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m Eagle. i in BRYAN, TEXAS, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 9. 1808. Price 6 cents. 3Bna ancy Groceri largest of r iries ever Ight to NEW GOODS I COUNTERS ! LIVELY DEBATE IN Tl SENATE It Was Over the Arioinl iii 1'iit of Senator on YuriustJ I MBMiailMla shelving: ETC.. ETC. iNTISCALPERS' BILL IS PASSED. krylhing that goes to make up an Our Stook Relish. Chilli Pickles. Catsup. Pickles. PAVI A banned Goods. Preserves. Etc. ra pMfMtefd i M of MM HlOHRfT QUALITY. The llonw Finally Inap'ne of tint ilt a-urt- liv a Vule of HI to ft Uur ir Fresh Roasted Coffee. A Feuu Corn Fed Turkeys For Sole. Howeil Bros., ( KKH iiimI COrrKR ROAMTKHM. 10R & COX 8 GLOBE SALOON: baa lh t Imireat line "f l.'itior ami i-njoya a wall earoetl reputation (of Fair Healing ami lloapilalily m Iliaua ml a.ljouiinu t'iMiiiiifH "Taylor & Cox's Best" la ii lioiiaelioM word now in thia aertlon. ln tyo.. Ill lllll HOLlDATi A RR CO MI HO Ui ua Ul your Christmas Jug. TAYLOR & COX. Bryan. Texas. ADIES: SPECIAL PRIVILFGf.S GRANTED TO WHEEL-EE. II.- Hill II ll.lnln.-l In (he ASMS in. I ui the tne I u.i. Mill i ;.i III HMl In llir mm 'n iifloii. I h. No lnin"M w . Inn. bv tnr M'ti.ilr in o; . aeaaion. A few minute" affar the am. It. r ml. II' il II Went lllto i Ii'i tl! .VI' ll .11 Ml.' il. hit" I'l Ul. UllVr M-loll UKI'I tllr allhjert I if mil- Urination of the lliu.umi . . n tn i 1 . era. Tbi illi waa atartart by Henator II. .ii, wii.i n ,i.;r it vitf.irm. prole.' aKUUat thr prattle' nt ap matin a"i alum ii in. n . ii- h i iiiintiiiMi"ii Mr v or i" .- a won ,v.iiinr II. it. oppaeiil.: inv -d'-h poller. After tw o ami a hall Ii mr-' iiiarueaion tlr iu uli.ui w i. r.Mi I to Hi. jiiili-.a- Miil.s Mill. Wnah aitoa), Dm i Retitvarntatire Hull, rli.iirin.iii '. the hnoM committer mi tnilil iri attain., haa inlriloiwl u ln.l lurreaaiiitf Ihi n'auliirr army in approx imately inO.uoo men. The lull waa ft .hip I at thr war l. turtin.-nt. anil baa the approval i if up' . r. t.irr of war. It nut III" l il frnin.Hl by lirnrral Mi, pa, an tin m.-aaorr hi" not the hitfh rank tr o "! br lii Vilui li !'.. il amic of ili aptKiintmrnta air open to ofll rr- of thr v i .lu it.-. r or from rlrtl Ufa. It I'lm for a llantanaut ifonrral ami what la coiiiilrt"l a uftt.-iriit in rraaae of major ant hr.Ralier genera.a to command an army of lOn.oon mro rait' rad from Porto Rico to Manila. it u.lrrr arm i reorRaniir I aepa railm ihrtn into roaal ani 0M arin n rr, Ml iiromoiion to thli la by arniori i of in.' whole army. A liarrtaax of f . . ii 'i i. inii.t" hi that tii" :mnv ran ! .ncreaai lr wtom m i Bw of war lo full ttrimth. Th H alrr In muthwI two nvnueuta, tUa kaV lantrr lire. I'.ffc ll'trliM II Ilnrani IVc. H. Tha lial I NvW York, wawb Uft Newport Newa on tin ... Iia arr.v. 1 lp ir YOUR HOLIDAY DINNERS ! Will not be Complete' Unless You Buy Your Groceries From the Largest and Best Selected Stock in Bryan. Ot Course I Have Them. You Should Try Our. pa mi'" i it i -Th- DHMMM aT i hit the nr f i ' "" In 1 ami CI l.c.i. to t.,.4 It. Itrj l. .. lit it - ton on til- mini inner prm r.