Newspaper Page Text
T ran nbotntng Eagle. 7 BRYAN, TEXAS. SUNDAY MORNIMG, DECEMBER 11. 1898. Price 6 cento. IBS LrrUllj Inritcd to hwped our tin' of ey Groceries. r BwfctfJ Fancy Cake and Cracker. Cake 1 and llt. Cartoon. Citron. Orange Peel nl Lomosi hI. 11 llii-in. i'urr.i:itH. anl Pate. gcake Sugar. end. Shelled ami plain. trt, Walnut, etc. avia brand : Enlutinlf 6 M Guarantied to be the highest Quality. d IWlic. Finttt thing eer brought to Bryan juned Peachea. Allf 1M flalmoij 'iiHMi.iil.'.w- luinalo.-. Straw l.. rric l' ton-. Turkey thicken Sala.l lrcing. ),t.ii. Ma(le Syrup l'r crvc .Iain-, 'ilteil Cherrie. IMuui Pudding Cucuanut. M ' ' at. ,.,., f make no miitake by buying THE BiUVI BRMMD I I ICCCC DoaWti Crown Poll Cream Che t, L wtl l ; mi and I' Batavia CheBSC - Stuffed Olive Mangoc". THE PRESIDENT MAY VISIT CUBA. Tkll OM He NM Without Vi olatlng An Constitution al I .hi -i. CUBi VIRTUALtT AMERICAN SOIL I'litil the Star and .Stripe Are Die plaod by the Cuban Flai; It Will kVnum uch, ROML TALK OF HIS GO! NO TO FORTO RICO. Time l n rlainli of litis lint III- trip ! llataua IU Almoal i: . :, I a Mage llr)oml a BMvt Waliwgfftn, Hee. 10 A report thai m ml' ml in iii ' aii'l I'i.ij . H r.i at Hiv firat ppor- . ha la-come ku iw in the ante, war o il iiaty m rtiin ni. ami itncly ,i r, , . to prnrc. d to taM kg flic nw American teiim. provnlud it '"' involve toa ii'iiK an Midiiml ab ucv (rum Waahington. Who n Ihc prratdenl viatta I'urto Ki ami i 'ill b. will undoubtedly be rompaniad ev Mr. -CcKliilay att'l aev- eral member f tbe cabinet with then wivee, awl iltbough tba etar of the party in aajeb port vialted will not I. lunger lhaa a aingle day, an abeencu i( I two waeka from Washington will U neceeeery. I- '1 ' hat rWcretry Alger ami eeverel army officer will ax In Sari Joan, Santiago, Parana and I other point in the la'.and bafora tue pruai.ient vttita theee place. WILL BE MORE SECRET. telle.! !! Will fetlaw All ttmp la .( o-r Naval latlaf. WaalnnVm. Uar. HI - Action baa l--. il takau f Haoratarr Long to wit n ; n fur malum rooi-arnluK tiaval 'air- frtui d r. lirn gornm'in A n-KuUtuip b.ia Wn iwumI annotiur. uiK luat ' fartnal nffl ul information fur an i' Ih aid uthfr foreign nffltiala in Waablrkftuaqr abroad will ba foniiabed thiuiiira tn liim-au of niviiratmn by th offr of aaaal HHriMgnai " Thla reaj u.aiiuii i tiw larcaly to th refnal tat (OM gi aaajajaajawMM M fir to A mart nil lflaai mfurmatton which thar awli Hltaerut lit aathnntlea natre kM rv un Willi fureiKii aitarnn, but hi I In' lutura it la likely tha acrnH'T wbu b mala abroad will ba followed here S i i i ntru 'lor llobaoa baa bean al tin .. inrtinrnt in runnertioti with IImiik Kmir to Your Holiday DINNERS ! Will not be Complete Unless You Buy Your Groceries From the Largest and Best Selected Stock in Bryan. Of Course I Have them ! You Should Try QHf i p Kxtra Fancy White Crane Flour Deliciotm Doiier Bakery Knglleli Fruil ('nki-. Fnh Fruit. Nut. Mim e Meat. Ail kind of Pickle. Fr li Wine Jellie. Williain Jelly K rl. Ii.itant ly Prepared rreali Pickled Pig FeL Plenty of Ni'c Apple. in i i.- ili ii eject or .oriotia .a miation jtnoiiK varenia iiffleiila on arrount of the ilreeill.v interratltlK lOetlOtJi It ru i Anions otin r iiunga ihara waa .i.iil.iii-m reviv il o' the flrtinn 111- chief nerutiYn cotild not tiaai the ICKLES Mixed, Hwert and Boor in riot tin and Itarrel ; 'Imw-Chow India i iv-ti r Cie kuil CaUup. OuratiK'k of Pn klcd Ooodl i unciiialcd. kornazoo Celery receired everv Monday and Friday, '.'ran- iH'rric. IANNED Chi ken. Turkey, PbOMOBl QrOQtt, WiHidiiH-k, Shrimp. l,otitcr. Mer In.