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I PRESENTS i WKIHMNi. PRE8K9T8, BIRTHDAY I'UKsKNTiand I'RES KNTS FOR YOUR SWEETHEART, WK HAVE THEM ! I The largest stock of AMERICAN COT plaved in the city at price. th. less than other.. Our hn of HU:rn are entirely different from any handled before. e have also added a large and up to date stock of Sterling Silver Novelties Mff the Holiday Trade. Consisting ol Silver Manicure Sets. Pun Boxes. Bon Bon Boxes. Comb and Brush Sets, and Every New Idea that Could be Desired. Thev are bought from headquarter, and will be -ld on a .mall prolit Wait ami look forth, date of Ml HOLLIDAY OPENING. Such an array of Beauty and Klegan.-c your -ye. never more beheld . -"bbbbbbjjbjjw WILSON-JENKINS DRUC CO. THE DAILY EAGLE. terea l the PoaloaV it Bryan. Tim M I I'Uh mail matter. BVCOSMILLY PALMKBA CABNK.. If ILCOLU Ciua Editor. o.M.'BimoN raica; Par Week, 10c. - Per Month. 40c i tnejr teachers mid matron.. COTTONWOOD. I r v weather. The election will aoon be a thing; of the pa.t Miss Ada Turner speflt Sunday with MiM Clara Gallatin. Mi. Nora Thomas eisited Miss ea Blanche and Emma Hickman Sunday. There waa singing at the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sunday night. It waa highly en joyed by all that attended. Messrs. D. E. and P. D. Smith have returned home from Madison county where they have been en gaged in picking cotton. There will lie services at Cotton wood next Sunday by Rev. J. M. Mitel of Reliance. The owl meeting at Cottonwood school boeta last Wednesday night seventeen osiidi- 1.000 PAISS wa. attentled by late.. Nov. Mb. ''.. Ailol ph - BATI UDAY. NOVKMHER 12, 11 Rippling ha. written a poem about "The Hear that Walk. Like a Man." Now let him write one aliout "The Man Who Hug. Like a Bear." The Thoriiwell Orphanage. The Thorn well Orphanage, un der the care of the Southern Pres byterian., ia located in Clinton, South Carolina It is itself a lit tle village of family cottages, in which reside one hundred and .ev-enty-flve fatherle.. children, with Here too are the building, for .chool and trade work, for both ly. and girlaj are thoroughly fitted to .-are for themselves Wore 1-eing sent out into the world Thew orphan, are received from any State, and without regard to denominational allinitiw. The or phan. of Presbyterian iwrenlagc are in minority. Re indenturing or binding in or out, a. in most home., is required of the orphan.. Love and advantage are the all powerful mean, of discipline. The HUMMir' of the- children i. iirovided by "whosoever will." It in wholly voluntary. If any read-1. er of these line. is le I to help them. be can .end bin gift to "Thornwell I AMl..nt Clinton. S. C " Pro- EIGHT r""M i visions re as useful a. money, where they can more easily I .pared. At these thanksgiving time., our heart, are all alive with gratitude i, lliw mi wn better show! ... v. a. v.. n Aatejaaaa it than bv liitving the fatherleea? I Northern tram which peed through Del noh.s. We ire having some cool weath er now. Cotton picking will soon be over with. ' Health in this neighborhood i. good. Mr. Weee UeerSS lelt Saturday for 4 i rimes county to commence his school. Mr. Tell, (lannaway of the . eiander neighlorhool was on Payne Prairie Sunday. There were two sermon, ye.ter- day at Concord, one by Rev. Heal and one by llev. f!..lgar. Mr. Will l.andre. and family of Williamson county, are visiting relatives in Edge. Mr. Tom Carter wa. on the sick list last week but is up now. Mr. and Mr.. W. II McMichael visited relative, in Bryan Sundiiv. Mi.s Et a Parker of Shiloh took dinner with Mi.. I.aura Moor Sunday. Peck'- Had Hot Wertheimer-Swarts Sample Shoes bought for Cash at a Great Discount. 