OCR Interpretation

Bryan morning eagle. [volume] (Bryan, Tex.) 1898-1909, November 15, 1898, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86088652/1898-11-15/ed-1/seq-3/

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to buy
Winter Clothing;
Underwear, Jackets, Capes, Comforts and
Blankets . . - . .
We l -ve a Urge stock,
1'rices. Try our Men'H
for Fall him! Winter
lieat value in all line fir
be obtained anywhere.
II. AT. G Time Card, llryau
Northbound Slot 11:1 pm
Hoot h bound No 2 4:03 p m
Northbound No 3 2:07 ft m
Southbound No 4 t:48 a m
I. . N. Time l iihle, Unarm
wnsr uan.;
No. 1 leaves. 1 :0ft a m.
N. .1 leaves I t a. in
.mi '.' leevea..
St.. t IV
. AM s.
I 1W .
iicrwana MKAftMa r sstosio.
No. W, leaves llearne 310 p in.
No. 10, arrive, at I learn . . . 1 1 : VS . iu
II. AT 0 Time Table Untrue
s rim aocsn.
No. I arrirae IMI p. m
No. I arrives . 2:44 a. a
Kl Hall came down from Waco Hna-
Mr. T. t, tientiv lelt lot t'amcnio
Will S. Adam ul Knni (pent Sunday
la Bryan.
Mra. Joe B. Reed returned from Weo
Dr. Broach aa here Irom Wellbonalwl
Col. A. Hill wss km Irom Welllwrn
Ke. oar BOH bargain sd. Temple
men A Son. JO.'
S. II. Hickman of CotlonwoMi waa
here yesterday.
g Ber J.0. Mickle came up from VYell
born yeatrrday.
Mra. T. C. Nnnn and i hildren -nt
sunday in Hearne.
Judge Spencer F
returned Irom
tialteaton Sunday.
W. J. Meada a a here Irom
son's creek yesterday.
A(iiiirutl bis rvputation on his LatlicH
SHooh strictly tin Merit.
Trtn Merit counts; tliat- wliy vc arc
anxious to have you try a pair.
the liesi $j.oo
on earth.
and will load in Iow
Ladies and Childrpn'H
wear. We offer the
the money that ran
Mr. W. J. Walker relornel from
ialve.lon Hnnday.
-1 lira I M. Z turner men' waa here
from Kartell .ter I iy
iV. K. Wyse returned fro in )niinea
trip to Austin Similar.
Mr. A. J. Kdwsnls returned to Milli
ran . tnl av after noon.
Dr. an I Mr tleorg K. Tftbor weal
to Kockda ye- te i . I ,i v
Mr. Julia Knoles is visiting her li
ter Mrs T. 0. Nona.
iiv li.rlen Ir , of llillshorn, le IB
the my Mailing relatives.
J. M Lale-s, -r . ami wife, were
here from Kartell yettardfty.
J.T. Hinea. who b been shk eev
etal ilar. i reported l. t t.-r
A. t . Martu. baa lieen rm ,l J
Jackaonviile the past lea dsys.
Jed- an I Mr W. i. Taliaietro re
turned finin Calvert yesle'lay.
Joha Dye-, John Jones aii.l other
of Setae: were In town yesterday.
Mra. Biiktueyer returned In liaUest n
-uuday alter a vi.it to Mi. Mendola.
Mies Mary Rohile returned home
from Bay I r leuial college at Belt.in
Waidemnn' Comediana are bonk-
rr k " ,h 'innl ,,pr
beirir.ning Nor. 21.
Lincoln J. Carter'a "llemember the
Maine," will lie preeeubvl at tbe tirand
opera Iioom- Novtmlwr IV.
The ounty commUaionera met yes
terday to ranva-a lb vote f Kraso
county at tbe lat election.
Better have Hodton to paint that
maty roof before the winter rains aet in.
He gaaranteee it for lour y eara 2W1
lion'l una wen,.- Al (i. Field' mm
strels at '.be opera bonae tonight It
will lie one of the big bit of Hi aeaeon. j
lli.uae For Kent ('..nvuiaiillv
looatert to isi 1 1 -trt-ct. .dy tu
iMrs. Telniut or W. J. Wulke, :i7
and i.qt Ladies
nml ltooi! wear
T.ll. Why II, , , I..... WtlfMl.g,
lft mt lb. I r... I. -M
Thai I'l-.