-, Tri. Iwf, llatn. Cralja, Chicken Temale, Saua(?e. etc. Inportil Hardinet, in Olive Oil, Tomato Sam . and A l.a Hor delaiae- Another Carload of (ilory Flour " 20 m . ()l.fahioned and Self-ri-iiik' Hm k:. it. Try I OM nt kndertufl'a Tonuito Soup, two can im : mzo POUNDS FANCY AND STICK CANDY. inke & Bro.'s i lb.. I lb., and 2 lb. Boxes Imperial Mixed and Chocolates is as good as trie best. liohn's Breakfaat Food. lUtlle Creek Hcaltli Km id ay Creamery llutter. - I ry our ire-n ma- -u one.-. e the larueM -lack of l-'.mc J to.-, rin.- v.t iTollght to Bryan. I'linne u what you waul. WELL BROS., j i ij ..i..... fiKTI'S JUKI uu-f in'iin -i GESTION FOR Better than Ever ! THE EXPOSITION J.E. PONDER, Prop'r. New Stock Fine Old Whiskies, wimkh. i:t-. Cnmr to rr in. )'ou wW th- httt to be hai - ir ore or Unnry. g QuartBttle ol Fine Wine Presented Free With each $4.00 Purchase Irom us OOB Itl'.NTAI IIAT In ' iccllon. raaiem rail l i I lie PCSl ClVjars 111 tOWtl. Call! name Old H HEALnLNO COLLISION ItanuiitS ii( rv.. Ihe nconaUurtioti of the ruira lion Jnan it Anatrla. lala de Culat and luade I.nion. Il dmnnl a abort leave, bat the drpartiuflil waa (-i mpelled to retuan tba rriuat becauaa of the t.i ceaaltT of getting to tSang Kmg MM rMMll.l V.I HiaMtlll ill -"""'" f " tn',.wb.mfwiil(m th iravlu. fcnFran. forfeiting lua nftlii. i . " u.ur li"' rl,(.n -it SMI . the notion eu amiaaff bkekwr oflknala lliat Mini eonatitntional mm ,u,k- ir.tatutor- realm t on cmilttira ibe ex- WaahtnSft 10 -The hooaa . ,,.i m i f ' . . rl ,.n anil liariMira limit a irunii' lo Ann rii 1111 ami, when, aa a : . . . ' ,. , . . ., in.-. i.. Inl '.. I lie lle.lliilliari. a matter o' fart, alt hi ub none of 'rra. ,.., ni.. h-r.iiirft wlnrh are to t iriaeU dent -ii, v . , r.-..eee.. .r. baae ever ,.,,, .. ... .,,,.,, ,t...n. for left the ta uiilrr during iheir lenna Whgajaajaajrawg Tha uuinittee d oflW, their actlona w. r- alnne i-ffra-tefl lo hava all hearing- I'miiiileted l I i i Mii.iiieraiion. of j r ii r.elv or iru- fore tha bolkaara " ibat tha bill may la den.-, which no one coold hold lo ap- preaantad loth ti.mae aany in Jaimarv ply la the preaenl inatatir" It waa general. v recngniaea ihat tie. preaulent might natnralir wiab lo make i -nger Traiaa r. r...n..., Kparaonal tourof inapectioa in ihoea ia- i'i a mi' i ra..pi land a aoon aa he could apare tltii" Menominee, Midi, I)ee 10 Two from i reaau-.g tuam. a in Wali ,,.-. iu-er ir.iliia on the Chicago ami ingtoti, and thai no valei n jw-tinti again-tiie h a ti nr aa lie waa miner. h n'rlnck traiav, Hal feet from tnil in coni. inp nle It i i-mnted out, the Mem in inm iron lirelge. Iluth ru- however, II wnulii ! tiractualiv gmea were badlv atnaabed. A nutnla-r UapOatibii for him lo tre the limn ,,( i.aengi'ra were alighlljr bun and n for i.rti an i n ! I vov.ige tiome women faintel. It Hannah, the IS I il to I'l.rtu Kh o I . for.. egrea al- Dreinan on the nnrthbrmnd trim, waa eajrM mi Mareb 4. which la, fortunate- badljr Injured and had to In cot out of Ijr, nlaiut the heat time of the vi nr to wreck. LVigtneer Kllllan , of tba aoiuh- n ike a abort tar in t lie lMpc llnr bound train, waa laidljr injured about bjg tl ''tht -al. of Hi" new y ar, the head I Wall train were running at n, ... , ; ii 0.11, i ii..i.. i v at. 