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Eagle. . : i BRYAN, TEXA8. THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 15, 1898. Prlca 6 cnta. Vol .IV No.ltt V LADIES THE TEXT Iff THE TREATY OF PEACE, S ti i.i i in apartment bona in Brooklyn uid Bo fami.w. were driven not tntoth. pgid. Il is believed IMI ' isorga mi Edith tinewold, yonng children uf Wm. 17 1 .nold. jertshad in the Uaim-a n J 1 :: hit t'HiM'dall) Invitwl t Iiis,mh'1 our linr of jney Groceries. Omkm Hnkerv Fancy Cakea an.l (nuker. Fruit fjwttw 1 and 5-U. OatweW. QgM Citron Orange Nti M Lemon pint soV.i litfiM fiitTitr J nti. Fruit cake Sugar. Alniomli, Shelled ami plain. Filbert. Walnuts, etc. Batavia brand : Sold Eidutirely by M Guaranteed to be the highetl Quality. - . ,1 PtaoiH'. fAe fmaef f'f w bro9ht to tryan I '.nine,! Plhf. AtpMftfM. -Ailmon. nmiipJ. Yunwaioae fjtf TT1 fT" Corn. Turkey. -Chickwi Mad lreeeUK. CMI.. Maple Syrup I'reeervet Jam fitted t;lnrrii-. I'luiii I'udtlinK CH-ianut. M 1,' 11 awanaaw' MM 1 V . II 1 1111 J Lll mittake 6y buying I tit BMitri onnu fi iuMti t'r-lP Full I mam Cli.f" Kdam and Pinfl- Cheese What the iiiiniiUloners s. t tled Upon at i in n Meal Isjgl at ParK SPANISH GIVEN SOME PRIVILEGES Two T.IU I Washington. !' 14 - Hreeidaot Mr kvialey Una wal U tk HniH ton uoaai nations of Wihiaui J. MiUer at post master at Hellettavihe, Tn, and b L Osgood at Aivva. LOSS TO THE CUBA AND UNITED STATES. spuud Ctuaiaaw Will tke luinc Kighu a American Kor fro a.r. ..r.i.'. WUI .i Hack tb HMM tf lf..grM 1krU(b 1. ill ll. 114. Your Holiday DINNERS Will not be Complete Unless You Buy Your Groceries From the Largest and Best Selected Stock in Bryan. Of Havana. Dec 14.-l!eJuto (iexcias drain at ibit critical period u a Una for. both ( 'una and th United States The Course I Have them! Try our :You Should Kitra Fiiii v White Crane Flour EOTH anONTRIil3 RELEASED OF CLAIMS. 'obaoatod.7.r-toomooh.iciUJdoT.r Dfit.ioui . lb killing of two of their nnmbrr no fn& Cake Vllker mil tlalm .lay Indemnity. Nur mil llalawef leehidnult I;. Ht.ked ) IHaer uaatr). Cou a"" "tale to CHEESE tuffil Olive tkrtss Tn uc Mancix-". Miieil, Sweet Md S..ur in Itottle ajd It.trreli. ; :iinw Clm lmlia . a a . ( ur Kt.H k nt I'll k!el tiixKin PICKLES Iteii.h Oyatar Ooektall Oat p. ia MfPtWi, KalamaM tVlery r.-eive. ev. rv Mm.-lay ami Friday ('ran- tierrie. rri. BV It l.t tbe rffnrts nl in uaai . ewtattuuuiia to keop ibt it rm m n't, in. (ol.owiug U an oulluir of in.- irtn of tc. : Artir.r 1 i)Ti4a lor iio i-iuuiuuh-tnent of ( una. Artinr t prarMa fur Uuj caaston of ISirto Hiro Art iris :i tiroTid" for ttt vaMWn of th PMi(ptgM " ' '".' itura turn Arti' U ftnbrana tba plaui for tb 1 nun m of tun I'niiliipim-i, 1111 lu ling thi return of the pa(itb imawrt is lb Uo(mn locking foiward to berom huimuT nwht br boaunh la-oera ami uidivrs 10 kppnciat" it .igiuttcance. Utongo iboir g rif H wp. Tba larger part of tb insurgunt army had a strong Jhettai fi.r ( inrtls t'otiimandrri whn an tn rmtrol of the forre srouml Hs vana i prruato that ikwir tasK is m rn:st'l hs (isi'ia's il.-atn. Whether tn romtnlsaion in Washing ton i neressinl or not in arrangiiiK a loan with wnu h to i.r the insurgent troops. 