New York. No 14 A nipafeh to
The lirald from Aebury larfc, N. J ,
A. L. Maaley, editor of (be W liming,
too (N. 0 ) Record. wha-.fflee waa d.
atroyed by whit ciuaena aft Tharsdsy
ta now m A. burr Park with bia brother-in-law,
law. Ingle. Ha fl.d from W
mluirtoii io capa lyncning by in
snob ll waa throach an editorial us Th
Record Ibat the raraut rtntlnr in Wil-'
itiin-tou and the attendant lo of Ufa
Wben Me-n Stanley said that wbila h
wa perfectly willing to tell tbe story
hut troanlee aa far a be hi meal I wu
concerned, there wer Mxua features of
the ana wbtrh he could not niait pun.
lie at present, the aaf.ty of ml, r
might b iff. cted
Mauler aai'l that It all grew out of MM
fact that the murh talked of aditortal la
The fbcord had been inMnotel by laa
prea of North Carolina inn onir tart of
it had been printed with editorial lend
ing to inflame th white of tbe sou in
Tbta, b aaid, had been done to try to
ear tbe whita voter for mliticai ad
feet. He did not aeem to think thai tbe
editora of tbe paper which Marled to
bias of riot reai.xnd the Harm wb. n
would follow the artlelee printed in tneir
Tbe editorial which apoeared In lb
Record, Mauler said.wa eal.ed forth by
a speech made by Mr Kslton liefiaw in
Agricultural eocie-y of Tyhee Itland.
Oa . aarly la Auu.t Ihirinf art
paecb Mr Kelmn aui thai the money
which waa i-oilected far foreign miaau.nt
could I ipent to a better adnata
home m '.'.ottina young white irin.
Hb aaid Dial owing to tb creleaneal
of rionr white men of the looth their
girU are lef vi -t.m of tr.- olirreii men i
Then trie arcnrdinir to Manlwy'n
tat. m. nt of the 1 uii.n. atamlinir of i
the colored rare. Me aaya the aovocatad
lynching a the on; v inai,..,r .ruin n
lag the eviia.
Maiin v '. , iliir rial in The Record a
a reply to Mr Kr.ton'a peecb. TuW
editorial laflaaaed a large portion of
North t'ariNini Mnl-y ay be . d
i.oi intend to attack any riw or rai,
liut mnipir rot.. aa be uid to ilefe-id
the defame.1 ro.orml man. In ibla aui-
,nrt' MW
I'oor white in. ii are rar iea. in the
matter of protecting their women. e
pretaliy on tbe farm. Tney bjt caie
lea of their 'i mo net towarl ibem and
our i i r 'i among p,r bit (awipla
In tbe country leache as mat women of
that race are aot more parti- ular in tu
nuttier o! chtnileifiim m-eting with
eoiot u men than arc the white mea
with co.oreo women Meeting of rn
kind i.-o o-i for .oine rnne nnrii the wom
an' infatcn turn or the man' Ulon-n
bruit, nt'etilion to ttiefei acd the man il
lyiicbed." m
In very long iitorial from wb rh
thealeiv I tsk ii v aa pubii.bwt on Aug
14. Msnley says that for nearly a weak
after it was printed noliing waa aant to
bun about It by the resident of Wil
mington r rieinity. and his relatione
with Ibem were of me utnaliy trnoiy ,
nature antti tbe while preea look op toe
mailer nearly a week later Kroro that
urn until now they hare attacked hiss
and hi paper in every conceivable way
until at last be waa comtwllcd to flee for
bia life.
Whenakd a to th present uav
lion al Wilmington, Manley said that he
had been absent sev.-ral days, ami he
W00" n'" , ,'u',,,, M '!
ing an no ii,... i i n uiai subiect
Wnen ascd if be iniemled to return
to Nortn t'aroiina he repliel that thai
waa another iutmn wblch he cnaid
not aner at BMsSBM There were facts
connected wun t.at part of the story
which might affect others, and he
thought ii would u beat not to say any
thing at to bi tutor prospect.
Mind, r , ul i ii ,t t, . ,.w much hit
Iimmv were at the band of tbe mob
Al. he wouid say was that be bad lost
nrervthing he owned in tbe world H
bad carried an ituurancuon ln propertv,
Imt be aid that there was no ran .n
the pohcy wblch insured again! tbe
fury of a mob.
assataajg aataoa u.
Pekin. Nov. 14.-Lt Hung t 'hang has
la-en tmlered to nmcead to Tti Nan. cap
ital of the province of rb:i lung, to!
consider mea.ures with tn viceroy of
I hhsn Tung to nr. vent future inun-ia-I
lloiia of the Y. Low nrer. This apt Hit
main itn-gardsd aa virtually .hcviug
Mm IsV
assSaaej f taawr CeavcallM.
Chicago. Nor. 14 Tb twenty .,
ond annuai nsaembiy of the Ksjftgafl of
LaUir will in.et here tomorrow Ii
gate are arriring in large nunil. r.
Then waa a preliminary meeting i f tin.
ekecutive Ixxird to arrange a program
llalley Way He l.lM..
Washington. Nor. 14. It la tbe go.,
sip o.' HeiniN ritic metnle.r. now tn in
city thai Joe Hal ley is tn be deposed
from the leadcrshin of the Demra rat
minority In the unit house.
t'ana.la'a New llnnranr (len.ral.
aaJ, Nor. U The nw gnver.
if t .in. ui, i, lxird Miuio, b,i
bare arrived here nn
hcntsnian. Ins
Try Taylor 4 Coi'.beal. f
Th buraiag out of a eblmray la the
i-tera part or town hart Bigai oeca-
ad alneiir Are alarm.
