OCR Interpretation

Bryan morning eagle. [volume] (Bryan, Tex.) 1898-1909, December 14, 1898, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86088652/1898-12-14/ed-1/seq-3/

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lime Tblf, llfne
t. AO. N.I
m Mm.
Ko. 1 leaves.
Ho. I leaven
I I:ft7 a ui
h ill a. iii.
bam i aocsn.
.So. 2 leaves SeU a.
No. leaves 4 :My. iu.
No. 8, leaves Hi erne S Oft p. m.
No. 10, arrive, at Heerne . . .U:ft6 a. m.
II. T. O Time Table llenrnfl
obth eousD.
No. 1 arrives li:' P ,n
o. 3 arrives :'.o a.
Heavy rain have fallen the part
week, ma-king, the earth muddy,
and nutting, the farmer behind in
their work.
Picking dewlierriea is the order
of the dav: eeveral partus have
i i " - . 1
heen to the river ami other place.
and have brought home an ahtind-
ance of latrrie.
A nutnW of young
people en
joyed a barbecue and picne at Mr.
J. A. Steele's farm in the bottom
last Thursday.
Mr. and Mr. 0. B. trainer and
Mra. (1. V. Oainer of Bryan,
vietted Milliean the paat week.
Mill Jeeaie Johnaon of Bryan, i
lvi-itini hr OOOliB, lUM Minnie
BMMi thin week.
Mr. Charlie Wotxl, guent of Mre.
E. M. Dunlap, ie very low at the
present writing.
Mr. and Mm. J. T. Kave. of
Wellborn, apent Sunday in Milli
ean. Rev. Q, S. Handle lllled hia reg
ular appointment at the Methodist
chun h Sunday night.
Mrs. T. R. Buttle came down
from Wellborn Sunday afternoon
.Mrs. 0. T. Lewis returned from
iavatota r ridav after a viMt to
tti.es there.
liases Callie and Janie
v iited
U l;iry Kinui Spatln
llbnm Inst week.
r. Jume.on came up irom . a va
in Sunday lo see the sick.
J A. Mcdragor of (Jalveeton,
Ppent Sunday with his mother here.
Mrs. J. R Middleton is visiting
Mrs. Riiyer near Wellliorn this
week. v.
Miea Lena Holiday returned
Mm BouatM l"t Wndneslay.
Mr. P. T. Holliday, who has been ;
with the railroad company in T..T .
came home Friday. Cok.
Ilurvcy Vi'Wl.
The recent rain was very nice,
but the acoompaning norther made
everything look unpleasant.
The health of our community i
good at present, Rev .J. M. Bullock
preached an interesting sermon
hern last Sunday.
W. S. .McClung and mother arc
visiiing friends in 11 rimes county.
Mr. Hill Thompson of Reliance
came down Sun. lay .
J. M. Soles, wife and other from
Rock J'raire attended church here
Mr. Willie MoColloch and Mi
(rrahatn of Wellborn came over
The people are licgining to make
preparations for the .Normal Sing
ing School that i lie tauglii lu re
in July by Prof. Mi I and.
There have been quite a number
of our people attending the revival
"itafctiiig in Bryan.
and Sun-iny
Then. Will be ur.achinK at Reliance '
.-uniiiij m i i
and r'tli I UK 1,1 iock in nil' i '' '"
... B i i u. ,el-et e new svnagntru". Tim now ttro.
wunmg at l.ru. Hut by Itev. Mr. wUJ ,, ,t
labell, and ire would be g id if proposed to make it fins nf tho fine.
Mrvlwdf will ooron. He Bad liJwUpir,...f worship in the .
. .
one nui liik'' mil; 1 1 ' i i nu e oi
to their home in Divine.
In our Kork I'rairie comuiaiiicalion
laat wk it we slated iliat Miss F.ninia
Dei.on arid Mr. Kd Tucker eiitert.iined
quite a number of the young pmple
eith a lUvivhtful singing. It should
have been Mi-e Knima Tucker ami Mr.
Kd Tucker.
l.etler from
One of
the Mr Nim
Austin. Ma ft. I-'.'-Killlor
Kagle According to or m.ie
I will writ you a latter Una morning- io
setting alone. The hon are all o k.
Our meals in ramp consist of ham.
egas, Iwaas, po'atoes, onions (rtmi, cof
fee aiol i r- !, 1 ter known a "spunk"
or "gun aailiti." Chx uarl liou-a
fare is breed and W4ter Wa ti run.
iii. n I milk soil brown sugar in our cof.
