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p O . w iM r m Vol III No. 304 BRYAN, TEXAS. WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 16. 1898. Price 5 cento. FRUIT CAKES! Dozier Bakery Celebrated Fruit Cakes in 1 and 5 Pound Cartoons. Seedless Raisins Layer Raisins Dried Figs Glace Citron Glace Lemon Peel Cocoanuts Shredded Cocoanuts GLORY FLOUR For making cakes, etc., it it has no equal in Bryan Tts the best. If you want the best, phone IVORY SOAP It Floats. Prompt Attention IUl'KTrM O. Or. PARSONS A Kllll ilnl ' tll ala-ta till'' "I liti'i in , Ki . I ! . .I'i'iti.irtt- riv TAYLOR & COX, Prop's. SUMMER DRINKS I Cooling Drinks, Stknothenino Cordials. Everybody treated Rioht. Best Wines, Liquor and Cigars I AniPQ- LniILU. II is" "'gall call Currants Shelled Almonds Almonds Filberts Glace Orange Peel Cranberries HOWELL BROS. Grocers and Coffee Renters. PARS0N8' inn: Works, UK VAN. TtXM Enlarged iiihI Tlniriiiighlv Equipped mtli SKW AM) IMI'KOVKD M A C H I N jltY. Strictly hirst-class anil U to latr I'latit. 1 r--pari il to tiill order-, larga r am a 1 1 for - - - Pure. Wholesome and High Grade Soda Water All Flavor- Wholesale ami lli tail Satiaiui tioti guar ;ilit. id. I'll'. 1 1 . I . ' 1. ii ii trial. to All Orders. I.I.Y i, Frnit, Nuta, Cigars, Fancy i-li, yitjr mul Mmrt onit-r GOOD LUCK! tn Drink nt tin- GLOBE SALOON and see my new of Fashionable Ike. aaW a'i'M hn quired po. urn mPiiuTivri? Mil UUIAIWD. The DrrWioii of (ieueial Craw a to llle al llmllotM. DECISION WILL CAUSE A WRANGLE. ir .Sustained It May Hiamre the KlrClton of i oi),'r--Mi;in in tlic Tenth IHxlrict. THE POINT DECIDED BY ATTORNEY CRANE. It In Ttiat a rntltal of liar Parlj Cannot I IMarrw oa Aajr Other Tlrk-l Tliaa Thai of Ihr Part) In Wiilrh Iti- Id Ion?. , Nut. IS It U not un "union rendered br At i 1 'runt. ;ut prior to tin in l ha effort t-iat If tti. n niaiB appear oa tba artr to winch in' inn-a not BsMet ll fraudulent, will of a roiiiot for eougrewi .'. i i ( ii ni'raj Crane i i. r Tom a promim-nt in. I filth uiairirt. tni'iiM- Iik i-ui ' ii'.- o: '' i fiai ai.rjra i fran'ialaiif lai lota. It ninfa ni ina tiamii of iln full in- Ii !nim!i' iirkat and tin' DMMi cratir r.raat of M.iUifonl p luntjr, but in tba ritaa f tbi- mnv of V H Koii- am. Ii- - ' i.. -i. i for . "-un ... '"' in.m thai Monf-rey ami in. that of II II ll-iwiay. tba Rapobttoaa Hiaaanatea. wbion ha Joat barn ami aniilnair. wsm prmtad twtpa tharron. aeroaa tat Hariljp ti hold ManiU. ami t. tba wrin-r of Sjaj i.(ir aUtarl that XII of Wal of thraatttnaa tba pnai ca thaaa fnodolant I alloc a wrra paat l Pry "f Iba Ampbllrlta, tba Mia nam Mat itfonU roonjr If u ptalmrd '"""ah and tba Terror and far anpenni that a l.