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Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
Newspaper Page Text
JSran llbotnmg agle. BRYAN, TEXAS, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 12. 1888. Vol. Ill No. 301 Price 6 centd. I We Are No Longer Experimenting In the Roasting of our Coffee For Fine Flavors and Aroma try our Climax Coffee 8 lbs for Batavia Coffee 6 lbs for Java Blend 4 lbs for Fresh Roasted Every Day. Cubnnola, the best 5 cent cijjar In Bryan. Pancy Country butter 20c per pound. Kancy Creamery butter 25c per pound. Batavia HOWELL BROS.. The BMl ! its Kind. Grocers and Coffee Roasters. 1 ' g Prompt Attention to All Orders. iiKsrm in i.t.Y, O Gr. Kull and i "Mili t' Inn' ill ('iiiulit, Ki mt-, Nut-, i i-.u . K.hh-v liroogri'-. Kit ndquartr fr Full, Oy.nrx mi.) Short .mla'r .MaJkV. TAYLOR & COX, Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS 1 Cooling Drinks, Stenothenino Cordials. Everybody treated Right. Best Wines, Liquor and Cigars LADIES: Wbt i will Btvuill U LaW. She I msasam.- m r;! hj m HBHlaSflStSBnHHiaBH.BBBBBmw ' our . $1. PARSONS' liottlini Works, BRYAN, TKXAS Enlarged -aii-1 Thoroughly latdjHMdl with NEW AND IMPROVED M A U li I N BRY. fltriclly Kimi-claa and Up-to-dat IMant. Pre pared t liill order-, large or tmall for - - - Pure. Wholesome and High Grade Soda Water All Flavor. WboleMlt and IC.-t nil Satisfaction guar anteed. Price rig! ' Give no a trial. COOD LUCK! to Drink nt thn GLOBE SALOON my new I ahionahlc aaaW BaaaBalBaaBaSBBVBBnBnBBaaaaaVHaaaaBaa9BB.aa. NEXT wm ! iiMtirw. T li Houni' ami Senate ii to That Partj hy Tueadat'a Klertlnn. THREE CONTESTS Wil l. BE PILED. The Tenth foni'reFional I'intrirt of hVntnrkt, Ninth Nor.b ('urolioa ami Ninth Virginia. SEVEN STATER RETIRE DEMOCRATIC SENATORS. Tliff Are We In were, IfM Virginia, WfMMktiB, V n York, Jl'ew Jeraej, t ullf.u nl.i .nil Indiana Tli Itetm ii. Iij Mali. .'IT. Jt. -Tha i. i I will he Repur! .1 I'lalm IV. m inlr tun Di-m'.rat MM an mmH ui rviiiii. .ill- tn tll.lli o ll. iii ;ut I thi' ti'-i- " .r -.ii. f..r Hi" (lr.t tliiK- i in i. i.ti rr, thi-rt- will not lain l) in'ral ic M-tiator from an oM northern tai. Anl, afM-fitma Montina an I I'tah. than will La no I) -nvicrittn aauator. (roni ii'irthwaat.rn .tatai. han ral sia dlatr.rt. in Saw York and P.nnriTanla warn tranafarrad to tli. Ik inorrfttlr rolnmn. Tha rm rralir ga.n. In thaa two atataa wipe out the twithirriY inajnritj th' R-jmtili-sun. Im in tba proatnt rnafim. Tha Republican randlilalaa tn tha Tamil anfr'.t-nal ilutrtnt of Kan tn' kr. Ninth ilutrn-t of North t'amllna and Ninth outrirt nt Virginia will con- tr.t tha alartion. ': kj Mail kV 'tit.'. i a. fullo. : Alabama Lteoiocrala a.octad all of tb- mil" conffreeaiona! randtdata. No alar. !iom .fata : ffl.