400 Pairs Childrens lace shoes, black and tan, size 3 to 8, big values at 75c and 1 pair, your choice of lot 48c. :',"( pairs ladies kid shoes, in common sense, spring heel and all the new shape toes, size .'t to 8, easy worth $1.2"), $1."0. and $1.75 per pair, your choice of lot for 08c. 250 pairs ladies line kid dress shoes, in black and tan, size 3, I, and 5 only, made to retail at )2.50, and $.1.50, your choice of thi lot for si. 08. MEN KO-J A TRAIN IN MINNESOTA. 50 pairs geotfl fine custom made boots. 8.00 and 3.66 values, your choice of lot 12.20. ii, r. Ma neea on. i.r ik u llir I'.iprra, ) ar, lint Fall m Hi- inner on-. A man with ten wive, has been arrested for vagrancy in Chicago. Kent set on with only one wife to auppirt them, and it does .eem that ten wives should lind themselves abl to support one husband. Galveeton News. The Texas drummers are begin. Dr. Jacobs, the head of the Or phanape, will gladly give informa tion to any desiring to know more of this remarkable and in some re- epect, pioneer work for the or-phans. this city at t : o'clock last night win held epaad robbod ar-ont lira mih-s wc.t of here. There wen, eight robber, in th Rang all well armed Two of thetneYidently biur.iinglh blind bag. gage m this city. The train wa. acaroely out ef 'own when the... f.vo cuml-.l ..v.r th" tcnicr Every pair of above mentioned lots are new goods re ceived Wednesday. Nov. 9th. They were made by the best shoe manufacturers in St. Louis -Wertheimer-Swarts Shoe Co. We fully guarantee each pair to give entire satisfaction or money back Very Respectfully, R. B. TEMPLEMAN & SON. A negro wa. lynched Mondav in ' " P Kagtawtr .... m.i mm I Bruce and his tlivm.n to slop t a Illinois. Not long ego it was. . the alleged , , ,. ,,, ,., ,.., .... Maine. Northward alleged . i ...... .... . . . i .... .. . HelinM.i IIKUl L'elH e, lyii.oion .toiii.-.l an. I I II- aiei nn-nan ..I....:.. .,. I miiI iliut u'rn, tn l(iv th. rah. Tn lli'groes, inarn iin n , tmmm any one is glad of it, the northern ' """" ""- ru"hw' ,row i 1 1 1 i imi niiiiiiin ''i ' i m y. a ii n nari i ii irin ra hi n . , . r..o.u.. man now carries a journau.uc ioow - -- tobacco trust and sru 10 oiiirm. Bv the consolidation of 1 w fartorie. one number of tobacco .ample. when hut a abort time .inc. there i- i salesman for ulmost each separate lirnnd. It la the whirlwind. (lalveston New I'm superstitious," said Maud. tainted that by tbu- Now I see in liolitica the Keptil All hart hanrtkrrthwfi over their fac-a Tho gang waa regularly orgamal anil want hy numbers. When the train atnvi"l the conductor id1 starn.l fnrwnnl M flml ont what the banding together and reducing in dividual expense, that the con-urn er get. good much cheaper. Then are thousand, of consumer, who will seriously contest