-.v- 101 h.tlnll to uur I v airaanritiii-n-if th- war wou.. ti r "ii ' lir i r ii" 1' .irmr Extra Fancy White Crane Flour. Delicious Dozier Bakery English Fruit Cakes. Fresh Fruits. Nuts. Mince Meat. All Kinds of Pickles. Fresh Wine Jellies, and Williams Jelly Kerb In stantly prepared. Fresh Pickled Pig Feet. Plenty of Nice New Apples. jaV I : Vi if Your Cbriatnua Turkey. JOHN B. MIKE, Tin: ORIGINAL ci TTi:. II. .1.. i... i,v. A SSSJ 7 f PltUi ttUI Mid sec my new stock of Fashionable ;er Huts, tlif and Or- xadei in hLSAion naoajoi r moa rr oosatattt a) with lMlflirHoni f'i in waHfale noil i."r' tiimti iliPio nit a- MM of th" bosM ssMmm At : I ft i. m ilic eii.itc rcumiil hn tm M in BMSI MSdJM (Vimttiim "ationa wen' reeniveil from lli" In ii-. tmMSMMJ Hx dMaH liiiruiir ' tl . ip ina of It." r ""'titBiiVr- lMhM A. Ni rlhwiir of Ohio ami William V ( lam of Mi-aiaaipm. On in M M of Mr 1 i i i r of Ohio, in rcc I to the mem or vol tic iliepae I, the n'nntr nt J . :w p. m biIj Miniiil S'tmtor Il.twirT of (l.iiuirpti nt, rhair- llmlU. Ni w Yor. I." h. Narsl i i ! -mi uil is i to Manila lo UT.llt'll.l till' ritallltf of thr tOIUrll H III' .'JIK'rt. lo U it III. .o lli.ln.tti w ill rh. rtir v it hia hoiii ill Alalaimi. lint only m"t to tir llin . .r lour n.iya. GREAT BRITAIN'S PLAN. ii la i i.i.inin Mtaajaitja at Vrf Kintfaton, tT M Aa a purl of the MlMM of IMMrtiiiK Kiiialou ItarUir in'o a it nn.i. iii'imi an. I nt.tiaiT I'K'kfani. m iw of toe IWMM af lln NiraraKua eanaj in the nar fntun, the iiilniiraii authintir have Jnit rum. pli'tnl ni'ifiiiailooa lor thr purahaaa ol QffNft I'.'inl nt the SMMM MHMalSf 1 I llir, where the prnpoami itnrkynnl wiilbrroN.trni it la aat'l that the work wi.l I nun iipimI iinnnliati'iy 1 he itorkranl, It t aalil. la to he twi Ian -I inn. U'.t iininil in the Hritiah iloiiiinioii A liar. ii authority who ha laa. intrrrirwixi on Iheauhj-rt aara thn IsMMltM la to make Jaiimea IMSlM 'lliliraltar lo rommainl me ctnal mil ) ii yuitf )airt for the naval ami mil itary forrea of the Atitfln- AineriiMM ap liatpr, when, by ilomltiatilU laith orcaiK, it holua the priMBSl ami MM 1 1 1 -r ii in. in. -. a of Mirr in Hi hol.ow of Ha liainia " li... Hurl. Itunrf. Ni w York, Dm I . The fruateea of tin I'.iiw.ri Sivui.'' Kink, the liii(.. aavunva bjaillulion in llila city, on Mini lav nMi wiil natuiv the ram of int. re-i allow ni hy ihr hank to ilepoattora from 4 to II1, r cent 'l lir r. ilui Hull hn ii n in la-en inforimiiiy ilecnleil main