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$5t$an dooming Eagle. BRYAN, TEXAS, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 13. 1898. Price 5 cents. VOL.III No. 302 FRUIT CAKES! Dtzier Bakery Celebrated Fruit Cakes in 1 and 5 Pound Cartoons. Seedless Raisins lyer Raisins pied Figs at a face uitron lace Lemon Peel Dcoanuts redded Cocoanuts GLORY For it has no equal T.ts the best. If the best, phone VORY SOAP It Floats. Prompt Attention to All Orders. IlKSl'KCTFrLl.y. Mill and co leeriea, Kit m "I ' 'audi liilWflWl for up TAYLOR & SUMMER ww a, i V Ailia UU W M. Everybody treated Rioht. Best Wines, Liquor and Cigars Currants Shelled Almonds Almonds Filberts Glace Orange Peel Cranberries FLOUR cakes, etc., it in Bryan you want HOWELL BROS. Grooert and Coffee Roasters. PARSONS' BUY AS. TSXAfl I Bfgargfxi and Tlioroiiglilv ;:.,u,i ..-l with NfciW ANU IMPltOVKI) M A C H I N- KKV. Strictly Firm-daa and Up-to-date Plant. Pre pared to tiill order', large or email for Pure. Wholesome and High Grade Soda Water All Flavor. Wholeaale nml It.Uil Hatiefactiun guar anteed. Priwt right. Give u a trial. a , Tniil", Nut, ( ig;ir, Fi'h, Dyner- ami Bborl GOOD LUCK! to Drink at the GLOBE SALOON COX. Proo's. DRINKS! till j v a a iiii a aw w w w a.w wteF sec my new Ijuonablc ktaw nanwBBvnBBBnBHnBBWBBHnanBiBBnBBa Inlankn. aaawaMaMMaw IB 7i 60NK i;uiB!r,. ' Tin- KHrtlon lml Not Itemilt ns the KpanMi Had Hoped It Would. ::x uvr.vxT IS DISHEARTENED. She Thlnka tb VeM OMM For Spain Ik to ArreUe to Amirican In inuttdi'. SAO A ST A PLAYING FOR FUR'IHLR DELAY. P.. iMfM I" Ttilak wimrtliin? niclil 'o..i!ih i:.nlt From the m Mf riall "I Fwprriir William New York. Vi'T !1-A diapnteh to 'ih- Ti mi.- rnmi Madru eavi: i : i f i .1 United State : tiooa came a a aurpnee and dieappotnt-1 meet tn Maga'a, who confidently axtart-d that tin. K-publlcan would at lea-t I. it- it control of the hnae of npraeeutativea. The Bpanlib cabinet 1 . I. Hi, Uxill widen i - " iti.sinx i" obtain , ti r term at Paria, have rr.uled in nothing tnat ran aid ttpMtah diplomacy. . . .i I. in r--r v II ham in Lorn r of which Adminl 'ama ra'a Mjaadrnn la under order to pfooaad in I' mm (uriuabc another atraw to citch at. Tba queen regent, whoae boalih vuibly unpaired br tba train of tin- -iirht montb. tninkt tba wiaaat nwa to b for tb abinot to in trurt tb !panih u rommltainart fr n.L'v to crmcMr thr American i- maud of i ha l'fniinplnaa and to work luitM-atlT and pan!t io1t to frama a tn-aty It U not m with rtefraata, who m attll rnn( for lima, and bopaa to aoooaad B oata mora (fiitniitic blnff. He now aura that tha cabinet rniraa tha an- thoricatlon n' U rt. t.-f.ira it can ronwnt to abandon tba I'hilipt '.naa, and ha u n-pnrtwl to hara infuruiad tba i Miiiiii.aalnnani that IhaT hara M inaiidala to Ulacnta aurh an Trntn-. alltr Tha inatka.1 miiiimiIit 1k Spain ax pr il ainuat unaiiimoualjr by the Car man Iicwampara, coupled With tha )iur-' at H-rlin and Frankfort of Span h ttarior and c'utan honda, tlie ( iar man hnldinc "f vihlrh hive been qnad r . . i nur.iu' i he lat three month, ghraa an ataggeratrd icui&ranoa to ih ml mlc . v .it of il,.