1 iarris was tb leaitar to whom all wer liaikinir f r u-unisii. U uau ; tbowu uuripsctxl sirength in control--uilt tbe radieei element, of tba Ctauta Crui sssemli.T and in having bimsell plsred at the beail of the mm mission to visit Wathincton He had also inv praaaad nu the insurgents tliat tbay niast not antagotiisa American uititary cun tril. liis influence- was ucculad and bis Wishes were reejsvted (rarna was aniliiteoas, snl he. w Fresh Fruit. Nut. Miin e Meat. AU kilni- of ricklrc. Preih Wine Jrlliee. Williama Jelly Kerb In ly Prepared. Frenh Pickled Pig Feat. Plenty of Nii-e Applet. 'REMEMBER WE WANT TO SELL YOUR CHRISTMAS TUR JOHN B. MIKE. Chicken. Turkey, Pheasant, OMMa VihIii k Shritiip. I. t'-ti r. Mt Ham. Cralei. Chicken Temale, Sausage, etc. CANNED ring, Triie, Itevf Iiniiortid Sardinett. in Olive Oil. TrmiaK. Sam e and A La 11. .r delai Another Carload of Olory l'lur OMIV 41 28 se :: :: t lid-fashioned and S.lf-n-H Imlefaort'ii Tomato loi lint ksi ' il i n 4 tan ! two tOtO POUNDS FANCY AND STICK CANDY. Blanke & Bro. s j lb.. I lb., and 2 lb, Boxes Imperial Mixed and Chocolate, if U goaW as tht beat. PHtTjohn'i Br. ikfa-. F I. Haul, QM M K-oJ Faury Creamery llutter. - Try our fee! roMieJ oflf W, have tin- Urges! -t. uf l'.."y M Wri- -v-f LrwUght t" Bryan. I'lmne n Wli4 you want. HOWELL BROS., ( i r UMTS IIIK 1 ( oiltf Koater. LEVY BROTHERS' SUGGESTION FOR Christmas Gifts rai IT ,f)ow.n..u.r,.,.,1,..-Uln.l.."-T BIX KKRS. ra. .,,,1 w. ,-sb .I- gratlfl me ...or. . oussrvah..- U... f"t milUln, I r .... s. sell The isoelj H aJ ... . II t , (loscts anil lOiiilniiaiiiin whik uses haui.s of the lags Art.i-; .' daall with tbo session of bar neks, war tuaienals. arms, store,, limit ing Baal all 1 rotwrlT appertaining to tba Spanish auministratioii m tb I'bilip- ajBJBJ Artie. n is a fnunriation bv both nations of ihair iwapeetiv rlaims against each other and tba eittasns of each other Artiel : crania tn Hpain bsr trade ' and shipping in the Pblilppiaa island tb same ir. aiuieul as Ann-riuan trad and shipi.ii.g fur a prind of '0 years ArtiH k .n for tb relaaa of all priaMirrrof war hill i'T Stein, and of nrkwntr hid bj her for political often M sniiiinittMl lb colonies aniuirel ly thi- Cii.te-i States guarantees tba legal right! of Spaiuarls iu i . in 'otav Article Id miab.l.hrs rvliirions free il nn in the I'niUptxm-s and guaranteei to all entireties aqnal right Arii- ll provide for the comixwitioD nf i mitt" oilier tribunals tn i'ortr Kico tn i Oataa Artie is U iirovides for the aiimintstra lion of justica in 1'orto Rico ami I'alev Artici provtites fur the contiun ance for five rears o! IfMstak i-ouvngbli in tbe cede i lerritori'. giving Sprniab tsjoks ailtnittanoa free nf duty. Article 14 provides for the etablish- ment of consulate, by Sin in tbe ceded lerritiy Article ill grants in Spanish cnmmrc in Oatoi, Potta nil 1 the I'mllppltlM the satin- tn-atOesiit as lo Americans fie Ull years. Ssrush 'hipping to he treated as rsMatHs M-seis Article in rtipulate that the ohltga llaW of the t'oited Stan- to Spanish citiaetu and ur-rtv in Cut shall leniuuat with the witburawal of lbs United Statvs authorities from the is land Article 17 provides that the treat must isi raubi-il ithiti sii montlii from the date nf signing lv tba rvsiNictlve ejovernuisnia in order to b. himung. Heic Vaelit i It Mailt Toronto. OtiL, Dec. u A syndicate i lias Iwen formes! lo MM a yacht wlucb i Will be lh Canada enp uefender. Th leamnK ineinlri of the svndirate e re THK (.KII.IMI. ( I'TTIIH ing the prvsldant of the i own aapnblir. hut be showed hUastlf lo be a pnlilicun in ibe i"st same of tle word. lUa)uio Uoiuri had cetisurwl him for hla basiy action at Santiago afVr fits quarrel wun hhafler. and he l in o;a-n antag"'"1" lo lbs members nf the former