such dedne. ami even I ben n-k "it wh.ii sin ritice ure we permit''- I '" ".) ' ' these tru.t and monopoly given blessing?" lican, the Demoi ral, the I'opuli.t, I trmthle waa. Imt theUnrtiti nrwt a nnm and the Anarchist. My .uper.ti tions make me an Anarchist." "Hut why?'' cried Reuben. "Well take the la.t syllabic of aejeh Deft. Republican can! I liute canning. Democrat 1 hate rats. I'opuli.t I don't know I .. ... a. t It'i'iia Cage was here veal, r.lav i pre lxm h.ts; lull Anarchist -Ketti.-n, ent iir ilia St. I'aul lire uiatiiiein- ( u,,iht!" And be "ehi.f her. Ilarpi-r's llazaar. ai'rm.e cotnauy. Mr. t sge is nio in teres ed in the b.wrv laendeMtOS belt. MMM Martin nl Ike (VnteiMll- DeSV ocr.t, was mingling with Hnati friends yesler.iay. K.lilor Martin knos llrvan ia the best 'own in this StrtlOB of the state. It's the skill oi putting together the an pel ingreilt.nts that manes your prasefiatioa riglit better go to Km mel's a tight reamalle price there too. ,wf her of sMi aiel warm-it them to keep hack. They then comneilert the eipreaa inee enger t" leave the ear an I while three or f.iur til goanl the others prooeodert to hlnw open th aafea. The local safe waa ileatroyeil, and it ia thought thai ihei mre i..l in MK-uruig conanlerahle mnti'iy, hut the rtaet amnunt cannot he learned. The turnugh f was rtrillert anil ilynatuiteit, four rhargea hetng uei. Tilt, jvk.'t waa blown off, hut it waa fouii'l iinpiMsihle to reach the inner rt amt g. i it the riah. They worke.1 eeSI it nearly nearly two hour, holding th tram for that length of time, hot gave up lluaily and joined their com- iii' hi. on t)i. uutaidu an 1 u' I south CITY DIRECTORY. un oirttKHS. Mayor, Oi A. Adam.. Marshall, T. P. Boyelt. Deputy Maialial, K It. Hmllb. errtary and Treasurer. U. O Rhodes. City Helton, II. II. Jones. I otiatahle, C. 1.. baker. Aldermen It. i. Tatwr, W. S. Howell, W. V. Harris, C. II. Wyi-e, Jno. M. 1 . . M-e, c c. tv orvicama. lodge, W. II. Itarmsn. Clerk, 3, ft. KeMMsnsL Attorney, A. i. Ihiard. Tax Collector, J. J. Adams. Tax Assessor, It. M. Sail. -h. riir, T. C. Nunn. Treasurer, R. W. ( arr. District Clerk, J. 0. Williams. Cimmtasioneri. R. I. Deena, I'tler Thomas, Kellx I'hllllps, I'. II. Amotion. THE PRIDE of the Housekeeper Is TMIi HO1E. Then why not make the Home HOME-LIKE ? I linir biigbtfltilntl le nnm Ihlttf yon ei t iTrrlo, iHr rnn um lae-glu uw BEGIN NOW iiv iti rnia rouii m i.iw. We have I.andretb. HYACINTHS, all t'OI.OM DOCRLK or SINOLK ; Tl'UPS, all kind., K.m I S, PRBKZIA1, and KA.STKK I.IUK, till niSI large llulhs. K. rnur DRUGS l HW fmm PRE SCRIPTIONS 1114. w harea i'ofa4U itn. k f SCHOOL BjOOKS adopUHl by lh .lata, aa4 eallsU your tr. fur ihU llae. BEN S READ. AT THIS TIME You can catch a Cough very easily, and when you get a cough you may have a score of Uemedie HBjeited in a day. our friends forget, however, when thev .uv'ir-st a procedure that worked like a charm with them, that constitution, diller. You waste time with experiment.; for improper treatment isc(uiva lent to neglect. Better u-e EMMELS COUCH BALSAM - u ia Hoothinir and healing. It i made to cure WINTER Coughs, and it doea it. There', assurance in the tir.t dose, and proper n. t. iii,ii,l nae. Ttxio Sizes; 20o end 40o. ana ., .... I also carry a full line of Patent Cough gsaediei that have .,r ess lnvor 111 t il. -euil'.il. eni i bis... a lull Stock ol Fresh and Select Druai. Roots, Herbs and Barki, Syr Atomitert. Douches, Nipples. Faradic Batteries. Tweeien, Mm icuris, Scisson, Probangs, Sponges. Chamois Skins, etc. Manufacturing Pharmacist. cnrai-ii iiiswriOHt . Baptisi-w. c. Kniev, leetet vices every Sunday 11 a in. and 7d5 u. in.: Sunday setiool ! I'i a. in.; pray- The two men whnatood K.isril over er meeting Thursday uiht. the.nglreser romHled Usitesteenf Methodlat-J. '.-bran. pa. or. p0 whtrh he had upon his warn ervices 1 1 a. m. mm . . - . t I it. ait . ... . L'ntarrirln Th. e,raa er xx a. ..lie ;..! wrcc. -lll.Uy - "ooi ' I edhythe ex.l.i.,n. hut the ir.iinnien league Sunday I p m. ; prayer-meei- managed to iret it to V il where it ing Tuesday nigiu ...,ll,hlnn.n,lll I. .1 Pi eahx Kriall-J . ! WSSl, IIW'', on it. xx est ward vmrnev ( i.mlnrtor Smith nent a tmnmen isck tn thin city to Hire the ilnrin. hut until- mi! xet has been heard n( him Several Isnm'ii are nut hut mi trace of the robtwrs has ret lKn reisirtad. IMea el V.llew teter. Ilnxana. Nov. II. -W. A Williams. chief .uartermaster, who has lisen suf- f.niiK from yellow feter for om Minn past it dead I I Stewart, a clerk at- tached to tha uarurmaaler's dejiart m.tit who waa alao proatrated with fe ar Is dead. The enndttion of J. B. Cald well, the third Amertrau party wbo baa nean inffenng imm r.ver, taunrnatuteo. Urn New Trial llillihoro, Tei , Nov. 10 Tom Hoi laaon, colored, who was recently gtvan the death psnalty nn a charge of crimi nal aaaanlt on a nsgTO girl IS years old, made a motion for a new trial. It was overruled and ha gave notice ot appeal. The data lias not bean set for tha hang- Services morning and evening 1st, 3rd and 4th Sunday In each month; Sunday school :45 a. m.; prayer-meeting Wednesday night. Cbriatiaa, J. b. Andrews, pastor -Services It a. m. and 7.1ft p. at. Son day, Sunday school IMS a. to., Chils tian Endeavor II p. m. Sunday; prayer meeting Wednesday night. Free Communion baptist A. M. leuwart, pastor: Services every Sun. day night in each month; Sunday ' ichool 10 a. m. St. Joseph's Catholic Ctaurch-Kathet M.-Msats third Monday In each month. John II. I'., Joa B. Keesl, Ser'y. Itr.a. l-lm- No. I '1 A. t. A A. M. Meet f .nrtli M.. inlay in ea h month It. !n. Nail. W. M.; C. . Carr, Sec'y. Brax. Lodge No. 01, K.-.f P. -Meet first and third tsBSSSf In each month I. A. M. Waldrop. C. C. ; D. C. De- alaret, K. of It. A S. Vulcan l-odge N". :I7, A. O. U. W. Meet second and fourth Thursday in each month. M. James, M. W.; A. Kmden, reorder. Bryan No. l.lge tu:).', K. of II. Meet tlrst snd third Thursdays in each .nth A. Kmden. dictator , A. J. Vintner, reporter. Urasos Camp No. KM, W. of W - Meet second and fourth Friday in eacl month. W. S. Stuart; C. C. Heed, clerk. Ilryan Tent No. W, y Meeting nights ,ach month B. Heed, J. llrva"7 ee OR. PAUL M. RAYSOR, I'll VSICIAN AM) St IMIOTI Ilryan, Texas. nihce over Jame. hriig Slore. Kesl denic phni.a 131. W. II. LAWRENCE DENTIST. OMice Front llr.misoveiV U.. .a Chai Pelnar, pastor; Sunday. Mass at 8 and 10 a, I olilll Mkk'l tvanhoe OSSSSnJ .... uiontt' "IrSfl mm . .. , . .. , . , .....