M aad Mra. M. Parfcar raMraed
"oi n.orniiiK f., . visit to An-tm.
Nan An tool,, Kl I'.ao aad Ft.-VV ,rth.
Mra. I. II. Aatio retnroaa to Mum
trrd yeeterdav alter tpaadiag hooday
nd Monday wi h relatirea aad frier.da !
U 0. Chance baa jaat received two I
line boga, in Kneli. n Barkahira from i
Mi.aoun and Pol.nd ( hina from
North Tessa.
For 8tle Two desirable buiM
in Iota adjoining my resident, al-
ao one lot in bioaf 14. Apply
Mra. C. M. Praalat, 804
Nobby, m e, elegant, is my llae ol ;
bos aad basy bcatere, b-dh caal and
wood. Osaka aad them, they are
cheap. 302 j Allen Myere
I'rof. II J Puu,ty,ibe old reliable
Piano Inn,, w, Bry,0 . ,b
A and M nllrg ftbont Nor. 2Mb to
tune lb piano r inning bia att i-
lion. 1 IT
At a Hireling ol tb fir company lat
night a aajll aajaaaJl d bi the company
by Mr. H. B. Jaaaa wa. diap-ed of t. 1
John b Mike, tbe am of ten dollare
lie! rig r ied on it.
The RaaJi laajaj that a Are foot rem
M Hrniti- baa lieen discovered fmir mile
MM VVii,r0 ,t , tih i bool one j
hundred tm-i. The flod waa made Iy
proeaO"tor. ho hare been working in j
that vicinity for anme time.
W. H. Ix.n.r of Tbompaoa Creak.,
broaght to The Kagle idBes yawtardar a
'slkof ribbon i ane, rl-el oa npland.
and meaaarmg aeven and a ball (eel
nipped. He sleo bad a amp - ol tb
yrnp msle I mm tbe cane, which ia a
' ear an. I p ire a could be desired Mr.
I 'osier ba sn immenee amount of ran
'anked (or ihoee who deeire ii t
Great Values ;
Heavy lotion ribl-i un
derwear, fleece lined,
$1 00 a Suit.
Luii lat wool, catucl hair
and all wool Jersey Kib
le. underwear, wool half
boac, etc.
Kxtra heavy, all wool
ma. kintohe. guaranteed
rain (ironf, made In over
coat atyle with velvet col.
lar. They come in black
Maj ligbt brown.
All wool Jerney, dressed
and undressed kid, fine
linck gloves, etc.
The largest aaaorttnent of
white ajaj colored ahirt
ever !iown in the ritv
All aitca, all sleeve length.
Sole agents for the cele
brated Manhattan shirts
the l"t in the world.
Try a pair of our heavy
winter shoes with extra
swarf I'Xten on sole, for
$3 60.
Every utir guarautc .1
The latest fall atyle in
Jno B. Stetaon & Co'a.
fine cruah hats. Our
$3.00 Stiff Hat
leada thetn nil in iiinlity
ami Stytoj black nd
New "lock of
fDen'a Over Shoes
lien's pina Sllppara.
Fine Neckuiaor
Collars, Cuffa,
Umbrelloa, Bto
"Mature and
Her Stores Oat podfed,"
T Product the Beautiful Designs in the
Art Squares,
French Wilton,
fHoquitt and
Smyrna Rugs,
That Wo Have Just Received at Prices
Within the Reach of All. Call
Around and see if You Don't
Think so Too.
Th Up-to-date Furniture Men.
mmmtml1 HlllaiaBJI,aiawawassaBBssBsssl
7 "HT
tl aSBaawaaBM ass
Guaranteed to remove
4fcAst fro fs face oef
"14 VAN.
OTTO BOEHME, Proprietor.
- - - iur
Ixiard, with ie isi prices by the w-k or month. Phone 89
That money can buy ami sell
them aa low a you iay for in
hfioi brand. We treat every
pre-cription uh though We were
tilling it for our own families.
We order all medicines not usu
nlly kept in attu'k, when dcsircil.
Our line of
Soaps, Perfumes, Toilet Articles and Other
Druggist Sundries
Is the Ileal, Cheapest ur.J moat complete in llryan.
JAMES & McDOUGALD The Leading Drugg.,!,.
tain that tasks sn
!.oath..nk. Xot.ysreaVaas
" '.b.lH..a,ifi.bal,0,pUUo,ftlt
.! sltrsetlr by s clesr. pur skis.
Freckles, Tan and Dark
Handi. or Money Rttundod.
and for Hale at
AII kinda of Freeh Brea.l and Cakes kept
conaUntly on hand. Suppliee furnished on
abort notice for picnics and barbecues. I am
running Free Delivery wagon and will
leliver your order at your door. My bakery
is a home enterprise ami deserve the patron
age of the people with whom I live and apend
my money. M y rate are 11.00 nee r...

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