- (i-rmaii in;. and empraaa. It ia not yet known what tba emperor'" ptana mar 1 on hia ar rival at Carthatri'ita on Nov Hi, but a anon aa the Ho i. iuoll-rn rearbaa thai naval aialion tha imperial pair will ha iiitiMI by an autivrapn .-ti. r from ma n r i.-1'iit to vialt Madrid. Ixird haliabury'a rafar'noe to the Am. n aa a factor in Aalaiki an ! i,ii.iv Knnia-an di4otnacy which imiiht not cnti'imw to the mterrata of K-aiv, ta widely commented nam here aa atranirthciiinv the prevailing luiprea i. n tli. 1 1 ii.. l .. mi ill' w i'ii to uitery, lie in tli- lliiin,,ine. A.I but 111 . Hp hi Wajientaa dread tha mnariuaiicea of tcuillpll 'll "f l.o'tllltl. I, I III' l 'llltnl Stataa, which t hey are aware would probably invnlva the bna of the t'ana- ro-a, anil tin, in -pit- ot in- nn tr i i-rmaii iittiiiK i" the cloud, retuaina tba, irp ,''il,-mmn-thil inii't evi-uiiiaov ,li t.-rmllie tlie cahiiial lo pm-oiuI ler tlie iiiatrurtion that it i now believed lo have la-en aent In Iba Snuh peace coinniiaaloner. Tne mtnlatry of lluanca haa on hand a project 'or the convi raion of the Sinn, , ii-ri'ir laimia and ilia funded uenia of Culm ami the Philippine, th- ia-a la'ing tnaMlntain the tn-aaury wtiirin t ( ih- Philippine lainila and I'ulain lamda of ill- H in, I ,'i ia-r ui il in rn i ua - tlona. but I" reitui tin- intan.'l ami - i cent I' "I-1 tiM .i '! hi" pn tially account fur the tlnnma of Cu Inn I -mi la in Pan and llerlin, where apaculalinn in tham la unuaually nctlv. Waallni Ma, lie I'-al pooail. l'nria. No I It i. no I v , i be natt meeting of tha a.ara comnuaainn inav iiat-,Miii -d until Tuaaaiay next. til" l Kil no .lel:nite lliClaloll haa la-en ll- llll Ilia anlijacl. I he Nainih alum r- are -till btlallr ' llg ll'- 1 (reparation of dia-umetita w inch Il the next a-.. o of i, and It la un,iart".t will cover it- i . wuv.4i n-i-' fcmi pottpoflMMnf until . u "I i) neaitu id Jwit Day. tbe preai. i . t me (iniimiMtiiu, t much iiu- Tin ii. i. Hani IhhI Juliet, M . Haa. It The Urea Wt mi Tin Piate nulla in tbia city berned ih- itn timl. Tnelce la$Sefl. 000. with 4 HO n.nranee. Tea f 1 Plata mill turniahed employment for akliitd workmen. THE DISBANDMENT OF THE CUBAN ARMY. aaaaa Ufa ii i. wnu. i i.-, lm Ma al,.. vol Aah Wm WlUr MlllUa Uellara. New York, Nov. It -Captain JneM (iatcia, tba Min of General Calisto liar eta of tb Cuban army, who waa a pavaa-enir-r on the l ifted Htatea tranaprnt , Which arrived frm Sautiao da I'uua. aaXt in an intervWw: We ar- la-uiic confronted by aaveral an aa r rtitiona, thn chief una la toe '4 our trnopa, and the con v , on if v tn eeaioa at Santa Crua w trviiiK to i t- ii.