The principal officers of our company
are OnrJon ttoone, captain, Charles
Ahn-nberk, 1st lieutenant; T. P ttuf
flogton, 2ml linati-n.au' ; Charlia Kirk,
1st serg anl.
Thar are .'1000 men io camp at this
writing am' more (Mining.
Our daily orders are aa 1 Ha.
in , Kovnille, 6:0ft to 6:15 a m., setting
of aierrieee; 7 s. m , Brsak(at; 7:T0 to
vm in . Camp MM I as 10.3Ja. m..
Sqnsd Drill; 12 nmi, liinner; I m m .
Roll Call and Drill; 6pm, Recall; 7 p.
tn., Supper. S.
srm i ii mi i.ii.inMvc.
N. II. Ford Killed in Madison
Count Yesterday.
New wa rcceUed here hy telephone
from Medisoiiviltft Tlnir-lay sltarnoon
Io the eftVt thai Mr. M. II. Ford, a
prominent citireu of Madison county
residing at Connor, wan atruck by llglii
niog iluring a stoim bIhiui noon estei
dsy, and iiiela few minutes afterwards.
Mr Ford waa in ths flald when the
storm csme on snd tok rafuge in not
ion house, which waa struck, tie was
A A a al J A a
oeiapen iorTiiTe aim liny yvar. oi aya
and laavei a iamlly.
a 0 a
Notice to Kiilbll' niMiif llraxoa
By virtue of antbority In ma vas'ed as
chairman of the Republican county K
ecutlvs committee, you are hereby notl
fled to meet. Haturd.ty, May 2lsl, IK96,
at I 30 p. ni., in the Msan.tlc ball, Bry
an, Texai, for the purpose of formulat
ing plans and rules by whtrb ths party
I mv ha ttuYariiad dilrinif tile fortbeom.
Ing campaign. N A. Ai.Hsas is,
11 II. Cuasr, Cbairmsn.
Killing at MadNonvllle.
W. W. Plsster. s blacksmith of Wil
low Utile, wa shot and killed in the
western part of Madisonville Sunday
morning about I o'clock. eter Wy.
cough lias been lodged in jail charged
with (be killing His examining trial
will lie held Friday.
lrea I'or Sale.
Reynolds press -" Inch screw,
all iiuportanl parts in duplicate,
ffsl (HI cash or good note. M. IV.
atryaa, Ifenei
TV Ive Keiitlrnien or ladle, i..
(rave, fbr re
lumilblr, eltillht honsain Tel Mnntldr
Sr. KI.icl i'Hiia I'lMllInn tiedr lufer
em Kneiii.e ...It aildresteil .'ieai nltveli(,a
SI .in
Ths hnmlnloo Compaiir lut K.Ihlcan.
TrsMIe anil Csralrte
South M. Ale.ter, 1 T ., .May
day wa the tint day for iir-r
that heavy rain have not
washouts on the Kilty n
so ld it will I
through trains can
are I' ing i ou
and .MIsim
-if point il.
L T"'" .
W-V I I a. . . a)
nn - ifiiiiuM r.nianii r.i, wnicn was nam as
the tempi. u Commerce street Sunday
A committee routltlng of tl mcml
nf the Lord of directors aii.l live me o
here of the congregation wta appoint' 1
to look after the matuv.
Paglllfa ( .Miiiirf fnii.r t'arlnraaV.
Huiit.Tille, Ala , May J. Clark-
I ley, a United Btatc pnwmer, who na
raped from the Madison county jail two
weeks sgo, waa raptured and lodired tn
Jail again He was raptured near Klor-
iii" i n v ii under seiitcnm 'if II
mom In iii the penitentiary for counter
feiting. t-allara llaa ta Mm la Wkaa.
Kaunas City, May -The C. 8. Lee
(train and Commlaaton naapany hava
awigned, liaviug been caught by the
saddeu nan in wheat. The company
was fortnad in ivt with a capital of
ratal rail rraat a Traa.
Ijtwremvburg, Ky . May 0 (ioorga
Champion waa asised with an attack of
cpilcpey while trimming the top of an
oak tree and feil to the ground. 3le waa
instantly killed.
All Kanomltialad.