-... Arkan.aa -Tba aU membera of con .r .in ... !. in . n:- No atata oftl- i Vinrado Entire fntton ticket headed l'l ,rl - Thoma. wa. rlaatad Th lagi. latum i. -lr Tha a in-aT'-Miwn ari- .i.r-r R"iuhllcin and Pop- alut.. Callfomki Rapnblicana alrrtad (aa roTi r" r M r . .mil will i-ontroi tba lenirlatnra K , uhiirana cat n ron- "llllart.i lit I II-. lla-IMltillratll tin- riii(;rviaioiil in. i.iuara br lanr" ma j. Tit I".. Drltwsra The Rapahlfc-wn. get coa- tr f ii..- I"ifil itur.. on joint twllotand will .(act a tin tor to o(fal S-nator Urar Republican conTaeauiaii al-t. r.iiri.ia Tn IVmocraM had thatr iw ii war in K.oriita. Tbejr elected both 'muri'ui.'ii I leargla - Tha '"iirreamMa elected are i.i li-iiiiM'rata Thrir majoritiaa in. jarw iiaimmit Idaim Stuanl.TR, t.... Dnniocrniia candidate, ta jiititiablr elertail orar Mo.., Ktpnbiican. Tha lajialatur" will hi .'iiipilid hr th- DainiaTat., .iln-r R- -i .11 lil lean, a ii. I l'.iiuliata. The MBje In in "1, rt.-o i. a I'npullat Iilinoia Ilia Rapablicana elected 16 mt of Ti oonifraaman. Tho lairolatora .a cloaa and will nnlra tha ofllrial hiii nt to decide. Indiana- Nui" Kniblicana and fonr 1 1 in., r ii i-r t. ii in - itik.-r.-a-. Ij'Kialatare i. Kapublicin. Iowa Tba It-ititll''na elected ail tba 'oinrraMinrn, tl in number, hr larif" jiaj.irillea Kan.i- It ' lected V. I tatil.-v ifiivi-rnor i.v T I 'ily, wnrad it the H ronirrea.inen and will control th leaialatnre. K. iiuirkr S.'van of the congreaamen IP" IVniia-ratt ami funrnri. Ilctmhltcana. Iini.iana Democrat, aeramt thaaix inui''"iii. n withi'iit .hit eitrai'ffort. Mai Republican rli-cted tho four ?iiiinr"incn. Marrland-Of tho all ioni;ra.aiotiai , leh'irat". four an- lbptiMicin and two Democrat.. Ma. achll -"It Koircr. Wnlrott re--,. it.-.l fi . .-n.-r bv tin. K .illbili-vi li'Kialatiir' i- K -publicau ami ttier m In of ih 1 1 coiikTru.auien. Michigan- (lovi nmr Pingfta waa re : riaatfld br ahooi '.".txw tilnralltT. Tho tire i. liT;,"lr R"pnhlic4ii nun lbltcan elect' d all U of tin I. in. i., Thu vi-n i-i,.. lli.a-'ur tai- 1 Ik 1.'. a fir In tim (MM or Dviuocrata 1 1 ind i.iar I mmmm tK-ui'.-rut, -To cngreaaman elect la ami uikll on iba (tuiufi pas t Nehreeka -Horner, thn fu.ion can AHaie wm eleoted (atwaar. Tha Ms irraajhwil uab-g..ira an throe. K publ.cana, oitu lu.ion and two Popuiiata. Republicane Mm in bare tba legia latnr Xavada-Franeia O. Xewlanda tu Ci to rongrea. on the ftuJou tick- Sm Hampahire -Toe eight roogrea. w n r- )tpublicana. New Jertey-Ifepublajane wowmI ail of eight oonftmumaa. Ugialatore U New York Tbei.lore R KjeereU v.. eJaaM governor over Angus Vn Wyek, the Dtuomtie candidate ay IMM votea. Tba leflelature U Repn Itcaa. Of tha 34 eongreaeman. 