-iriri. nuinl. r of urallarly ffeci. "'ba-rn in f .rmulablanaaa and Tatna ai a.1 MfltSj warn caat in otbar connllaa of j w,rhln Tba laoal autbnritica nf tba lhaTrnth uiairirt. and that thrre are a ! MT dtrtmant, howarar dreidatl il ufflp.i-iit, of ihi-m to gtrm tba l"T appaan-it, on inaofflrtant ponaidara alartmn ,t Kouaon ahooid thaT ba ' tba pontrarta moat be awanlwl thrown out. The pre nt indication are that tha matter will be taken into the oonrt. and it ayjaaiSM to ba lean whether At lorn ay (neral Crane' opinion will he au tained It i an interoannif and highly imairtant li-fl neetl'an. Attorney (ieni-ral Crane haa alto re ceived ..ii.ilar complaint of theae a legad fraudulent ballot from a half dnxen place in the atate. , According to information receiTed here, SSM ruling of the attorney general will alao affect the cnifreaional cotite.t Ifltbe Twelfth riiatriPt. a walla the reault in one or more office in H-xr conn:y. lteoeatcd riqueata for furth.-r an i en Te ' .iinplate information on hu far rr.n hillg oiiin o-i n . r 1 by .Vitnrne, ( -nerai Crane, bat j) haa nothing fur'lur to ay other than that cnatuiiml io hu telegram to Chairman J. Y (Ilium of n Antonio on Nor. 7 The Mbiatir-e i' iliat telegram w aa that I, iiun'rati" t.illut contiiiiug the! name of Noonun. congrr:oiial candi- date, are Told." Mr Crane ay that tha matter I, now mil f Iks tianna of hi department 1 "H hi 'lit' : ariamg from th. alleged frannlrnt i.ractice will haea to l, art ( led in pongree ; other con treat Will hare Hi i,' aettlad in the court, f t i ' .late Tue Aualralian Mllnt i- . tided the i annulate in the citie. but In the rou ii i rv preclnt ti e juggling f nam. on ln-keta hi Ir n extenau. Iv . n i 'd on jrar paat. w in , San Am Noonaii, it date for r rrry election for many . . . ton in, il.jd.n-a Klialla. Not. 15. (ieorge II aa I It- pa 'iii-ati ssssjmV in im- 1 welfih ill. Irict, anii'.iiii' . a that he will ennteet tne el. . lo'i of .lame L. 8layd 'n, Damocmi Slarnen carried trie dlatrirt hy nnwartl of WK10 over Nnmian. Niaanan will ic ma pouleaton the rnliug of the state attorney general, that the planing nf Noonan. name on he'.loie hnaned "U'tu i. ticket," would be illegal and fraudulent. fhi-elsw d Slemahl taleaalaa. Little Hock. Nor. 16. J. II. McCar- tny nt I. u it -k an i Woi .l..iin.t.,n ..! St. Illino, III , were awaniad tha arm- ti " i lor l ml ni'g the ChiM'taw an I Memphis railroad rxtenaloii fr.nii Little 11 .-. i . Wi.t. r Junction, l4 mil. -a long I I n'n. - nripn I gcr.lMfi (jaSJ fn innhi road reivntlr m- u-aaaRi of the Little Ko-k In. nnd the SmtMSSSM to Wi. in mean a direct coinpctu. . k in-1. I I Inm l.iiiMtr lll.l. IA - Nor. The I of BBBBaaaak. pSWoi. aVSaV bbbbbSsssbv K.iiitoft Oily ri.iula bare nacne a Jo.u Let mi lb IH, "-i.iaai.ono fi ,f lnm-.-i v anted by the goTi rnturnt to arret com fortable quarter, fur MMirt In Cube. '...,.. ii.i.i up, . I. T . Not. la. -The Ution of the Miamari, Kanaaaaad Txa rali tttMM ' wy wne bold up ban by two robban " l with reToiver. About a) of th.. com pany money and tan peraonal mooer aim a gold anew bevel open faoa watch with iDitjmm -H. V." on back wan taken from tba agent. BETTER MONITORS TO BE CONSTRUCTED. They Win lu l.,r.r, Htn In Umm laatead ..f ..... aad M4. Mara ' ..i... Tkaa MHA New York. Not. 15. -A apaeial to Tba Tribune from Washington eaye: Snaretary Ixrog ba aant a letter tc each of '1... fJrtn that aecorad coo- 21; rat monitor aaklog them to estimate tba MPraaed mat of iinpmvd Teasel on to modiflad line ju.t adopted by be boerj of . mint-action at it aaaaios. In tbi- nssaatUae, nnjar direction from thedi;nni v. will not la- le-gcn Ai laean, the Coonecnui, tii' ii'. ii.