t rovtsion al govtruiaaut Nwrrthlass mutual tolatinee was shown. Tna Kfnv nvr Oarcia't death wl". be widvapread. He was noi a strong revolutionary rnmmand.r inch as wo mea m since tb death of alsneo ht baa I wan, after Unmet, lbs most impor tant leaner among th inurgnts tlir lose may im press up.u tham that tbay -have too few strong tnsn tn' indulge in ititseusum. among ihemeelvee. The unmdiat effnet of bis death will be to tring forward the leaders nf the provincial government, such as Masse and Oapote. wan were not tn harmony with liarcia llimevtr. they all coon sel Bcqniewem-e rrganiuig tvroonrary American control and some of them lean towards autietaiion Tneir weak point is that tliay eauiiol ) eipncUkl to liave ih itittoeiice with the t'noan 'ldier that officer who commanded the tutor geul forre possaas. Tier- man for tbe emergency is Oomet It has bean re porieil as dl.trastfol of American occn patn-v ami not in fall ymthy with the visit of the lierria commiatou ti Washington Nveriheles he has .tead I ily roanaeiled ai'iiuiesrwnce li.-mer bs. rtiuained at bli oatup in Sauta t'lara Better than Ever ! THE EXPOSITION J. lo PODDER, Prop'r. New Stock Fine Old Whiskie WINKH, KTC I Come to tt ur. You vll att thi but to I f'r loft ff .'' I QuartBttle ol Fine Wmt Praaanted Free With each oASV 1 GOOD m:HTAi;HANT l. Oonui - t The best Cigars in town. ')t t see ue. sa'tiro L Saa4n i It.. Havana, 'tec. 14 -Tbe Unite.! Stale, transport I's-iama arrived lueaday eve ning with ( Kit Hugo Less and ktaff- Ibe United mii trauspori , Michigan and Uarap4 with two uat ; talion. of the Sei oiHi li.inois regiuienl and Kirst 1 ana Ion of tu Tenth infant ry have ajafl arnve.1. Tuu trinpa will go to Miriam. ta.r.l Sinn I eluinhn.' Slala. Mannd, lire 14 8oBe women al tirenadt, co.i.idi ring thai the discovery of Aim f r i in their opinion, ths principal cause n( Smiii's nsiafonaaaa, toned nu- tatu- oi ' i.inumn -- - - Ltl. 1. 1 11. Ill ll I VI A,.- I... hand ,e.i mu..... mills.- In tbf ...'- m - " . ... . . . ..I. a .1.,. Illi. 1 l It I lit ... .. . ... .1, u li i.ii ... I 111 . V. 1 I I . ."--li" - - at'lTH w csn ilesse ihe tno.1 fsitl'llou. arnc ,.in, lirrrr sml IVs.h.lsiHl to . Side Hoards, Extfotton laNei, iHoert. lartffltoi t out lies. CHIFFONIERS. FANCY f ABIES and HALL HACKS. . a m 1.. ... .lalil I 1 .... - 1 l.tuiaml) in oil iruiii ssasneea. There It sn almost of the Una "I province refnsing to transfer hit head ijuvrurt to Mariano on ths ground that he un not ti K-iled and did not itilend t roaka a show of himself His actual ob jection was said to be da to hit anwii lingtieve lo reeoguu" Spanish sovarsitin y. Tbe period uf ttpenish sutbonty now to brief and bit cuuiuwl to lavliy ueedsd ly Ihe Uabant that be mar change Ins min i and come at otiou POISONED CUBANS. s,,nl.h al4lrs I'm I' u Pruft In W.lit as Tiir Ktseual. Havana. Dm. 14 -An tuvvttigation n a ... bv the t'uhaii military authorities eetabllahe that tht Spanianli in evacu ating tbe interior towns of Morou and Ciegode Avila poisoned tb water in th public ciaterui used by the Cuban CeAaaks Maaw4ata Havana DM 14 Tr.rve thousand in torgvntt in the i r vn of Puerto Prin cine hate giv.ti I v r tneir arms to Iran. ('at n'i r id t hr.i m i .11 vi r i. aim hv. dithaiiord, rul,'cct 10 Hie run of then couti'rr. siio reiurneu to their nomet to set rmtiloymrn. Oliver J. W PAINTER, DECORATOR, ND PAPI-R HANOB (ioaranteea all work to bt im and will npply Wall raw 25 Per Cent Than it ia told ly I 0" Leave Order at taurant. ti ti'- i lieort'e I' Held and Fiant N tirey, ol tbe H ;val ( ..nadiau Yacht clul.. foron-, q( ,oo , n,?