- ipoeation. Tbia oon- v-iition b. that ia to i oiittmae I w i irk for i Kraat object In view and 1 1 the troopa which now ea men and to : it prnpaa to appoint a I aoanli with tbe povern nt Waihington aa to lh i .liandinir. When thai I iip.i.he-l. the cotumlariaVl to raiie a aum of money intone theae man ao thai , ibltah ihair farma To no I laki at leaal fM.00O.UO0. coiuiritaic.f on til i fli bft way uf ., baa tieen noerm will endravar i to la- ai they can raaaral Ihla it w, ld II I : rtun . made to i h- I I Dtataa to KOtPliice thia aum to tba tJuiain umt al aa aiain aa it u fonueo and our irnvi ruaeut w ill la- tba aaeunty. Ii the I'ntl'd aIea itovcrninent dJ 11' I care to aiirini - men a aura the coninn ion will try to form a ayndirau American rapitaluli to advauce the mon-y "All tr Cubani feal that tba United Stat - i .i. iii iilaM..iite independ MH, batatli) doinK tbat the United htal'.-: . i occupy every part of thf iaiaod. .vraonaily, 1 beliere in a gov -awaflkNt .miliar to that of tba United Htatea. Tlial la the land that foaRbt fat ua and H the land we intend to favot in very way. I do not think my faibei weu.4a i ;.l tba prvtldency of the new rapublir lla baa worked uncaaeinitW for our 80 yeara to ratabliah tha free dom of (V and when that baa been aocoapllabed flu-i- and forever, be in tandaSo take a rati. NEGROES GOING TO CUBA. A I ll-laa Cm 'ill. Oaajaa "t i Kbum n .i laailaajn. I v II -Kanaai will fur .t Oinv ,,f immitraut t. i'u In from the United 8utea. V V, I toloml llaptiat preach ntii ' M'f.l' II Jo..:i 1 er, we'ti known in Tota ka. baa made ar ramreiartr M make a aetilement of col ored near Satitiigo and eipecM to inn from Topeka with about 30 fam-1 ilia in Jo r :to daya For atveral yeara it baa Iwi a rber lahe.1 dream of John T. Veny to cone niaa a mi lenient of bia race in aoroe aontbera clime. Since tbe war ba ckawdht baa inrtml hia attantion n wari taba, ind baa concluded thai iher.1 are miae inducementa for bia project in that nniry Ha baa been over the rei m and undentanda it. Ilia idea . toeatabiUha town on tbe high land above Santiago, which he will call To peka rial te Ma relay. Kanaaa OMf, Wa 13- I 1 liev.-ii bare that whan William 8. Foley, convicted of lb- murder of bia mother , ml .later, and now awaiting the n-w tttal granted bim by the lupreme court, bail tak-n to l'latte county for trial i he w ill be lynched. Platte ia but a few I mile from Liberty, tba acene or tha murder, where feeling againat Foley M very irong, nml jail official! ban claim to have knowledge of a plot to Irnch Foley tha moment he rvaohea Platte county. Foley' attorney will mike a detenu ined effort to bar tba caae agiin tranaf crrnl . thia lime to a county more remote (mm Iba acene of the crime .an. I'..a lag. la Ottawa, Nov. U.-Tha govummani haa tiguali'ed tha anniveraarr of the birth of th.