-' V.'y uiinir uiil.. tue Bw i arc receiTcd and ooMidartu 1 urn Ilia a Bel werr i mi" "iittacta fur tb-a rfh .u. v i- -i 4 Thn Tr. 'ti nt.on to i)i fact thai ttia otvri ;..ii.' of prlii lor ine foot nifiliiaiwaaoBiy pi.i,Mt, lemrum i urp'.Di of bmh ban $1,000,000 Mil of tin- ffi.uio.uOO anproiirlitad n build lirwr.n-a raaaalc Wigvm praptreii bjr nav o ) ,rt. warn priaanti-d at I lull tiwa abofina; that is waa omlralr faa.l t'i br (oa ii Mil c.uion of ibiaurplna i a- fora th "I liar tin (. Ii,'." mi irii wrra mauo (".ulilal. N unit dnabin tba ouai auutiif onliora, ma kin if tham Urvi-i tilna vaaaria Moriraalla- i.eaiirneti. al- ilioaifti a month rar.i.-r Ibnmjrh the af foiaj of The Tribune two knot had been add lo tba apaed of the new tattle hif I f a method i.ienii'wl witb that pnpon -.1 for I hi- monitor. Bni afu-r tba contracta were eaernt ed tbr- uatal autbiarttlea U-i aine con viaoed mat it would ba nnwiaa to buitd i '- ' .riliiiu to tii- or;;Mia i !. aim on. of tba contra tora canu to waabingSflll and ahoweit that he poult' i-adlr iMMMi hi reaael to the dimen i'M nmraied in Tba Ttibon without run a ii if ihn riirtnal appmprtion br c injn-.. Hi- umpoaad aimplr to lenifth N dbl Ti-aaia and adn anotm-r turret, reoaring the caliber of the uun from l i-iaene to 1 (Mocha. He abowwi that naw H i;c ii, i. rifln with lanrer i-hargaa of aaiokeli-aa Hoarder wonid mil'-h ninra imwi-rlul than tba It-inch gun of IHMSVal.'ti whiph it had lieen nro-o .-i to l into thn oriifinal eeaeel, and nu proj-r in. t with u-)i favor that ran pnaad l.'iral ohj-ption to building battel mnliar tn btndqnietlr Iran pi red. H vp-iary Looa taereupoa di ractad the Imtldan to naur be(iiinin tba aVtpa and referred tba wbo.e que. turn enc. more to tn la in of onatrur lion, a, tba a me lima aun-jancinn bit ilpo-nalnalion to lni d the wmt abipi that eould ra- ariin d at all orent Tba miai.tlett plan adn pud br th hoard of enntnP'lvi nalla for rriaala ol 4MNifnn inted nf fTOrt ton, wiui ' ' of :ii i on. mitrad of : i lag a mure of anion neaadiag 40011 kn Ha at lo knnta apred, whirl: equal that of the aeafolnR battleahl Iowa Two tnrt-'t with twin Id-mob iruti", n-p.w" ih - ini.'la I'J-lnrh larret. The arlcuml apm-d of III knot 1 retain ad, eoatpelliBg englnaa aad boiler of ::.'" ' . -. . ..' r ui.ieail --f .l-i 'I li hull na teen ntaienallr len(thrne-i and bni!en''d, nnd the breadth ha bean in araaard f tin lo t tl mehe to 14 fi-ei 6 Inch. The new detign the pm'ec tlve neek 1 i1, inchea thick initaod of 11, laches, ami the m tenor bracinif ol tba veacal la made iHajhUy hrariiT and tmni'r. Th.' i'tt!ii.-ited coat nf the armor fot the origiiml neatgn ' $0,ajO. It u SaVeal Uad thai tin, ill be iticreaaed t, ,- 'iforlhe larger veaael aod tht 'r'' '"p""r wh other added weight, hi' Ii li'ctned . .ai nt ml t" the un prove.i nu'intor may poni 1 Ihr depart mem toiak enngre to remove the un iited I. -tti.