I.iitlaKock. Jlav 0. In the Demrv
cratle pnuiariea HatunUy, all the prea
rnt Arkanau roagreMinen went renomi
nated. Ilrratl Rll. H.naw.4.
Koine. May 4 Bread lioK in various
parta of the country have n n -m -l
tialav and wvere conflict ti'twarll II,
rioter mid the gendarme, have occurred
at l'lni i iitins mi l Klghne At eacli
place a rioter waa killed and .ever. 1
other injured Serum littirlnc
have alto taken place n l I'arma and ei - i
where The cabinet li.ta derided to call
out the renervea of is;t
-i - i"i aan i,la.
New Rrnnnfel., Tei , May 4 Allrt
Wolfe, a Kaiiauikv I'la-r. committed ui-'
ride i v taking roii,Ji on rat 111 laaiv
wa found al. ml orn mile uth of tba
rlty near l.vm witri I here is no
appan'nt caune for the ra.h act.
Hr.aS II. r own H.raril.
New York. May 4 - The North tier
man Uoyd liner, Kaiur Wilihrlm der
(lroM-, which tin arrived here from
Bremen, made a day' rrrurd run of hSO
knots Tin la-at the liner' la-at pre.
vtott wetwurd perfnrmanra laat Sep
tember by l.l knot The run waa a
roinpli.hed at an avrrags of V!4 .'Id knoi
an hour
Naw fark Haah tall.
Watertown, May 4 -The First Na
tional bank of Carthage ha rloaed it
door The pretidaut baa abaromini
An inveatlgatton of his arcuunts is br
ing mads
N. kf la lea ma.
Parti, Tea . May 4 -Newt
here from Honey Orova that Frederick
Washington a negro, waa taken out try
a band of IT while men, hanged to a
tree It hi thumb, and was severely
whlptd. He was MgfJMi of thraaton
ing the hotmr of while women while the
white men are at war.
Straaaj.r Man BeWS aad Ruled.
.Siniihville, Tei , Msy 4 A t ranger
while walking on the railroad trunk",
three miles north of here, was run over
and killed by the .nnthl.iund pncnger
train He was idi.ititlcd by pn's ra on
In pcr-i'ii u N, () II 1 in it- i . a j i in. j.
innu tailor. He wa. a deaf m
lllrkmiind I'rinr lladlr Marl.
Austin, Tex., May 4 Ricliniond Pry.
or, aged alsiut 14. wa bully hurt n
Cuinp Mntiry hy Isdng thrown irom a
carl in which he wa driving horse.
Three other bntl were in the vehicle
with the I'ryor liv, the isirly being out
on a RTl hunt.
ir. aVaware mm
Tyler, Tes , Mar 4 -.'r a. W. How-
srl, living near Kilgorc t in g- , onniy,
WU Shot lihM nil.. . pMt :..:-. place
while eu mule here Hill and Kd Itay.
niro, inui in ar mi nun, nmewcnai
nasi H.adr FaV
The llalplne T" -
Trial al Ulll.t.
New York, May 7. -Ths Ilalpiim tor
pedo line In the shed at the Long dirk
at Wllleta Point ail ready for her trip
sll tmt the engineer offlieni, who are to
pass Judgment upon her. She lias been
overhauled and put in order during the
laat two weeks. Her torage batteries
have bara placed almurd and aho atands
ready for aarvloe.
i Hhe U ballt of copper, U feet long and
I feet tn dutmater. The 1ly of the
boat i cylinder in form. Her keel has
the hape of semi-erlipwild, while her
tern ha the aba of a rone The n-
l-rmr merit daliuel for l-r by her In
ventor, Lieutenant Halpine, fia-tuerly of
the United State navy, is that he has
the power to hont her charge under a
arI.Mi thai ha a torpi-dn net out Hhe
earrtea her propelling power abiaird of
her in her storage hatt ine and iba-s ns)
need a dynamo on land, and that be is
a marvel of simplicity
She .-an ! handled fn tn any point,
and if tieeeaaary. he can tow a small
boat after her, in which the operator
ran sit at a distance of two and a half
null ami direct her movcruenta. Site
ran run I'J utile, and 1 Marted. stopped
and lau'ked by only preiiig a attusll
' button. There are two wire cable, each
! two and one half mile In length at.aird.
which unroll and connect her with the
I opera 'nr. One of the cable control
I the boat, while the other sierra her.