16 aw I- i - n r i 1 1 i It-mix rata. North Carol na-Two Republican - n l)emciuela)cttdtocongrea Tn. iK-nocrati carried ail tha lorai aiwliotia. North Dikora -Tha Republican ata' ticket waa electa I. Tba uotigreearoan 1 1 a Republican. In- riinreeatnnel delegation u nri'-nancad by t election. Flftaaa K am aii'l all Democrat, i Tba Republican aecun-d tie: r -...nit delegate. tw Ha ita. Uyi- i- tinii- ition la favor bat w .till la ab to ttia Ri'iiuulicana, dctibt. lataaeaii Demorrata vcorad aitfnr of tat ti n riinaTeainan and elected thai, atato ItejM, Ttua ."-ayara elected roernor Mel Oiuka, 1'opoli.t. by 8 to I. Oon.tito tional aman iiin-nt ralatlna to pajr of la Ulatjr. meaabera da "a tad. V itiaiatara ii ofr nalniiUKlT Democratic. The 111 ronpatanian an- ill Dam at. exoapi oaa. Tbejr are aa follow, i int -fhiimaa H. Rail, redacted, cood oamael a Oooper, reelected. Thirl -R. C. Da Uraffenried. re- Fourth John W Sheppani, Kiftb-Joerph W Raiier Suib-Ro:- rt K. Rurke, f-enth Robert K. Hury. realactad. Iliahtb Samuel W. T. Lanham Ninth-Alfred 8 Rurbwon. Tenth-li H llawley, Republican, re elected Eleventh Rudolph Klebuty. reelect ed. Twelfth J. L. Sweden, reelected. Tbiru-etttb-Joini 11 S: nil' i... r--elerted. I'tah The Drmocrata control tli- .fK ..ature an i elected tliair sun . rtnoiit The two cnii.T"..niaii aro Beimblicati Virifinu 1 ii" DemnrraU aa. uphI ar- 1 errtluiiff. Iheyan-ctrd lOconirn n-ti WaaUiiiKbin The two conKreaamrn ! ar b -publican.. W- -t Virviuia The legulaturu i. Ra palawan . Thna congneamati an- Re. ' pablu-ati. and one la a Democrat. Wicon.iii- I', -lubiicana "lecto.1 their -tan lick' t. carried the leirialature ami , : aeeareu all i'oiirrenieu, lb in MMHOT, i ctiii the .-n ond uiatnet, which i. : in doubt A niiiU Wyoming la Reubln-an. ; Tbtr Mi-uri "vi-rrtliiiig contoatad for t)M fotigrc.amaii from that Ute. la ... Hall Mot la It, . i, N'.o li Klchard i Iroker aid ha l.eanl that loma "II" waa to try and conteat Colonel Rooaavell'a eligibility to the gula-rualorial chair: "Tamuiany Hall haa nothing to do with any auch w-beme. We fought Col Rooarvclt al the (mila. Tha return, eay I that h" i. elected Wo know nothing' of ear Mich intention aa to aome anitaot of the orKaniaatlon. We are not ta-nind it and will not eland for it. Meal Wall ii.i...... Chicago, Nov. II. A apecial to The Tim-Herald from Sioux Fallr, H. D., eay. that from preeeut indication, it lookx aa if tho conatltntlonal amend menu on eoal .uffrage, Initiatire ami refi-reu'luiii and atato di.'nary had carried in North Dakota Nothing it likely to be known until all return are in. l',.laler Kieriea tl....rn..r. Omaha, Nov. II. -OfHcial return, in. .1.. ,' : ... .11-. II . f I'oinl'-r, tli" fll.lnn candi.iate for governor, br Vooo over Haywari, Republican. The balamx) of the fu.inn atate ticket will have about I the earn pluralitv. The Mate tun-willl.' Itepublican mi joint ball it liy fruit 'i to i, iiiauring the lection m a Republican to ancoaad Senator Allen III the aellata. Meth Dakaata li.inriaa. Faru-". Nov 1 1. Oomnlete return, from n. 1 i in tarei' .mall connttea .how ll in . i.'ail atate ticket wii elaotml with mnjorilioa lietween lilflu THANKSGIVING MINCE SEEDLESS RAISINS ORANGE and LEMON PEEL SHELLED ALMONDS. WALNUTS FILBERTS BUTTER NUTS CITRONS. PICKLES, Everything Good ! Eat m the Gro cery Line. JOHN B. The Original j will rtiia from ItyHI H hivl of the ticket Inei H- pub. ii 3 turn and UtiiF" in T'lt.