- Prince of Walea by putting Into o rati"ti the new imp.' nil ialage. The i ' ' .illation provide for the in troduction of S-cent pnauga between th- iiifferaiit portion of the llrlllah em pire ami iiiinthar n-auit ia the nolurtlon in the t'.invliau poatage rata from three cent to two cunt It i thought thia ia- ductioti 11 ctUl' il big dell I In the re ceipt of th- Kt'ifTce department of tiie Dominion but thl anticipated reull i to be partully ofeet by tho ratBtpOatltoi j nf tvanaare mi Mwaiwnara which an now , I'oalal ll..lil. Nov. Ill -Thagrtaj io- I i I. ..a". IM. nl the1 -3ffeFOR8s THANKSGIVING MINCE SEEDLESS RAISINS ORANGE and LEMON PEEL SHELLED ALMONDS. WALNUTS FILBERTS BUTTER NUTS CITRONS. PICKLES, Everything Good to Eat in the Gro cery Line. JOHN B. The Original Urirat of v.antern paito Ifyins incr.-n,- Tii followa: .il Loulf, City. NawOrla dianapolta, i; U-n lia, :.It8S; l)ea Motnea, 1I.IM; Oallaa. :,991 MpUt (!tc.. ahow BT.H- ' It II' lit in . laT.tlKI Kana H aim. :s:!iat: In rer, 41, 1IM : Oma JKm Peoria, and rit. JiMeph, Metlaee lemn k alrla Vraa. Naaaau, N V , Nov. 12 -The Poto mar from Santiago, which baa been at tba iiranda.1 cruiaer Maria Tenia off Cat itland, armed here in order toon tain a permit m work on tba ibip. Una will return to 'ui I. Tha rnr.- r . lying one in:i- off aha and ia In l" fatlHma of water Tha mtivei nave ia. tniyad the ianiarary iera and hae gamed awiy everything moveable. 11.11. "AlllU" la (aagbt. Chicago. Nov. I?. - official here think they have arreateil the long aour"'! "Willie" '! .i.e. ill. Hi- ai. i K"d inurii. p : of Banker riuell. wbo waaabot by a bur glar la IK Toe prtaouer aaya ha i John rarna worth of Coitunbaa, O. Dttiflilig aa. fltflrdClafl . .. taltaiM a v. tan I r nmu baiiM iwa m, um - laji i' "lifl f" S In, Wm aUa. t tea Om CN iillllUaU4t ranicr taftMH t TwaaaU utrrvn. OCXO laaViaak, Hall & Oliver, PHYSICIANS and Sl Ki.KnNs OrTIt'B AT Ha 1.1. a Drio STIIEI Phont Mo. 66. Rttidnct Phont Ho. 76 Dr. Oliver, Phone USl. Doremus & Butler. Law Offices. 1 and 2 Parker Building, fajrSiecial Attention (itvan lo Uatei in llankrtiplcy. BRYAN TBXnft mv THE new Pity bakery. l'OIt Fresh Bread, Rolls, Cakes and Pies, IVIivi-rrd to any part oi the City. ' Ix-nvc Onion at JnllN M. I.AWUKM I V Co. - BRHM Wohko. GRIIBSBt, lVopiietor MIKE, Cuttter. H.AT.C. R. R. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. Hlio r I and, (Juirk Line Ualween North and Sontb Tesaa. I S BETWElif H R O U G fl L e E E u s HOUSTON ;NI OENVEJ Via Eaala aod H Worth GALVESTON . DENISOK Via , aa4 r GALVESTON 1S 3T LOUIS Via Honaton, Eaali ai 1 HOUSTON AUSTJM The II. A T. C. rratbea (ialvaatoB llonaton, Brenbam, An. tin, Ware C'orairana, Waxahacbla, Ft. Worts, Dallaa, Piano, M Kinney, -lermaa aod I 'am n. ami givea firat-riaM rartb-e. C '. Baxa, M. L Koxaiai, Tr, ,l!!r Manager. i. P AT. Agt. W. S. Wiuoa.'Agt. Iloaataaj Byyan, Texaa. The AMERICAN Laundry. Two door Houth of Kbt rhange Hotel. Firt cUmi work (iuarnntefd. Protajal lelivery. PATRONIZE A HOME ENTERPRISE and keep your Money a home. Telephone No. 141 E. D. BEACH, Mnungor DR. PAUL M. RAYSOR. PHYSICIAN AND SIR0E0K, Brynn. T-xa. rer Jamea Diagitore. dance Phone 131, Keai- J. WITTMAW M ERCHANT TAILOR MAIN STRKET, Bryan, Texan All worl: (inaranteed and dona prompry