She came two light, which reflect
their light I ark ward, so t bey are seen
by the operator only, and not by ths
hiattla ship, keeping the operator in
fieruied as to the action of the taaH. If
one is above the oilier she i going
ahead If tideways, she is making f
the stem of a warship. No light, the
1. an ha stopped Site runt with three
inrhes showing above r i. but uan be
submerged to II fii t
I tiding from her low unlou spar
Willi 1WO srtll. elteuded Kiteuded
Iwoai flat The harpoon is
furred through the arm of the uiiIkm
ened sprinv utHin the mide of (tie net
aim krepe it fastened there I ne open
arm ot the r .Irike the net on tba
; nulalde and drive the pir bock into the
lamt. which sirikes the trigger 'Die ran,
sttarbed iii the hartr by a chain, will
and is swung under the vesanl to be de
stroyed. At the same lime the leather rap is
turn off the tula- of the charge can This
action lets mil the puiansiuin, which, on
meeting with the water, ignite the
rocket, earlling the gun gas in the can
and rxpliating the charge Meanwhile,
the boat Itself ha- laten larked out of
danger and returns to lbs operator ouly
minus a barpxm chain and ran. The
speed of the Haipme la IW knots au boor
i (fins Treeea a Saa rrae
Han Fmnclacn, May B Within this
week MNSi man will ! (usrtaTed at I'rv-
tldlo. tin rlty, awaitiug trauai.inatuin
to Munila Kvery day tnsipa from Or
egon, Washington, Utah and Idaho have
been ponring in nnd the work of ui inter
ing in the militia continue. The state
nnd Fideral authorities are working
night and day to have all in readme
when tin' lntiiirt lay along the
wharve firr their freight.
Nine knanl.h War.lilW Hlglilad.
Ltslaui, May It TIs- newpapers of
this cily ay a Hpamh fi'i ivmsUting
nf nine vessel passed Cap" K.plchel, ;M
mile, .until l.v we.l n( tin. f.-rt. alml
i I ;H0 p. m Sunday The Heel waa steer-
. W in a southerly course.
Tried In Telegraph rinm Cartla.
Cadis, May 7 A man named Hover
hn t hi arreted and Imprisoned here
for attempting Io telegmnh lis detail
or the movement or inn Suih war-
lllj.el la ill. om.irr.
I)pnyrri MllT 7 A M,tnn h n
I cnw.,! in military ctrrles when com.
lui f tl,e Kirt regiment nf
the National gnnnl Wtti not lo eulut
in the new eonsnliiUted regimeut of
- viuiiiitei r suauu I lev o hicrler lo 1
BCTMtaoa hotcl no BaTet House
"el oa .-u4 flour. Rata Hoeae ea 1st
I have added a new line of
to in v .lock of Hooka. Stalionerv . Wall I'nai
and Paints Call on me
Tyler Haswell.
Is the favorite
a food drink
fully Served.
brands nf
rilie niiiilaritv of our place it d
V. web-onie everylsaly,
TAVI tdi At
Patrons and Fi
Of Hrams, Madison,
The combined Capital snd assets of com paniee rep
re sen test hy me amount to more than
The capital and aaet of Compsnle I represeft
writing UIM smounl to more
I j tnflilently believe that I can serve you better and cue
than any one else in ily
town or Country.
have an efficient office force, the
management of FRANK W.
I nlsso rrssen
Eitiitable Life Assurance Society of New York;
Pacific Mutual Life; Am. Union Life;
Fidelity and Casualty
rr wklck I are ths enlr aniknrltet t.nl
l ircale four b ninatt.
Don't Hesitate,
When you waul FINE
Cigars, tn v i i t THIZ
The Poular Run
ho long iniiinlaiiit'tl by
cxcclli'iit tiiality it
'oiirtcoiiH dtt(MiLjiiiiil u
I I I u
1 1 1 ' I ri . -
sw and THHeV!ii!
Mf And Bath HouS
Hk Nice and new, in 60 feet HI
t Wall rr fiirlher lafunaattsl
Marlln. Tssxas
Ueate4 1(0 jardl north of
east u( Hallraed. ttejual
tor PRICK and rKE
fesort of
tliiiaewho like
and trl
(irimes, RoiiertsonI
Ule of Rllkl, be they
affairs of which are underl
of New tork,
In Brran I ra.iw Ifully sollrll i
Liu o rs, Win
lliis BeVI it
itll' Mil
crniHls -iiliL
Nominous I'mhrSa.

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