-tioii w I. : waa ma. I. ill the .'ip.miiriatiim for the vela. Up to Una i lino the appropriation billi for all warbiM have providrd a ilinit for the hull, engine and Iwillara I'lrllt- ive of nf Mai defrii nu.n .1 or and armament. Imt the unl iih, providing for fonr hari nt Mela, tipnlating that they l eiolnivi of armament not ' . ich." iilihougli :n rt proviamu wa madn'for hot - f3FQRssV THANKSGIVING DI3V1VER. MINCE SEEDLESS RAISINS ORANGE and LEMON PEEL SHELLED ALMONDS. WALNUTS FILBERTS BUTTER NUTS CITRONS, PICKLES, Everything Good to Eat in the Gro eery Line. JOHN B. MIKE, The Original Cuttter. . Hete.l tuai tne . (pepiion in the raw nf I ne uioni.or wa ttue toaeaertral ir rut. hut in any irent it an..-ara in tut law and cannot leTai1d The contractor lor the :mr moaiton, with tba amnnnt of ti. ir li.oa, ara aa follow : Tba Arkanaa, Newport New eoaspa ny, gbso.ujo; shs Oasaiassk ut. Bath Ir. work io ; tha Kiorida, Lewi Kis on. gHSft.wai tne Wj onnnif, Union Irot work, a;.'.,uon. rail ream . 'I ....... Trala. Mpokane. Wa.h , Not. I a. Tne dead body of Jay II. Adam., on of the prom luenl attornrya of the atate, waa loond near the Northern Pacifio track io tni rictnity of Hope. Ida . with the aktul caTrd la. Mr Adam fell from thr moving train aiu truck on th rook at feet below i be track. Keanlatloa la aa .!, l o VawYori.Nur. II A cable dUpatch reoelrcd in thi city from Lihertad, Nip aragua, atate that a revolution ba I'ttiken "Ut in San Salradiar. LkADIRS:- Wi- li.iw iu typg facca, (the lati-M) for 'i.itiiie; CtStsJa, iu-t rcccivcil. Nfe. t-v (MSfg for In ilatiiina, Program. Klc. ami in a few ila will liai- a nice line of Conl ami IVncil U r lt ..r:ins-. Etc. h We will be pleaactl lo have ymir nnlcr. Ui "fi im i i , The Bagle. Doremus & Butler. Law Offices. t and 2 Parker Building, SaJTSpecial Atienlinn "liven to Car In Hankrnplcy. BRYAN .. .. THXPfl . . . tux rmo NEW QlTY BAKERY. POll Fresh Bread, Rolls, Cakes and Pies, Delivered to any pnrt of the City. Lave Orders at John M. Law hi v i A Co. - HoTTI.IMl W'i'lik.-. H.AT.C; R. R. BOUBLE DAILY TRAIN. Hhorl mi; Quirk Liar Betaerw North and Sooth Trxa. ' S BITwrra H K 0 U L HOUSTON A,, DENVER I: Vta Kuala iw rt worm E GALVESTON .... 0ENISOP P VI Hoi it tad r ' E GALVESTON.,, ,31 LOUIS 0 R VI Rontton. tnnttai HOUSTON m AUSTIN rl S (The II. A T. C. rratUa (l.lveeton 1 1 on a ton, Branharo, Au.iId. Waco Coraicana, Waiahachia, Ft. Worth, 1UII. l'laiio. Mi Kin... - ' ' aaa , I BBfa 1IIM and Denaon, and give arVrlaaa Servl. .-. C A'. Bat, U. L Koaaiae, Ti.ffl.- Manager. (i. p A T. Agt. W. S. VTuaoa.'Agt. Ilonatoa Bryan, Trias. "Thi$ AMERICAN Laundry. Two .lour South of Ei change Hotel. Firt CM work (iaarantecd. I'rom4 ilelivery. PATRONIZE A HOME ENTERPRISE and keep your Money at home. Telephone No. 141- E. D. BEACH, Mnuager Hall Oliver, PHYSICIANS ami SIMaJEcNs Office at Hall's Dhio Storb Phon Ho. 66. Rdanc Phont Ho. 76 Dr. Oliver, fhona oa. J- WITTMAW M KRCIl A NT TAILOR MAIN STREET. Bryan, . . . Texas. All work (i iml done pmaply K. lililKSSEK Troprietor I iSl.