- .lava i,iTii.i inns onicm-aa-D iiiia-nita fi-ur. Tha !at ouUiRan on joint ballot br in Mia Dnluth, Nov II leeftM return, and have cauaad the Republican congra.ionl cnumtttca of the Sixth dialrict to n-iiure their aatimata of Mor ru' maj .ntr to M. Tho Democrat." committee now claim Towne'a election by about '.Vi Several precinct, are miaaing and tua n . t la very much in aoubt. Tna i.fflcial count la neceaaarr. Hrlil.h .kip UMadb Taooma, Waah., Nor. it). The tin' iah warahip a Kobert Fertile haa been libeled for lou.ix.) by the owner of tba tug Fairfield IM preventing that etaip from g.unir aahore in tbla liarbor on Nov. 2. Tha tug owner had bean of fered 30 f..r their aervlcea. The ahip and her cargo are valued at f'i an. PRlff eaaHaia aaataaaj m U r nico aaaaaaajieaaae iwaiai ma... a aaaejeaaeaaa1aSiiiiil Nana. ka rta. Oaaa, . taaaaa m laaa Cly miiiiaarwa-lMnatr tear Mm t TWK UfNVTJI, COLO WaVIIWh. Hall Oliver, PHYSICIAXH m SUIUiKONS OrrKB at II Ai.i.a Drio Htom Phong Mo. 66. Rttidtnet Phont Ho. 76 Dr. Oliver, fhoue Doremus & Butler. Law Offices. I and 2 Parker Building, MTN'erlal Attention tiiven to Ca.ea 1 in llankruptry. BRYAN . TBXflU I it i t in: new Pity bakery. POlt Fresh Bread. Rolls, Cakes and Pies. Delivered tho CW. to any jart of I .en ve Ordera at v. ... .nweM 1 1 ! taejei .d eaaeai v, ... aa (am t mm mine e. lua. f h tm lean e. aaa. Caw m aeei. ta. caeaea. . aMeenaaea ai . , -v,..-.. .h. lb. . ?.. vsv Xa MIKE, Cuttter. H.4T.C. R. R. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. Short ami; Quirk Liae tiatwee North and Sooth Teiae. ' S RETwria H R O U (1 rt L e E p E s HOUSTON Sn DENVER Via Eaal. and Ft. Weru GALVESTON . DENISOW Via Heaat i b4 r GALVESTON.,, ST LOUIS Via Beatten. Eaaliai HOUSTON .,. AUSTIN The II. A T. C. r. (ialir.toa llonatoa, Brrnii.rn, Au.tia. Waco CorMrana, Waxahaehia, Ft. Worth, Dana.. !"ai.o, McKmney, Sherman and I), and ftvae firat-rlaaa Service. 0 V. Baia, If. L. Roaaua. Traffic Manager. ti. P AT. Aft. W. s. Wiiaoa,'At. Honaian liyyan, Trxaa. The AMERICAN Laundry. Two loor South of Ei- l.angr Hotel. First elaaa work (iuarnntted. Prorajit delivrr)'. PATRONIZE A HOME ENTERPRISE ami keep your Money at home. Telephone No. 141- E. D. BEACH, l n mi-iT DR. PAUL I. RAYSOR PHYSICIAN AND SI IK IKON, Bryan, T xaa. Oflce over Jamea Dtag.tore Real- dance Pbona I'll. J. WITTM ANN M ERCHANT TAILOR main BTitkir, Bryan, Text,. Jom M. Lawmoioi A Co.'a DUffUWI WoKK. GRIK8SIR. Proprietor i. - it In In. liana. II. -The Pmi All work tliiaraBteedand .!o: e promplj (live him a rail. Indiana'