(, iIuh1 M , w to in- 'igf 11 iUA:ira.ii i .vminrreu nu Carpets, Art Squares and Rugs Ws e.rrr si low price. WoM ths huylnt f I""' CROCK- ERV AND GLASSWARE " P baft kMgte ihmutl. vat ment. Von csn .tve money li) traillat with Levy Bros., BY v:, T10XAH. N. B. We Lend Tablei and Chain lor Entertainments at Reasonable Rale. iirotiioeil to di'sign theliat. The t'au ailian yacht will he sailed 'T J Wiltn i. Morris and Ihe craft wi.l be built rutin . ly iu Toronto 1 eraer In .. . urn. litMoln, Neb., Dee 14 A comer in the briNim com crop of ibe OOnntTJ hat U en miei e.(ulir wi.k...i In 1 nton It Iiee of tin. city, together with Koherl K.ndley of Sterling, Kan Mr lw an milled is much. Il l knowleilKe of thll I year's production cotivni' . I 111 thert was tone a .hortare, imrtlculnriy of thr dwarf inriety, and lie ipueily boughi up every hit 111 siunt rriht Dtttet WbwetV I'almyra, Mo , Dec. 14 llurit trs ef fecteii an eutrntiee to (he Ireighl dets.l hen1, mid stoic a lot of ii.ercliandise. Thev I ntke otn 11 almost ev. rv Un ami 1 bundle 111 the room aim scattered the I goods promiscuously over tne floor. They too nothing ntivni male wearing apnitrel, leaving tome h Hil-oine cloaks Apart ,... Hsu. Uxlnifeil. lilt pOpt York. Pee, 14.- Kire here rte-. wirit of J suit. Almost immediately after the evacu ation large number of the native popu lation were taken snddruly ill, tufforillg violent )liis, and battling the effort of thr phystciaua to ducovrr Un cauae of their Kicknest Scon-t of them died without bring ablt to secure relief, and many mom were ir.i k"ii and narrowly auaMl death Kiamtuettou thowisl that Ibe trouble aroe from the drink uig watvr. Upou analytit traces of the most dcadiy iitoui wre found Not only wat tbu true ol well water, but i ntern water at well A mora searching Inquiry n vetled that large bottles nml packages of .Mdsout had been tlrow u 11110 the water. In many instance the broken Isittlcs bear ing label signifyintt that the content) were deaoly poi.on wer found. An or der win then iiauwl forliiudiug tbe uae 1 r in efta g iu- ait lartM and wells, urn n't had ten ruin ined mid anaiyr.cit As a msolt of tint tht populat-gai sulTen-d gn-atly for th. r, almost a famine ensuing HOLIDAY GOO! Our oiiii bnr ha mmt, anil vt ha. 1 1 V. ;rifrian 1110 torr tht ot'i nrtt in tht aawnlry thr night brfi mat. Thtrt art lot of pto mrinity who trill npjtrtciate highly if V is some nf our Elegant Per , ,.itrt: In Neat Packages Made up lor a Gift Thin IN AaVf an tlrgunt Hitortmtnt of CHINA iiirri;ilioii fmf irr ure ttlling at your own figure. an at lortmentoj Albums. LAmr ULSKS and CASES iha fn pltau you nit nut unmindful of tht litlli nri, large nttortmcnl of Toys. Dolls. Fireworks ni.ii i.lliti liioo (Aa ijladdtn tht ktarit vj thi l.,ttlt Pttkl. II. ciirinof mime 'ricte yon in'U Aarr fo ttt tht got I'nm and quolHf) art right. M'r ore to tare BOTH ARK J nfr ;4 I inr in f" iru;ccf come lo buy COME, anyway. Package! ! 1 1 AhZ flir mtr'Wfk Mmm.M it nr. n my 1 " judge vhtthtT r. that tc Pnnni; Hi. rnsli of tin. llolldtva. we will liul lo. nnOO DliPAUTMl ST. at tl.ia it FIRST ALWAYS. Bring yoor ircsri.poons and .in he assured tliey will rereixVthe 1 loaett sml be.t atteniioa " the i.ricet will be right, that it If you with tlietn put up for the lnwrtt 'iCl I tent villi the tlrti qualitv of madleinet. BEN S. READ. 1 no r 1 o 1 Si I,