town waa aroua.at und anic it men wire on aireetcata, on eviry corner and patroliing the dark mreet. In a negro 1 Hat net i'.o or 4" His negriN' aa embled, but they were not armed aid not violent, and the ol 1. r men aanl tn. r did not coutetii 1. ate tr. 11 .e und ai ucere ly hopial for peace. Ali nighi long it-' while kept guard SMM tne buaitica ami reaidi ncc MK-tiona, but no iiicidein occurred. I vcit einent l mti nae a It 1 feared the uegna-a will all- nipt t-. retaliate t-. night. The atni-t am full of nnned w bite ami al leant intai men will hi on guar! tonight. The column thai mnv-n to the lleconl oftb'e w a comp ned of I lie la-at 1 itir.Mia of Wilmiugtoti and even MMMM were either in tne march nr guarning the city with Witicheaten. Twa 11... - MM Point IVIit Light Hoiiw. Lake Hue, Nov. in - The aleainer J. II. Dotiablaoti, bait her two i-onaorta at I S'SIMtl thtl morning, aix mile aouth nf Dutiiny Light lloua. The mtaaliig laait car not la- aighted and it i feared tney have foundered in the gale. Ku-h boat carried a crew of alamt -ir im n Maar Tan Million HMM Waaniiigtoii, Nov In 1 111 a. depart mint 'a Novr Mirt e.limatea th not far -'iort of I READ THE LIST : XKW M1XCK MKAT. NEW MlXtfU ANI PLAIM PICK I.KS. Snl ll AXI HWKKT. ALL THE INGREDIENTS Fresh and Full Inn- of Freeh Canned (tootle. ALI1A I HaS FLOl'K, tb boat on the Market. CHASK a S. S HORN'S CeUbrutwl Coffeea. R. "NAHM BVMMV i'lliLli." r n OWNEY'S Chocolute Bonbons. Phone 202. Patrons and Friends Of Hraxnn, Mairr.iii, Grime. Hubert-.. n ami Hurlenon Coutiliea : . The combined Capital and aaeta of eompaslr rep roeenteil by me an nt 1 ora than . Tlia ca Its) and Mfftl of 1 uipann- I writing fllNS amoiini tu more than Xiliilnitli lieli. ie tbat I nin nerve you better ami SaMSSMS t,'""n" 01 loo In Uy l.iis of Risks, in- boj I lly, town or Cniiiilry. I have nn 1 Mil 1. nt uffii . forci . i. affair of which are ninier tho BSMSfttsM nl ot K i: NK V. BtflOOHNlCO I Hla.i. i-eprciaeiil KilUHllInc l.iff AeaUrSUM Society nf New York; I'acilic Mulllnl Lib , Atn. I'liinli Life; Kiilclily ami ( aniialty of New York. for arhli h I m ih culf ulbeft4 Main In Hrraa. I raMtfU wUril an.t will a..re late - our btialie -.. A.. 13. McCONRTICO. CXi. P. Franklin & Son.y Butchers and Meat Dealers. f e Buy Hides, Markets uuder Academy of Music and next door to John Mike's store. Come to See ' ll ' FOR FRUIT CAKES Fine. M. Wilson K andy itchen and os OYSTER PARLOR Fine Berwick Bay Oysters served in ANY STYLK or delivered to any part cf the city Fine Fruits, Nuts. Candies. Cigars. $1,000,000,000 reprrient 35.000.000 Wool and Pelts Me ! 4 J