Better than Ever ! THE EXPOSITION J.E. PONDER, Prop'r. New Stock Fine Old Whiskies, vii:h. ktc. f'otiK fn iia. I'm rill ijff th' hf fur lurr nr fnin .. had Quart Bottle ol Fine Wine Presented Free With each $4.00 Purchase from us .! uixi vi ii m i.. . ii... I'hc best Cijjars in tow n, ' ..ii i- - -. -m- n'.i Bt dttpnt ala.m .arm am atooa mailer. I lV THN William K. .iri.rr almt Hour, juat I'llta ni I . Itoih mm wi". nuftaaf. ai il taitli were Infill two men him It. m r KM 1 1 1 1 man of lli" uuliiarv affnira roinmlltee, hy thr trui' . , in i il nttly urmla their lniniuci"i a bill for the n-orua luxation of the rafSiiaf army S' Hour of M:i"flrriu-ett, ae-cun-.i inn aiioption of a reaolutinn that a roninutt.i' of arveti aenat ira tw a)i ailril to w hom ahall la rrfrrrrtl thai part of the pn aiunit'a un a- itf" which relatea to tlio relelirntmii "f the milen nial of the rltv of WsMlStfMI aa thn cilpltoi of Hie Unit" I M lira Tnr limiHP pia-nl Hie anti-llekel ealplng lull by a vote of 119 M 101. tbu ruliiutiniioii of it lu III tllr lull I "I llir 1. 1" enil In tin- i ii-in. of lli.. inlrrmBlU " fortiiBl mil ii at tin- niii'tiiiK It ii likely thai OtfcSf lK MTMSJi banka in Ihla rlty will follow alilt III reiltli'Ulii thi'ir rate of int.-iet. All the bank are o loaded im with raah that they arr tttiiliiiU 'iit'i i tv in UaMtttag in att't iHlril M'ruritlea that w ill yielil n-ti.riu w uri nil iiik thrm to contluue the 4 pr cent rate Win.. mi, Minn , O r s l'he (Viitral II mi-.' h.ia luiriieil ii u i two man havn loat th tr lure", while all the Boeata in mm w nut were obliieil to . , from llir w nLjj',1 . Two iHHiira, bururtl l' 1 reKimiiimii, havn lai-n n vrreil, o.iloiUiteilljr urn tl. K U111..1 .,, ii.iiii ot Th....... MvaOkaO ii.i I'lpko. Ki I'aao, T.-x , W h -Ororee Smr brouiru. a U.i - K.iri.-o BStottM SSM haa mane many iiotatue 1 .intiir a on Hie Tnuiti' r, arii Mad Rl .1 Plpktl 11 l- BMSJi N M . nn. 1 . an. ini linn la-inna the. bara charRial w nil 1 .impurity in a train mh bery. BSWafjaf NOMf Uaj.rh.l. New Yor .. Ie- It Ii in Slur-cy ami Kui MetNiy hue la-. tl mi Ir-1 loRthl JO rminua -i re Hie l- i. A BM I club in IN 1 1 y lor a ton :ti iaa Ihm hatt It wtil ur MMM c.ny MM mnn h an. ill- winner will k aftet 1) ib ' T - .11 ilia NEW QlTY BAKERY. KOlt Fresh Bread. Rolls, Cakes and Pies. Dclivi-ti tl to any part of tin- I'itv. 1 .1 a vi' 1 Inlrra at .lulls M. Law hi m i ,V Co.'h IUitti IM. WoitKH, Proprietor W. II. LAWRENCE DENTIST. Ilice Front HtioniHOver PoatofTict. Hruin, Texas. HOLIDAY GOODS ! Our Holiday hor Im conr. nnri it t hare ttcurtd 11 ri nuU-iiijtiycii (mm llml mlinni hit ijt n ( nn nn 110 inra tin hiigtl mai nftm in (he tOUntry the niyht brjorr (thrift taMt Thrrt art ItU nf pr'oplr in ikU in in 1(1 who will iimiicciatf 11 prmfnt hiyhly ij If in aomr 11 our J