'ii I He .am- . . una I :: u.tiiie. roiiiuie I u.ineaa. Il arial obilgaliona alaiul . .ii u damage involved III the programme of pnhltc re- aj,, -,,. .n oapilnnt and Mala dinar re would it- N,w orfe! De 10,-Tbe Oertiian- triet the pn-aident cloaely to Waahing-,,. Db,.ntUre nn vny, another ton, and alter next weck'a aontliern ,. f the . .me re i- urmnoie t tijr Jaap-r tour Im will harui.v find it maihli to y Kuaa, who iefl Ihe city JUt prior to li ave tha While llouae for more than the inl(iae of the Metn.politan Bond two nava al a time )(ore ti e middle of and Loaning aaaoeiatlnn, i III a tied Fcliruarr I'or the enainng twoweeka WT with the niah of legialaiiou which marka the cioaing day of a abort aeaaion of coiik-n . there will la. no .ci-nrc for the executive, and therefore In, ienuant will hardly llr In the harlam of POM Itico letore the mnlille of March. With Havana onlv a iiigl ntght'a for the diatiatch t "at Iloltihin from lamna, 'REMEMBER WE WANT TO SELL YOUR CHRISTMAS TUR JOHN B. MIKE, nil. t.Ku.i-N i t i i run. laying a c -rtata ainonnt tT acr-aici turning tin I ent.e in oncitton Kami era aiy Ilia l at Hi" prc-cni .ow price ol cotton It Mi l iml iv tliem to p ck ilur- kjg i i. i ui'iiiiu Igexeajsf ti.ii.rr. imaafaaay. Trenton, N. J , I c HV - Arliclea of Incorporation of tne i ntcnnul Toba co conpauy have la-, n lll.-ii with tbe aecrriary ol utate n n Mi ly. Tbe cap. ital itorx ia ITS.UMI.tXln, one-half of which la in ! )ip ferrc.1, wlih 7 la-rcetr noucuiuuiatiea il.v.iiend, trah ijuar terly. The c.inuioy ia aiii:iri)UMi M ear leaf rotaaon and maun iniurn v barco in all 'ia o ma 'I'llV TIIR new Pity bakery. I OK Fresh Bread. Rolls, Cakes and Pies, K (here might I ' a "ham c for tlm preai dent to aiH'iid two w kola dnva iheri. in n we. k'a ahai'tic" from Waahington, ami rcmnlii aiwaya In clo.e i. l"u'rphic com niuuicatloti with the neciitive demrt nienta a.i thai if a critical tin-rgency oc- be In a railway Irani il the canitol w lihiii l J I- . no 1 1 a l licit i . . Tatay waa the day for the y- mnnt ot Ihe aulandv iMinita, but the con cern wa nuatile to me -t the ol, ligation. A large crowd of iiinignant holdera of abate crowded into the utile an I lilia-a-ed the t'arondnlet r 'et aidewalk clam oring for their money. I'hief of I'oltre Coaler bad to aeud a Miuad of illcn to prevent troubhi. It waa atatcd at the olll f the concern that ill" t i.trtn iti- Ainertoan waa in gol condition, but aometlme ago took m th t'liion IMdaMi- tur mimny and there waa a 1.i,ihi neflrt in ill" affair of tbu latter which rauaed the trouble. delivered to any part of Um City. Leave Order at Jons M. Law Hi m i A Co.'a lloTTI.INil WiillKH. (IIMKSSKK, Proprietor lit,rLm,in-iit l..r Smth Mi law. I T.. Dec to -On Feb IT laat WlUtMX I' killed a tat. 1 dler iiainni Jain. a Mi 1'a.iilen, near j WhltelleM ftttker liaa i. , u cnviclel W. II. LAWRENCE DENTIST. of the crime in the I. illicit Male court rv,.. c- IJ r . aa .. , ,,, . 'illtce F runt KiMitiifi over Pohto hi e here and waa aeutenred bf Juage ly. wmm toll to inipruouiiieiit lor ,i e H r mi, TexaH. i hirkaaaw r.nrallinanl. Muakogee, I. T., Ueo. 10 The en roliinent of the Chickmaw nation baa tec n i'i tiip.i tint I'V lh" Dnwea rouiliila alou. 'III. .- are Hi" llgurea which the ihow : Chlckaaaw , by lihaal ntial trii to II .vatia he- .. I ' 1 - w HOLIDAY GOODS ! Our Holiday bur hn mmr, and trt hmr rcurtd n nnrt Hth-ttgrnrii from that rutimti. hie tjrntltmtm tho dor$ the liiijgrnt inm'. n nf in tin' country the niyht lirjorr (thrill inn. fhtri .irr of ti NMel HI thin l iiinit; who irill appreciate n prcntnt MfMy i If la nomeofour ! ntB- i4Ht CbiH'taw, by ant Perfumes Clitraa -aaJ ll-kO HHji-i8K-3-i---